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AI Magazine Volume 20 Number 1 (1999) (© AAAI)


Automated Intelligent
Pilots for Combat Flight
Randolph M. Jones, John E. Laird, Paul E. Nielsen,
Karen J. Coulter, Patrick Kenny, and Frank V. Koss

■ TACAIR-SOAR is an intelligent, rule-based system that executed by the SOAR architecture (Laird,
generates believable humanlike behavior for large- Newell, and Rosenbloom 1987). As TACAIR-SOAR
scale, distributed military simulations. The inno- has grown, it has participated in a number of
vation of the application is primarily a matter of tests, technology demonstrations, and opera-
scale and integration. The system is capable of exe-
tional training exercises. Its most dramatic use
cuting most of the airborne missions that the U.S.
military flies in fixed-wing aircraft. It accomplishes
was in the Synthetic Theater of War 1997
its missions by integrating a wide variety of intel- (STOW ’97), held 29–31 October 1997 (Cera-
ligent capabilities, including real-time hierarchical nowicz, 1998; Laird, Jones, and Nielsen 1998;
execution of complex goals and plans, communi- Laird et al. 1998). STOW ’97 was a United
cation and coordination with humans and simu- States Department of Defense (DoD) Advanced
lated entities, maintenance of situational aware- Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTD)
ness, and the ability to accept and respond to new that was integrated with the United Endeavor
orders while in flight. The system is currently 98-1 (UE 98-1) training exercise. As an ACTD,
deployed at the Oceana Naval Air Station WIS- the overall goal of STOW ’97 was to permit an
SARD (what-if simulation system for advanced
early and inexpensive evaluation of advanced
research and development) Lab and the Air Force
Research Laboratory in Mesa, Arizona. Its most
technologies that show promise for improving
dramatic use was in the Synthetic Theater of War military effectiveness. The goal of our partici-
1997, which was an operational training exercise pation in STOW ’97 was to demonstrate the
that ran for 48 continuous hours during which ability to generate autonomous, real-time,
TACAIR-SOAR flew all U.S. fixed-wing aircraft. high-fidelity behavior for a large-scale simula-
tion of a complete theater battle. STOW ’97
included 722 individual sorties to be flown by
U.S. fixed-wing aircraft. All these sorties were

n 1992, we began development of a soft- assigned to TACAIR-SOAR agents, and the agents
ware system that emulates the behavior of successfully flew over 95 percent of them. In
military personnel performing missions in July 1998, TACAIR-SOAR participated in the Road-
fixed-wing aircraft (Tambe et al. 1995). The Runner ’98 training exercise, where it flew both
general goal was to generate behavior that with and against human pilots “flying” in sim-
“looks human” when viewed by a training ulators.
audience participating in operational military The most obvious innovation of TACAIR-SOAR
exercises. The resulting rule-based system, lies in the integration of a number of capabili-
called TACAIR-SOAR, is currently deployed at the ties that support autonomous, intelligent
WISSARD (what-if simulation system for behavior in a real-time, complex domain.
advanced research and development) facility at TACAIR-SOAR generates appropriate behavior for
the Oceana Naval Air Station and the Air Force every fixed-wing mission routinely used by the
Research Laboratory at Mesa, Arizona. TACAIR- U.S. military in full-scale simulated exercises. A
SOAR consists of more than 5200 rules that are secondary but equally challenging innovation

Copyright © 1999, American Association for Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. 0738-4602-1999 / $2.00 SPRING 1999 27

is that TACAIR-SOAR was integrated into the mil- controlling the vehicle, using hierarchical
itary operational organizational structure so finite-state machines. For example, a SAFOR
that existing methods and systems could be aircraft can be told to circle a particular point
used for specifying missions, interacting with at a certain altitude. Similarly, it can be told to
the aircraft in flight during mission execution, shoot its air-to-air missiles at any airborne tar-
and reporting after the mission. Thus, the inte- get that is detected within a specific “commit”
gration of capabilities within an intelligent range by its simulated radar. However, a
system into an existing organizational struc- human controller must make the tactical deci-
ture was the combined challenge and theme of sions and use a graphic computer interface to
our work. give the SAFOR new orders. The number of
This article starts with a review of the origins SAFORs that a single human can control
of this project and the requirements that depends on many factors, including the type
shaped the development of TACAIR-SOAR. We of platform being simulated, the expertise of
then describe the simulation environment and the controller, and the desired fidelity of the
TACAIR-SOAR’s integration. The main body of the behaviors. In any event, a number of highly
article presents the structure of TACAIR-SOAR, trained humans are required to oversee and
relating specific design decisions back to the adjust the run-time behavior of such entities.
original requirements. Finally, we discuss the Aside from the expense of having humans in
Our task was deployment and payoffs of TACAIR-SOAR as well the loop, realism of the simulation suffers
to improve the as our ongoing efforts. when these controllers must devote close
attention to more than one entity at a time.
behavior of Therefore, it was desirable to increase the qual-
individual, Historical Background ity and autonomy of force behavior to increase
automated Our task was to improve the behavior of indi- realism and decrease the cost of training. Com-
vidual, automated entities participating in plicating matters further, there were additional
entities large-scale, entity-based simulation exercises. goals to run as many forces on a single
participating The military uses simulation extensively for machine as possible and run the simulation
training, analysis, and acquisition. Simulation faster than real time for some applications.
in large-scale, is often cheaper, more flexible, and safer than To address these issues, the Defense Ad-
entity-based alternatives, such as live training maneuvers. vanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
However, simulation is only an approximation funded a project to develop autonomous com-
simulation of the real world and can be ineffective if it puter-generated forces that generate human-
exercises. The deviates significantly from reality. Many of the like behavior. Our group at the University of
early simulations used by the military repre- Michigan, together with researchers at the
military uses University of Southern California Information
sented only aggregate groups of vehicles and
simulation could not simulate the interactions between Sciences Institute (USC-ISI), created a proto-
extensively for individual vehicles, sensors, and weapons sys- type system to generate behaviors for a small
tems. Instead, such systems use probability number of air-to-air missions. This prototype
training, tables to determine the outcome of engage- laid out the basic design principles we fol-
analysis, and ments between large forces. In contrast, entity- lowed throughout the project; an earlier article
based simulations involve models of the (Tambe et al. 1995) provides details on the
acquisition. dynamics of individual vehicles, their sensors, design that are not covered here.
and weapons. Such entity-based simulations The initial work was led by John Laird (Uni-
increase the realism of the simulation and versity of Michigan) and Paul Rosenbloom
allow more direct participation by humans. (USC-ISI) and also included two research scien-
However, the added realism has the additional tists (Randolph Jones, Milind Tambe) and two
cost of requiring either people or automated research programmers (Frank Koss, Karl
systems to control all the vehicles. For large- Schwamb). This original work included the
scale simulations where there are thousands of development of intelligent behaviors, and
entities, these requirements can be either interfaces to the simulation environment, as
extremely costly (using humans) or technically well as maintaining the software architecture
challenging. and infrastructure. Two years into the project,
Before we developed TACAIR-SOAR, the state of the group divided, with the USC-ISI group
the art for automated entity-level behavior was focusing on behaviors for missions flown by
semiautomated forces (SAFORs). SAFORs con- helicopters (Hill et al. 1997). Our group at
sist of high-fidelity models of vehicle dynamics Michigan continued with fixed-wing aircraft,
(for example, using differential equations to expanding the types of aircraft and mission as
model the control surfaces of an aircraft) well as creating software to support the instal-
together with simple automated behaviors for lation and use of the system in military train-


ing operations. An additional research scientist

(Paul Nielsen) and two research programmers
(Karen Coulter and Patrick Kenny) were hired
at the University of Michigan. This effort led to
the development and deployment of TACAIR- SOAR SOAR SOAR
SOAR. The currently deployed version of the
system was completed by October 1997 in
time for the STOW ’97 exercise. TACAIR TACAIR TACAIR
Rules Rules Rules

