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Teaching Listening

Focus: What is listening?

Time: 60 minutes

By the end of Session 1, participants will be able to:
 Define what listening is
 Demonstrate why listening is a receptive, constructive, collaborative and
transformative process.

Teaching Materials:
 Power-point presentation slides
 Course books
 Flipchart papers
 Colored markers

Trainers’ activities Steps/ Contents and Timing Participants’
I. Energizer (5mns)
“Apple, Banana and Orange”
- Teacher gets students to
stand in a circle by putting
hands on each other shoulders
- Gives clear and tells them what to do next: - play as the whole
instruction to the - T: says “Apple” class
participants. - Ss: move forward
- T: says “Banana”
- Ss: move backward
- T: says “Orange”
- Ss: move around
II. New Session
2.1 Definition of listening from
- asks question about trainees (05mns) - work with their
definition of listening Q: What is listening? partner to find out
by getting them to the definition of
work in pairs listening
Possible answers from
S1: Listening is…………. - report what they
- gets them to give S2: Listening is…………. have done with

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definition of listening S3: Listening is…………. their partner

2.2 Definition of listening

from guide book (20mns)
2.2.1:Listen and draw - two students do
- asks two students to Instruction the activity and
do the activity (listen Student A: reads the listening others watch
and draw) text provided by teacher them doing
Student B: listens to student
A reading the text and draw
based on what he/she hears
- during the activity, Questions: - observe and
asks the four questions 1. What does student B answer the Qs
related to activity receive from student A individually
while listening?
(Instructions on
how/what/where to draw
geometric features:
circle, triangle, cube,…)
2. What does student B
construct from listening?
(Student B draws
geometric features)
3. How does student B
interact with student A
while listening?
(Student B asks for
clarification and Student
A re-instruct / re-
4. What’s the relationship
between Student A and
Student B while doing the
(Student B is able to
understand Student A’s
feeling and problems)

-After listening, gets Group1: Q1 -work and discuss in

them to work in group Group2: Q2 group to find
to answer questions Gruop3: Q3 possible answers
asked previously Group4: Q4

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 Definition of Listening
Receptive: listeners decode,
receive, and ‘catch’ the
- shows the definition of transferred idea, message,
listening from guide content, images, impressions,
book thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and

Constructive: listeners
attempt to understand and
interpret what the speaker says
by using their prior knowledge
or schemata as a frame of - look at the
reference. definition and
read them
Collaborative: listeners
negotiate meanings with the
speaker and respond by
showing interest, nodding
head, etc.

Transformative: the
relationship between listener
and speaker may change as a
result of the interaction (e.g.
listener may become more
empathetic with the speaker).

- confirms the definition Conclusion of listening - listen and take

of listening again note of the
- Listening is the process of definition of
decoding the messages listening
from what you hear and
then interpret/understand
the speaker says by using
prior knowledge through
negotiating meaning and
responding with the

-asks more questions 2.2.2 Why is listening - work in pair and

to clarify the meaning receptive, constructive, answer the
of listening by getting collaborative and questions
them work in pair transformative?

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- Receptive: catch what you
- Constructive: use your
prior knowledge to infer
- Collaborative: interaction
between speaker and
- Transformative:
relationship between
speakers and listeners
(How they feel)

- asks questions about III. Group discussion (5mn) - work in group to

the activity ( listen and - Questions: discuss the
draw) 1. Through the activity listen and answer
draw, in what way is listening

2. Through the activity listen and

draw, in what way is listening

3. Through the activity listen and

draw, in what way is listening

4. Through the activity listen and

draw, in what way is listening

- asks one or two IV. Group reflection ( 10mn) - group

groups to report - Possible answers: representative
what they have - Receptive: when he listens reports to teacher
done to his friends …….
- Constructive: he uses his
prior knowledge to decode
the meaning…………
- Collaborative: when he
asks his friend to clarify the
- Transformative: how feels
about the listening ………..

