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Tropical Ecology International Society for Tropical Ecology


Study on land‑use and land‑cover change dynamics in Eastern

Arunachal Pradesh, N.E. India using remote sensing and GIS
Jyotishman Deka1 · Om Prakash Tripathi2 · Mohammed Latif Khan3 · Vijay Kumar Srivastava4

Received: 12 December 2018 / Revised: 23 July 2019 / Accepted: 25 July 2019

© International Society for Tropical Ecology 2019

The current study describes the land use and land cover dynamics in Eastern Arunachal Pradesh from 1985 to 2005 using
remote sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS). Landsat-MSS, IRS-LISS-I and LISS-III data for the period
1985, 1995 and 2005 were used to prepare the land use/land cover (LULC) map at 1:250K for different periods. Post-
classification change detection technique for quantifying the changes for twelve major land use and land cover types was
analyzed. The study signifies that the region experiences expansion in crop land and built-up area and decline in forest area.
Crop land and built-up area has increased by 665.41 km2 and 16.72 km2, respectively, from 1985 to 2005. On the other hand,
forest area has declined by 699.37 km2 during the period. The study showed that topography and increasing population play
an important role in shaping the LULC pattern. The study further revealed the importance of satellite remote sensing and
GIS as an effective approach for analyzing the direction, rate and spatial pattern of land use dynamics. It is believed that this
type of study will help to contribute towards sustainable land-use planning and management in this part of the North East
India in the near future.

Keywords  Change detection · Change matrix · Land-use · Population · Topography

Introduction Lambin 2002; Lakshumanan et al. 2012; Dubovyk 2017;

Pawe and Saikia 2018). Further, land-use change has a sub-
Spatial and temporal distribution of land use/land cover stantial impact on the world’s ecosystems (Polasky et al.
(LULC) is one of the key components of change detection 2011). Therefore, information on LULC and possibilities
studies. The LULC pattern of a region is a resultant of both for their optimal use is essential for the selection, plan-
natural and socioeconomic factors and their utilization by ning and implementation of schemes to meet the increasing
human beings in time and space (Sundarakumar et al. 2012; demands for basic human needs and their welfare. Over the
Debnath et al. 2017). Land is becoming a scarce resource past years, data from remote sensing satellites have become
due to immense anthropogenic pressures e.g. agricultural critical in representing the earth’s features, managing natural
expansion, forest logging, commercial plantation, mining, resources and analyzing environmental change (Sreeniva-
industry, urbanization and road building, etc. (Geist and sulu et al. 2013; Gaur et al. 2016; Lopez and Frohn 2017).
Collection of remote sensing data facilitates the synoptic
analysis of earth-system function, patterning, and change
* Jyotishman Deka at local, regional and global scales over time (Rajeshwari
2006; Amin and Fazal 2012). As such, utilization of multi-
Department of Botany, University of Science spectral-multitemporal remote sensing data has been widely
and Technology, Baridua, Meghalaya 793101, India used to generate thematic LULC inventories for a range of
Department of Forestry, North Eastern Regional applications including urban planning, agricultural crop
Institute of Science and Technology, Nirjuli, characterization, forest ecosystem classification and also for
Arunachal Pradesh 791109, India
the identification of LULC change drivers (Khorram 1987;
Department of Botany, Dr. Harisingh Gour Central Dewan and Yamaguchi 2009; Aguirre-Gutierrez et al. 2012;
University, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh 470003, India
Duraisamy et al. 2018; Sharma et al. 2019; Mishra et al.
Land Use Division, National Remote Sensing Center, 2019).
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, 500037, India

