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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Wednesday | March 17, 2021

Proposed city code amendment could affect downtown business

Starkville holds first of two public hearings on amendments to development, technical codes
BY TYLER B. JONES everything from updating de- Fire Marshall Mark Mc- press time. velopment standards to fixing Curdy told the board he already Mayor Lynn Spruill and
grammatical and numerical reached out to Level III owner Board Attorney Chris Latimer
Discussion over amending errors. However, it was one spe- Andre Taylor about this regu- recommended the board thor-
the city’s Unified Development cific regulation in the proposed lation if it were to be adopted, oughly examine the severity
Code and technical codes, in- electrical codes that garnered and Taylor expressed concern and potential consequences of
cluding requirements for cer- discussion among aldermen. about the financial hardship this code amendment.
tain facilities to add features The regulation would re- of having to install a sprinkler “The fact that they are the Spruill McCurdy
such as sprinkler systems and quire restaurants or bars system. only ones that would find them- during this time frame over the
storm shelters, dominated where alcoholic beverages are “If this were to be adopted, selves in that position, I don’t next three weeks.”
Starkville’s regular board of consumed and that have an it would require that one busi- think that necessarily goes well Discussion of the sprinkler
aldermen meeting Tuesday, the occupant load of 300 or more ness (Level III) to either sprin- for us to go that route,” Spruill systems was just one part of the
first of two public hearings on be equipped with an automatic kle his building or go out of said, “but that will be a board process of updating the code,
the topic. sprinkler system, a change that business basically,” McCurdy decision. Maybe there is more which city officials said must
City officials presented a would affect only one business said. than one way to address that be revisited every few years
list of proposed amendments in the city, downtown bar Level Taylor did not respond to a issue, and I think that is one as building and development
for the code, which included III. message from The Dispatch by of the things for us to research See ALDERMEN, 3A


tension in
family led to
father’s murder

Moments after
taking her seat on
the witness stand,
fighting back tears
even before the first
question had been
asked, the young
woman was instruct-
ed to point out the Martinez
Gasping for air and clutching a
tissue in her left hand, she raised
her violently trembling right hand
and pointed in the direction of the
defense table — a young woman
identifying her grandmother in
the trial of her murdered father,
the witness’ mother having already
pleaded guilty in the case.
For 2 1/2 often heart-wrench-
ing hours, the testimony of Alexa
Vasquez, 24, dominated Monday’s
opening day of the first-degree
murder trial of Lydia Martinez in
the June 24, 2015, death of Manu-
Deanna Robinson/Dispatch Staff el Vasquez at the family’s home in
EJ Gillis, 22 months, draws with sidewalk chalk at her home in New Hope Thursday. She is the daughter of Josh and Alyssa Gillis. New Hope.
The trial is being held in Oktib-
beha County with Judge Lee Cole-
man presiding.
Christina Martinez, wife of Man-

Several southern states brace

uel Vasquez, daughter of Lydia Mar-
tinez and mother of Alexa Vasquez,
pleaded guilty to second-degree
murder in the death in 2019.

for possible intense tornado outbreak Although arrested for murder

along with her daughter in July
2015, Lydia Martinez, 61, was ini-
Storm Prediction Center warns that any that includes parts of Arkan-
sas, Louisiana, Mississippi,
Mississippi and Alabama,
any storm cell that develops
tially indicted only for accessory
after the fact.
storm cell that develops this afternoon Alabama and Tennessee. Wednesday afternoon “could But by 2019, the prosecution,
led by District Attorney Scott Co-
The area in the bullseye for quickly become a supercell
‘could quickly become a supercell possible tornadoes is home capable of producing strong
lom, came to believe her role in the
death of Manuel Vasquez was not
to more than 8 million people tornadoes,” the Storm Pre-
capable of producing strong tornadoes’ and includes Memphis, Ten- diction Center warned.
as a reluctant participant in a cov-
er-up, but as an active participant in
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS does that travel for miles and nessee; Birmingham, Ala- More than a dozen Ala- the murder, and the charges were
hail the size of tennis balls. bama; Little Rock, Arkansas; bama school systems can- elevated to first-degree murder.
ATLANTA — Some The Wednesday storms and Jackson, Mississippi. celed classes, planned online Throughout the first day’s tes-
schools in the South are clos- could produce intense torna- Parts of Texas, Oklahoma sessions or announced early timony, Colom attempted to place
ing Wednesday as residents does, The Storm Prediction and Missouri will also be at dismissals because of the Lydia Martinez in the middle of
in several states brace for the Center said in a briefing. risk of severe storms. threat. More could be added every stage of the planning, mur-
possibility of intense torna- At highest risk is a region In parts of Louisiana, to the list. See TRIAL, 6A


Classifieds8B 1 Which fish does a chef need
Thursday, March 25 MEETINGS
Comics 4B a special license to be able to April 6:
Crossword 2B prepare in Japan — koi, fugu or ■ Candidate forum: Hear Columbus mu-
Starkville Board
Dear Abby 4B tuna? nicipal candidates at the 2021 Candidate
of Aldermen, 5
Foods 5B 2 What long-running British sci-fi Forum at the Lyceum at Lee (former Lee
series introduced its first female p.m., City Hall
Obituaries 5A High School). The event is co-sponsored
April 13:
Opinions 4A Time Lord in 2017? by The Dispatch and WCBI and will follow
3 Which ancient civilization did Starkville-Oktib-
a Q&A format with a moderator. COVID
not flourish in Mexico — Inca, beha Consoli-
Mayan and Aztec? precautions will be taken for a limited live
WEATHER 4 What is the name for the short audience and the event will be lives-
dated School
District Board
sheath on the end of shoelaces treamed online by WCBI. Reserve free
78 Low 52
of Trustees, 6
— aglet, ferrule or holster? tickets online at
High 5 A flamingo can eat only with its
p.m., Greens-
Possible strong t-storms boro Center
head upside down. True or false?
Full forecast on Friday, March 26
page 3A. Answers, 8B ■ Tennessee Williams 110th birthday
celebration: Visit the Tennessee Williams
Home and Welcome Center, 300 Main St.,
Columbus, at 10 a.m. for birthday cake,
photos with “Tennessee” and his “moth-
er,” Edwina Dakin Williams, and register to Laquia Figueredo loves spending
win dinner at Galatoire’s in New Orleans. time with her kids.


2A WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 The Dispatch •

McConnell vows ‘scorched

earth’ if Senate ends filibuster
Senate Republican leader said the partisan Schumer brushed off McConnell’s
remarks as a “diversion” and said
gridlock of the Trump and Obama eras would look he hopes to work with Republicans
on the upcoming bills, but said all
like ‘child’s play’ compared to what’s to come options for filibuster changes are on
the table.
BY LISA MASCARO eras would look like “child’s play” Biden told ABC News’ George
AP Congressional Correspndent compared to what’s to come. Stephanopoulos on Tuesday: “I
The GOP leader’s stark remarks don’t think that you have to elimi-
WASHINGTON — Senate Re- landed as the Biden administration nate the filibuster, you have to do it
publican leader Mitch McConnell is taking a victory lap over the just- what it used to be when I first got to
warned ominously of a “scorched passed $1.9 trillion American Res- the Senate back in the old days. You
earth” landscape if Democrats use cue Plan, the big COVID-19 relief had to stand up and command the
their new majority to bring an end package that was approved by Con- floor, you had to keep talking.”
to the Senate filibuster in hopes of gress without a single Republican Senate Democrats are talking
muscling legislation supporting vote. Republicans acknowledged privately about changing the de-
President Joe Biden’s agenda past privately they are struggling to pry cades-old rules for the filibuster,
GOP opposition. attention away from the bill, which which allows a single senator to
McConnell unleashed the dire appears to be popular among Amer- block a bill by objecting. In earlier
forecast of a Senate that would all icans benefitting from $1,400 cash eras, senators would seize the floor,
but cease to function, implying that payments, vaccine distribution and speaking for hours about their ob-
Republicans would grind business other aid, as the GOP focuses on fu- jections, as was done in the Holly-
to a halt by refusing to give consent ture battles. wood movie “Mr. Smith Goes to
for routine operations — from the With the Senate evenly divided, Washington.” They also used it to
start time for sessions, to the read- 50-50, the rest of Biden’s priorities stall civil rights legislation in the
ing of long legislative texts, to quo- face a tougher climb in Congress. middle of the 20th century.
rum call votes. While the Democratic-controlled Supporters of the process say it
“Let me say this very clearly for House is able to swiftly approve a protects the rights of the party not
all 99 of my colleagues: Nobody long list of potentially popular bills in power, but detractors argue it is
serving in this chamber can even — to expand voting rights, extend being used to block popular bills.
begin — can even begin to imag- gun purchase background checks Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said
ine — what a completely scorched and other measures — the rules of Tuesday that nearly 65 years after
earth Senate would look like,” Mc- the Senate are more cumbersome. South Carolina Sen. Strom Thur-
Connell said Tuesday in a Senate It typically requires 60 votes to mond’s record-setting 24-hour-plus
speech. break a filibuster to advance most filibuster over the 1957 Civil Rights
McConnell said the partisan legislation. Act, “the filibuster is still making a
gridlock of the Trump and Obama Senate Democratic leader Chuck mockery of American democracy.”

