PLUS Brochure Arb-Eng

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2 Global Presence

Introduction | PLUS Corporation, Stationery


PLUS Corporation - Meeting Products Division -

Tokyo-based Japan is a leader innovator and marketer
of an outstanding presentation & communications
solutions and products mainly Electronic copyboards
that were innovated and first introduced in 1984.
Since that time, PLUS brand has been a worldwide
leader name in electronic copyboards manufacturing.
PLUS Corporations’ newest product lines are
revolutionary in and of themselves. They’re the first
electronic copyboards on the market that allow you
to save information

Corporate’s MISSION

We strive to create the world’s No.1 products, optimal

items that meet the various highest expectations of
worldwide users for design, performance, quality and
price. Aiming at expanding in the world markets, our
stationery, meeting tools, and furniture are designed
to attune to diverse user needs that vary, from a
global viewpoint, according to national/regional
factors, gender and age. Customer satisfaction is the
primary goal for PLUS’s product creation.

VISION | Aiming to Be a Truly Global Company

The aim to be a truly global corporation is a key theme

for the PLUS Group. The concept of true globalization,
from our perspective does not mean how a company
can increase sales in overseas markets, but it requires
that the company integrate into its organization the
multi-national human resources, communicate the
same corporate philosophy beyond language and
cultural barriers, maximize its overall competency in
executing business strategies suiting every segment
of worldwide markets.
*Number of employees: 3,800 presently
(consolidated worldwide)

Delivering Japan’s Highest Quality to the

World Markets.

PLUS Copyboards
for the World Markets

PLUS Copyboards

●● PLUS Corporation of Japan, the inventor and supplier of Electronic Copyboards since
introducing the first Electronic Copyboard in the world in 1984; providing innovative
solutions and products that are constantly evolving to meet the needs of most important
aspects of modern meetings.

‫ اليابانيــة المخترعــة والمــزودة للســبورات اإللكترونيــة الناســخة منــذ تقديمهــا ألول‬PLUS ‫● ●مؤسســة‬
‫ تقــدم حلــول إبداعيــة ومنتجــات تتطــور باســتمرار لتلبــي اهــم جوانــب‬،1984 ‫ســبورة علــى مســتوى العالــم عــام‬
.‫احتياجــات االجتماعــات العصريــة‬

●● PLUS COPYBOARDS is one of the leading brands in the manufacturing of professional

presentation equipments and tools. In this brochure you will be able to find the right
product for your own and your corporate use.

.‫ احــدى العالمــات التجاريــة الرائــدة فــي تصنيــع أدوات ومعــدات العــرض االحترافيــة‬PLUS ‫● ●ســبورات‬
.‫فــي هــذا البروشــور ســوف تتمكــن مــن إيجــاد المنتــج المناســب لــك ولمؤسســتك‬

‫‪Creative Meetings Gives Shape to Conception‬‬

‫‪●● Data can be stored and accessible for sharing.‬‬

‫‪Written text can be printed out and data can be stored on the network where it allows‬‬
‫‪you to concentrate on discussing without the need to take notes. Furthermore, the‬‬
‫‪main memory with a storage capacity of up to 100 writing pages provides ample internal‬‬
‫‪memory storage. Its lightweight, slim design permits easy moving and neatly fitting into‬‬
‫‪tight space. It also features smooth manual sheet forwarding or rewinding to match the‬‬
‫‪usage conditions.‬‬

‫● ●يمكن حفظ البيانات وإتاحة الوصول إليھا لمشاركتھا‪.‬‬

‫يمكــن للنــص المكتــوب أن يطبــع والبيانــات مــن أن تحفــظ علــى الشــبكة حيــث يتيــح لــك ھــذا أن تركــز علــى‬
‫النقــاش بــدون الحاجــة ألن تــدون مالحظــات أو النقــل مــن الســبورة‪ .‬باإلضافــة إلــى الذاكــرة الداخليــة المدمجــة‬
‫الواســعة والتــي تســمح بحفــظ حتــى ‪ 100‬صفحــة‪ .‬يســمح وزنھــا الخفيــف وتصميمھــا النحيــل بتحريكھــا بســھولة‬
‫لمالئمــة األماكــن الضيقــة كمــا تســھل ميــزة تحريــك ســطح الســبورة الــدوار بتقديــم أو تأخيــر الســطح بحســب‬
‫ظــروف وحاجــة االســتخدام‪.‬‬

Where Copyboard is Needed?

@@Businesswise @,

@@| Meetings Rooms.