Tropical Ecology

Studies on LULC change analysis in northeast India, has actually been changing. The relationship between population
been very limited till date (Deka et al. 2014). Gautam and and topography with LULC change has also been studied.
Chennaiah (1985) have prepared a LULC map of Tripura The study uses the geospatial technology to characterize
using Landsat imagery data and detected the temporal and analyze LULC change from 1985 to 2005 in Eastern
changes. Again, Singh (1989) made an attempt for detect- Arunachal Pradesh.
ing the changes in the forests cover of northeastern region of
India used Landsat data. Kushwaha et al. (2000) evaluated Study area
the habitat changes in Kaziranga National Park and Shrivas-
tava et al. (2002) studied the large scale forest cover change The study area comprises of three districts of Arunachal
in Sonitpur District, Assam using Remote Sensing and GIS. Pradesh, viz. Lower Dibang valley, Lohit and Changlang
Lele et al. (2005) also used the geospatial technology for (Fig. 1). These districts lie between 26°52′36″ to 28°38′36″N
analyzing forest cover dynamics in northeast India. Further, latitude and 95°19′12″ to 97°09′59″E longitude and covers
Sarma et al. (2008) made an attempt for land-use and land- an area of 12,851 km2. The topology is generally undulating
cover change in Manas National Park, India using multi- and hilly with attitudes ranging from 120 to 5175 m msl. It
temporal satellite data. Again, Chakraborty (2009) used has a vast plain area towards the western side forming the
moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) to alluvial plain. Forest types in the study area also change with
study the change in forest cover of Barak basin, north eastern altitude from tropical, subtropical to temperate types. The
part of India. Similarly, Deka et al. (2011) conducted a study annual rainfall ranges from 2000 to 4300 mm with a mean
on Deepor Beel wetland ecosystem of Assam to monitor annual temperature of 21°C.
the spatial change in the extent using remote sensing and
GIS. Kotoky et al. (2012) studied the changing pattern in
land use and land cover along the Dhansiri River Channel, Materials and methods
Assam using IRS LISS-III images. Similarly, Debnath et al.
(2017) investigated the chronological Change of Land Use/ Data used
Land Cover of the Muhuri River Basin from 1972 to 2016,
Tripura, northeast India. Recently Areendran et al. (2018) The geo-corrected satellite data of Landsat-MSS, IRS-LISS-
made an attempt to map the LULC of Mouling National Park I and LISS-III for pre- and post-monsoon seasons for the
in Arunachal Pradesh. period 1985, 1995 and 2005 provided by National Remote
Even though various research efforts has been undertaken Sensing Centre, Hyderabad were utilized in order to under-
to understand the changing LULC patterns, requirement of a stand the dynamics of LULC change.
fundamental datasets providing both quantitative and quanti-
tative land-cover information is still a need, especially at the Preparation of LULC map of 1995 and 1985
local level. The current study area which falls in the Him-
alayan region also known for its rich biodiversity, human The LULC map for the year 2005 prepared by NRSC,
induced landscape encroachment in the form of settlement Hyderabad, using IRS-LISS-III data. It has been used
and agricultural extension and over-exploitation of the natu- as the master map for generation of LULC map of 1995
ral resources has already reached an alarming level. Hence and 1985. The LULC map was originally at 1:50K which
there is a need to initiate various conservation and man- was recasted to 1:250K by merging polygons smaller
agement strategies to mitigate such uncontrolled resource than 56.25 ha (minimum mappable unit at this scale).
exploitation. Therefore, the current study will prove to play In the process the classification scheme also got modi-
a vital role to understand and mitigate the land cover change fied in view of the interpretability of the LULC class, in
pattern which otherwise will have an adverse effect on the accordance with the IGBP classification scheme at this
existing biodiversity and the environment both at the local scale. This map has an overall classification accuracy of
and regional scale. Further in order to understand the forces more than 90% at 90% confidence level. This map was
and the nature of change, it is also necessary to study the used as the master map for generating LULC map for
explicit relation between the land use change drivers and the the year 1995 and 1985. A copy of this map is overlaid
variations in change physiognomies. Moreover it is of the on the 1995 IRS-LISS-I data. Uniform projection param-
general argument that growing population leads to increase eters have been maintained for both the vector as well as
in socioeconomic necessities which create a pressure on the the raster layers. The 2005 map LULC class polygons
existing LULC, which subsequently leads to severe environ- fall over the same LULC class on to the satellite data of
mental problems such as landslides, floods etc. Hence the 1995. After careful observation, it is found that in few
current study attempts to address a better quantitative under- cases the area of the polygons of a LULC class varied.
standing of how the study area in this Himalayan region has Depending upon the variability, the LULC polygon on the