US: Putin approved operations to help Trump against Biden

Assessment found no evidence that any foreign actor believe Russia sought to
influence people close to
changed votes or otherwise disrupted the voting process Trump as a way to tip the
election in his favor.
BY ERIC TUCKER tional Intelligence rep- including voter registra- The report wades into
The Associated Press resents the most detailed tion, ballot casting, vote the politically charged
assessment of the array tabulation, or reporting task of ferreting out
WASHINGTON — of foreign threats to the results.” which foreign adversar-
Russian President Vlad- 2020 election. These in- The report is the latest ies supported which can-
imir Putin authorized cluded efforts by Iran to official affirmation of the didates during the 2020
influence operations to undermine confidence integrity of the election, election, an issue that
help Donald Trump in last in the vote and harm even as Trump support- dominated headlines last
November’s presidential Trump’s re-election pros- ers continue to make false year. Trump, whose 2016
election, according to a pects as well as Moscow claims of interference, campaign benefited from
declassified intelligence operations that relied on from foreign or domes- hacking by Russian intel-
assessment that found Trump’s allies to smear tic actors, and refuse to ligence officers and a co-
broad efforts by the Krem- Joe Biden, the eventual accept Biden’s victory. vert social media effort,
lin and Iran to shape the winner. Multiple courts and even seized on an intelligence
outcome of the race but ul- Despite those threats, Trump’s own Justice De- assessment from August
timately no evidence that though, intelligence offi- partment refuted claims that said China preferred
any foreign actor changed cials found “no indications of widespread fraud. The a Biden presidency —
votes or otherwise dis- that any foreign actor document makes clear even though the same
rupted the voting process. attempted to interfere in that even while Trump assessment also said Rus-
The report released the 2020 US elections by has cried foul about the sia was working to boost
Tuesday from the Office altering any technical as- legitimacy of the elec- Trump’s own candidacy
of the Director of Na- pect of the voting process, tion, intelligence officials by disparaging Biden.

White supremacist propaganda surged in 2020, report says

Anti-Defamation League: Last year marked highest level or loss,” Picciolini told
the AP. “The current un-
of white supremacist propaganda seen in at least a decade certainty caused by the
pandemic, job loss, a heat-
BY A ARON MORRISON the millions, the anti-hate group CEO Jonathan ed election, protest over
The Associated Press organization said. Greenblatt said. extrajudicial police kill-
The ADL, which was “The reality is there’s ings of Black Americans,
NEW YORK — White founded more than a cen- a lot of things that hap- and a national reckoning
supremacist propaganda sparked by our country’s
tury ago, said that last pened in between those
reached alarming levels long tradition of racism
year marked the highest moments that set the
across the U.S. in 2020, has created a perfect
level of white suprema- stage,” he said.
according to a new report storm in which to recruit
cist propaganda seen in at Christian Picciolini, a
that the Anti-Defamation Americans who are fear-
least a decade. Its report former far-right extrem-
League provided to The ful of change and prog-
Associated Press. comes as federal authori- ist who founded the de-
There were 5,125 ties investigate and pros- radicalization group Free
Propaganda, often dis-
cases of racist, anti-Se- ecute those who stormed Radicals Project, said
tributed with the intention
mitic, anti-LGBTQ and the U.S. Capitol in Janu- the surge in propaganda of garnering media and
other hateful messages ary, some of whom are tracks with white suprem- online attention, helps
spread through physical accused of having ties to acist and extremist re- white supremacists nor-
flyers, stickers, banners or expressing support for cruiters seeing crises as malize their messaging
and posters, according hate groups and antigov- periods of opportunity. and bolster recruitment
to Wednesday’s report. ernment militias. “They use the uncer- efforts, the ADL said
That’s nearly double the “As we try to under- tainty and fear caused in its report. Language
2,724 instances reported stand and put in perspec- by crisis to win over new used in the propaganda
in 2019. Online propa- tive the past four years, recruits to their ‘us vs. is frequently veiled with
ganda is much harder to we will always have these them’ narrative, painting a patriotic slant, making
quantify, and it’s likely bookends of Charlottes- the ‘other’ as the cause it seem benign to an un-
those cases reached into ville and Capitol Hill,” of their pain, grievances trained eye.

Biden: Cuomo should resign if investigation confirms claims

New York governor facing allegations said “yes” and added, “I
think he’d probably end
place harassment, includ-
ing demeaning them with
that he sexually harassed or behaved up being prosecuted, too.”
“It takes a lot of courage
pet nicknames or mak-
ing objectifying remarks
inappropriately toward multiple women to come forward so the about their appearance,
presumption is it should subjecting them to un-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tion confirms the claims be taken seriously,” Biden wanted kisses and touch-
against him. said. “And it should be es or asking them about
NEW YORK — The Biden made the re- investigated, and that’s their sex lives.
pressure against New marks in an interview what’s underway now.” Cuomo also faces an
York Gov. Andrew Cuomo with ABC News that is Cuomo is facing alle- allegation that he groped
over sexual harassment scheduled to air Wednes- gations that he sexually a female staff member
allegations reached the day. When asked by harassed or behaved in- under her shirt after sum-
White House on Tuesday, anchor George Stepha- appropriately toward mul- moning her to the gover-
with President Joe Biden nopoulos whether Cuomo tiple women, including nor’s mansion in Albany
saying Cuomo should should resign if the in- several former staffers. late last year. He has de-
resign if the state attor- vestigation confirms the The former staffers have nied touching any women
ney general’s investiga- women’s claims, Biden accused Cuomo of work- inappropriately.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 3A

Mississippi tax cut plan: Alive, then dead, then alive again
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman said the revived House Republican House Speaker
Philip Gunn and his allies in-
for the first eight months of
the current budget year —
plan would erase most of the personal income tax and no longer troduced House Bill 1439 on
Feb. 22, and it moved through
July through February — were
higher than for the same peri-
included new taxes on loggers, farmers or manufacturers the House Ways and Means
Committee that day. It passed
od a year earlier.
Gunn and other supporters
BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS hol, farm implements and man- written to authorize the state the GOP-controlled House the of the bill say it could help Mis-
The Associated Press ufacturing equipment. to borrow money for repair and next day on an 85-34 vote that sissippi compete with states
Senate Finance Committee renovation projects at universi- was largely along party lines, that already don’t have a per-
JACKSON — A proposal Chairman Josh Harkins, a Re- ties. with only a few Democrats sup-
to overhaul Mississippi’s tax sonal income tax, including
publican from Flowood, said “Unfortunately, the Senate, porting it and only one Repub- Texas and Florida.
structure was killed in the lican opposing it.
he was letting the bill die with- for now, has punted the ball on Public policy groups have
Senate but then revived in the Republican Gov. Tate
out bringing it up for a vote. the singular most impactful lined up for and against Mis-
House on Tuesday — a dispute Reeves is pushing legislators
that creates conflict as legis- Harkins said legislators need legislation before us this year,” sissippi tax cut proposals. Em-
more time to evaluate the po- House Ways and Means Com- to phase out Mississippi’s per-
lators enter the final weeks of power Mississippi is among
sonal income tax.
their annual session. tential impact of decreasing mittee Chairman Trey Lamar the conservative groups that
A federal coronavirus relief
Tuesday was the deadline some tax rates and increasing said about the tax plan. “It’s have said phasing out the in-
package signed by President
for the Senate to keep House others. He said the House and time for bold action, and it’s come tax would reward pro-
Joe Biden last week prohibits
Bill 1439 alive. The bill pro- Senate could hold hearings time to continue to fight.” states from using federal relief ductivity. The left-leaning
posed phasing out Mississip- this summer. Lamar, a Republican from money to pay for tax cuts. But Center on Budget and Policy
pi’s income tax and cutting the “I just want to make sure Senatobia, said the revived the Mississippi tax cut plan Priorities has said four of the
7 percent state grocery tax in whatever we do is responsi- House plan would erase most originated weeks before the five states that made deep cuts
half. It also proposed increas- ble,” Harkins said Tuesday. — but not all — of the person- federal legislation was signed, to personal income taxes in
ing the sales tax on most items Within hours, though, the al income tax. He also said the and Harkins said the federal the first half of the 2010s later
from 7 percent to 9.5 percent House revived most of the tax revived plan no longer includ- package did not affect his deci- lagged behind national averag-
and increasing taxes on other plan by putting it into Senate ed new taxes on loggers, farm- sion to kill the state plan. es in job growth and personal
items, including tobacco, alco- Bill 2971 — a bill originally ers or manufacturers. Mississippi tax collections income.

