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MEDICATION  Ibuprofen 600 mg every 6 hours

as needed for pain.

 For constipation: Colace, Milk

of Magnesia.

 Continue your prenatal vitamins

as long as you are breast
feeding or for 30 days after

 Mood stabilizer or

EXERCISE  Instruct patient to balance activities

with adequate rest periods.
 Instruct patient to avoid strenuous
activities, avoid straining, and avoid
lifting heavy objects.
 Encourage patient to start postpartum
workouts slowly and pay attention to
signs of the body.
 Encourage the patient to engage in
postpartum exercises such as:
 Tighten the pelvic floor muscles
 Tighten vaginal muscles
 Helps to relax and reduce stress
 Improve core stability and slow
the rate of breathing
 Support back muscles
 Promotes mobility in the spine
 Retrains the core
 Strengthens muscles in upper body
 Educate patient on proper body
mechanics to prevent muscle strain
and enable client to relax.

 Instruct the patient to have an
adequate rest and sleep to reduce
 Encourage to find alternative ways to
divert attention to reduce pain
 Deep breathing
 meditation
 Discussing the purpose of treatments
to be done and continued at home.
 Tell patient to follow physician’s

HEALTH TEACHINGS Breast and Lactation

 Keep the breasts clean with frequent
warm water rinses to clear dried milk
from the nipples.
 Wear supportive and comfortable bra
 Wash hands before and after every
 Ensure that the baby is latching well
and removing milk efficiently from
the breast
 Be prepare to breastfeed on demand at
least 8 times in 24 hours
 Compress the breast to aid milk flow
for effective sucking
 Report any signs of abnormalities
(pain or redness)

 Avoid to palpate abdominally
 Breast feeding hastens involution of
the uterus
 The fundus must be firm, if it is not
firm, lightly massage the abdomen
until fundus is firm

 May complain of frequent urination in
small amounts: explain this is due to
 Voiding may be initiated by pouring
warm and cool water alternately over
the vulva
 Encourage the patient to go to the
comfort room for every 4 to 6 hours
 Encourage Kegel exercises to improve
urinary incontinence

 Instruct the patient to report any
abnormal progression of lochia,
excessive bleeding, foul-smelling
lochia or large blood clots to the
physician immediately.

OUT PATIENT Instruct patient to attend scheduled follow up

checkup for further evaluation of her
DEPARTMENT condition. Returning for a check- up is
important because the health care team will
evaluate her condition and refer if there are
other abnormalities assessed.
Call the physician if any of the following
 Developed a fever.
 Become dizzy and faint.
 Become short of breath.
 Have heavy bleeding.
 Have leakage from the incision
or the incision opens up.
 Have questions about the
procedure or its result.

DIET Eat a nutritious, low-fat and well-balanced

diet to provide the body with the energy
it needs.
 Encourage patient to drink 8 to 10
glasses of water per day to be
 Instructed patient to eat 3x a day,
avoid grilled foods, and not to skip
 Instruct patient to avoid eating too
much low fiber and fat rich food.
 Instruct patient to watch calories and
follow postpartum diet:
 Predominantly whole foods — lots
of fruits, vegetables, whole grains,
good quality proteins (eggs,
chicken, fish, seafood, nuts/seeds,
organic tofu, full-fat dairy).
 Predominantly whole foods — lots
of fruits, vegetables, whole grains,
good quality proteins (eggs,
chicken, fish, seafood, nuts/seeds,
organic tofu, full-fat dairy).
 Predominantly whole foods — lots
of fruits, vegetables, whole grains,
good quality proteins (eggs,
chicken, fish, seafood, nuts/seeds,
organic tofu, full-fat dairy).
 Instruct patient to have adequate
intake of vitamins (vitamin C) such as
citrus fruits, and minerals for fast
wound healing.

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