Tropical Ecology

Fig. 1  Showing the location of study area in Arunachal Pradesh and its main administrative districts

map was edited to generate a new set of polygons. While Post classification change detection
editing the polygons, it has been ensured that the changes
observed is properly discernable at 1:250K scale. Thus, Recent literatures revealed that the post-classification change
the master polygon was edited to create a new polygon detection method was found to be the most suitable for
for different LULC categories from the image. During detecting land use change (Jensen 2004; Torahil and Rai
polygon editing, classification scheme adopted by IGBP 2011; Sharma et al. 2012). In the post-classification tech-
has also been checked and maintained in the attribute nique, two images from different times are independently
table. The edited copy is now treated as the LULC map classified. Cross tabulation analysis on a pixel-by-pixel basis
for 1995. Similarly for generation of 1985 LULC map, facilitated the determination of the quantity of conversions
LULC map of 1995 vector layer has been used as the mas- from a particular land cover class to other land use catego-
ter map. After careful observation and depending upon ries and their corresponding area over the period evaluated
the variability of LULC feature on the Landsat MSS data (Dewan and Yamaguchi 2009).
for 1985, the LULC polygon on the 1995 maps has been
edited to generate a new set of polygons for 1985.
Results and discussion

Accuracy assessments LULC statistics

Accuracy was determined empirically by selecting a sam- The LULC map at 1:250K scale, prepared for the study area
ple of pixels from the image and checking their labels is shown in Fig. 2. In all, 12 LULC classes were mapped in
against classes determined from ground truth data. The the study area. The distribution of these classes for each time
percentage of pixels from each class labeled in the image period i.e. 2005, 1995 and 1985 is given in Table 1. Forest
correctly by the classifier was estimated as well as the is the major LULC class in the study area. About 80% of the
proportion of pixels from each class erroneously labeled geographical area was found to be under evergreen broad
into every other class. These results were expressed in leaf and mixed forest in the year 1985; about 77% in 1995
tabular form refined to as the ‘error matrix’ (Lillesand and about 75% in 2005. Crop land was the next important
et al. 2008). land use class constituting about 6% of the geographical area

Tropical Ecology

Fig. 2  The classification images

of LULC in Eastern Arunachal
Pradesh. a 1985, b 1995 and c

in 1985; 9% in 1995 and more than 11% in 2005. The built- 1995 and 2005 land cover maps, respectively, which was
up area was found to be 0.34% of geographical area in 1985; considered to be expectable (Landis and Koch 1977).
0.43% in 1995 and over 0.46% in 2005.
LULC change and land migration from 1985 to 2005
Accuracy assessments
An important part of change detection studies is to deter-
The overall classification accuracy for the LULC map of mine the quantity of change which serves as a vital tool
the study area in 1985, 1995 and 2005 was 86.74%, 87.90% in management decisions. The classification and quantifi-
and 88.18%, respectively. Producer’s accuracy in 1985 cation of the images of the study area aided the detection
land cover map ranged from the 76.8% to 100%, while in of changes in various LULC classes that took place during
1995 land  cover map it ranged from 70.8 to 100%, and study period. The statistics on LULC class distribution for
82.9–100% for 2005 LULC map. User’s accuracy of individ- 1985, 1995 and 2005 is presented in Table 1.
ual classes ranged from 78.1 to 100% for in 1985 land cover The transformation of LULC classes between 1985
map, 77.3–100% for 1995, and 83.2–100% for 2005. The and 1995 showed that cultivated area gained 201.41 km 2
level of accuracy (K value) was 0.85, 0.86 and 0.86 in 1985, and 171.38 km2 of land from evergreen broadleaf forest