Man arrested, charged with capital murder in deputy slaying

If convicted, man could face a line with Louisiana.
Rohrbacker is accused
eight years and had been
“awarded the Life Saving
maximum sentence of life without of shooting Boutte as
he tried to get out of his
Medal for saving a child’s
life,” among other accom-
parole or death by lethal injection vehicle near a Hancock
County home where au-
plishments, according to
the sheriff’s department.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS vestigation in connection thorities were responding If convicted of the
with the Feb. 1 shoot- to an attempted suicide capital offense, which
GULFPORT — A Mis- ing death of Lt. Michael call. Rohrbacker fired is automatically applied
sissippi man accused of Boutte, according to an at a second responding whenever a law enforce-
fatally shooting a sher- agency statement. deputy who returned fire ment officer is killed,
iff’s deputy last month Until he was taken into and wounded him, Sheriff Rohrbacker could face a
was arrested Tuesday and custody, Rohrbacker had Ricky Adam said at the maximum sentence of life
charged with capital mur- been receiving treatment time. without parole or death by
der. at a Louisiana hospital for Boutte was airlifted lethal injection, the Sun
Joseph Michael Rohr- wounds sustained in the to a New Orleans hospi- Herald of Biloxi reported.
backer, 30, was taken into shooting, officials said. tal and later pronounced It was not immediately
custody without incident He is being held at a de- dead. He was an Air Force clear whether he had an
by special agents of the tention center in Gulfport, veteran who had been attorney who could com-
Mississippi Bureau of In- Mississippi, near the state in law enforcement for ment for him.

Continued from Page 1A
standards are changed. “It should be their Dr. Emily B. Landrum
Starkville residents can choice or their fault if of the Family Clin-
weigh in and give their something happens,” ic on Hospital Road in
opinions at the next pub- Austin said. “The real Starkville spoke at the
lic hearing on April 6. estate values in Oktibbe- meeting on behalf of con-
Some of these amend- ha County are sky-high tinuing the mandate. Al-
ments encompass issues compared to surrounding though COVID-19 cases
such as service equip- counties. The more codes are decreasing, she said,
Latimer Walker
ment barriers, outside we have, the more expen- taking precautionary
power disconnection, the board did not have sive things will be. I just measures such as wear-
storm shelters, accessi- to approve all of the think if it doesn’t affect ing a mask will help keep
ble entrances and clothes code amendments, just other people, leave them those numbers down.
dryer requirements. Mc- ones that would benefit alone.” “I want to encourage
Curdy also presented the Starkville. y’all to continue the mask
proposed National Elec- “We don’t really have
tric Code, which covered a choice other than to
Discussion of masks mandate for at least a lit-
tle bit longer,” Landrum
topics such as emergency Also raised during the
adopt that (the code),” said. “I think that if we
systems, fire alarm sys- aldermen meeting was
Walker said. “What we want to continue to open
tems and sprinkler sys- the ongoing discussion of
do have is a choice to look things up at ease, all of
tems. through those and find whether the city should
continue to mandate the capacity restrictions,
Latimer told the board the things where we can letting businesses go
they do not necessarily make some modifications masks be worn in pub-
lic. Spruill told the board back to normal, anything
have to adopt all of the to fit Starkville, like every we can do to help prevent
proposed amendments. other municipality or ev- she believes the current
mask mandate ordinance the spread including con-
“What you guys want erybody that adopts those tinuing the mask man-
to take out is up to your codes.” in place should be lifted
on April 30, the same day date will help us keep it
discretion,” Latimer Libertarian Party of that way.”
said. “What I would rec- Oktibbeha County chair Mississippi State Univer-
ommend between this Laz Austin, who spoke sity will lift its mandate,
hearing and the next is during the public com- according to university
y’all get a list of all of the ment session of the hear- President Mark Keenum.
stuff you want pulled out ing, expressed concern Aldermen agreed to
of these codes and talk about the potential of the revisit this topic around
about the rational basis proposed amendments, April 30, and Spruill said
for those exclusions.” stating that they could it will be on the agen-
Ward 4 Alderman Ja- cause financial burdens da for the second board
son Walker echoed that on residents. meeting in April.

■ In Tuesday's edition,
The Dispatch incorrectly
identified the lone "nay"
vote in a Lowndes Coun-
ty Board of Supervisors
decision at its regular
meeting Monday. Board
President Trip Hairston
voted against extending a
countywide mask man-
date through the end of
April. We regret the error.

The Commercial
Dispatch strives to report SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates

the news accurately. When

peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Wed. Thurs.
Major X:XXa X:XXa
we print an error, we will Minor X:XXa X:XXa
correct it. To report an Major
error, call the newsroom at Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

662-328-2424, or email

The Dispatch

The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)

Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Phone: 662-328-2424 Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS
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PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Down the stretch we come
f you think of the large gatherings — has been by our nation’s ability to reach According to Pew Research reason given most often for
COVID-19 pandemic in inconsistent, it appears the herd immunity, the point at data, two of the most com- not getting the vaccine — have
horse racing terms, it could vaccination program, at this which the virus is starved of mon reasons people offer for been mild and short-lived.
be said we are coming out of point, has been well-received the hosts required to sustain not getting the vaccine are That’s likely to be your
the final turn. and executed. it. Epidemiologists say that to concerns about side effects (90 experience, too, and sharing it
Cases are down from where Mississippi may have bro- ensure the virus dies away, we percent) and concerns about may yet persuade the holdouts,
they were at the beginning ken poorly from the starting need an immunity rate of 80 its efficacy (80 percent). which pushes us a stride closer
of the year and the nation’s gate, but the vaccination to 90 percent, either through Health experts, along with toward the finish line.
vaccination program is making program has allowed the state vaccination or from prior state and national leaders, As we have advocated since
steady progress. As of this to position itself square in the infection. celebrities and social media the beginning, we also urge ev-
week, roughly 30 percent of middle of the pack as we round As noted, 30 percent of U.S. influencers, are trying to eryone — even those who have
adults in the U.S. have been the turn and head for home. adults have been vaccinated. convince people those vaccine been vaccinated — to continue
vaccinated. About 900,000 of But as horse-racing fans Another 10 percent (29.5 mil- fears are unfounded. to observe the established
Mississippi’s 2.1 million adults will tell you, the race is won lion) have been infected. But, as is often the case, precautions, including mask
have had at least one dose of or lost in the home stretch, That means we are well on the best marketing tool for the wearing, social distancing and
the vaccine. so in many respects how we our way toward that 80 percent vaccine is word of mouth. avoiding large gatherings.
Monday, Gov. Tate Reeves do in the ensuing months will magic number. If you have had the vaccine, Almost 7,000 Mississippians
announced the vaccine is now determine just how successful Of the two means of getting we encourage you to share have died from COVID-19.
available to anyone over age we will be. to that herd immunity, the best your experience with those That’s more than enough.
16. Unlike horse races, we are is, of course, by vaccination in your sphere of influence So, as the finish line at long
While our state’s per- not competing against each and a big part of that effort — friends, family members, last comes into view, let’s not
formance in terms of other other, but as a group against a will be convincing people of co-workers. falter, but instead redouble
precautions — mask wearing, common foe. the safety and efficacy of the What we have learned is our efforts as we strain for the
social distancing, avoiding Winning will be determined vaccine. that the side effects — the one wire.