@@| Conference Rooms.
@@| Networking Events.
@@| Training Workshops.
@@| Co-creation Meetings.
@@| CEO & Managers Offices.
@@| Constructions site Offices.
@@| Design / Architectural Companies.
@@| Seminars & Brainstorming Sessions.
@@| Workgroups and teams Departments.
@@| Meetings to Plan Design Work or ADV.

and where Effective Business Meetings are required.


Benefits of PLUS Copyboards at Business

@@ The Copyboard is a simple but powerful tool which maximizes

results of your meetings.
@@ Create an ongoing record of the meeting progress so that partici-
pants can see the Notes and make corrections or ask for clarification
during the meeting.
@@ Organize thinking, i.e., draft wording, suggest options, connect ideas,
depict Consequences, narrow choices, summarize decisions, orga-
nize tasks.
@@ Keep participants on track with a touch of hand by referring back to
the topic on the screen via scrolling the sheet forward or backward or
to specific location on the sheet.
@@ No note taking by participants is required or needed anymore which
gives your teammates full attention to the meeting hence enables you
to have a productive meeting.
@@ Record your ideas without pausing your train of thoughts while being
able to resolve any queries immediately.

Benefits of PLUS Copyboards at Business

@@ Don’t bring your meeting to the Copyboard, bring your Copy-

board to the meeting
@@ PLUS Copyboards boost meeting efficiency where you can check
everyone’s understanding of the information noted immediately .
@@ You can ensure that everyone gets the same message at the same
time and so you will be able to convert your idea into a successful
business plan.
@@ PLUS Copyboards are accessible via a web browser through LAN
/ Wireless LAN which allows participants to download and share in-
formation in (PDF, JPG, PNG) files extensions that are saved in the
internal memory of a Copyboard remotely or via smartphones. PLUS
Copyboards can save information to FTP Server so users can down-
load them also via WWW web.
@@ You can Secure your saved information from being disclosed to un-
authenticated users by placing a password over the Copyboards stor-
age media.

Where Copyboard is Needed?

@@Educational @,

@@| Schools
@@| Colleges
@@| Universities
@@| Institutes of (Language, Art, Designing, Medicine, Technolo-
gy, Engineering, …etc.)

@@ PLUS Copyboards comfortably free students and trainees from being

occupied with copying / noting down what is written by the teacher /
lecturer on the whiteboard during the lesson or lecture.
@@ Achieving higher educational productivity, where teacher / lecturer can
cover now more lessons / syllabus in class sessions where wasted
waiting time for students / trainees to copy off from a whiteboard is
@@ PLUS Copyboards avoid students / trainees of copying errors from the

Benefits of PLUS Copyboards Academically

@@ It Increase student learning.

@@ It encourages attentive, respectful listening.
@@ It helps students become connected to a topic and explore a diversity
of perspectives.
@@ It facilitates participation that adds more interest to class, provides
teachers & students with feedback and engages students into discus-
sion participation.
@@ It saves time and energy where no noting down / copying from Copy-
board is required by students, in addition teacher / Instructor can
explain only once.
@@ Students / trainees can simply download lectures noted on the Copy-
board that is given in class via LAN / WLAN or even internet where
PLUS Copyboards can save and document what has been given in
class to FTP address and Local Network.
@@ Teachers / Instructors can keep track of what they have given in class
or multiple classes.
@@ Academic supervisors can also be watching closely on teacher’s /
Instructor’s progress to enhance control on quality of teaching.

‫منافع سبورات ‪ PLUS‬اإللكرتونية يف الجانب األكادميي‬

‫@ @تزيد من معرفة وتعلم الطالب لما يلقى في الدرس‪.‬‬

‫@ @تشجع وتساعد الطالب على االنتباه واإلنصات الجيد‪.‬‬
‫@ @تساعد الطالب بأن يكونوا مرتبطين بالدرس واستكشاف وجهات نظر متعددة‪.‬‬
‫@ @تســهم فــي تســهيل المشــاركة مــا يطفــي مزيــدا مــن االهتمــام للحصــة ويزيــد المعلميــن والطلبــة مــن‬
‫المعلومــات والمتداولــة بينهــم فيشــارك الطــاب فــي النقــاش‪.‬‬
‫@ @تحفــظ وتوفــر الوقــت حيــث ال داعــي للطــاب أن ينقــل ‪ /‬ينســخ الــدرس خلــف المعلــم مــن الســبورة‪،‬‬
‫فيكفــي المعلــم غالبــا أن يشــرح لطالبــه مــرة واحــدة فقــط‪.‬‬
‫@ @يســتطيع الطالــب أن يحمــل ‪ /‬ينــزل بســهولة بالغــة جميــع المحاضــرات التــي ســجلت فــي الصف عبر‬
‫الشــبكة الداخليــة الســلكية أو الالســلكية أو عبــر الموقــع الرســمي اإللكترونــي للمؤسســة التعليميــة‬
‫التــي يــدرس بهــا‪.‬‬
‫@ @يســتطيع المعلــم األن أن يراجــع ويتعقــب جميــع مــا يعطيــه لطالبــه فــي الصــف أو عــدة صفــوف‬
‫خــال الفصــل ‪ /‬العــام الدراســي‪.‬‬
‫@ @يســتطيع المشــرف األكاديمــي ‪ /‬اإلدارة األن مــن تقييــم ومراقبــة أداء المعلــم لديهــا عــن قــرب فــي‬
‫ســبيل ضبــط جــودة التعليــم بشــكل مســتمر‪.‬‬

