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1. The United State of America was believed to be a Country with
abundant capital endowment and scarce __________
         natural endowment
         labour endowment
         both a and b
         material endowment

2. _______ and regulations prevent the import competition

         All these above

3. Governments levy imprt duties which vary with the _______ of

Commodities imported
         All these above

4. _____ is the system devised to administer the various types of quotas

         Export licensing
         Import licensing
         specified Commodity
         All these above

5. Due to FDI, the home country is mainly affected by ___

         a and b

6. Foreign exchange market is the market, where foreign exchange

currencies are/is ____
         a and b

7. North America Free Trade Association promoted the objectives is/are

         economic growth
         expand trade
         All these above

8. The economic growth rate of ASEAN which is richly endowment with

_____ has be very high
         Technology Resources
         Natural Resources
         All these above

9. _____ Managing Director of IMF

         David Lipton
         Carla Crasso
         Christine Lagarde
         All these above

10. SDR means ________

         Special Development Region
         Spritual Development Rights
         Special Drawing Rights
         All these above

11. New trade theory is a Collection of economic model in inernatinal

trade which focuses on the role of ________
         increasing returns
         decreasing return
         Constant returns
         None of these above

12. Michael porter developed an economic diamond model for business

to help them understand the _____ in global markets
         Advantage position
         Competitive position
         Demand position
         None of these above

13. Prof. Kindleberger has listed ______ effects of tariff

         Protective Effect
         Consmption effect
         Revenue effect
         All these above

14. ______ quota of raw materials to be imported is fixed in quantity by

the government
         Tariff Quota
         Unilateral quota
         Mixing Quota
         All these above

15. MIDA means _____

         Multi Institutional Develipment Authority
         Malayasia Investment Development Authority
         Media Initiative Decision Authority
         None of these above

16. _____ is/are the participant(s) in the foreign exchange market

         Commercial bank
         bill broker(s)
         central bank
         All these above

17. Association of South East Asian Nations was established in ____


18. Association South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) aim is ____

         Strengthen economic interdendence
         Export import among these Countries
         Strengthern political Stability
         None of these above

19. The IMF is an international organisation with (189) member

         None of these above
20. World Bank was established on December 25,

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