Tropical Ecology

Table 1  LULC distribution in the study area and mixed forest categories (Table 2). Similarly built-up
LULC class Area ­(km ) 2 area also increased and maximum conversion of area was
recorded from these two forest categories. Similar pattern
1985 1995 2005
of LULC change was seen between 1995 and 2005 in the
Barren area 70.54 70.54 72.35 study (Table 3). A similar result has also been reported
Built-up 45.13 58.06 61.85 by Falcucci et al. (2007) from the Mediterranean basin,
Cultivated land 832.63 1249.39 1497.75 one of the leading significantly altered hotspots on Earth.
Evergreen broad leaf forest 9753.95 9539.44 9382.26 Turner et al. (1994) argued that under similar social and
Fallow land 62.06 43.82 43.55 economic conditions and by similar driving forces will
Grasslands 590.48 537.58 561.71 lead to similar patterns of LULC change. Evergreen
Mixed forest 1074.83 897.25 747.73 broadleaf and mixed forests show a further decline from
Plantation 22.83 22.83 28.35 9539.44 km2 and 897.25 km2 in 1995 to 9382.26 km2 and
Snow cover 285.81 285.86 285.86 747.73 km2 in 2005, respectively. The gain in cultivated
Scrublands 84.11 81.19 76.92 area between 1995 and 2005 is 248.32 km2. Built-up area
Water bodies 462.73 515.79 504.12 also increased further by 3.78 km2. The transformation of
Wastelands 297.89 281.43 320.75 LULC between 1995 and 2005 shows that cultivated area

Table 2  Land use change matrix in Eastern Arunachal Pradesh from 1985 to 1995

BU 45.3 45.3
CL 0.0 829.6 0.0 0.1 0.0 2.6 832.3
FL 19.2 41.2 1.5 61.9
PL 22.9 22.9
EBF 4.1 201.4 2.5 9539.1 1.4 0.1 5.7 9754.2
MF 8.2 171.4 869.1 0.8 9.8 15.2 1074.4
SL 0.5 1.9 80.2 1.6 84.3
GL 18.0 21.5 513.8 12.0 25.3 590.6
BL 70.2 70.2
WL 3.0 0.2 3.5 14.3 241.8 34.8 297.7
WB 0.2 4.9 2.8 1.1 7.8 17.3 429.5 463.6
SI 285.7 285.7
Area 1995 (­ km2) 58.2 1249.4 43.7 22.9 9539.3 896.9 81.4 538.0 70.2 281.1 516.3 285.7 13,583.2

Table 3  Land use change matrix in Eastern Arunachal Pradesh from 1995 to 2005

BU 58.2 58.2
CL 1234.1 6.3 0.1 0.8 2.5 5.6 1249.4
FL 1.3 42.4 43.7
PL 1.2 21.6 22.9
EBF 118.0 0.8 2.1 9375.4 18.6 2.6 6.5 1.1 2.6 11.7 9539.3
MF 3.8 131.7 0.1 728.0 11.9 0.7 6.0 14.8 896.9
SL 0.5 4.7 74.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 81.4
GL 3.8 514.6 7.7 11.9 538.0
BL 70.2 70.2
WL 0.5 11.4 253.1 16.1 281.1
WB 6.7 0.3 0.3 0.5 16.7 47.7 444.2 516.3
SI 285.7 285.7
Area 2005 ­(km2) 62.0 1497.7 43.5 28.4 9382.1 747.2 77.0 562.1 72.1 320.3 505.1 285.7 13,583.2

