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Running Head: POVEERTY INC.

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The film Poverty Inc. was a documentary that discussed the present situations people are

living in and also it elaborated on the structures of control in Africa and also in Haiti particularly

(Poverty Inc., 2014). This film was eye opening and revolutionary. This documentary consisted

of numerous interviews that was conducted between filmers from America and individuals from

Haiti and Africa.

In the documentary they explained the kind of organization that offers poor services

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across the world, where there are three types of organization, which provide poor services, they

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include consultants, NGO’s, and charities. All this three organization get their funds from the
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government for execution of their projects, where the project are like donations, but this

organizations utilize their funds differently.

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The film also stated the organization that benefit more than others through their efforts,
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where the organization itself and the individual working around the organization who offer
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assistance are the ones that receive more benefit the ones requiring the assistance are the ones
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that need the help most but they tend not to be the ones who receive more benefits.
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The film also discusses the principles that the organizations in the United States uses as a

mean to address poverty. I personally found some organizations to be interesting in the United

States. Among the organization is the Oxfam organization, this organization is located in the

United States where it addresses and voices the needs for individuals in poverty, this organization

is a development organization and international relief. The CHN (Coalition on Human Needs) is

a pact on global organizations than graft together and promotes the policies of the public that

address the requirements of vulnerable and low-income populations. The members of the

coalition include religious, civil rights, professional, and labor organizations and also those that

are concerned with the welfare of women, the elderly, children, and individuals with disabilities.

The foundation of Eos seeks to have a just and an equitable society where human’s basic

needs of every person is met, a society where the children grow up healthily, a society with

opportunities for better and quality education among other tools that can be utilized to achieve

fiscal self-sufficiency. Most of the organizations provide similar things, like working to craft a

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better life and also put in place strategies for assuring a better future that individuals might need.

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Initially, I read about what organizations could do to end poverty though provision of work,

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accompanied with effective assistance; less aid.
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I was appalled to hear about the power imbalance and the way individuals profited when

they claimed to be ‘good’ where they also claimed that they were attempting to ‘end poverty’. As
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it was specified in the film, relief and aid is for the periods that there are disasters and not a long-

run solution (Poverty Inc., 2014). The individuals in growing countries require the support to be
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firm on their personal two feet; however, the western dumping shall not aid is supporting the

developing countries. The film emphasizes that there is a need for people to be taught how to
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fish, then leave. The fact that individuals utilize the Marshall strategy to validate this situation

due to its previous success is now outdated, where in the current situation, it is not relating


The intended magnitudes of assisting individuals who are living in poverty is fairly

obvious that the aim is providing help to them. When thinking about countries and individuals in

poverty, the thought that comes to our minds first is donations and aiding them in other ways.

Unintended magnitudes of our fight against paucity was also helping. While individual think

they are helping they might be just hurting, where it made sense to our minds that for one to

help, he or she must provide help, where it actuality for one to provide help to an individual or

country that needs more than clothes, shoes, and food, we are required to actually stay far from

those problems unless they are diar.

The film also bring up the idea that it will cost more individual to become dependent on

the support they are provided with and less reliant on their own nations to offer or create ways to

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offer those things. This support may cause both dependency of many individual to be reliant on

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it, and also bring about unplanned competition with corporations and graft forces amongst spaces

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of need. The support has placed most individual out of work and reduced their motivation to
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design an enterprise where there might once pictured.

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This film that was directed by Michael Matheson Miller in 2016 was extraordinary and
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very educational when acquiring details regarding the main subject, which is poverty. The
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documentary explained every issue clearly and with much detail. I personaly have had this kind

of thought; however, I never thought of executing the similar discipline to diverse place
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experiencing extreme poverty. It can all be summarized by the old quandary that is offering a

fellow a fish versus teaching a fellow to fish, where donations offer an impermanent fix, while

training and helping constructing acquaintances to the global market could endow a way-out

(Poverty Inc., 2014).


Poverty Inc. (December 5, 2014) directed by Michael Matheson Miller. Retrieved from

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