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- asks their V. Feedback ( 10mn) - Give feedback
classmates to give - T: I feel /think that…… and listen to
feedback and adds - Ss: We think/feel…….. teacher’s
more details feedback

- summarizes the VI. Summary (05mns) - Revise the lesson

session1 has been learned
1. What is listening?
2. What makes it difficult when
you are listening? (spoken

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Teaching Listening - Session 2
Focus: Listening sub-skills and levels
Approaches to teaching listening
Time: 2 hours

Objectives: By the end of Session 2, participants will be able to

 recognise the 6 common listening sub-skills and the six-thinking levels.

 create questions for each thinking level.
 identify the Comprehension Approach(CA) and Metacognitive Approach(MA)

Teaching Materials:
 Power points
 Photocopy of page 68
(Textbook G7, Chapter 4, Unit 11, Lesson A, page 68)
 Photocopy of Table A and B, photocopy of MA and CA
 A3 paper for group discussion


Trainer’s Activities Steps/Contents/Timing
I. Greeting and Energizer
- gives clear Energizer “Saying Hello” - follow the instructions
instructions on and do the activity
how to do the activity
T: says “Hello”
S1: says with same tone as T
and say “Hello” with other tone
S2: says “Hello” as S1 and say
“Hello” with other tone
S3: does the same as S2

II. Revision from previous

- reviews previous session - listen and answer
session Questions (5mns) questions

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1. What is listening?
2. Why is listening is receptive,
constructive, collaborative and

III. Presentation of new session

3.1: Listening sub-skills - work in groups to
- asks trainees to  Questions (20mns) reflect what to teach
reflect on their  and how to teach in
experiences of  1. Could you work in a group of listening lesson
teaching listening five, please?

 2. Through your own
experiences, what and how
should you teach in listening? - one or two groups
report what they have
- asks them to report - What to teach: ........... done
what they have done in - How to teach: .............

Example: listen for facts and

- Now you are studying about -listen and follow
Bopha’s grandma’s birthday instruction
- gives one example of
listening sub-skills
- Can you guess how old
grandma is?
- Who goes to her grandma’s
- Does everyone bring gifts for
her grandma?
- Now you are going to listen to
Bopha talking about her
grandma’s birthday and check
your own prediction

 This is called “listen for facts - listen to teacher and

and details” because you have to take note what T is
- tells them about this
listen to get specific information saying
sub-skill that he has
sub-skills of Listening
just given example
1. Listen for facts and details - work in pair to match
2. Listen for gist or global sub-skills and
- provides hand-out
understanding definitions
and lets them work in
3. Listen for cause and effect
pairs to match sub-
4. Listen for sequence of events
skills and definition

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5. Listen for predicting outcome
6. Listen to infer meaning from
contextual clues - reply with their own
- checks answers and answers and listen to
explains this sub-skill teacher
(facts and details) and
other sub-skills
3.2: Thinking levels of - look at the tables
- introduces the listening
thinking levels in (20mns)
listening according to Table A:
Nuttall’s Taxonomy by 1. Who is wearing the pink t-
showing two tables of shirt?
questions 2. Who do you hear at the
grandma’s birthday? And put
them in the right column.
3. Who loves grandma the most?
Table B:
1. Who loves grandma the most?
2. Who is wearing the pink t- - listen and answer T’s
shirt? questions
- asks questions about 3. Who do you hear at the
table A and B grandma’s birthday? And put
them in the right column.
1. What are the differences
between questions in table A and
in table B?
2. Which question is easy, difficult
and the most difficult?
3. How can you make questions
for students?
(Note: The purpose of this
activity is just to lead-in to the
Thinking Levels of listening.
Table A is from easier
questions to more difficult
ones whereas Table B is - listen to T and take
jumbled ones) note
- shows and explains
the thinking levels of
listening Thinking levels of Listening by
1. Literal Comprehension

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2. Reorganization
3. Inferential Comprehension
4. Evaluation
5. Response -listen to T and take
6. Metalinguistic Comprehension note
- introduces the two
common approaches 3.3: Comprehension and
used frequently Metacognitive Approaches
in teaching listening (40mns)
Approach (CA)
- Pre-listening
1. pre-teach vocabulary
2. activate prior knowledge of
the topic
- While-listening
1. listen and do exercises
2. listen again and check As
- Post-listening
1. speaking/writing/grammar

