Abroad Timeline

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May 3, 1882 - Dr. Rizal left for Spain not for his studies for a secret mission.
1882 - He first stopped in Barcelona, the capital of the Spanish province, Catalonia
November 3, 1882- He enrolled at the Universidad Central de Madrid, Academy of San
Carlos and took private lessons at the Hall of sanz and Carbonell.
June 21, 1884- He completed his Licenciado en Medicina and finished his studies in
Philosophy and Letters and obtained the degree Licenciado en Filosofia y Letras with
the rating of sobresaliente.
1884-1885- He started writing the novel Noli Me Tangere while he was studying at the
Central University of Madrid.
Nov. 1885- He arrived in Paris and worked as an assistant to Dr. Louis de Weckert.
Feb 1886- He arrived in Heidelberg, worked as an assistant to Dr. Otto Becker at the
University Eye Hospital.
Aug. 1886 - He arrived in Leipzig and met Prof. Friedrich Ratzel and Dr. Hans Meyer
who wrote a book on the Philippines.
Oct 29 1886- He arrived in Dresden and saw the painting of Rahael, the Sistine
Madonna. He also saw the collection on the Philippines at the zoological,
anthropological and ethnographic museum.
1886-1887- He met Dr. Freodor Jagor who wrote Travels in the Philippines and Drs.
Rudolf and his sons Hans Virchow, two known German anthropologists. After that, he
became a member of the Anthropological, Ethnographic and Geographic Society.
March 29, 1887- He made the final revisions and printed the novel Noli Me Tangere.
1887- He returned to Calamba and established a clinic and his first patient was his
mother. He worked as a town physician. Gov. Gen. Torrento requested Jose Rizal to
leave the country due to the controversy raised by his novel Noli Me Tangere.

Second Trip to Europe (1888-1892)

Hongkong - Dr. Rizal was met by Jose Basa - who gave him the idea of Filipino group
which was later named La Liga. He applied for his license to practice medicine and was
granted. Novels related to Spanish cruelty were created and translated.
Japan - Dr. Rizal stayed in Yokohama to study its language, culture, theaters, martial
arts, and visited shrines. 
USA - Rizal went and had many comments about the country - a great country but
racial prejudice against the blacks were present.
London- After his arrival in Liverpool, England he immediately left for London. He met
Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor and he was introduced to Dr. Reinhold Rost, the librarian of the
Ministry of Foreign Affiars in England. He did research on Philippine History.
Paris - Dr. Rizal continued his research on Philippine history at the National Library of
Paris. He published his own annotated version of Antonio Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas
Filipinas. As he studied French language, he founded the Kidlat Club and the Indios
Bravos - social clubs which aimed to prove that the Filipinos could excel intellectually
and physically. 
Brussels - He continued to write El Filibusterismo and published in 1891 that is
dedicated to GOMBURZA and he wrote articles for the La Solidaridad.
Madrid - Rizal decided to transfer to Madrid to focus on the case elevated to the
Supreme Court as Calamba residents, including his family, were forced to leave the
Philippines -Rizal left Hongkong together with his sister Lucia to face Gov. Gen.
Eulogio Despujol who remained silent on his petition.

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