Questions Columbus
project manager
It is time to take a good look at our
city, our politicians, and our future.
When you look at the roads, infrastruc-
ture, and schools, do you get a good
feeling? Now, take a good look at the
politicians and city administrators
running this mess. We have a finan-
cial disaster on our hands and a lot of
unfinished projects.
In 2013, the Mayor of Columbus
introduced the city to his former cam-
paign manager, Jabari Edwards and
J5. The cost to us citizens was a base
retainer of $90,000 a year, plus six per-
cent of all city projects, thus creating
a city manager in addition to a chief
operating officer. The contract doesn’t
have a renewal date, only an out clause.
Who on the council has ever ques-
tioned Mr. Edwards ability to manage
city projects? Who on the council moni-
tors the job of J5 does and whether
that is, or ever was, money well spent?
It’s the city council’s job to enter into
contractual agreements, but who en-
ters a contract without an end date or a
renewal date without reviewing it over
the years? The city politicians just keep
handing J5 our tax dollars.
The Commercial Dispatch head-
line on April 24, 2019 revealed Mr.
Edwards’ companies owed around
$688,000 in federal tax liens. Mr.
Edwards stated he chose to pay his em-
ployees instead of the IRS. His compa-
Biden’s disastrous border policy
nies now have in excess of $1,800,000
to the IRS in tax liens. (These are for
J5, J5 Industrial, and North Atlantic Se-

is evidence of no planning
curity.) There could possibly be more
waiting to be filed.
Much of the debt to the IRS is from

employee withholdings that was not an you spell “hypo- a sign that says, “Free Republican when the situation is no
paid to the IRS. An employer is trusted crite”? I’m starting food, free shelter and free different for our current Democratic
with pay withheld from employees. to think that it be- medical care for those who president? At its core, the same thing
When an employer willingly fails to gins with the letter “B” and illegally enter America.” that Trump experienced is happening
repay those payments, the employer rhymes with “widen.” Unfortunately, the with Biden. The fact that it is hap-
may face felony charges under section Democrats were situation that greets these pening in the midst of the COVID-19
7702. scathing critics of the young travelers once they pandemic makes it worse because the
Most of these taxes were due before Trump administration’s enter the United States is migrant children are being housed in
COVID-19. Adding to that is the local border policies. They were far from welcoming. We close quarters with few alternatives.
property taxes Mr. Edwards has quick to lambaste former are hearing reports and Crowding at the Border Patrol
not paid. Some of these are with BH President Donald Trump seeing images of children facilities is so dire that at least
Properties, which Mr. Edwards owns. for “caging children” in being kept in lockup facili- 3,000 youths are being moved to the
Based on public records as of February squalid conditions and Armstrong Williams ties made for adults. Make convention center in Dallas and may
16, 2021, the total of his delinquent tearing babies from their no mistake: These are end up staying there for months until
property taxes on over 20 pieces of mothers’ arms. Democrats prisons, plain and simple. they can be reunited with relatives
property are over $20,000. Our fire de- held up these bleak examples as proof People are locked behind bars, unable or placed with sponsor families. The
partment was ordered to burn houses of Trump’s lack of humanity, painting to leave. federal government is footing the bill
for Mr. Edwards with our tax dollars, him as a heartless leader who was In Biden’s America, children who — which means you and I are.
while he doesn’t pay his. unconcerned about housing children cross the border illegally and alone ar- The bottom line? Actions have
The debts owed to the IRS may lead in horrible conditions that put their rive to find themselves in a locked jail consequences. It is not enough to
one to conclude Mr. Edwards is not health, and even their lives, at risk. cell with no clear plan for resolution. carp and complain. In their rush to
a good manager of his own business. In fact, prolonged mistreatment We have seen a huge influx of dismantle Trump-era policies, the
How would that reflect on his ability to of illegal children at the border and children crossing the border because Democrats thoughtlessly threw open
manage the business of Columbus? the separation of families became a they know the immigration policy has the floodgates and created a monster
These public records are available talking point for then-candidate Joe changed and their chance of obtain- of a problem that is infinitely worse
to anyone. For recorded liens go to the Biden during the presidential debates. ing citizenship is greatly improved. than it was before.
Chancery Clerk’s website and property Now, two months into his admin- Cynical parents from across Central This shows that the deterrence
taxes go to the Tax Assessor’s website. istration, President Biden is allowing America are willing to risk sending policy the United States had under
Columbus deserves better. unaccompanied children to cross the their children by themselves specif- Trump was actually effective. It
Will Sanders border, exempting them from a public ically to take advantage of the Biden worked because migrants knew they
Columbus health law that allows border patrol policy. would be turned away at the border.
agents to turn people away because of Those children ultimately may be But the Biden administration ripped
Editor’s note: The author of this letter the pandemic. The result? The largest able to skip the citizenship line and up the Trump policy with glee, and
is the Will Sanders closely affiliated with surge of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico become Americans if they make it now they are experiencing the fallout.
A Better Columbus, not the Will Sanders border in five years, with authorities through the labyrinth. It’s a shame, and it is going to hurt
who is director of the Lowndes County scrambling to figure out ways to pro- What is especially egregious is Biden politically. But we shouldn’t be
Port Authority. vide them appropriate housing. that Biden reversed Trump’s “inhu- surprised.
Biden is quickly learning that it mane” border policy without provid- Despite all the positive focus the
A letter to the editor is an excellent is very different to oppose a policy ing an alternative, and he is com- new administration is placing on
way to participate in your community. and complain about it from the back pletely unprepared for the ramp-up coronavirus vaccinations, they are
We request the tone of your letters be con- benches than to sit in the Oval Office that predictably followed. What did imprisoning children at the border
structive and respectful and the length and actually deal with it. In fact, Biden he think would happen, and where and putting them at even greater risk
be limited to 450 words. We reserve the is now being blasted for the same situ- did he think these unaccompanied of getting sick because of overcrowd-
right to edit letters for clarity, grammar ation for which he attacked Trump. children would go? The mayhem at ing. It’s not right, and it smacks of
and length. Letters may be emailed to What’s more, Biden has made a the border right now is completely his hypocrisy. or mailed to The bad situation on the border much fault. Armstrong Williams is an American
Dispatch, Attn: Letters to the Editor, PO worse by adopting a lax border-cross- Why should Trump be vilified and political commentator, entrepreneur,
Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511. ing policy that is akin to hanging painted with the mark of Cain as a author, and talk show host.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 5A

COVID vaccinations open up to all, people rush to book shots

Health Dept.: As of Tuesday, 592,500 Equity, said Tuesday the
state is partnering with
son, Andrew. Leukemia
left his body extremely
open back up.
Tyer said much of his
confident as he’s seen
numbers of new coronavi-
people in Mississippi had received six community health
centers in a new initiative
vulnerable; two and half
years ago, after receiving
work as an executive
coach and leadership
rus cases go down nation-
wide after people started
one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to try to reach populations
vulnerable to the virus.
a bone marrow transplant,
he ended up in critical
development facilitator getting shots.
involves being in rooms “I believe it’s the right
BY LEAH WILLINGHAM 75 and over have received Community organiza- condition on a ventilator with groups of people thing to do so we can hope
The Associated Press/Report at least one dose. tions, such as churches, because of a respiratory working on projects. that our lives will get back
for America About 330,000 total will be able to call a ho- virus. “I’m really looking for- to normal,” Golden, a set-
residents in the state of tline in order to host their “When coronavirus ward to being able to do up technician at an auto
JACKSON — Appoint- around 3 million are fully own vaccination events. showed up last year, we that without precautions supplier, said. “I’m sure
ments to get the coronavi- vaccinated. “It’s a way to bring were kind of freaking out like masking and social many people are ready to
rus vaccine in Mississippi State Epidemiologist down the barriers,” Sut- a little bit about it,” she distancing,” he said. get back to normal.”
opened up for everyone Dr. Paul Byers said he’s ton said. said. “Some people may Coffeeville resident People eligible to re-
over the age of 16 on Tues- pleased with the progress A main target for the not take it as seriously or Adam Golden said he also ceive the coronavirus vac-
day, and thousands of the state is making, but program is Mississippi’s think, ‘I’m young, I’ll be made an appointment cine can make an appoint-
residents rushed to book that “now is not the time Black residents. As of fine,’ but we don’t have Tuesday. Although he ment at COVIDvaccine.
their shots. to be complacent.” Tuesday, 27 percent of the that luxury.” admitted he’s been “skep- or by calling the
Robin McCall made “When you’re in a pub- total doses administered McCall said her family tical” about the vaccine COVID-19 call center at
appointments for her lic place, it’s still a good in Mississippi have gone will still socially-distance in the past, he’s felt more 1-877-978-6453.
17-year-old twin daugh- idea to wear a mask,” to African Americans. and wear masks even af-
ters. She has a 15-year-old he said. “It’s still a good That’s up from 20 percent ter they are all vaccinat-
son who has been treated idea to gather in smaller on Feb. 12. Around 64 ed, but having the shots
for leukemia. groups and remember percent of everyone who will give her “peace of
“He has a compro- now that it’s even safer has been vaccinated in mind.”
mised immune system when folks are fully vacci- the state is white. Rory Tyer, 33, made an
so these vaccines for our nated.” Before Tuesday, vac- appointment to get vacci-
family are very import- People can get vac- cinations in Mississippi nated Tuesday. His wife,
ant for him,” said McCall, cinated at 24 state-run were only available for Heather, is a physician
who got vaccinated weeks drive-thru sites in coun- anyone ages 50 and older, assistant at a primary
ago because she has a ties across the state, at staff at K-12 schools, first care clinic in Tupelo, and
heart condition that made private clinics and com- responders, health care already received the vac-
her eligible. munity health centers workers and those who cine.
As of Tuesday, 592,500 and some pharmacies, are at least 16 and have “I’m hopeful that peo-
people in Mississippi had like at Walmart and Wal- health conditions that ple will take advantage
received one dose of the greens. might make them more of these appointments,”
vaccine, according to Dr. Victor Sutton, Di- vulnerable to the virus. Tyer said, adding that the
the state Department of rector of the Department McCall said her fami- more people get vaccinat-
Health. Almost 60 per- of Health’s Office of Pre- ly has been on lockdown ed, the faster the econo-
cent of all Mississippians ventive Health and Health for a year to protect her my and communities will

