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Good morning/afternoon/ night. My name is Prasetyo Asyogi, I am an English Teacher in

SMAN 1 Bungo, Province Jambi. Welcome to my channel. Actually, I got this channel since
2014 when I studied in Jambi University.
Now, I am going to tell the conclusion about webinar that I have followed in 3 days, and
the title is “Imparting Online Teaching – Learning Methodology” is organized by TIE UPS
I got so many advantages or benefits from this webinar especially for English Teacher
who joined in this webinar. In this era, teaching online is more important than teaching offline,
as you know it’s because of Covid-19 around us. So, this webinar gave the solution how to teach
online with the best method. I know that Technology in teaching is not only in online but also
you can still use technology in classroom, the teacher should have more creative to create
something fun learning material and activity by using online learning. We can use many media
and website in the internet for our source teaching. Even though the learning online is over or
Corona Virus is over, it doesn’t mean that we don’t need the internet, of course we need the
internet for source.
There are three kinds of Methodology in teaching online in this webinar; they are Google
Form, Testmoz, and Mentimeter. Actually, two of them are new for me. Because I don’t know
how to use it, I always use Google Classroom. This webinar has taught me how to use them. For
the next meeting, I will use one of them in teaching online, give the material or make an
assignment from it.
I also learn about how to teach more fun for children by using some free website from
this webinar. In this level, Mentimeter is more effective for children. This is something new for
me because I never use it. Mentimeter is presentation software to create fun and interactive
presentation. I will learn again about it and I will try it to my students.
Well, I think that’s the entire conclusion from me about the webinar. The webinar is more
useful for me. I hope there is another webinar like this. Thank you.
Good morning/afternoon/ night. My name is Prasetyo Asyogi, I am English Teacher in
SMAN 1 Bungo, Province Jambi.
I have assignment. This is the second assignment from Workshop hosted by Jain
University and organized by TIE UPS International, India. When we heard about India, the first
think that we realize is Bollywood. Right? We can say that India and Bollywood like a couple, it
cannot be separated. Such as Shah Rukh Khan, Shaheer Sheikh, Kajol, and another actor and
actress that I cannot say them one by one.
In other hand, it is not only about actor and actress. But also is about dance, drama, or
landmark. For example in movie or drama, there is always dance during the movie on going.
If we talk about India education System. INDIA is one of the few Asian country which is
“English Speaking” -provides “RIGHT” platform for INDONESIAN Students to learn &
practice English as the focus is on “Communication” & not “Grammar”. Students from
INDONESIA would be more confident and be able to inculcate a culture of “English speaking”
which is the basic requirement while looking for a Job.
This is the first experience for me because I can follow, I can join the Webinar from Jain
University from begin to the end. The workshop or webinar started on 27 th until 29th January
2021 at 1 pm to 3 pm, 3 days. I think Jain University is one of the best Universities in the world
because it has the best facilities and the experience trainers.
I give my support for English Teacher to join this webinar in the next season. And I hope
that Indonesia-India collaboration will continue to exist in all sciences. If I get a chance to go to
India, I will take it directly. Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum wr wrb

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