How can Academic institutions get most of PLUS


No more noting down from whiteboards is required.

ii PLUS Copyboards are Network Integrated and so:

11. They can access and direct saving scanned pages that were noted in classrooms
to FTP sites of Schools, Colleges, Universities, Institutes …etc. Students can
download these files from their homes, offices and even smartphones easily
while having the choice to print them out in Color | B/W anywhere.

 All details written in four different markers colors are scanned & saved digitally
at 300 dpi resolution. Saving can be either in PDF, JPG or PNG.

22. Academic institutions can have access to scanned pages that are saved by all
the copyboards in classes to print them out to students at institution’s in-house
printing shop.

‫كيف ميكن للمؤسسات األكادميية اإلنتفاع من سبورات ‪ PLUS‬الناسخة‬

‫أفكار ‪! ..‬‬

‫ال مزيداً من النقل من السبورة بعد األن‪.‬‬

‫‪h h‬سبورات ‪ PLUS‬اإلليكترونية الناسخة مدمجة شبكية لذا‪:‬‬

‫‪١.١‬يمكنهــا الوصــول وحفــظ الصفحــات التــي كتبــت فــي أثنــاء الــدرس إلــى المواقــع الرســمية الخاصــة‬
‫بالمــدارس‪ ،‬الكليــات‪ ،‬الجامعــات والمعاهــد ‪ ...‬الــخ حيــث يتيــح لطــاب تلــك المنشــآت التعليميــة مــن زيــارة‬
‫موقــع المنشــاة التعليميــة اإللكترونــي علــى الويــب مــن منازلهــم أو مقــر أعمالهــم أو حتــى مــن أجهــزة‬
‫التلفونــات الذكيــة لديهــم وتنزيــل وحفــظ كل مــا كتــب علــى الســبورة خــال ايــه يــوم دراســي كان فــي‬
‫ذلــك العــام «حســب رغبــة اإلدارة» وطباعتهــا فــي ايــه مــكان باأللــوان أو باألبيــض واألســود بســهولة‪.‬‬

‫ كل التفاصيل التي ُتكتب بأربعة الوان مختلفة تحفظ رقميا بدقة ‪ 300‬نقطة في كل أنش‪ .‬يمكن اختيار احد‬
‫صيغ الحفظ التالية ‪.PDF, JPG, PNG‬‬

‫‪٢.٢‬بإمــكان المؤسســة األكاديميــة أن تصــل إلــى كل الصفحــات المحفوظــة مــن خــال الســبورات الناســخة لــكل‬
‫الفصــول الدراســية وطباعتهــا داخــل المؤسســة التعليميــة لطالبهــا‪.‬‬
14 Standard Model


Slim and light enough for anybody to move

Wide or standard panel size, choose one
which suit your office and meeting style!

Simple-designed control panel
Achieved faster scan time, quieter operation
and less power consumption

Save / Print
No need for notepads or USB memory sticks!
Just write your ideas on the Copyboards and
share them over a network
N-20 Series. Main Features.

TT Width of the board :

●● N-20W Model : 1800 mm/72 inches
●● N-20S Model : 1300 mm/52 inches
TT Number of Panels : 2 panels
●● Hand-scrollable sheet
●● Network function
TT Color/Monochrome print (when connecting with a printer)
TT Save to USB memory stick
●● Save to computer (No software is required)
TT Security
●● Disable to save to USB memory stick or Network
●● Disable to save to computer
●● Erase Reminder function
TT Color Mode Restriction
●● Low Power Consumption
●● Quiet operation
●● Magnet attachable panel
TT Stand height adjustment
20 4 - Panel Type

The board has a sheet size equivalent to 4 writing panels—enough space to hold all of the ideas
generated during an active meeting. No need to stop and erase; Just keep on writing!