Researchers studying the impact

of pandemic cancer screening pause
About 75 cancer organizations recently urged a return to of tests that can be done
at home. In Philadelphia,
prepandemic screening levels as soon as safely possible a large church partnered
with local doctors and
BY MARILYNN lung scans, Pap tests and were diagnosed last year, used its drive-thru flu shot
MARCHIONE other cancer screenings likely because of less program to also pass out
AP Chief Medical Writer
were suspended for sev- screening. About 75 can- stool tests for colon cancer
eral months last spring cer organizations recently screening.
John Abraham’s colo-
in the United States and urged a return to prepan- “We’re not afraid to try
noscopy was postponed for
elsewhere as COVID-19 demic screening levels as anything as it relates to
several months because
of the pandemic. When swamped medical care. soon as safely possible. health and wellness,” said
he finally got it, doctors Now researchers are But tumors take years the Rev. Leroy Miles of
found a growth too big to studying the impact, to develop, and some re- Enon Tabernacle Baptist
be removed safely during looking to see how many ports suggest that a few Church.
the scope exam. He had to cancers were missed and months’ delay in screen-
wait several weeks for sur- whether tumors found ing for certain types of
gery, then several more to since then are more ad- cancer may not have been
learn it had not yet turned vanced. as bad as feared. For ex-
cancerous. Already, there are hints ample, researchers in the
“I absolutely wonder if I of trouble. University of Netherlands found that
had gotten screened when Cincinnati researchers a lapse in that country’s
I was supposed to have, if found that when CT scans mammography program
this would have been dif- to check for lung cancer did not led to more can-
ferent” and surgery could resumed in June, 29 per- cers being found at a late
have been avoided, said cent of patients had sus- stage after screening re-
Abraham, a mortgage picious nodules versus 8 sumed.
banker in Peoria, Illinois. percent in prior years. The pandemic also
Millions of colonos- Multiple studies sug- bred some creative solu-
copies, mammograms, gest that fewer cancers tions, such as wider use

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH her residence. Mrs. Holmes was
OBITUARY POLICY Arrangements are born Sept. 4, 1962, in

David Runnels
Obituaries with basic informa-
tion including visitation and
incomplete and will be Columbus, to Clarence
service times, are provided announced by Lown- and Ruth Holmes.
free of charge. Extended des Funeral Home of She was a graduate of
obituaries with a photograph, Columbus. David Thomas Runnels, 68,
Caldwell High School passed away at Vineyard Court,
detailed biographical informa-
and attended Alcorn Columbus, MS, his home since
tion and other details families
may wish to include, are avail-
Leslie Thomas State University. She 2013, on Sunday, March 14,
COLUMBUS — Les- was formerly employed
able for a fee. Obituaries must
lie Thomas, 39, died 2021.
be submitted through funeral as a teacher with Sam A visitation will be held on
homes unless the deceased’s March 16, 2021, at her
body has been donated to residence. Houston High School. Thursday, March 18, 2021
from 5:00 - 6:00 PM at Lowndes

Melissia Beatty
science. If the deceased’s Arrangements are
body was donated to science, incomplete and will be Funeral Home in Columbus and
the family must provide official
announced by Carter’s Friday, March 19, 2021, at 12:00
proof of death. Please submit
Funeral Services of PM followed by a 1:00 PM graveside service at
all obituaries on the form Melissia Edmonson Beatty, Canton Cemetery in Canton, MS. David’s first
provided by The Commercial Columbus.
58 of Columbus, MS passed cousin, Rev. Gary Roberts will conduct the
Dispatch. Free notices must
away, Monday, March 15, 2021, service with Lowndes Funeral Home directing.
be submitted to the newspa-
per no later than 3 p.m. the
Yalinda Holmes at her residence. David was raised in Canton, Mississippi
COLUMBUS — Ya- Visitation will be Thursday, and born to Marion Thomas Runnels and Inez
day prior for publication Tues-
day through Friday; no later linda Holmes, 58, died March 18, 2021, from 1:00 PM Buffington Runnels, May 10, 1952. Mr. Runnels
than 4 p.m. Saturday for the March – 2:00 PM at Lowndes Funeral graduated from Mississippi State University in
Sunday edition; and no later 2, 2021, Home with a memorial service Landscape Architecture and served in the Army
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday in Grand following at 2:00 PM with Bro. National Guard six years. David was fun-loving,
edition. Incomplete notices Prairie, Grant Mitchell officiating in the never met a stranger and loved music, MSU
must be received no later Texas.
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday Lowndes Funeral Home chapel. Bulldogs, his family and especially his daughter
through Friday editions. Paid
Grave- Mrs. Beatty was born April 23, 1962, to the late Jill Runnels.
notices must be finalized by 3 side Dalton and Helen Miles Edmonson in Columbus, He is preceded in death by his parents. David
p.m. for inclusion the next day services MS. She worked as a dispatcher with a trucking is survived by his daughter, Jill of Biloxi, MS
Monday through Thursday; and will be company. Mrs. Beatty enjoyed gardening, going and one brother, Sidney (Mary Jane) Runnels of
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday at 2 p.m. to the casino, riding motorcycles, and fishing. Columbus, MS. He is also survived by nephews
and Monday publication. For Friday, at Memorial She was a loving wife, mother, granny, and sister. and niece, Sy Runnels of Mobile, AL, Clara
more information, call 662- Gardens. Visitation
328-2471. Mrs. Beatty is survived by her husband, (Chris) Armstrong of Grenada, MS, Jeffrey
will be from 4-6 p.m. Lindley Beatty, Jr.; daughter, Amanda Badeau; (Bliss) Runnels of Nashville, TN; as well as great
Thursday, at Lee-Sykes son, Zachary Phipps; step-daughter, Susan niece and nephew Madison and Cole Armstrong
Teresa Barksdale Funeral Home. Lee- Stafford; step-son, Scott Beatty; grandchildren, of Grenada.
COLUMBUS — Te- Sykes Funeral Home of Brett Badeau, Brianna Badeau, Brayden Badeau Memorials may be given to First Baptist
resa M. Barksdale, 60, Columbus is in charge and Macie McCormick; sisters, Melinda Welch, Impact Building Fund, P.O. Box 829, Columbus,
died March 16, 2021, at of arrangements. Myra Rogers and Michelle DeRouse. MS 39703.
Memorials may be made to Columbus Lowndes The family wishes to thank the staff of
Humane Society, P.O. Box 85, Columbus, MS Vineyard Court Nursing Home for their loving
Send in your church event! 39703. care through the years.
Email Compliments of Compliments of
Subject: Religious brief Lowndes Funeral Home Lowndes Funeral Home
6A WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 The Dispatch •

Food order argument leads

to fatal stabbing of customer
Columbus Waffle House ment began over a food order, Co-
lumbus Police Chief Fred Shelton
tained injuries that later led to his
death” at Baptist Memorial Hospi-
employee arrested said. The employee, who has not
been identified by name, is in custo-
tal-Golden Triangle.
“We won’t get into the details,
in altercation dy. The incident occurred at about
2 a.m. today.
but at this time, it appears a food
order started the argument in some
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN Lowndes County Coroner Greg way, and it escalated quickly into Merchant did not release the vic- this sad ending,” Shelton said in the
tim’s name publicly by press time, release. “We continue to ask people
COLUMBUS — One person is pending next of kin notification. to walk away, call the police and let
dead and another in custody after However, he said the victim was a us sort it out. This is our job, and
an argument led to a fatal stabbing male and appeared to have been please please call us first.”
at the Columbus Waffle House over- stabbed to death. The press release said CPD will
night. Shelton said in the press re- charge the suspect after consulting
Investigators believe an employ- lease that while the customer and with the District Attorney’s Office.
ee at the Highway 45 restaurant employee argued, “a weapon was The Dispatch will update this
attacked a customer after an argu- produced” and the customer “sus- story in Thursday’s edition.

