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Name: Joanalyn R.

Cacuyong Score:
Course/ Year / Section: BSE II-A Date: March 9, 2020

Exercise No. 1: First Homecoming of Jose Rizal

1. Describe how El Filibusterismo was published.

• While Rizal was in Calamba he started to write his second novel “El Filibusterismo”,
October 1887. And some chapters and its plot was being revised by Rizal in London.
Writing his second book went into delays because he was being distracted by some social
events as he continues to him to have his trips in different country. Because of this it took
him three years to write and finally complete it particularly in the country on Biarritz on
March 29, 1891. And through the help the unexpected source Valentin Ventura which
send an amount needed to finish the publication of the book in Ghent on September 18,
1891 at the same time came off to press. And at the same time sent a two printed copies
to Hong Kong specifically for Basa and Sixto Lopez and later donated the original copy
indicating he autograph printed copy to his friend (Valentin Ventura).
2. To who did Rizal dedicate hi El Filibusterismo? And why do you think Rizal dedicate it
to them?
• The El Filibusterismo of Rizal was being dedicated to the three martyred priest during
the Cavite Mutiny. These are Padre Burgos, Gomez and Zamora which is significant to
the novel. He uses the word Filibusterismo in the title which he only heard it in 1872
when the tragic execution took place. He remembered that this word was being applied to
the one whom they want to make a revolutionary suspect during the Spanish period,
which he thought the same reason why the three martyred saints was being executed. At
the same time he also had an objective to defend Filipino people from foreign accusations
of foolishness and lack of knowledge, to show the lives of Filipino people under the
ruling of Spaniards and their cries against abusive officials, to see how religion and
beliefs can doin everyday lives and to bring forth cruelties, graft and corruption to false
governance and wrong doings of Filipinos that went to a failure.
3. How do you compare the two immortal Novels of Rizal?

Noli Me Tangere El Filibusterismo

This is the first novel of Rizal which has This novels seems to be an almost half of
a total of 64 chapters. Noli Tangere’s chapter which is only in 38.
This seems to be a book of feeling which This book is more on thoughts and rational
contents really comes from the heart of aspect compared to Noli Me Tangere it is a
the author. work of the head.
Its genre is more on romance which It is a political novel which expose the false
exposes the love story between governance of Spaniards and on how cruel
Crisostomo and Maria. they are.
Throughout the novel also showed its This novel is also constituent of bitterness,
mood and characteristics like freshness, hatred, pain, violence, struggles, cruelness
color, humor and intelligence sorrow at the same time grief.

4. What are some of the unfinished Novels of Rizal?

Aside from the two famous novel of Rizal here are some of his unfinished Novels:
• Makamisa. This novel is written in Filipino and has a light sarcastic characteristic.
Composing of 20 chapters which seem to be one of the shortest work of Rizal. It was not
being finished because it lacks with two chapters.
• Dapitan. This was written in Ironic Spanish, this is to depict and show how is the
lifestyle and town life in Dapitan when he was still there. This was one of the shortest
work of Rizal written in just 8 pages.
• There is also a novel in Spanish which shows the life in the town of Laguna
particularly in Pili. This was not given a title by Rizal and has a total of 147 pages.
• Another novel was unfinished written by Rizal which talks about Cristobal but
unfortunately it was not given a title. This is about a youthful Filipino student who has
returned from Europe which is written in 34 pages.
• There is also a novel containing 2 notebooks, the first book was written in 31 pages
and the other one is written in 12 pages. Same as through with his other novels its
medium is Spanish Ironically and does not have a title.

5. Why did Rizal leave Europe and settle in Hong Kong?

• Reasons why Rizal did left Europe back to Hong Kong is for him to be with his family
which is one of his foremost desire. And also because of his miserable life led by the
ruling of Spaniards and trough also political differences with Marcelo Del Pilar.
6. How did he spend his days in Hong Kong?
• Christmas always made him excited and overjoyed it is because it will be the time of
arrival of his family in Hong Kong and be with them.
• He was able to put up his office at No. 5 D Aguillar Street and No. 2 Rednaxola Terrace
to earn for his living. Ata the same time his patients got to increase due to referrals made
by Dr. Lorenzo P. Marquez, a Portuguese ophthalmologist in Hong Kong.
• He wrote a letter to his parents to have permission for his return to the country on
December 1, 1891. And the same day, reiece news from his brother-in-law that Don
Francisco, Neneng, Sis, and Paciano along with other Calambeños were rusticated.
He got also praises form Lorenzo Miclat from starting a new and pledge support in ll his
undertakings. Alejandro also informed him of his plans to counter-act Pilar’s lamentable
policy, with rizal as leader.
• He also received support from Boustead and Gonvantes families from what happened to
him in Madrid.
7. What was the name of the project he proposed in Hong Kong? Did the project become
successful? Why?
Borneo Colonization Project or the Rizal’s settlement Project in Sabah. He convince
the establishment of a Filipino colony in North Borneo (Sabah). He planned to move the
landless Filipino families to that British rich Island. That is why he went to Sandakan,
March 7 1892 for negotiation with British authorities. British were willing to give
particular acres of land a beautiful and good government free for all changes. But
suddenly objected by Manuel Hidalgo, it replaces Weyler and fine program of
government. And even Rizal offered his cooperation but it was not even

Exercise No. 2: Second Homecoming of Jose Rizal

1. The aims of La Liga Filipina and why Rizal established it.
• This organization was founded by Rizal in the Philippines in the House of Doroteo
Ongjuanco in Manila July 3, 1892. With the help of Jose Ma. Basa of some known
members Andres Bonifacio, Deodato Arellano and Apolinarion Mabini. The purose of
this legue is to bulid a new group sought to involved the people directly in the reform
movement. It had no intention in rising up in arms against the government. Reasons why
it was being established are :
 It is to solve and stop oppression of the Filipino against;
 to protect Filipino people, to avoid the abuse of the Spaniards and most especially
to unite the Filipinos;
 it would put to stop to abusive Spanish Rule

With its Aims:

 to unite the whole archipelago into one vigorous an homogenous organization;

 mutual protection in every want and necessity;
 defence against all violence and injustice
 Encouragement of instruction. Agriculture, and commerence ; and
 Study and application of reforms
2. Discuss the problems of forging unity during Rizal’s time.
Colonial government disagrees with the aim of Rizal’a organization. It is because during
the Spanish period Filipinos are considers to be lower in status than them. Spain that time
was undergoing internal problems all that time which could explain why they are failing
to heed the Filipino petitions for unity. Friars are also using their power and displayed
even more arrogance on flaunting their influence and authority. Personal differences and
petty quarrels, apart from the lack of funds, were funds also a hindrance to the
movements success.
3. How La Liga Filipina showed Rizal’s practical leadership.

His ability in leadership was be tested as a founder of this organization it is because after
it some misunderstanding and problems came out within the organization. Which leads
members to part ways and create their own. And it is because the government did not
agree any of its demands. Though he wanted to give Filipino a fair and just living at that
time but seems that all of them disagreed.

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