Tropical Ecology

gained 117.97 km2 from evergreen broadleaf forests, while several workers from different regions (Reis 2008; Dewan
mixed forest lost 131.67  km 2 areas to cultivated area. and Yamaguchi 2009).
Built-up area during the period 1995–2005 increased at the
loss of mixed forest. This signifies that with the increasing Relationship of LULC change with topography
pressure for extension of cultivated land, surrounding for- and population
est lands are encroached, hence their area were lost. Fur-
ther, LULC transformation between 1985 and 2005 reveals The relationship between LULC classes and topography,
that, in a period of 20 years the region has lost a total for- in the time period of 1985–2005, was analyzed by using
est cover of 699.37 km2 (Table 4). Cultivated and built-up Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The results of analysis of
area has increased by 665.41 km2 and 16.72 km2, respec- land cover performed according to elevation, are given in
tively. Of the total decrease in forest area, 615.81 km 2 Tables 5, 6 and 7. It shows that the built-up areas are mostly
areas migrated to cultivated lands and 15.99 km 2 areas located in the regions having altitudes of 0–500 m. This
migrated to built-up. It reveals that an expansion in culti- is because of the fact that the region is highly uneven and
vated and built-up area and rapid decline in forest areas are as a result of this irregular topology only plain areas can
in continuous state in the region. Decrease in forest area be used as residential purpose and agricultural practices.
due to expansion of cropland and built-up was recorded Higher concentration of built-ups in these areas could be
in the study area and similar results were also reported by also due to the establishment of district headquarters. Again,

Table 4  Land use change matrix in Eastern Arunachal Pradesh from 1985 to 2005

BU 45.3 45.3
CL 0.0 822.2 0.8 0.6 3.5 5.2 832.3
FL 21.1 40.2 0.2 0.4 61.9
PL 1.2 21.6 22.9
EBF 4.1 313.8 3.3 2.1 9380.6 18.6 2.6 8.0 1.1 3.5 16.6 9754.2
MF 11.9 302.0 0.1 715.6 4.6 0.7 16.8 22.7 1074.4
SL 0.5 2.1 4.4 74.2 0.4 0.6 2.1 84.3
GL 21.5 8.6 502.2 20.0 38.3 590.6
BL 70.2 70.2
WL 6.3 0.2 2.3 24.0 222.9 42.0 297.7
WB 0.2 7.5 0.3 0.3 2.1 0.2 22.4 52.8 377.9 463.6
SI 285.7 285.7
Area 2005 ­(km2) 62.0 1497.7 43.5 28.4 9382.1 747.2 77.0 562.1 72.1 320.3 505.1 285.7 13,583.2

BU built-up, CL cultivated area, FL fallow lands, PL plantations, EBF evergreen broadleaf forest, MF mixed forest, SL scrublands, GL grass-
lands, BL barren lands, WL wastelands, WB water bodies, SI snow/ice

Table 5  Land use/land cover LULC 0–500 m 500–1500 m 1500–2500 m 2500–3500 m 3500–5000 m

according to elevation in 1985
BL 0.72 11.70 18.80 29.69 9.63
BU 42.93 2.20 – – –
CL 804.18 27.22 0.85 0.39 –
EBF 2222.45 3975.53 2792.91 760.17 3.00
FL 62.06 – – – –
GL 325.80 6.01 3.68 227.38 27.63
MF 837.26 180.30 27.04 30.23 –
PL 22.83 – – – –
SI – – – 90.75 195.11
SL 51.58 10.35 13.23 8.95 –
WB 384.55 58.89 14.10 4.59 0.61
WS 288.12 9.74 0.02 – –

Tropical Ecology

Table 6  Land use/land cover LULC 0–500 m 500–1500 m 1500–2500 m 2500–3500 m 3500–5000 m

according to elevation in 1995
BL 0.72 11.70 18.80 29.69 9.63
BU 42.93 2.20 – – –
CL 804.18 27.22 0.85 0.39 –
EBF 2222.45 3975.53 2792.91 760.17 3.00
FL 62.06 – – – –
GL 325.80 6.01 3.68 227.38 27.63
MF 837.26 180.30 27.04 30.23 –
PL 22.83 – – – –
SI – – – 90.75 195.11
SL 51.58 10.35 13.23 8.95 –
WB 384.55 58.89 14.10 4.59 0.61
WS 288.12 9.74 0.02 – –