The Simulation Environment

TACAIR-SOAR is embedded within real-time large- Working Working Working
Memory Memory Memory
scale simulations of a battlefield. Time in the
simulation corresponds to time in the real
world, so both humans and computer forces
must react in real time. The scale of the simula-
tion is that of a theater of war. STOW ’97 took
place over 500 x 775 square kilometers with as
MODSAF: Simulation Interface:
many as 3,700 computer-generated vehicles Sensors, Weapons, Vehicle, Other
making up all U.S. military services as well as Communication Simulators
opposition forces. The terrain was detailed,
including 13,500 buildings and over 20,000
destructible objects, runways, roads, bridges,
bushes, rivers, bodies of water, and so on. Some Network
aspects of the terrain were dynamic, such as
destructible buildings and bridges. Further,
weather servers simulated meteorological fea- Figure 1. TACAIR-SOAR’s Niche in the Simulation Environment.
tures such as clouds, rain, tides, and daylight,
sometimes using live feeds from the area of the information into the symbolic representation
world in which the simulation took place. used by SOAR and translates SOAR’s action repre-
These simulations are completely distrib- sentation into MODSAF function calls (for exam-
uted, with no central server responsible for ple, to control the vehicle and manipulate
maintaining all relevant information. STOW weapons, sensors, and radios). The SMI at-
’97 used over 300 networked computers at 6 tempts to organize data so that TACAIR-SOAR has
sites in the United States and the United King- available the same information a pilot would
dom. All the systems participating in the sim- have, including data from radar and vision
ulation, be they manned simulators, comput- sensors as well as data on the status of the air-
er-generated forces, simulations of complex craft and messages received on its radios. This
munitions such as missiles, or even specially information is added directly to the working
instrumented real vehicles, are responsible for memory of each entity and is updated each
maintaining their own model of the simula- cycle of the simulation. For a single entity,
tion environment. To minimize communica- there are over 200 input and over 30 different
tion across the network, each simulation sys- types of output for controlling the plane. Each
tem maintains its own copy of the terrain and entity only has access to information from its
uses dead reckoning to predict the state of all own sensors, so that there is no possibility of
entities that are relevant to it. Whenever an cheating.
entity deviates from its projected position, it Each “instance” of TACAIR-SOAR controls a sin-
sends out data to the systems that are monitor- gle entity. In a typical configuration, several
ing its behavior. TACAIR-SOAR entities run with MODSAF as a single
As shown in figure 1, TACAIR-SOAR participates process under LINUX on a PENTIUM class machine
in the simulation environment by interfacing with 256 megabytes of memory. The large
with MODSAF (Calder et al. 1993). MODSAF in- memory is required because of the size of the
cludes all the necessary software for interact- terrain database. A round-robin scheduler pro-
ing over the network with other entities in the vides service to the TACAIR-SOAR entities and
simulation as well as simulations of the vehicle MODSAF. Approximately 10 TACAIR-SOAR entities
dynamics, weapons, and sensors. TACAIR-SOAR run on a single 400 megahertz workstation
connects to MODSAF with the SOAR-MODSAF inter- with each entity executing 3 to 4 times a sec-
face (SMI) (Schwamb, Koss, and Keirsey 1994), ond, which is sufficient to generate realistic
which translates simulated sensor and vehicle behavior. During STOW ’97, we ran as many as

SPRING 1999 29


Achieve Employ Execute

Search Scram
Proximity Weapons Tactic

Get Missile Select Launch Get Steering Sort

LAR Missile Missile Circle Group

Lock Radar Local IR Fire-Missile Wait-for


Figure 2. A Sample Active Goal Hierarchy for TACAIR-SOAR.

102 TACAIR-SOAR entities at a time, distributed fully decomposed so that a primitive operator
across 28 PENTIUM PRO machines. is selected, rules create appropriate commands
for the motor system, such as “select a missile
to fire,” “push the fire button,” and “set the
The TACAIR-SOAR System aircraft to fly a particular heading.” Thus, SOAR
TACAIR-SOAR is a symbol-processing, rule-based supports dynamic hierarchical decomposition
system built within the SOAR architecture for and execution of complex operators. This
cognition (Laird, Newell, and Rosenbloom organization appears to correspond to the way
1987). SOAR uses production rules as the basic human pilots organize their knowledge and
unit of long-term knowledge (or the program). provides readable traces of behavior (in terms
Rules in SOAR are used to propose, select, and of operator selections and decompositions).
apply operators, which correspond to the Although dynamic hierarchical decomposi-
actions and goals that human pilots perform tion is important for encoding structured
during a mission. Abstract operators, such as knowledge such as in official doctrine and tac-
“intercept an enemy,” act as goals, which are tics, it can be overly restrictive when multiple
dynamically decomposed by rules proposing goals must be pursued. In TACAIR-SOAR, the
more primitive operators to achieve the operator hierarchy usually corresponds to the
abstract actions. These rules test the current explicit goals and subgoals of the mission
situation, including the available sensors and being executed. However, additional, implicit
mission parameters, avoiding fixed, scripted goals in TACAIR-SOAR can give rise to actions in
responses. For example, as shown in figure 2, the world. For example, during a flight, a plane
one of TACAIR-SOAR’s operators is “intercept an might notice a new blip on its radar. Bringing
aircraft.” This is not a discrete action that the together different information sources and
system can “just do,” so SOAR creates a new goal interpreting the identity of the blip is a delib-
structure. In the context of the new goal, the erate act performed by an operator. This oper-
system proposes additional operators, such as ator is not directly part of a goal of executing a
“achieve proximity to the aircraft,” “search for mission but is part of an implicit goal of main-
the aircraft,” or “employ weapons against the taining situational awareness. Similarly, a
aircraft.” When an abstract operator has been plane might need to take evasive actions when




best-missile Employ-Weapons

blip-range target-range

blip-heading target-heading target-aspect

blip-bearing target-bearing attack-heading

Figure 3. Sample Active Goal and Situation Hierarchies.