Continued from Page 1A
der and cover-up, calling owner of Brown’s Farm
five witnesses — includ- Supply, and Rosie Turner,
ing Alexa’s brother, Alec whose grandson was dat-
Vasquez, 22, who initially ing Alexa Vasquez at the
refused to take the stand, time.
but ultimately provided Brown testified that a
largely inconsistent testi- 2x2x6 galvanized water
mony in response to ques- tank had been purchased
tions from Colom and at his store on June 24
defense attorney Arthur with a credit card bear-
Calderón. ing Christina Vasquez’s
But it was Alexa name.
Vasquez’s testimony that Turner testified that
proved most compel- she visited the Vasquez
ling — and perhaps most home in early July and
damning, At one point, was asked by Christina
she recounted a conver- and Lydia to take the wa-
sation where her grand- Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff ter tank away.
mother approached her to Lydia Martinez sits alone at the defense table during The prosecution
ask permission to kill her a recess of her murder trial, which began Monday at believes the tank was
father after Manuel had the Oktibbeha County Courthouse. Martinez, 61, faces used to cremate Manuel
taken Alexa’s car away for a first-degree murder charge in the 2015 death of her Vazquez’s body. The tank
attending her senior prom son-in-law, Manuel Vasquez. Her daughter, Christina was recovered on the Tun-
in defiance of his wishes. Martinez, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in
the case in 2019 and currently awaits sentencing. er’s property.
Alexa said the relation- Alexa said that her
ship between her parents mother and grandmother
prosecution appeared to thing about killing your
became strained after the had been burning some-
argue, was the prom. father?” Colom asked.
family relocated to Lown- thing in the tank for “a
Alexa said that while “No,” she said.
des County from their couple of days,” and that
her father forbade her Calderón asked Al-
home in San Antonio, when her youngest broth-
from going to the prom, exa if Lydia had actually
Texas. She said the deci- er went out to see what
her mother and grand- asked for permission to
sion to move was made by they were burning, Lydia
mother were supportive. kill her father.
Manuel, who wanted to
“My mom, she planned “I don’t remember the told him to go back inside.
pursue a more religious
everything,” Alexa said, exact words,” Alexa said. “He was upset because
lifestyle near friends who
saying that her moth- Days later, on the she snapped at him,” Al-
held similar religious
er planned a trip to San morning of June 24, Alexa exa said. “She had never
views in Mississippi,
Antonio for herself and said she had gotten out of snapped at him like that
among them Paul Vega.
“When my dad became
Manuel at the time of bed and was met by her before.”
the prom, which would mother at the bottom of The trial will resume
more religious, my mom
allow Alexa to attend the the stairs. today.
did not agree with it, so it
prom without her father’s “She asked me if I
caused tension between
knowledge while under had heard any bangs
them,” Alexa said.
her grandmother’s super- that night and I told her I
vision. hadn’t,” Alexa said.
‘He would always Alexa testified that her Her mother also told
tell me bye’ father later learned that her that her father had
The testimony of Al- she had defied his wishes. left the home early that
exa, her brother, Alec, “I wasn’t a good daugh- morning to go on a reli-
and a law enforcement re- ter to him,” she said, gious retreat, something
cording of the defendant, breaking down in tears. that disturbed her, Alexa
which was played for the Upon learning she had testified.
jury later in the day, told attended the prom, her “I asked her why he
the story of a father whose father became angry, tak- didn’t tell me goodbye,”
religious zeal had started ing away her car keys, she she said, sobbing. “He
to alienate him from his said. Soon afterward, she would always tell me bye.
family. said, she heard Manuel Even in the middle of the
Alexa testified her and Lydia Martinez argu- night, he always woke us
father did not want her ing, although she couldn’t up to say goodbye.”
to wear makeup, cut her hear what they were say- Alec Vasquez said he
hair or wear short skirts ing. was awakened by two
or dresses. Alec said his Alexa said that she “popping noises” that
father had liked sports had just gotten out of the night and when he got
and encouraged his sons shower a short time later up to see what had hap-
to play sports before mov- when Lydia came into her pened, he saw his grand-
ing to Mississippi, but dis- room. mother holding a gun.
couraged them after his “She was full of emo- But on cross-exam-
religious views began to tion because she has been ination, Alec said he saw
become more strict. arguing with my dad,” Al- his grandmother leaving
In the police recording exa said. her upstairs bedroom
made on July 21, 2015, af- Colom asked her what — Manuel’s and Christi-
ter the family had report- her grandmother said na’s bedroom was down-
ed Manuel Vasquez miss- to her, but Alexa broke stairs — when he got up
ing, Lydia Martinez said down and was unable to to check out the noises.
that Manuel attended Bi- answer clearly. Also under cross, Alec
ble studies at Paul Vega’s “Did she ask you if she agreed with Calderón’s
home, but did not attend could have permission to statement that he had pre-
any church because Vega kill your father, Manuel viously said he had seen
told him “all churches Vasquez?” Colom asked. Martinez holding a gun
were (prostitutes).” “Yes,” she said softly. case.
In the recording, she “Was she serious?” On redirect, Colom
said Vega told Manuel “Yes,” Alexa answered. asked Alec if it was a gun
that sports were a bad “Did your mother ever or a gun case he saw in
influence on his children say anything about could his grandmother’s hand
and that if his daughter she kill your father?” Co- or whether she was up-
went to the prom, she lom asked. stairs or downstairs when
would become pregnant. “She offered to beat he saw her.
She said Christina had herself with an orange Alec Vasquez said he
talked about getting a di- to make it look like he hit could not remember.
vorce. her,” Alexa said. Other witnesses in-
The tipping point, the “But she didn’t say any- cluded Phillip Brown,

Atlanta-area shootings leave 8 dead, many of Asian descent

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS diately known, though many of the vic-
tims were women of Asian descent.
ATLANTA — A series of shootings The attacks began Tuesday evening,
over nearly an hour at three Atlanta area when five people were shot at Youngs
massage parlors left eight people dead Asian Massage Parlor in Acworth,
and raised fears that the attack was yet about 30 miles north of Atlanta, Chero-
another hate crime against people of kee County Sheriff’s Office spokesman
Asian descent. Capt. Jay Baker said. Two people died
Police arrested a 21-year-old Georgia at the scene, and three were taken to a
man and said the motive wasn’t imme- hospital where two died, Baker said.
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 7A

Schools weigh whether to seat

students closer together
Even as more teachers receive COVID vaccinations, the larger guideline, he said, most
schools only have space to bring
social distancing guidelines have remained a major back half of their students at a time.
Moving to 3 feet could allow about
hurdle for school districts across the U.S. 75 percent at a time, he said.
“There are districts that have
BY COLLIN BINKLEY and Prevention is now exploring the been doing 3 feet for quite some
AP Education Writer idea too. The agency’s director, Dr. time without experiencing any
Rochelle Walensky, said the 6-foot greater amount of infection,” he
BOSTON — New evidence that guideline is “among the biggest said.
it may be safe for schools to seat challenges” schools have faced in In Illinois, health officials said
students 3 feet apart — half of the
reopening. last week that students can be
previous recommended distance —
The CDC included the larger seated 3 feet apart as long as their
could offer a way to return more of
spacing in its latest school guide- teachers are vaccinated. Before,
the nation’s children to classrooms
lines, which were issued in Febru- state officials required 6 feet.
with limited space.
ary and concluded that schools can With the state’s blessing, the
Even as more teachers receive
vaccinations against COVID-19, so- safely operate during the pandemic Barrington district near Chicago
cial distancing guidelines have re- with masks, distancing and other reopened middle schools Tuesday
mained a major hurdle for districts precautions. It suggested 6 feet and using the smaller spacing rule. Any
across the U.S. Debate around said physical distancing “should be student will be allowed to attend
the issue flared last week when a maximized to the greatest extent in-person classes, although the dis-
study suggested that masked stu- possible.” trict expects roughly 30 percent to
dents can be seated as close as 3 Other organizations have issued continue with remote learning.
feet apart with no increased risk to more relaxed guidelines, including Questions around spacing have
them or teachers. the World Health Organization, led to a battle in Massachusetts,
Published in the journal Clinical which urges 1 meter in schools. where teachers and some schools
Infectious Diseases, the research The American Academy of Pedi- oppose a state plan to bring young-
looked at schools in Massachusetts, atrics says to space desks “3 feet er students back five days a week
which has backed the 3-foot guide- apart and ideally 6 feet apart.” starting next month. The plan calls
line for months. Illinois and Indiana Dan Domenech, executive direc- on schools to seat students 3 feet
are also allowing 3 feet of distance, tor of AASA, a national superinten- apart, although many have been
and other states such as Oregon are dents group, said he expects more using 6 feet as a standard. Districts
considering doing the same. states and schools to move to the that fail to meet the reopening dead-
The Centers for Disease Control 3-foot rule in coming weeks. With line would risk losing state funding.

