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Assignment no.

Submitted by: Rommel S. Alonzagay

Submitted to: Ma'am Aubrey Rallos

1. Enumarate the learner centered theories of learning.

1. Learning theories

Cognitive learning theory.

The cognitive learning theory looks at the way people think. Mental processes are an important part in
understanding how we learn. The cognitive theory understands that learners can be influenced by both
internal and external elements. Plato and Descartes are two of the first philosophers that focused on
cognition and how we as human beings think. Many other researchers looked deeper into the idea of
how we think, spurring more research. Jean Piaget is a highly important figure in the field of cognitive
psychology, and his work focuses on environments and internal structures and how they impact
learning. The cognitive theory has developed over time, breaking off into sub-theories that focus on
unique elements of learning and understanding. At the most basic level, the cognitive theory suggests
that internal thoughts and external forces are both an important part of the cognitive process. And as
students understand how their thinking impacts their learning and behavior, they are able to have more
control over it.

The cognitive learning theory impacts students because their understanding of their thought process
can help them learn. Teachers can give students opportunities to ask questions, to fail, and think out
loud. These strategies can help students understand how their thought process works, and utilize this
knowledge to construct better learning opportunities.

Behaviorism learning theory.

The behaviorism learning theory is the idea that how a student behaves is based on their interaction
with their environment. It suggests that behaviors are influenced and learned from external forces
rather than internal forces. Psychologists have been working on the idea of behaviorism since the 19th
century. Behavioral learning theory is the basis for psychology that can be observed and quantified.
Positive reinforcement is a popular element of behaviorism—classical conditioning observed in Pavlov’s
dog experiments suggests that behaviors are directly motivated by the reward that can be obtained.
Teachers in a classroom can utilize positive reinforcement to help students better learn a concept.
Students who receive positive reinforcement are more likely to retain information moving forward, a
direct result of the behaviorism theory.

Constructivism learning theory.

The constructivism learning theory is based on the idea that students actually create their own learning
based on their previous experience. Students take what they are being taught and add it to their
previous knowledge and experiences, creating a unique reality that is just for them. This learning theory
focuses on learning as an active process, personal and unique for each student.

Teachers can utilize constructivism to help understand that each student will bring their own past to the
classroom every day. Teachers in constructivist classrooms act as more of a guide to helping students
create their own learning and understanding. They help them create their own process and reality based
on their own past. This is crucial to helping many kinds of students take their own experiences and
include them in their learning.

Humanism learning theory.

Humanism is very closely related to constructivism. Humanism directly focuses on the idea of self-
actualization. Everyone functions under a hierarchy of needs. Self-actualization is at the top of the
hierarchy of needs—it is the brief moments where you feel all of your needs are met and that you’re the
best possible version of yourself. Everyone is striving for this, and your learning environment can either
move toward meeting your needs or away from meeting your needs.

Teachers can create classroom environments that help students get up closer to their self-actualization.
Educators can help fulfill students’ emotional and physical needs, giving them a safe and comfortable
place to learn, plenty of food, and the support they need to succeed. This kind of environment is the
most conducive to helping students learn.

Connectivism learning theory.

Connectivism is one of the newest educational learning theories. It focuses on the idea that people learn
and grow when they form connections. This can be connections with each other, or connections with
their roles and obligations in their life. Hobbies, goals, and people can all be connections that influence
Teachers can utilize connectivism in their classroom to help students make connections to things that
excite them, helping them learn. Teachers can use digital media to make good, positive connections to
learning. They can help create connections and relationships with their students and with their peer
groups to help students feel motivated about learning.

2. Compare child, Adolescent, and Adult Learning.

2. Differences of Young, Adolescent and Adult Learners

The age of students is a large factor for teachers consider in making decisions about how and what to
teach. Teachers must take into account students’ learning needs, expectations, cognitive abilities, and
skills. For instance, when teaching language, teachers respect children's need to learn languages through
play which is different from adolescents who are in need of activities to trigger their cognitive abilities to
understand abstract notions.


They can learn through talking about themselves, families and their lives.

They are curious to learn and discover new concepts on their own.

They like to use their imagination and to discover things.

They naturally need to touch, see, hear and interact to learn.

Because their attention span is limited, they need engaging and entertaining activities in order to not
lose interest.

They like to cooperate and work in groups.

They need support and encouragement while learning.

Teachers need to work their students individually because they need to be guided.


They are in search for personal identity.

They are in need of activities that meet their needs and learning expectations.

They become disruptive when they lose interest in the lesson or feel bored.

They need help and support from the teacher and to be provided with constructive feedback.
They can draw upon a variety of resources in the learning environment,including personal experience,
the local community, and the Internet.

They need the teacher to build bridges between the syllabus and their world of interests and

They can learn abstract issues and do challenging activities.

Their personal initiative and energy are moved into action through meaningful involvement with
relevant and current content.


Adults are more disciplined than adolescents.

They have a clear understanding of their learning objectives.

They need to be involved in choosing what and how to learn.

They prefer to rely on themselves and work on their own pace.

They come to the classroom with a wide range of knowledge, expectations, and experiences.

They are able to do a wide range of activities.

Adults learn at various rates and in different ways according to their intellectual ability, educational
level, personality, and cognitive learning styles.

They come into the classroom with diverse experiences, opinions, thoughts, and beliefs which need be

3. Categorize Knowledge accdg. to Declarative , Procedural and Functional Knowledge.

Declarative Knowledge- refers to facts or information stored in the memory, that is considered static in
nature. Declarative knowledge, also referred to as conceptual, propositional or descriptive knowledge,
describes things, events, or processes; their attributes; and their relation to each other. It is contrary to
procedural, or implicit Knowledge, which refers to the knowledge of how to perform or operate.

Procedural Knowledge- refers to the knowledge of how to perform a specific skill or task, and is
considered knowledge related to methods, procedures, or operation of equipment. Procedural
knowledge is also referred to as Implicit Knowledge, or know-how.

Functional Knowledge- is any piece of stored information that can be adapted and applied to different
the key to this is how people acquire and categorise data often referred to as “schema” by cognitivst
learning theory.

if information is acquired through several circumstances, situations and is recalled through different
situations then that knowledge becomes functional as the schema becomes robust and is readily

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