it is in danger in response to a survival goal. also often important to reason about the tar-
These operators are not part of the explicit goal get’s position relative to other contacts that
hierarchy. Rather, they are represented as might be flying with the target. In general, it
opportunistic operators, which can be selected is difficult to restrict the agent to reasoning
independently of the currently active, explicit about the primitive attributes that describe
goals. This mixture of goal-driven and oppor- the situation. It is preferable to combine these
tunistic behaviors is crucial to capturing the attributes to make different types of decision.
ways in which humans interleave complex These hierarchical representations are built by
sequences of actions in the service of multiple TACAIR-SOAR rules that are not directly associat-
goals (Jones et al. 1994). ed with an operator. They are instead part of
Both goal-driven and opportunistic opera- a data-driven, situation-interpretation hierar-
tors are proposed based on the current situa- chy that generates descriptions of the situa-
tion. The operator hierarchy defines only a tion from the bottom up.
part of this situation, which also includes sen- The benefits of the interaction between the
sory data and an internal model of the other top-down and bottom-up hierarchies are illus-
agents in the world. These representations are trated in figures 3 and 4. Figure 3 describes an
all created in support of making decisions, and agent’s current “mental state” at some point in
we have found that it is useful to organize the time. The boxes represent a subset of the
internal models hierarchically in a manner agent’s active goals, and the other items are a
analogous to decisions that need to be made in subset of the current situation description. The
the operator hierarchy. generation of these goals and features is fairly
Consider the case where an aircraft has a rapid (SOAR is capable of firing hundreds of rules
potential target contact on its radar screen. In a second), but it does take some time and com-
some cases, it is important to reason about putational resources. Thus, it is undesirable for
the heading or bearing of the contact. In oth- the agent routinely to expend significant effort
ers, it is important to notice whether the tar- maintaining the hierarchies. However, because
get is flying to the left or the right (which can of the hierarchical representation, the system
be computed from a combination of the tar- can make incremental adjustments to its cur-
get’s heading and the agent’s heading). It is rent mental state as the situation warrants. In

SPRING 1999 31



best-missile Employ-Weapons

blip-range target-range

blip-heading target-heading target-aspect

blip-bearing target-bearing

Figure 4. TACAIR-SOAR Changes the Goal Hierarchy in Response to Changes

in the Situation-Representation Hierarchy (and Vice Versa).

figure 3, the agent has chosen a missile to use system’s internal representation is extremely
against a target and is using the target’s posi- intricate at any point in time (the figures are
tion information to aim the aircraft for the best highly simplified). However, the interaction of
shot. If the target turns a small amount, it top-down and bottom-up hierarchies, together
might not lead to any change in the active hier- with opportunistic operators, allows a smooth
archies at all. Rather, the change in target head- and efficient implementation of reactive, yet
ing will cause a rule to fire that computes a new goal-driven, behavior.
attack heading, and the agent will adjust the
aircraft heading in response. If the target turns
by a larger amount, the new geometry of the
Behavioral Requirements
situation can take the target from the envelope In this section, we review the requirements
of the currently selected missile, which could that were set for TACAIR-SOAR and how we
cause the agent to delete its current launch- attempted to achieve them; these require-
missile goal, select a new missile to use, and ments are (1) fly all types of mission using
then create a new launch-missile goal. Finally, appropriate doctrine and tactics, (2) fly many
if the target turns by an even larger amount (for different types of aircraft, (3) generate human-
example, to run away), the agent might have to like behavior, (4) coordinate behavior with
make significant adjustments, leading to the other entities, and (5) behave with low compu-
situation in figure 4. In this case, the agent tational expense.
determines that the target might be running
away, so there is no longer a need to shoot it. Fly All Types of Mission Using
Therefore, the agent deactivates the goal to Appropriate Doctrine and Tactics
launch a missile against the target and instead Our most important requirement is to popu-
pursues the target to observe its behavior for late the battlespace with entities that can fly
some time. all the missions commonly flown by United
This example illustrates TACAIR-SOAR’s solu- States Navy, Marine, and Air Force planes. For
tion to the combined constraints of generating STOW ’97, there were over 10 different types
complex behavior in an efficient manner. The of mission covering defensive and offensive


air-to-air, air-to-ground missions, support built these models by defining a generic com-
(such as refueling), intelligence gathering, mon model for each component, such as an
and command and control. To encode the aircraft, and then defining the parameters for a
knowledge for these missions, we read manu- specific instantiation of a component, such as
als and interviewed subject matter experts an F-14B.
(SMEs). This process is iterative, where we The second step was to develop uniform
interview experts, build systems that perform interfaces to control these models. The SOAR-
the missions, demonstrate them to experts, MODSAF interface provides a uniform interface
receive feedback, and revise the behaviors as to control all aircraft using the same basic
appropriate. interface: All missiles are launched with the
A significant amount of knowledge is same command, and all radars deliver their
required to fly all the missions according to information in the same format. Having a uni-
appropriate doctrine. However, by encoding the form interface available is not strictly true in
knowledge hierarchically, TACAIR-SOAR shares the real world but was a necessary simplifica-
knowledge across many different missions and tion given our resources.
tactics. For example, air-to-air combat tactics The third step was to encode general para-
involve different methods for getting into a meterized behaviors for each of these compo-
position to fire a missile, depending on rules of nents. For example, each vehicle has parame-
engagement, enemy threat, and so on. Howev- ters for cruising speeds, fuel consumption,
er, a significant amount of common knowledge maximum altitude, and so on. Once the set of
is still shared across these tactics in terms of the parameters and the general, parameter-driven
way they use the radar and missiles. This shar- behaviors were defined, we could add new air- To be
ing falls from decomposing complex operators planes, weapons, and sensors without chang-
into simpler ones and using multiple rules to ing the behaviors. Of course, occasionally realistic
suggest the same operator in different situa- some new instances of a component have new and effective
tions. Such decomposition also helps avoid the parameters that require modifications to the
problem of having rigid, scripted tactics that behaviors, but this is generally the exception.
for training,
must be carried to completion even if they the behavior
become inappropriate. Again, the reactive Generate Humanlike Behavior
nature of the rules in TACAIR-SOAR creates behav- To be realistic and effective for training, the
iors that are dynamically composed by rules behavior of TACAIR-SOAR pilots must correspond pilots must
proposing individual operators based on the to the behavior of human pilots (Pew and correspond
current situation. Reactive, dynamic composi- Mavor 1998). It is not always clear how close
tion allows the system to abandon even high- the behavior of the synthetic pilots has to be to to the
level goals if the situation warrants it. human behavior. Our goal is for the behavior behavior
The current version of TACAIR-SOAR contains to appear human at the tactical level. From
over 5200 production rules, organized into earlier experience in cognitive modeling, we
of human
about 450 operators and 130 goals. There are know that attempting to model human behav- pilots ….
significant numbers of general rules that are ior to the greatest degree possible would great-
used in many different missions and some ly slow development and increase the required
rules that only apply in very specific situations. computational resources. We adopted three
Every agent loads all the rules but does not use principles to approximate human behavior
them all over the course of a single mission. without attempting to build a detailed model
We chose this unified design to simplify soft- (Jones and Laird 1997).
ware development—a single software system The first principle is to develop synthetic
can be used for all missions, and changes and pilots using an AI architecture (SOAR) that
improvements to shared behaviors are auto- roughly corresponds to the human cognitive
matically available across all missions. architecture. SOAR has a reasoning cycle that
consists of parallel access to long-term memo-
Fly Many Different Types of Aircraft ry in service of selecting and performing
For STOW ’97, TACAIR-SOAR had to control many actions and a goal structure that supports hier-
different U.S. fixed-wing aircraft, using the archical reasoning. This level of behavior clear-
appropriate weapons and sensors. The first ly abstracts away from the underlying imple-
step in addressing this problem was the con- mentation mechanisms (silicon in SOAR,
struction of the appropriate parameterized neurons in a human) but captures the regular-
models of the flight dynamics, weapons, and ities of human behavior at the appropriate
sensors. These models were embedded in MOD- time scale for tactical aircraft—tens of millisec-
SAF (Calder et al. 1993). Lockheed-Martin Infor- onds, not nanoseconds or microseconds. SOAR
mation Systems and BMH Associates, Inc., has been used for developing a variety of