4 Panels of writing space to hold all the
ideas generated during an active meeting.
N-204 Series. Main Features.

TT Width of the board : 1300mm/52inches

●● Number of Panels : 4 panels
●● Hand-scrollable sheet
●● Network function
TT Color/Monochrome print (when connecting with a printer)
TT Save to USB memory stick
●● Save to computer(No software is required)
TT Security
●● Disable to save to USB memory stick or Network
●● Disable to save to computer
●● Erase Reminder function
TT Color Mode Restriction
●● Low Power Consumption
●● Quiet operation
●● Magnet attachable panel
TT Stand height adjustment
●● Thumbnail / Consecutive Print
Capture the projected image along
with your hand written notes


Stylish design and modern colors brighten
up your meeting rooms.

Smooth-sliding sheet will never pause your
train of thoughts.

Simple-designed control panel.
Achieved faster scan time, quieter operation
and less power consumption.

With the C-20 software you can combine the hand-written annotations by
board marker and projected image, and save them in a single file.
C-20 Series. Main Features

TT Width of the board :

●● C-20W Model : 1800mm / 72inches
●● C-20S Model: 1300mm / 52inches
TT Number of Panels : 2 panels
●● Hand-scrollable sheet
●● Less light reflection sheet
●● Capture function (* Software is compatible only with Windows)
●● Network function
TT Color/Monochrome print (when connecting with a printer)
TT Save to USB memory stick
●● Save to computer(No software is required)
TT Security
●● Disable to save to USB memory stick or Network
●● Disable to save to computer
●● Erase Reminder function
TT Color Mode Restriction
●● Low Power Consumption
●● Quiet operation
●● Magnet attachable panel
TT Stand height adjustment
26 Economical models with a built-in
thermal black and white printer.



BF-041 Main Features.

TT Width of the board :

●● BF-041W Model : 1800mm/72inches
●● BF-041S Model : 1300mm/52inches
●● All in one type
TT Number of Panels : 2 panels
●● Hand-scrollable sheet
●● Built-in thermal printer
TT Save to computer

An easy-to-use model with a built-in thermal-paper printer. PC direct function

allows you to save written contents to your PC as image files.
MTG Pocket App

Copyboards Remote Control

Download the scanned data

wirelessly to your device

All Meeting Records in One Spot

Transfer the data to Cloud Service

MTG Pocket App

A wireless LAN router (Access point) is required in order to operate a PLUS Copyboard
remotely from your device. This app provides remote control of a PLUS Copyboard,
allowing you to scan and download content wirelessly from the Copyboard. Drawings
and text on the Copyboard are saved in high-resolution, letting you view even the
smallest details on your device. You can also send saved data to others via e-mail, as well
as the Evernote and Dropbox services. In addition, not only you can get data from the
Copyboard, but you can also take pictures, record video, and capture audio, making this
industry-first app the perfect tool for capturing everything that happens at meetings.

PLUS Copyboard

Scan contents on a Copyboard Download the scanned data

from your device. wirelessly to your device.
MTG Pocket App

•• Copyboard Remote Control

Quickly and easily scan the content of a Copyboard and have it sent to your
device. You can also perform manual sheet feeds remotely
•• Photo and Video Capture
Record and save both still images and video from the camera in your device
•• Sound Clipping (Time Shift Recording)
This feature automatically records audio while it›s running, and by pressing the
Clip button, you can save up to the last 60 seconds of audio to a file.
•• File Sharing
Send images, video, and audio files to others via a variety of methods e-mail,
Evernote, and Dropbox are all fully supported.
MTG Pocket App

