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Job Intrinsic Job

Engagement Motivation Performance


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Business and Research Methods

Class: MBA-3 (Morning)

Submission Date: 09-12-2019

Submitted to: Ma’am Humaira Irum

Submitted by: Syeda Mehak Fatima Kazmi
M.Ahmad Ali
Hashim Khan

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SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE- (To be filled by Employee)

Dear Sir/Madam!
This survey is being conducted for the purpose of analyzing the general workplace attitudes of
employees. Your anonymity will be strictly retained and results will be used for research purposes
Thank you.

1. General Information:

Name: ________________________________________

Gender a) Male b) Female

Marital Status a) Single b) Married c) Divorced d) Widowed e) Separated

Qualification (yrs.) _____________________ Age (yrs.) ___________________________

Organization _____________________________


Working Experience (yrs.) __________________

Tenure in this organization (yrs.) __________________

(*please mention the name of your colleague who can best comment about your work behavior.)

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Almost never

Very often
2. Work Engagement refers to employee’s psychological

presence in work role and captures the extent to which
employees are attentive, engrossed and focused to their work
role activities.
Rate the following statements by choosing one option for each
statement that describes your concentration and focus towards
your work role.
1 At my work, I feel bursting with energy.
2 At my job, I feel strong and vigorous.
3 When I get up in the morning, I feel like going to work.
4 I am enthusiastic about my job.
5 My job inspires me.
6 I am proud of the work that I do.
7 I feel happy when I am working intensely.
8 I am immersed in my work.
9 I get carried away when I am working.


Very often
Almost never


3. Please choose the right option to show why are

you motivated to do your work. i.e. I do this job

1 It allows me to buy things I need.

2 I will get in trouble if I don’t have a job.
3 I can earn money to buy things for myself.
4 I care about supporting my family.
5 I want to help my family.
6 I want to have a positive impact on my family.

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7 It is important for me to do good for my family.
8 My family benefits from my job.
9 I enjoy the work itself.
10 I find the work interesting.
11 I find the work engaging.
12 My work is fun.
13 I want to help others through my work.
14 I care about benefitting others through my work.
15 I want to have positive impact on others.
16 It is important to me to do good for others
through my work.

Almost never


Very often
4. Employee performance refers to how your

workers behave in the workplace and how well

they perform the job duties you've obligated to
them. ... For an
individual employee, performance may refer
to work effectiveness, quality and efficiency at
1 I managed to plan my work so that it was
done on time.
2 I kept in mind the results that I had to
achieve in my work.
3 I was able to separate main issues from side
issues at work.
4 I know how to set the right priorities.
5 I was able to perform my work well with
minimal time and effort.
6 Collaboration with others was very
7 I took on extra responsibilities.
8 I started new tasks myself when my old
tasks were finished.
9 I worked at keeping my work knowledge
10 I worked at keeping my work skills up-to-

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