SPRING 1999 33

Kiwi: kiwi, hawk121 your bogey is at bearing 23 for 143 angels 8

; Each plane prefaces its communication with its call sign.
; Here Kiwi is giving the bearing (23 degrees), range (143 nms) and altitude
(8,000 ft).
Hawk121: Roger
Kiwi: kiwi, Contact is a bandit
; Kiwi has identified the radar contact as an enemy plane.
Hawk121: hawk121, Contact is a bandit
Hawk122: Roger
Hawk121: hawk121, Commit bearing 23 for 140 angels 8
; The rules of engagement allow Hawk121 to consider the contact hostile. At
some point,
; Hawk121 decides its commit criteria are achieved and starts to intercept the
; Hawk121 uses the information from Kiwi to plot an intercept course
Kiwi: kiwi, hawk121 your bogey is at bearing 21 for 137 angels 8
; Kiwi periodically reports position information to the fighters.
Hawk121: Roger
Hawk122: Roger
Kiwi: kiwi, Bandit is closing on a hot vector
Hawk121: hawk121, Bandit is closing on a hot vector
Hawk121: hawk121, Go to defensive combat-spread formation.
; The section changes formation for the attack.
Kiwi: kiwi, hawk121 your bogey is at bearing 12 for 116 angels 8
Hawk121: Roger
Hawk122: Roger
Hawk121: hawk121, Bandit is closing on a hot vector

; The planes continue to close on each other until the bandit is in missile range
Hawk121: hawk121, Fox three
; Hawk121 fires a long-range missile and then performs an f-pole maneuver.
Hawk121: hawk121, Cranking right

Figure 5. Trace of Interaction between Automated AWACS and Automated Fighter Pilots.

detailed models of human behavior (Newell control. In TACAIR-SOAR, we model the semantic
1990). To speed development, we abstracted content of the sensors available to a human
even further to modeling decisions made two pilot and the basic commands for controlling
to four times a second. This abstraction elimi- an aircraft. There were some times when we
nates low-level eye and finger movements but violated this principle, which, in turn, com-
retains the basic tactical decisions. Thus, com- promised the fidelity of the entities’ behavior.
plex tactical decisions requiring multiple oper- For example, to avoid the complex reasoning
ators take longer than simple tactical decisions required to decide if a plane is an enemy, we
in a SOAR system, just as they do in a human, allowed the radar to provide the “friend or foe”
providing us with a gross model of human identification of an aircraft. At implementa-
reaction time. tion time, it did not seem worth the develop-
Although the first principle is to give the ment effort to encode the necessary logic for
system the same basic processing structure, the identification. Although this simplification
second principle is to give the system the same simplified development, it hurt fidelity,
basic sensory and motor systems. To this end, because SMEs noticed that our aircraft would
we created a “virtual cockpit” interface be- decide to commit to intercept an enemy plane
tween our pilots and the underlying simula- much too quickly.
tion. However, once again, we abstracted away The final principle is to give the pilots the
from the details of human vision and motor same basic knowledge as human pilots. Thus,


we built our synthetic pilots based on the role in a group is encoded just like all other
information we extracted from SMEs. We did knowledge—as rules for selecting and applying
not attempt to derive new tactics, base the operators. Thus, when the role of an entity in
behavior of our agents on some general theory a group changes, different actions are selected
of warfare, or create learning systems that and applied. For example, many of the rules in
would attempt to develop behaviors on their TACAIR-SOAR tested whether a pilot is the lead or
own. Some of the information we encoded the wingman of its current formation.
includes standard doctrine and tactics. Howev- In addition to coordination between syn-
er, much of it consists of details that are not thetic aircraft, TACAIR-SOAR must support coordi-
mentioned as doctrine or tactics because they nation between manned control stations such
are obvious to a human pilot. For example, we as an AWACS, or forward air controller, and
needed to encode details such as the geometric synthetic aircraft. Controllers must communi-
features the wingman should pay attention to cate with synthetic aircraft using a simulated
when turning while in formation. Our strategy radio. However, humans need an interface to
is generally to rely on SMEs. However, some- the radio system, which we provided using two
times we believed that the appropriate re- approaches: (1) a graphic user interface (GUI)
sponse to a situation was obvious, and we called the COMMUNICATIONS PANEL (Jones 1998)
would insert it into the system without asking and (2) a speech-to-text and text-to-speech sys-
an expert. Often, we would find that the situa- tem called COMMANDTALK (Goldschen, Harper,
tion was more complex than we thought and and Anthony 1998). In STOW ’97, over 100
that what is common sense to an experienced different types of message could be sent
pilot is quite different from the common sense between TACAIR-SOAR agents. Examples of com-
of an AI researcher. Needless to say, a critical mand and control interactions included
component of this development cycle was to changing stations, directing fighters to inter-
have SMEs critique the behavior of the TACAIR- cept enemy planes, vectoring aircraft along
SOAR pilots. various desired routes, and running numerous
on-call close-air support missions against a
Coordinate Behavior with variety of targets (including ground vehicles,
Other Entities buildings, runways, and ships). During the
In almost all missions, a plane does not fly exercise, humans did not have to microman-
alone but coordinates its behavior with other age the planes. Sometimes when we tried to
forces. At the immediate level, planes are orga- give the agents detailed directions, we ran into
nized into groups of two or four in which they problems. We discovered that TACAIR-SOAR’s air-
maneuver together and carry out the same to-air intercepts worked best when humans
mission. Small groups can combine into pack- gave initial directions toward enemy planes
ages, such as a strike package, where the sub- and then shut up. The TACAIR-SOAR agents often
groups have different specific missions, such as had a better handle on the tactical situation
escorts and attack aircraft, but the planes must than the human controllers did, sometimes
coordinate their joint behavior. To simulate engaging and shooting down planes the
communications, we use simulated radios to human controllers had missed.
send messages (Hartzog and Salisbury 1996;
Salisbury 1995). Behave with Low
Figure 5 shows an example interaction Computational Expense
between TACAIR-SOAR agents. Here Kiwi is an Another important requirement is that several
automated AWACS controller, and Hawk121 synthetic pilots must be able to be run at the
and Hawk122 are automated fighter pilots. The same time without excessive computational
interactions unfold dynamically based on the expense. If it cost $50,000 for each entity, then
situation and are not scripted. In the scenario, flying 100 or more entities would be prohibi-
Kiwi gets a radar contact, sends a report to the tive. We knew from the beginning that our
fighter pilots, and identifies the bogey as an approach would require more computational
enemy plane (a bandit). When the bandit resources than prior finite-state automata
comes within a predefined commit range, the approaches, which are more limited in the
fighters start an intercept and eventually shoot complexity of behaviors that they can gener-
a missile at the bandit. ate. The question was whether this additional
Within a TACAIR-SOAR entity, coordination is cost would be excessive.
supported by explicitly representing the differ- To minimize costs, we emphasized efficiency
ent groups it is a part of, its role in each group, throughout the design and implementation of
and the other members of the group and their the system. We group our approaches to effi-
roles. Knowledge about how to carry out its ciency into five general categories: (1) enhanc-