Extent of COVID vaccine waste remains largely unknown

The reasons for the waste vary from shoddy record- “With 3.2 million dos-
es administered as of
keeping to accidentally trashing hundreds of shots March 9, 2021, the 3,396
unusable doses reported
BY KIMBERLEE KRUESI ing vials have been tossed sight on its extent. Offi- by state providers make
The Associated Press remains largely unknown cials have promised that up about 0.1 percent of
despite assurance from may change soon as more the doses administered
NASHVILLE, Tenn. many local officials the data is collected from the — less than the CDC ex-
— As millions continue number remains low. states. pectation of 5 percent of
to wait their turn for the To be sure, waste is In the interim, state unusable doses,” Alicia
COVID-19 vaccine, small common in global inoc- health agencies are much Shoults, an Ohio Depart-
but steady amounts of the ulation campaigns, with more inclined to tout how ment of Health spokes-
precious doses have gone millions of doses of flu fast they’ve administered person, said in an email.
to waste across the coun- shots trashed each year. the shots while keeping According to a log
try. By one World Health Or- mum on the number of sheet provided by the de-
It’s a heartbreaking re- ganization estimate, as doses that end up in the partment, Ohio providers
ality that experts acknowl- many as half of vaccines trash. reported almost 60 inci-
edged was always likely in previous campaigns Ohio’s Department of dents where doses were
to occur. Thousands of worldwide have been Health resisted the use of unused. The largest inci-
shots have been wasted in thrown away because the term “wasted” when dent occurred earlier this
Tennessee, Florida, Ohio they were mishandled, asked by The Associated year, when a pharmacy
and many other states. unclaimed or expired. Press for a total number responsible for distribut-
The reasons vary from By comparison, waste of tossed doses. Instead ing the vaccine to nursing
shoddy record-keeping of the COVID-19 vaccine a spokesperson for the homes failed to document
to accidentally trashing appears to be quite small, agency said that the state storage temperatures for
hundreds of shots. How- though the U.S. govern- tracks “unusable” vac- leftover shots, resulting
ever, pinning down just ment has yet to release cines reported by state in 890 doses being wast-
how many of the life-sav- numbers shedding in- providers. ed.

Battle over Floyd’s 2019 arrest highlights key trial issue

Prosecutor: Former police officer’s arrest — a year before
his fatal encounter with
appeared to be pills in
his mouth. Both search-
lawyer is trying to smear George Chauvin — but heard
fresh arguments Tuesday
es turned up drugs in
the cars. Officers noticed
Floyd to excuse his client’s actions from both sides. He said
he would rule on the re-
a white residue outside
his mouth both times, al-
BY STEVE K ARNOWSKI pin County Judge Peter quest Thursday. though that has not been
AND AMY FORLITI Cahill to decide the criti- Defense attorney Eric explained.
The Associated Press Nelson argued that new
cal question of how much In the first arrest,
the high-profile trial will evidence makes the ear- several opioid pills and
MINNEAPOLIS — lier arrest admissible:
revolve around Floyd’s cocaine were found. An
A lawyer for the former Drugs were found last De-
own actions on May 25, autopsy showed Floyd
Minneapolis police offi- cember during a second
cer who pressed his knee when the Black man was had fentanyl and metham-
declared dead after Chau- search of the car Floyd
against George Floyd’s phetamine in his system
vin, who is white, pressed was in, and were found
neck wants to bring up when he died.
in a January search of the
Floyd’s history of drug his knee against his neck “The similarities are
squad car into which the
use and a previous arrest for about nine minutes. incredible. The exact
four officers attempted to
in an effort to show jurors Floyd’s death, captured same behavior in two in-
put Floyd.
that Floyd was partly to on a widely seen bystand- He also argued the cidents, almost one year
blame for his own death. er video, set off weeks of similarities between the apart,” Nelson said.
A prosecutor says it’s sometimes-violent pro- encounters are relevant: Paramedics who ex-
irrelevant and that Derek tests across the country Both times, as officers amined Floyd in 2019
Chauvin’s lawyer is trying and led to a national reck- drew their guns and warned him that his blood
to smear Floyd to excuse oning on racial justice. struggled to get Floyd out pressure was dangerous-
his client’s actions. Chau- The judge previous- of the car, he called out ly high, putting him at
vin is charged with mur- ly rejected Chauvin’s for his mother, claimed risk for a heart attack or
der and manslaughter. attempt to tell the jury he had been shot before stroke, and took him to a
Now it’s up to Henne- about Floyd’s May 2019 and cried, and put what hospital for examination.

Advocates, some AGs wary of Purdue Pharma bankruptcy plan

BY GEOFF MULVIHILL al said it was disappointed resenting local govern- formed company would
The Associated Press in the plan Purdue filed ments that have sued Pur- produce addiction treat-
late Monday night in fed- due and other companies ment and overdose anti-
Some state attorneys eral bankruptcy court over the toll of opioids. dote drugs, and a trove
general and opioid ad- and some said they would The $10 billion plan of company documents
diction activists pushed seek changes. The luke- calls for turning the Con- would be made public.
back Tuesday against warm reaction from them necticut-based pharma- Most of the money
a settlement offer from and others raised doubts ceutical giant into a new would go to trusts that
OxyContin maker Purdue about how soon the com- company, with its profits would distribute it to state
Pharma, saying it didn’t pany could emerge from going toward efforts to and local governments.
include enough money bankruptcy and begin to combat the opioid crisis. They would be allowed to
and goes too far in pro- compensate victims. Members of the Sackler use it only on initiatives
tecting the company and “We think it’s a step family who own Purdue that address the opioid
family members who own in the right direction, would contribute about crisis, which has contrib-
it from future liability. but we’ve got a long way $4.3 billion. uted to more than 470,000
A group of nearly half to go,” said Joe Rice, one A new public health-ori- deaths in the U.S. since
the state attorneys gener- of the lead lawyers rep- ented arm of the trans- 2000.
8A WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 The Dispatch •

Racial diversity in children’s

books grows, but slowly
Racial diversity in children’s books has been written, illustrated and published,
so whatever progress was made
picking up since 2014, reversing a 25-year plateau in 2020 may not be apparent until
2022 or 2023.
BY CHRISTINE FERNANDO written by authors of color in 2020 Still, Horning would like to see
The Associated Press increased by 3 percent to 26.8 per- more people of color writing about
cent compared with 2019. Chil- their own communities.
CHICAGO — In the world of dren’s books written about racial- “We want people to feel empow-
children’s books, villagers can ly diverse characters or subjects, ered to tell their own stories,” she
protect their water from a black however, grew by only 1 percent said.
snake, dark skin is as beautiful as to 30 percent, according to prelim- Ellen Oh, CEO of the grassroots
the night sky, and a little girl’s two inary data provided to The Asso- advocacy nonprofit We Need Di-
puffs of hair can make her feel like ciated Press by the CCBC, which verse Books, said one barrier to
she’s floating above the clouds. has been tracking statistics on chil- achieving diversity in children’s
Kids are seeing more of these dren’s book representation since books is the myth within the pub-
possibilities in the books they read 1985. lishing industry that books about
as authors make a bigger push to Meanwhile, books about Latino people of color don’t sell.
reflect the diversity around them. characters saw a slight decrease in “Because of this myth, pub-
Racial diversity in children’s books 2020, from 6.3 percent to 6.2 per- lishing never gives these books a
has been picking up since 2014, re- cent, while the number of books chance,” Oh said.
versing a 25-year plateau, according both by and about Native people In reality, books written by and
to Kathleen T. Horning, director of stayed flat, Horning said. Books about people of color have made
the University of Wisconsin-Madi- both by and about Black and Asian it on the New York Times’ best-
son’s Cooperative Children’s Book people saw small but steady in- sellers’ list, including “Hair Love”
Center. creases. by Matthew A. Cherry, “Sulwe” by
But despite the gains, progress Horning notes that it can take Lupita Nyong’o and “We Are Water
has been slow. Children’s books years for a children’s book to be Protectors” by Carole Lindstrom.