3.3.2: Metacognitive Approach

- Pre-listening
1. activate prior knowledge of
2. predicting answers
- While-listening
1. listen, check(tick) your
predicted answer and compare
2. listen and add (take note)
more detail
3. listen, check and explain how
you arrived at the answers
- Post-listening
1. reflect on listening

IV. Group discussion (10mns) - listen to T and start

- asks them to reflect Questions working in group to
on approach they 1. What approach do you reflect on what
usually use whether it usually use in teaching approach they usually
is more CA or MA by listening? apply
working in group 2. How do you know?

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- asks one or two V. Reflection of participants - one or two groups
groups to share their (10mns) share their ideas about
ideas about approach Answers: ( participants’ approach they usually
they usually use answers) use

- gets them to discuss VI. Reflection on Cambodian - listen to T’s questions

the possibilities of context and try to answer
application on (05mns)
Cambodian context 1. To what extent do you think
these approaches are applicable
to your Cambodian context?

- summarises today VII. Summary and wrap up - answer T’s questions

session (05mns)
- sub-skills, thinking levels, CA
and MA
by playing game “Hot potato”

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Teaching Listening - Session 3
Focus: Approaches to Teaching Listening

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Objectives: By the end of Session 3, participants will be able to:

 Compare Comprehension Approach(CA) and Metacognitive Approach(MA)

 Select the good points in MA and CA to mix up together in order to suit the
Cambodian context

Teaching Materials:

 Slide
 English Grade 9, Chapter 3, Unit 8: Healthy lifestyle


Trainer’s Activities Steps/Contents/Timing Participants’ Activities

I. Greeting and Energizer
- gives clear instruction Energizer “Chinese Whisper” - follow the instructions
on how to do the and do the activity
“Six silly sisters selling shining

II. Revision from previous

- review previous session - answer questions
session Questions (5mns)
1. What are the 6 sub-skills in
2. What are the thinking levels in

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III. Presentation of new
- demonstrates a lesson session -work as Grade 9
using Metacognitive (40 mins) students
Approach(MA) -English Grade 9, Chapter
3, Unit 8: Healthy lifestyle

- asks them to reflect on IV. Group discussion - discuss and answer

how the teacher has just (10mns) the question by working
taught Questions in group
- Divides them into 5 1. What did I teach in
groups “Pre-listening, Main-
listening and Post-

- asks one or two groups to V. Reflection of -a representative

share their ideas about participants (10mns) reports what they have
each group discussion Answers: (trainees’ discussed
-Elicit some activities -listen and answer
which are related to MA -Sound(see demo questions
discrimination/minimal pair
-Interesting sounds (e.g:
angry, sad, happy ….etc)

- provides feedback to their VI. Giving feedback - help to provide

answers (10mns) feedback

- lets them think of MA that Which method do you -answer the question
the teacher demonstrated think can help students
improve their listening?

- shows the lists of CA and Comprehension -look at the lists of CA

MA on the slide show Approach and MA
 Pre-teach vocab
 Activate prior
knowledge of topic
 Listen & do the

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 Listen again & Check
the answers
 Speaking/Writing/Gram
Metacognitive Approach
• Activate prior
knowledge of
ge (FRAME)
• Predicting ‘answers’
• Listen, check (tick) your
predicted answers, &
• Listen & add (take
notes) more details
• Listen, check & explain
how you arrived at the

• Reflect on listening

- shows the mixture VII. Reflection on the CA - reflect on their

between CA and MA and MA discussion and
(5mns) teacher’s performance

 Pre-teach/elicit vocab
 Activate prior knowledge
of topic/genre/task
 Predicting answers
 Listen, check (tick)
your predicted answers,
and compare
 Listen & add (take
notes) more details

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 Listen, check &
explain how/why
 Speaking/Writing/G
 Students’ reflection
after listening

- asks the questions VIII. Summary and wrap -Answer as the whole
up (5mns) class
How can you possibly
apply this approach (MA)
to help your students?

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