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Idea development

A teenage still trying to find himself in the world is already tired of working and repeating the same thing
every day. This cycle repeats each time until one night where he can’t sleep, he keeps looking at the clock
but nothing’s changed. he decides to go out in the early morning and go for a peaceful drive. as he is
driving, he starts to think back on the day with the background noise getting louder filled with some
dialog from conversations with family and social media ads. as he starts to get further away from
everything starts to fade and he just drives too wherever. downtempo music starts to play as
he continues driving. he starts to ask himself all these kinds of questions until he eventually stops to look
over a valley with the sun rising.

My initial idea for the ending was for the main character to just pull up to a sun set over the valley
somewhere. After talking to some friends and looking more into what causes people to self-reflect, I
decided to make the main scene where he is getting in the car and just driving. I've also decided to add a
bit more back story through flashbacks to tell the audience all these common themes that people
struggle with in everyday life such as: financial problems and sleeping problems that can often led to
struggle on performance.  I have also decided to change the ending to where the man starts to
appreciate all the small things and comes back to realise what he has. 

After doing some more primary target audience research I’ve decided that I am going to spend quite a lot
of time looking for the perfect song as it will compliment the night drive. I have decided that I am also
going to look more into locations that create a mixture atmospheric emotion from the lights around that
area, I also want to include some rural areas as I liked the idea that someone said it shows a transition
between a mindset. Another thing I added was to my theme research as I didn’t want to trivialise mental
health, I looked more into symptoms that I could use to make it feel much rawer and more sentimental.
I’ve also decided to add another character which will be the main character S/O which will add to the
backstory and a reason to be grateful.

After looking more into secondary research I’ve decided that I am going to implement an element of
social media and the flashback before he starts driving. The reason why I want to implement social media
is because I found out it effect the mental state of someone’s mind who spends a lot of time on it and
comparing themselves to other achievements causing a much lower self-esteem and more anxiety and
depression. Gen Z, which is most of my target audience, often feel their whole self-worth is based off how
many likes they get. I also found out that Gen Z are much more focus on their future than other
generations think such as careers and a happy family, by implement some of these things in a flashback it
as to the relatability.

After starting my planning, I have added a small few extra detail to connect to the story. I spoke to my
teacher and he gave me a few things that I could add. While looking at openings and closing it decide that
the start is going to be an eye shot slowly panning out to an office with rapid cuts match cuts of the same
location just different day and look. As it gets faster there will ambient noise that gets louder until it cuts
to the bedroom. As he ends up leaving the bedroom he looks back at his S/O who is still asleep and picks
up a wallet and keys to give the impression that he might be running away. I’ve decided to make the
flashbacks comeback as he goes on his phone to be a trigger. My previous idea was where he was going
to have the flashbacks while driving but I feel like having it before will be much more impactful. I’ve also
decided to add a picture of his S/O that drops on the floor when he opens the sun visor as that is a
common spot for people to put important things. From that shot scene I feel like that builds up the
character a bit more. When he finally comes him, I’ve also decided that his S/O is going to give him a
Ultra-scan making it have a much more stronger ending.

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