Table 7  Land use/land cover LULC 0–500 m 500–1500 m 1500–2500 m 2500–3500 m 3500–5000 m

according to elevation in 2005
BL 0.72 12.39 18.88 30.72 9.63
BU 59.44 2.40 – – –
CL 1458.67 37.25 1.44 0.39 –
EBF 1878.06 3951.58 2791.25 758.36 3.00
FL 43.55 – – – –
GL 297.00 6.02 3.68 227.38 27.63
MF 498.22 192.24 27.04 30.23 –
PL 28.35 – – – –
SI – – – 90.75 195.11
SL 41.75 11.22 14.23 9.72 –
WB 426.38 58.44 14.10 4.59 0.61
WS 310.33 10.40 0.02 – –

BU built-up, CL cultivated area, FL fallow lands, PL plantations, EBF evergreen broadleaf forest, MF
mixed forest, SL scrublands, GL grasslands, BL barren lands, WL wastelands, WB water bodies, SI snow/ice

these parts of the district share a common boundary with the elevation areas than in the high altitude areas because of
neighboring state Assam; easy transportation routes are also suitable habitable area and consequently increasing demand
available which connects the area to the other parts of the for more agricultural areas. Likewise, combining both the
country. During the preparation of LULC map, all the small forests types, forest areas are denser in the regions between
residential places < 56.25 ha were merged to the neighboring 0–1250  m of altitude. However, from 1985–2005 forest
LULC class and as such concentration of built-up areas in areas showed a declining trend in the region. Almost all
other elevation are almost negligible or absent. According the decline in forest areas can be found in the altitude from
to the LULC for 1985, it is seen that cultivated areas were 0–1500 m. Mixed forest showed a marginal increase in for-
densely located in regions with 0–500 m of altitude which est area in 500–1500 m. While the forest in other altitudes
gradually decreases with increase in altitude (Tables 5, 6, 7). remains stable in the study period. Decline in the forest area
It is mainly because of the highly rugged terrain. Extreme in lower altitude can be attributed to increase in agricultural
climatic condition in the high altitude areas and lower eco- intensification in these areas due to increase in population
nomic status of the people further added to such a situa- and settlements. Further, water bodies are mainly concen-
tion. It has been observed that in 1995 and 2005, cultivated trated in the lower altitude areas. Wastelands showed a
area increased mostly in the altitude between 0–500  m. declining trend with increase in altitude, whereas it increases
Marginal (9.97 km2) increase in cultivated area was also from 1985–2005 in altitude (0–500 m) mainly due to change
recorded in the altitude between 500–1500 m, however, neg- in the river course over time and consequently giving rise
ligible increase above 1500 m altitude. This may be directly to new wastelands. Plantation is restricted to 0–500 m alti-
attributed to increase in population and settlements in lower tude. Snow areas were confined to 2500–5000 m altitude.

