October 10th, 2018 Korea International School Jeju: Grade 11 Advisory Lesson Goal Setting Revisited

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Grade 11 Advisory Lesson

Goal Setting Revisited
October 10th, 2018
Korea International School Jeju

8:20-8:25 Five minute check in and attendance.

8:25-8:45 Today’s Focus: Goal Setting Revisited

● Have a discussion about what a good goal is again:
● How do you set goals that are attainable? (Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Relevant, Timely, Have Deadline)

● (These directions are in Google Classroom) A document has been shared

with them that contains their goal. They need to go to Google Drive and
search “Goal Setting Document”. A document titled “(Last Name), (First
Name) Goal Setting Document” should come up. If it does not, ensure that
their file is contained in this folder. DO NOT SHARE THAT LINK WITH

a. If a student does not have a document with their name on it, they did
not complete the goal setting advisory questionnaire, send them to
the advisory Google Classroom to complete it.

b. If a student has a document with their name in the folder, share

editing rights with them.

c. If you’ve tried the above and can’t figure out the issue send them to
Mr. Wagner’s room (314) and I will do what I can to sort it out.

● Explain that these documents, along with their narrative reports, will be
used in their advisor/advisee/parent meetings during family week.

● Weak Goals vs. Strong Goals: Remind students that the top goals are weak,
the goals after the arrows are stronger versions.
I want to get good grades.
→ I will obtain B+’s or better in my courses by Quarter 1

To get help when I don’t understand.

→ I will stay after school with (teacher) 2 times per week to review

I will look into colleges I like.

→ I will research 1 college per week until November to help me decide
Please, do not share this document with students.

where to apply.

I want to do more homework.

→ I will spend 2 hours every night completing homework and
reviewing my materials.

I want to be more organized.

→ I will spend 10 minutes every other day cleaning out my school bag
and notebooks.
→ At the end of each period, I will write down my homework
assignment in a planner.

I want to be more social.

→ I will attend one social event each month until December.
→ I will reach out and start a conversation with one new person each
week for one month.

I want to take better care of myself.

→ I will eat three healthy meals a day.
→ I will engage in 30 minutes of physical activity every other day for a
→ I will set up an appointment to speak with support staff at school or
in my community.

● Have students type and answer the following questions at the bottom of
their document. Alternatively, they can copy and paste these from the
assignment in Google Classroom to save some time.
a. Is there anything I can change to make my goals stronger? If so,
please write a better goal.
b. Have I made any progress towards my goals? If you have
accomplished either of your goals please write a new one.
c. What would you like your advisor/parents to know about your
d. What can I do in the next month to make progress towards my

● Advisees should submit their updated goal setting document in Google

Classroom by Friday at the latest so we can ensure that everything is
finished up for next week.

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