‫املواصفات واملميزات ملختلف موديالت سبورات ‪ PLUS‬الناسخة‬

‫‪TT‬تتعدد أحجام وخصائص ومميزات السبورات الناسخة اإللكترونية بحسب حاجة العميل حيث تتراوح‬
‫األحجام من مقاس عرض (‪ 1.50‬إلى ‪ 2‬متر) كما تتراوح عدد وجوه الكتابة من وجهين اثنين إلى‬
‫أربعة أوجه‪ ،‬منها أيضا ما ينسخ ‪ /‬يحفظ الصورة المسلطة من البروجكتر الرقمي مع ما يكتب بخط‬
‫اليد كالمالحظات‪ ،‬اإلضافات أو التعديالت على تلك الصورة‪.‬‬
‫‪TT‬تشترك جميع أنواع السبورات بنسخ ما يكتب عليها إلى الوجهات التالية‪:‬‬
‫● ●فتحة أمامية ‪ USB Port‬خاصة لفالش للميموري للحفظ المباشر‪.‬‬
‫● ●حفظ مباشر إلى الكمبيوتر عبر كيبل الـ ‪.USB‬‬
‫● ●حفظ مباشر إلى الشبكة عبر بروتوكول ‪.FTP‬‬
‫● ●حفظ حتى ‪ 100‬صفحة إلى الذاكرة الداخلية للسبورة والقدرة على تخصيص كلمة مرور تمنع‬
‫الدخول الغير مرخص به‪.‬‬
‫● ●طباعة مباشرة إلى طابعة موصولة بالسبورة لطباعة فورية والتحكم أيضا بعدد النسخ‪.‬‬
‫● ●إمكانية التحكم ونسخ محتويات السبورة عبر أجهزة التلفون الذكية‪( .‬موديالت محددة)‬
‫● ●إمكانية تعيين عنوان شبكة ‪ IP ADDRESS‬وكذلك عنوان ‪ FTP SERVER‬للسبورات‪.‬‬

‫املواصفات واملميزات ملختلف موديالت سبورات ‪ PLUS‬الناسخة‬

‫‪ T T‬ميزات إضافية‪:‬‬
‫● ●استخدام متناهي في السهولة‪ ،‬بإمكان ألي شخص استخدام السبورة بدون تدريب‪.‬‬
‫● ●يتراوح إجمالي سطح الكتابة من (‪ 2.60‬متر إلى ‪ 5.20‬متر) بحسب موديل السبورة‪.‬‬
‫● ●إمكانية تعليق ‪ /‬تثبيت األوراق بواسطة قطع ممغنطة على سطح السبورة‪.‬‬
‫● ●إمكانية تثبيت السبورة على الحائط أو تركيبها على قاعدة متحركة (اختياري بحسب الطلب)‪.‬‬
‫● ●إمكانية توصيل السبورة بأي نوع من أنواع الطابعات المتوفرة في السوق المحلية أكانت ليزرية أو‬
‫انك جيت‪ ،‬ملونة أو ابيض اسود‪( .‬مالحظة‪ :‬موديالت طابعات محددة من كل شركة مصنعة)‪.‬‬
‫● ●إمكانية التحكم بالسبورة عبر أجهزة األيباد واأللواح أو التلفونات الذكية التي تعمل بنظام‬
‫‪ ANDROID‬أو ‪ IOS‬وتنزيل كل ما حفظ في الذاكرة الداخلية عبر برنامج مجاني يحمل من‬
‫مواقع الـ‬

‫● ●إمكانية تعيين شعار للمنشأة في إعدادات السبورة لترفق الترويسة مع التذييل في كل صفحة تحفظ أو‬
‫تطبع حفظا للملكية الفكرية‪.‬‬
‫● ●احتياجات الطاقة الكهربائية للسبورة‪ ،Hz 60-50 ,V 240-100 :‬تعمل السبورات بطاقة كهربائية‬
‫ضئيلة‪ ،‬فتستهلك ‪ 3‬وات عند االنتظار و ‪ 12‬وات عند العمل‪.‬‬

Warranty & Guarantee

‫الكفالة والضامن‬

●● ONE year free warrantee for any manufacturing defects from date of
●● Guarantee the provision of spare parts and after sales services for
no less than 5 – FIVE years from date of purchase.

.‫● ●ضمانة لمدة سنة من تاريخ الشراء من أية عيب أو خلل مصنعي‬
‫ خمسة سنوات من‬-5 ‫● ●ضمانة توفير قطع الغيار وخدمات الصيانة ما بعد البيع لفترة ال تقل عن‬
.‫تاريخ الشراء‬

Location on Map

TOSS-PRO For Trading

Yemen – Sana’a
Office Address: 238 Zubairi str.
Showroom Address: Asser’s Square.
Tel •+967 1 577673 | Fax• +967 1 530954
P.O. Box 3861 | Email •
TOSS-PRO. | Total Office Smart Solutions for

‫الوكيل الوحيد في الجمهورية اليمنية‬

‫توس برو للتجارة‬
‫اليمن – صنعاء‬
.‫ شارع الزبيري‬238 – ‫عنوان المكتب‬
.‫ جولة عصر‬- ‫عنوان المعرض‬
01-530954 :‫ | فاكس‬01-577673 :‫تلفون‬
3861 :‫صندوق بريد‬
.‫حلول المكاتب الذكية المتكاملة للمحترفين‬

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