SPRING 1999 35

ing the rule-based architecture, (2) moving This approach did make it easier to expand
nonsymbolic computation into the SMI, (3) the capabilities of the system. However, the
improving the context sensitivity of process- cost was excessive. To increase efficiency, the
ing, (4) adding focus of attention to sensing, system now uses situation-interpretation rules
and (5) using fast but cheap hardware. to compute new features only if those features
In the summer of 1992, SOAR was rewritten are relevant to the agent’s current context. For
from scratch in C (from Lisp), and significant example, there might be no reason to compute
enhancements were made to its rule matcher whether an enemy aircraft is pointing at the
to improve its efficiency. The new version of agent’s aircraft if the enemy aircraft is known
SOAR was approximately 15 to 20 times faster not to carry air-to-air missiles. These changes
than the previous version. Included in these were sometimes tedious, but the purely func-
enhancements were changes that allowed SOAR tional concern of efficiency forced us to create
to match very large numbers of rules (over one a more plausible representation of human rea-
million in one experiment) without significant soning.
degradation in performance (Doorenbos The fourth approach was to add multiple
1993). As the project progressed, we discovered levels of attention to sensing. The original
other architectural adjustments that address interface to the sensors provided the same
efficiency. One adjustment was to disable information about every radar contact, no
SOAR ’s built-in learning mechanism, which matter how important this contact was to the
… we quickly current mission, which led to many calcula-
improved performance about 10 percent.
discovered TACAIR- SOAR does not currently make use of tions in the SMI that were irrelevant. We
implemented a three-tiered attention mecha-
that we also learning because it provides little benefit to the
nism to allow TACAIR-SOAR agents to select an
expert levels of behavior that this domain
needed to requires. appropriate level of information based on the
concentrate The second technique to increase efficiency relevance of the radar contact. For example,
was to migrate processing from rule-based enemy planes being engaged receive a high
on how behaviors into the SMI. Initial implementa- attention level, but friendly planes that are not
people will tions restricted the agent’s sensory input from part of the mission receive low attention (once
the SMI to sparse representations. Midway identified).
actually use through the project we realized that some of The final contribution to efficiency is the
TACAIR-SOAR, the computations being performed by rules result of Moore’s law. Over the six years that
TACAIR-SOAR has been under development, com-
which meant were typically performed by a piece of hard-
puter system speeds have continued their
ware on a plane instead of the pilot. This dis-
integrating it covery led us to redesign our interface, moving familiar dramatic improvements. For STOW
’97, we did not try to find the fastest comput-
into the calculations for waypoint headings and bomb
ers available because low cost was also a goal.
attacks into a “mission computer.” Such fixed,
existing numeric, and goal-independent processing is We did try to find a good ratio of performance-
military much more efficiently implemented in C code to-system cost and ended up using PENTIUM
PROs running the LINUX operating system. With
than in the match-and-fire interpretation cycle
operational inherent in rules. We recovered significant pro- these machines, and our attention to efficien-
organizations. cessing time by moving such computations cy within TACAIR-SOAR’s design, we were able to
into the SMI. run as many as six instances of TACAIR-SOAR on
The third technique was to restrict certain a single machine without significant degrada-
computations so that they are made only when tion in the quality of behavior. In the months
they are going to be used in decision making. since STOW ’97, we have been able to increase
this number.
Early versions of the situation-interpretation
hierarchy processed primitive input informa-
tion from the SMI into as many different repre- Integration with Operational
sentations as it could. The original motivation
behind this approach was to make the system
easier to extend. The “right” set of features In our early work on this project, we concen-
would be available any time we added new trated on the design and development of
behaviors because the system would represent TACAIR- SOAR and its integration with MODSAF.
the situation in so many different ways. As a However, we quickly discovered that we also
simple example, based on numeric sensor needed to concentrate on how people will
information for a radar contact, we would com- actually use TACAIR-SOAR, which meant integrat-
pute whether the contact is to our left or right, ing it into the existing military operational
in front of us or in back of us, pointing at us, organizations. In the U.S. military, all air mis-
turning, descending or climbing, and so on. sions are created by the Air Operation Center,


which generates the Air Tasking Order (ATO)

and Air Coordination Order (ACO) once a day.
The ATO and ACO define all missions to be
flown the next day. The ATO and ACO are gen- TAS
erated using a military software system called CTAPS EE
CTAPS and are sent to all Wing Operations Cen-
ters (WOCs) where the missions relevant to the
planes at the wing are extracted. The WOC, AWOC
together with the pilots flying the missions, TAS
further refines the missions. During typical
operations, the ATO and ACO are generated Network
the night before the missions are flown. Each
mission is defined by more than 100 parame-
ters, and for STOW ’97, each ATO contained as
many as 300 individual aircraft missions.
Needless to say, manually typing 30,000 para- Figure 6. Diagram of Mission Specification Software.
meters into TACAIR-SOAR mission files 12 hours
before takeoff was not a practical option.
Our goal is to make this process transparent
to training audience members so that they use for the system’s use in future training exercises
their existing tools (such as CTAPS) without and technology demonstrations.
modification. Our approach to mission specifi-
STOW ’97
cation is to automate the process as much as
possible but also provide the ability for human At STOW ’97, TACAIR-SOAR flew all the missions
intervention at critical stages. Human inter- in the ATO. For 48 hours (7 A.M. EST, 29 Octo-
vention is necessary because we know the ber, to 7 A.M. EST, 31 October 1997), our sys-
automation is incomplete, and we must sup- tems at Oceana received three ATOs of 12, 24,
port last-minute changes to missions. In and 12 hours each. There were 722 scheduled
response, we created the exercise editor (Coul- flights of fixed-wing aircraft, flying missions
ter and Laird 1996) and the Automated Wing that included defensive-counter air, close-air
Operations Center (AWOC). The exercise edi- support, suppression of enemy air-defense
tor allows a person to specify missions for all strategic attack (air-to-ground attacks), escorts,
the planes at an airbase using a GUI. It orga- airborne early warning, and Recon/Intel. These
nizes the data hierarchically according to the missions included air-to-air engagements
structure of the mission and eliminates redun- between U.S. and opponent forces; air-to-
dant data entry for shared information. The ground attacks where TACAIR-SOAR entities
exercise editor has been used extensively to attacked and destroyed ground targets (includ-
prepare scenarios for testing as well as add ing vehicles, runways, and buildings); and sup-
information that is not available in the ATO port missions, such as intelligence gathering.
but is typically available to human pilots. As During STOW ’97, the training audience also
shown in figure 6, the AWOC accepts an elec- requested a few missions that had not been
tronic version of the ATO and ACO from CTAPS included in our requirements, specifically,
and transforms and reorganizes them into a attacking ships. No air-to-surface missiles had
form readable by the exercise editor. The been developed for STOW ’97; however, the
AWOC also does some minimal reasoning to close-air support mission was flexible enough
fill in missing fields. so that we were able to dynamically retask F/A-
18s to successfully attack ships using laser-
guided bombs.
Details of Deployment Each mission varied in length from 90 min-
TACAIR-SOAR has been used in two major exercis- utes to 8 hours, with the median being 3
es: (1) STOW ’97 and (2) Roadrunner ’98. hours. At any one time, there were from 30 to
TACAIR-SOAR is deployed at the WISSARD Labo- 100 planes airborne on as many as 28 PENTIUM
ratory on the Oceana Naval Air Station at Vir- PROs. TACAIR-SOAR flew over 15 different types of
ginia Beach, Virginia, where it is used for con- U.S. Navy, Marine, and Air Force aircraft, using
tinued testing of the underlying network all the sensors and weapons that had been
infrastructure as well as for evaluation and developed for these aircraft in MODSAF. The sen-
demonstration of the technology. There is also sors included vision, radar, radar-warning
a deployed installation at the Air Force Re- receiver, radio communication, IFF (identifica-
search Laboratory in Mesa, Arizona, with plans tion of friend of foe), and an ESM (electronic