Tropical Ecology

Grasslands on the other hand were decreased in the regions occurred in this part of the eastern Himalayan region. The
with 0–500 m altitudes. study further indicates that the region experiences a rapid
Population growth has long been considered a major fac- expansion in crop land and built-up area and decline in
tor leading to land use change (Lin and Ho 2003). In Eastern forested area. Population increase is considered to be the
Arunachal Pradesh, the population increased from 1981 to main driving force for agricultural and built-up expansion.
2011. District wise population increase in the study area is Topography is also found to shape the structure of LULC
given in Table 8. change of the studied area. Fanan et al. (2011) reported that
Evaluation of demographic characteristics and four built-up expansion may be directly attributed to population
selected LULCC together revealed that with increase in growth and economic development. Large scale forested
population there was increase in built-up and agricultural landscape parcels have significantly been cleared to extend
areas and loss of forest cover. Total population and LULC the cultivated land. Demand of firewood supply is another
area for all the three times had been studied separately for cause of forest clearing. Such a situation will consequently
all the districts. The percentage population increase in lead to forest fragmentation, which in due course will lead
the Lower Dibang valley, Lohit and Changlang were found to a severe consequence to the surrounding environment
to be 99.23%, 127.06% and 101.46%, respectively. Almost and also to the ecosystem functioning. Abdullah and Nak-
all the district shows a similar pattern for population increase agoshi (2007) reported that forest fragmentation caused by
and LULC change pattern. Built-up areas increased high- alteration in land use activities is the prime concern for
est in Lower Dibang Valley i.e., from 8.08 km2 in 1985 to ecological sustainability in tropical countries. Valladares
20.05 km2 in 2005. Similarly, built-up area also increased in et al. (2012) also argued that human induced landscape
Lohit and Changlang districts until 1995 but remain almost fragmentation leading to loss of habitat are the critical
stable in 2005. This may be due to smaller built-up areas and components threatening both biodiversity as well as the
dispersed in nature which cannot be mapped at the present ecosystem functioning. Similarly, Young (2009) com-
scale. Again increase in cultivated area shows an increas- mented that the human transformations of LULC change
ing trend with the increase in population. Total increase of are a prime driver of the biodiversity loss. Again, Ming
cultivated area from 1985 to 2005 in Lower Dibang valley, and Xinmin (2002) stated that the change in LULC will
Lohit and Changlang was found to be 106.06%, 74.24% and lead to local climate change inducing a decrease of precip-
65.34%, respectively. Total increase in cultivated areas in itation and increase of temperature. As such Niyogi et al.
Lower Dibang valley was found comparatively higher than (2010) supported the evidence that agricultural intensifica-
Lohit and Changlang district, which could be attributed to tion and land use change caused a reduction in the Indian
availability of larger suitable terrain for agriculture in Lower summer monsoon rainfall. Similar analysis of temperature
Dibang Valley. Similarly both types of forest show a declin- data over the north eastern region of India showed a rising
ing trend in all the three districts. Total decrease in evergreen trend (Jain et al. 2012). Further, Li et al. (2009) reported
broadleaf forest in Lower Dibang valley, Lohit and Chang- that land use change can affect the intensity of flood fre-
lang was found to be − 2.80, − 266.27 and − 102.63 km2, quency, climate severity, run-off process and annual mean
respectively. However, mixed forest showed highest decline discharge as a result of climate change. Hence, the whole
in Lower Dibang Valley (i.e. − 649.57 km2) followed by eastern Himalayan region is extremely susceptible to forest
Changlang and Lohit district with − 14.96 and − 3.69 km2, degradation leading to habitat fragmentation and loss of
respectively. biodiversity, climate change resulting to warming trend,
increased weather variability, hydrological imbalances
Consequence of LULC change such as more severe flooding and droughts, cuts in agricul-
tural productivity, etc. Thus in order to deal with the cur-
The results of the study showed that over the years i.e. rent trend of population growth and consequently inducing
1985–2005, large scale transformation of LULC changes LULC change a proper understanding of the relationships

Table 8  Demographic change Districts Total population and population growth rate (%)
in the study area from 1981 to
2011 1981 1991 2001 2011

Changlang 62,211 (50.00%) 95,530 (53.56%) 125,334 (31.29%) 147,951a (17.96%)

Lower Dibang Valley 25,286 (123.22%) 36,837 (45.68%) 50,378 (36.76%) 53,986a (7.01%)
Lohit 55,089 (61.61%) 92,588 (68.07%) 125,086 (36.10%) 145,538a (16.44%)

Source: Census of India, 2011

 Provisional total population

Tropical Ecology

between land use change pattern and its influencing drivers Areendran G, Raj K, Mazumdar S, Joshi R, Puri K (2018) Land
is clearly essential. use land cover mapping of Mouling national park in Arunachal
Pradesh, India using geospatial tools. Int J Sci Environ
Chakraborty K (2009) Vegetation change detection in Barak Basin.
Curr Sci 96:1236–1242
Conclusions Debnath J, Das N, Ahmed I, Bhowmik M (2017) Chronological change
of land use/land cover of the Muhuri River Basin from 1972 to
2016, Tripura, North-East India. Indian J Sci Technol 10:1–18
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