SPRING 1999 37

surveillance measure) sensor. Weapons includ- times outside the battle area. Such errors imply
ed dumb bombs, laser-guided bombs, radar a need to enhance these tools to reduce the
and infrared guided air-to-air missiles, and air- likelihood of operator error and enhance the
to-ground missiles. Some sensors, such as FLIR agent behaviors to flexibly handle incorrect or
(forward-looking infrared), and some wea- missing mission information. These errors
pons, such as air-to-surface missiles and guns, were usually corrected either manually or with
were not used either because they were not additional commands.
supported in MODSAF or because there was not The performance of our software exceeded
sufficient time to build intelligent behaviors to our expectations. Throughout the 48 hours of
use them. STOW ’97, the behavior of the synthetic pilots
Support personnel for STOW ’97 were kept was consistent with accepted doctrine and tac-
busy loading the computers with missions to tics. Once the planes took off, they flew all
fly, working on the ATO with the exercise edi- their missions without human intervention.
tor, monitoring the planes, initiating on-call The planes responded to changes in weather
close-air support missions, and talking to visit- conditions (not launching when the clouds
ing VIPs. However, the support personnel were were too low, flying above the clouds rather
never overwhelmed. Many times during the than through them). They landed on time and
Throughout night shift, there was little to do but watch the reported to the AWOC the results of their mis-
the 48 hours planes fly their missions. At most times during sions. In one case, an F/A-18 on a close-air sup-
the exercise, there were only one or two people port mission broke off its ground attack
of STOW ’97, devoted to monitoring the behavior of as because it was threatened by a hostile aircraft.
the behavior many as 100 TACAIR-SOAR entities. Although The F/A-18 intercepted the enemy plane, shot
monitoring was minimized, we did discover it down, and then returned to its close-air sup-
of the some areas that could be automated further, port mission without any human interven-
synthetic such as automatic distribution and loading of tion. TACAIR-SOAR agents did an excellent job in
missions and automatization of the processing beyond-visual-range intercepts, where they
pilots was of the ATO. Our research suggests that humans correctly used appropriate tactics and weapons
consistent are still needed to talk to VIPs. for intercepting hostile, opponent aircraft.
with accepted Problems with sensors and weapons did neg- Throughout the exercise, human controllers
atively impact the behavior of the TACAIR-SOAR were able to redirect or retask TACAIR-SOAR
doctrine and agents. For example, the ordnance server, planes using the same commands (on simulat-
tactics. Once which simulated missiles in STOW ’97, crashed ed radios) that they would for human-piloted
multiple times and caused many air-to-ground vehicles.
the planes missions to be ineffective because the agents Although TACAIR-SOAR’s participation in
took off, they lost the ability to use maverick missiles against STOW ’97 was an “unqualified technical suc-
ground targets. A second problem arose when a cess,” it was not a complete success in terms of
flew all their component of the network failed, disabling the training the military personnel involved. Some
missions simulated IFF emitters, making TACAIR-SOAR’s minor technical issues, such as difficulties with
planes appear to be enemies to ground forces. ground radars and radar-warning receivers,
without Therefore, ground-to-air Patriot batteries shot made specific engagements unrealistic and of
human down a few friendly planes. Another combina- marginal training value. Other problems arose
intervention. tion of problems with ground radars and air- in getting timely intelligence reports back to
craft radar warning receivers prevented TACAIR- the training audience. Finally, much of the
SOAR agents from targeting surface-to-air missile training audience was unfamiliar with distrib-
sites. These problems led to unrealistic losses uted simulation technology, and although
during the early hours of the exercise, but this many tests were run throughout the summer
was not a fault of the system’s knowledge or of 1997, the majority of participants in STOW
behaviors. ’97 were not involved in the testing. Most, if
Overall, 99 percent of the missions specified not all, of these problems can be attributed to
in the ATO were launched. About 3 percent of the fact that this was the first time a distributed
the missions were aborted because of software simulation-based training exercise the size and
or hardware failures. Many of the errors were scope of STOW ’97 had been attempted.
caused by incorrect entry of commands or mis-
sion data using the exercise editor, the com- Roadrunner ’98
munications panel, or COMMANDTALK. More From 13 to 17 July 1998, the Roadrunner ’98
than once, a human controller vectored a exercise was held. It was a much smaller exer-
plane in a direction only to become distracted cise than STOW ’97, focusing on integrating
by other activities and forget about the plane, multiple pilot-in-the-loop training simulators
which, in turn, continued on the vector, some- together with synthetic forces to form a virtual


battlespace. The goals for Roadrunner ’98 were phases and the different procedures that are
“to demonstrate the training potential of Dis- appropriate for different portions of a mission.
tributed Mission Training (DMT) for improv- Third, there is negligible reuse of information
ing higher-order individual and collective in specifying missions for SAFORs. Each entity
warfighter skills, which are difficult to acquire must be tasked individually, even for sets of
and maintain” (Roadrunner 1998). The exer- similar (or identical) tasks. Finally, SAFORs
cise was distributed over seven sites; the main have extremely limited facilities to react flexi-
sites were Air Force Research Laboratory, Mesa, bly to changes in the environment or situa-
Arizona; Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico; tion.
Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma; and Kelly Air These and other similar features suggest that
Force Base, Texas. in many ways there is no room for quantitative
TACAIR-SOAR participated by flying battlefield comparison of TACAIR-SOAR with SAFORs.
interdiction and suppression of enemy air TACAIR-SOAR agents include a large number of
defense missions, in which humans in simula- capabilities that are qualitatively beyond any-
tors flew air-to-air escorts. TACAIR-SOAR also thing a SAFOR can reproduce. These capabili-
engaged humans acting as opponent air forces. ties also lend themselves to arguments of econ-
Overall, TACAIR-SOAR flew 174 missions. TACAIR- omy. Because SAFORs have such limited The pilot
SOAR was not only a technical success in this capabilities, they require significant human
exercise; it was also operationally successful. intervention to exhibit realistic, humanlike was pleased
Many of the problems that plagued STOW ’97 behavior. Members of BMH Associates, Inc. to note that
were fixed or did not arise because of the small- (our primary subject-matter experts and highly
er size of the exercise. experienced users of SAFORs), estimated that
the system
one human could realistically manage control- actually
ling as many as four SAFORs to produce behav-
Application Payoff iors that are acceptably flexible, reactive, and
reacted to his
To date, we have not formally evaluated the coordinated. In contrast, there were dozens of maneuvers,
payoff of TACAIR-SOAR’s use for military training. TACAIR-SOAR entities “in the air” at a time during
unlike the
These evaluations will come as TACAIR-SOAR is STOW ’97, and they only required a single per-
involved in additional exercises such as Road- son to monitor behavior and make sure noth- behavior of
runner ’98. The dimensions for evaluation will ing inappropriate was happening. Similarly, SAFORs. He
be the cost and effectiveness of training. the initial specification of 722 missions for
Although formal evaluation has not been pos- STOW ’97 would have taken significantly claimed
sible, we have observed the success of the sys- more person-hours to complete for SAFORs that it was
tem along two primary dimensions: (1) than it did for the TACAIR-SOAR entities. These
qualitative factors make it clear that TACAIR-
the best
improved realism of automated force behavior
and (2) economy of expense in populating a SOAR provides significant savings in cost, as simulation
synthetic environment with automated partic- well as more realistic simulations, although training
ipants. precise, quantified estimates of these benefits
In terms of improved realism, a number of are still not available. experience
active and retired military personnel have he had
expressed surprise and enthusiasm at the dif-
ference between TACAIR-SOAR’s behavior and
Ongoing Efforts ever had.
other simulated entities. In one case, we inter- TACAIR-SOAR continues to be used for technolo-
viewed an active pilot who had just finished a gy demonstrations and operational training at
training exercise in a flight simulator, flying the Oceana Naval Air Station and for training
air-to-air engagements against TACAIR-SOAR at the Air Force Research Lab. Under the aus-
agents. The pilot was pleased to note that the pices of a new company (Soar Technology,
system actually reacted to his maneuvers, Inc.), we are installing the system at additional
unlike the behavior of SAFORs. He claimed military training sites and continuing its devel-
that it was the best simulation training experi- opment in a number of ways. One obvious
ence he had ever had. area of development is to expand and deepen
When asked to summarize the perceived the behaviors and missions that TACAIR-SOAR
advantages of TACAIR-SOAR, an SME noted the performs to increase its participation and real-
following important features of TACAIR-SOAR ism in theater-level simulations such as STOW
that are missing from SAFORs: First, SAFORs ’97. To address other types of training, we are
have no coordination with each other (or also putting significant effort into engineering
humans), so they cannot simulate large, coor- TACAIR- SOAR for specific, individual training
dinated flights, such as strike missions. Second, roles. Some example roles are synthetic wing-
SAFORs have no notion of different flight men to provide partners to individual lead

SPRING 1999 39

fighter pilots, synthetic fighters to interact References

closely with human AWACS controllers, and Calder, R.; Smith, J.; Courtemanche, A.; Mar, J., and
high-fidelity enemy aircraft to train fighter Ceranowicz, A. 1993. MODSAF Behavior Simulation
pilots in air-to-air engagements. These focused and Control. Paper presented at the Third Confer-
behavior areas require us to emphasize the ence on Computer-Generated Forces and Behavioral
development of TACAIR-SOAR’s ability to com- Representation, 17–19 March, Orlando, Florida.
municate using language and speech and engi- Ceranowicz, A. 1998. STOW-97–99. Paper presented
neer deeper knowledge of the targeted mission at the Seventh Conference on Computer-Generated
areas. Additional development involves para- Forces and Behavioral Representation, 12–14 May,
meterizing the behavior model so it more real- Orlando, Florida.
istically emulates the differences in behavior Coulter, K. J., and Laird, J. E. 1996. A Briefing-Based
between different types of pilot and pilots in Graphical Interface for Exercise Specification. Paper
presented at the Sixth Conference on Computer-
different branches of the military (each with
Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation,
its own standard operating procedures). 23–25 July, Orlando, Florida.
In the academic arena, we are using TACAIR-
Doorenbos, R. 1993. Matching 100,000 Learned
SOAR as the basis for a variety of research pro-
Rules. In Proceedings of the Eleventh National Con-
jects in intelligent systems and cognitive sci- ference on Artificial Intelligence, 290–296. Menlo
ence. These projects include studies of how Park, Calif.: American Association for Artificial Intel-
intelligent systems can maintain consistency ligence.
in their reasoning when using hierarchical Forgy, C. L. 1982. RETE: A Fast Algorithm for the
architectures (Wray and Laird 1998), what the Many Pattern/Many Object Pattern Match Problem.
use of explanation-based learning in dynamic Artificial Intelligence 19(1): 17–38.
situated domains is (Wray, Laird, and Jones Goldschen, A. J.; Harper, L. D.; and Anthony, E. R.
1996), how systems can acquire expert-level 1998. The Role of Speech in Distributed Simulation:
combat pilot knowledge through learning by The STOW-97 COMMANDTALK System. Paper presented
observation and instruction (van Lent and at the Seventh Conference on Computer-Generated
Laird 1998), how we can use TACAIR-SOAR to Forces and Behavioral Representation, 12–14 May,
Orlando, Florida.
make predictions about the effects of fatigue
on pilot behavior (Jones, Neville, and Laird Hill, R. W.; Chen, J.; Gratch, J.; Rosenbloom, P.; and
Tambe, M. 1997. Intelligent Agents for the Synthetic
1998), and how a model of emotions can
Battlefield: A Company of Rotary-Wing Aircraft. In
improve the realism of behavior.
Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on the Innov-
ative Applications of Artificial Intelligence,
1006–1012. Menlo Park, Calif.: AAAI Press.
Paul Rosenbloom and Milind Tambe partici- Jones, R. M. 1998. A Graphical User Interface for
pated in the original design and implementa- Human Control of Intelligent Synthetic Forces.
tion of early versions of TACAIR-SOAR before Paper presented at the Seventh Conference on Com-
splitting off to work on the system for rotary- puter-Generated Forces and Behavioral Representa-
wing vehicles. Karl Schwamb provided addi- tion, 12–14 May, Orlando, Florida.
tional programming support for SOAR, portions Jones, R. M., and Laird, J. E. 1997. Constraints on the
of the SMI, and other software tools. Randall Design of a High-Level Model of Cognition. In Pro-
Hill, Jonathan Gratch, and Johnny Chen also ceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of
aided in the development of the rotary-wing the Cognitive Science Society. Cincinnati, Ohio:
system, and their work provided us with valu- Cognitive Science Society.
able insights. TACAIR-SOAR was initially devel- Jones, R. M.; Neville, K.; and Laird, J. E. 1998. Mod-
oped under the auspices of the University of eling Pilot Fatigue with a Synthetic Behavior Model.
Paper presented at the Seventh Conference on Com-
Michigan and USC-ISI under contract N00014-
puter-Generated Forces and Behavioral Representa-
92-K-2015 from the Advanced Systems Tech- tion, 12–14 May, Orlando, Florida.
nology Office of DARPA and the Office of
Jones, R. M.; Laird, J. E.; Tambe, M.; and Rosenbloom,
Naval Research and contract N6600I-95-C- P. S. 1994. Generating Behavior in Response to Inter-
6013 from the Advanced Systems Technology acting Goals. Paper presented at the Fourth Confer-
Office of DARPA and the Research, Develop- ence on Computer-Generated Forces and Behavioral
ment, Test, and Evaluation Division of the Representation, 4–6 May, Orlando, Florida.
Naval Ocean Systems Center. The system con- Laird, J. E.; Jones, R. M.; and Nielsen, P. E. 1998.
tinues development at Soar Technology, Inc., Lessons Learned from TACAIR-SOAR in STOW-97. Paper
of Ann Arbor, Michigan. presented at the Seventh Conference on Computer-
Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation,
Note 12–14 May, Orlando, Florida.
All authors were affiliated with the University of Laird, J. E.; Newell, A.; and Rosenbloom, P. S. 1987.
Michigan during development of the project report- SOAR: An Architecture for General Intelligence. Arti-
ed in this article. ficial Intelligence 33(1): 1–64.


Laird, J. E.; Coulter, K. J.; Jones, R. M.; Kenny, P. G.; Carnegie Mellon University in
Koss, F. V.; and Nielsen, P. E. 1998. Integrating Intel- 1983. He is a fellow of the Ameri-
ligent Computer-Generated Forces in Distributed can Association for Artificial Intel-
Simulation: TACAIR-SOAR in STOW-97. Paper presented ligence. He was the principal
at the 1998 Simulation Interoperability Workshop, investigator of the TACAIR-SOAR Pro-
9–13 March, Orlando, Florida. ject for STOW’97. His interests are
Newell, A. 1990. Unified Theories of Cognition. Cam- centered on creating integrated
bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. intelligent agents (using the SOAR
architecture), which has led to
Pew, R. W., and Mavor, A. S., eds. 1998. Modeling
research in problem solving, complex behavior rep-
Human and Organizational Behavior: Applications to
resentation, machine learning. cognitive modeling,
Military Simulations. Washington, D.C.: National
and AI in computer games. His e-mail address is
Academy Press.
laird@owl.eecs.umich. edu.
Roadrunner ’98. 1998. Available at
Paul E. Nielsen is president and one of the
Schwamb, K. B.; Koss, F. V.; and Keirsey, D. 1994.
cofounders of Soar Technology, Inc., an intelligent,
Working with MODSAF: Interfaces for Programs and
simulation software company. He received his Ph.D.
Users. Paper presented at the Fourth Conference on
in computer science from the University of Illinois in
Computer-Generated Forces and Behavioral Repre-
1988. Prior to joining the University of Michigan, he
sentation, 4–6 May, Orlando, Florida.
worked at the GE Corporate Research and Develop-
Tambe, M.; Johnson, W. L.; Jones, R. M.; Koss, F.; ment Center and the University of Michigan Artificial
Laird, J. E.; Rosenbloom, P. S.; and Schwamb, K. B. Intelligence Laboratory. His e-mail address is nielsen
1995. Intelligent Agents for Interactive Simulation
Environments. AI Magazine 16(1): 15–39.
van Lent, M., and Laird, J. E. 1998. Learning by Obser-
Karen J. Coulter developed the TACAIR-SOAR exercise
vation in a Complex Domain. Paper presented at the
editor, a hierarchical graphic user interface for con-
Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling, and
figuring individual agent parameters and mission
Management, 18–23 April, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
specifications for the TACAIR-SOAR system. She is cur-
Wray, R. E., III, and Laird, J. E. 1998. Maintaining rently a systems research programmer in the Artifi-
Consistency in Hierarchical Reasoning. In Proceed- cial Intelligence Laboratory at the University of
ings of the Fifteenth National Conference on Artifi- Michigan, where she provides primary code support
cial Intelligence, 928–935. Menlo Park, Calif.: Amer- for the SOAR architecture and is enhancing the SOAR
ican Association for Artificial Intelligence. development infrastructure. Coulter received her
Wray, R. E., III; Laird, J. E.; and Jones, R. M. 1996. B.S. in physics from the University of Michigan in
Compilation of Non-Contemporaneous Constraints. 1984 and her M.S. in computer science from the Illi-
In Proceedings of the Thirteenth National Conference nois Institute of Technology in 1993. Her e-mail
on Artificial Intelligence, 771–778. Menlo Park, Calif.: address is
American Association for Artificial Intelligence.

Frank V. Koss is a software developer with Soar Tech-

Randolph M. Jones received his nology, Inc., where he continues work related to
B.S. in mathematics and computer SOAR and simulation. Previously, while at the Univer-
science from the University of sity of Michigan, he developed the interface between
California at Los Angeles in 1984. the SOAR cognitive architecture and the MODSAF sim-
In 1987 and 1989, respectively, he ulator and extended MODSAF itself. He received his
received his M.S. and his Ph.D. in B.S. in computer engineering from Carnegie Mellon
information and computer sci- University in 1991 and his MSE in computer science
ence from the University of Cali- and engineering from the University of Michigan in
fornia at Irvine. He is currently a 1993. His e-mail address is
visiting assistant professor in the Computer Science
Department at Colby College, a visiting assistant
Patrick G. Kenny is currently a research scientist
research scientist in the Artificial Intelligence Labo-
and business partner at Soar Technology, Inc., where
ratory at the University of Michigan, and vice-presi-
he is program manager of several projects to enable
dent of Soar Technology, Inc. His research interests
technology for intelligent agent control. He is also a
lie in the areas of intelligent systems, executable psy-
visiting researcher at the University of Michigan
chological models, and human and machine learn-
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. His interests are in
ing. His e-mail address is
autonomous agent architectures, intelligent control
of simulated and real agents, and distributed miniro-
John E. Laird is a professor of electrical engineering botics. He received his B.S. in computer science from
and computer science and the director of the Artifi- the University of Minnesota. His e-mail address is
cial Intelligence Laboratory at the University of
Michigan. He is a founder of Soar Technology, Inc.
He received his B.S. in computer and communica-
tion sciences from the University of Michigan in
1975 and his Ph.D. in computer science from

SPRING 1999 41
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Edward A. Feigenbaum
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