Former poet laureate to receive Mississippi humanities award

Other honorees include a Mississippi traditional narratives.”
“Her work is a tes-
ities Educator for leading
a bilingual family read-
State associate professor for his work tament to the power of
truth and remembering
ing program at the Horn
Lake public library.
on the Mississippi tour of Smithsonian in coming to terms with The Hawkins vs. Town
the weight of our history,” of Shaw Project also will
Institution’s ‘Waterways’ exhibit he said in a news release. be honored. The project
The 2021 Public Hu- produced a play and a se-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the author of five poetry manities Awards will ries of historical markers
collections, including be presented at 7 p.m. telling the story of a local
JACKSON — Former the Pulitzer Prize-win-
Mississippi and U.S. March 26 on the Human- freedom movement in the
ning “Native Guard.” She ities Council’s Facebook Mississippi Delta that
Poet Laureate Natasha also wrote the nonfiction
Trethewey and others will and YouTube channels. culminated in a federal
book, “Beyond Katrina: A James Giesen, associ- civil rights case.
be honored with Missis-
Meditation on the Missis- ate professor of history at The Humanities Part-
sippi Humanities Council
awards, with a ceremony sippi Gulf Coast.” Mississippi State Univer- ner Award will go to the
being held online this Stuart Rockoff, ex- sity, will receive the Hu- Mississippi Book Festi-
year because of the coro- ecutive director of the manities Scholar Award val.
navirus pandemic. Mississippi Humanities for his work with the Mis- The 2020 and 2021 Hu-
Trethewey, a Gulfport Council, said Trethew- sissippi tour of the Smith- manities Teacher Awards
native, will receive the ey has used her art to sonian Institution exhib- will be given to faculty
Cora Norman Award in “give voice to people who it, “Waterways.” in traditional humanities
recognition of her liter- have too often been over- Marta Smally will be fields at each of Missis-
ary career. Trethewey is looked, hidden from our recognized as Human- sippi’s universities.

Oak Hill Academy’s Harden providing ‘spark’ once again

BY THEO DEROSA East Central Communi- to be there and feel like ty College tournament part of the team.”
in Decatur, Harden
Standing in the dug-
out in a gray pinstriped
stepped to the plate for
the first time all season.
Glad to know
jersey, Ty Harden knew A couple of weeks
After undergoing elbow after Oak Hill played a
it was time. surgery in November, he
Ten times before this series of summer scrim-
made a pinch-hit appear- mages against Heritage
spring, the Oak Hill ance against the Gen-
Academy sophomore Academy, Harden be-
erals — his first game gan feeling pain in his
had donned his No. 9 action for the Raiders
uniform but never got throwing arm. Every
since the COVID-19 pan- day when he threw to
a chance to get it dirty. demic shut down spring
Harden watched from stay fresh, the pitcher
sports in 2020. felt like something was
the dugout in his jersey And although Harden
and shorts as the Raid- pulling on him, and his
hasn’t fully recovered velocity was down a bit.
ers played the game he from his injury just yet,
loved — without him. He took the rest of the
he’s glad to be contrib- summer off from compe-
This time, it was dif- uting again on the dia-
ferent. tition. Courtesy of Ty Harden
mond for Oak Hill. In early August, he
During Monday’s Ty Harden throws a pitch during the fall of 2019. Harden hasn’t pitched since
“It was great,” Hard- visited a doctor in Co- undergoing UCL surgery in November but hopes to return to the mound soon. The
game against Newton en said. “I was just hap-
County Academy at the lumbus to get his arm Oak Hill Academy sophomore made his hitting debut Monday against Newton County
py to be dressed out and See HARDEN, 3B Academy.


Bulldogs down Samford for seventh
Miss head
straight win heading into SEC opener

coach Jay


Hopson to one, Mississippi State cleared
the fences at Dudy Noble
staff Field.
First it was sophomore
BY BEN PORTNOY Luke Hanock who sent a pitch from Samford reliever Carson
Hobbs over the wall in right
Mississippi State is field and just short of clear-
adding an experienced ing the bleachers alongside
piece to its football Adkerson Plaza. Two batters
staff. later, fourth-year junior Josh
A source confirmed Hatcher smoked the first of-
to The Dispatch Tues- fering he saw from Hobbs
day that former South- over the center field wall for
ern Mississippi head the Bulldogs’ second home
coach Jay Hopson will run in five pitches.
join head coach Mike Combined, Hancock’s and
Leach’s staff as a de- Hatcher’s long balls equat-
fensive analyst. MSU ed to MSU’s 22nd midweek
officially announced victory in 23 tries since 2019
the hire later Tuesday and gave the Bulldogs (14-3) a
afternoon. 10 -2 win over Samford (7-10).
“I am excited about “I think I’ve just matured as
this opportunity and a hitter a lot since my fresh-
really want to thank man year,” Hancock said of
Coach Leach,” Hopson how he’s improved at the dish.
said in a news release. “My plate discipline has got-
See MSU, 3B ten better. I’m swinging at
good pitches, being aggres-
sive, being in counts where
PREP SOFTBALL ROUND UP I know it’s heavy fastball
Just three days shy of its
New Hope Southeastern Conference
opener against No. 19 LSU
falls twice in Baton Rouge, MSU’s win
over Samford on Tuesday was
at Gulf the latest addition to its re-
cent early-run outputs. After

Coast recording just 16 runs in the

first three innings of their pre- Mississippi State athletics
vious 11 games, the Bulldogs Josh Hatcher’s homer was one of three Mississippi State long balls in Tuesday’s win over Samford.
Classic notched 11 over that frame
in its five contests last week. Hatcher said. “They haven’t Stretching its offensive middle of the plate, which he
DISPATCH STAFF Tuesday, MSU again struck fallen, been right at people. explosion over a 40 minute hasn’t been all year.”
early, notching its first run of But I think that’s what comes bottom of the sixth, MSU has Third-year sophomore
GULF SHORES, Ala. the day on a double to left field with being an older player. now scored 48 runs between Brandon Smith also notched
— The New Hope soft- scored Hatcher from second You learn to cope with that, the fifth and sixth innings sixth appearance of the year
ball team lost to host base. and then you just keep playing this year -- good for just shy of with 1.2 innings of relief be-
Gulf Shores (Alabama) Following in tune with your game.” 40 percent of its total run pro- hind Harding. In 14 innings
7-5 in five innings Tues- weeks past, though, it was Not to be outdone, Hancock duction on the season. of work this year, Smith has
day at the Gulf Coast in the middle innings that cleared the fences for the sec- While the offense clicked recorded 12.1 consecutive
Classic. the Bulldogs did the bulk of ond time in the evening when early Tuesday, head coach scoreless frames and five-
The Dolphins scored their damage. After Kamren he narrowly overshot the out- Chris Lemonis trotted out a straight scoreless appearanc-
two runs in the top of James walked on four pitches stretched glove of Samford plethora of pitchers out of the es. His strikeout to walk ratio
the fifth to break a 5-5 and swiped second, Hancock left fielder Ryan Crockett to well documented Bulldog bull- also now stands at a stagger-
tie, and the Trojans (4- brought him home with his earn the Bulldogs’ first multi- pen. Starter Houston Harding, ing 8 to 1.
8) couldn’t come back. mammoth shot to right field, home run game of the season. who allowed four hits -- three After another recently rou-
New Hope scored marking the fourth time he’s With Hancock’s homer of which were doubles -- in 3.1 tine outing from Smith, Le-
two runs in the second left the yard this spring. Two in tow, the Bulldogs added innings, threw just 36 pitches monis turned to his youthful
inning, one in the third batters later, Hatcher roped a trio of RBI singles in the in a shorter-than-anticipated contingent of Xavier Lovett,
and two in the fourth. a first-pitch delivery from frame from Lane Forsythe, outing. Dylan Carmouche and KC
Gulf Shores scored five Hobbs to dead center for his Scotty Dubrule and James, an “He’s such a competi- Hunt. Northwest Community
in the third. first homer of the year. RBI fielder’s choice courtesy tive kid,” Lemonis said. “He College import Parker Stin-
Zoe Goodman drove “I’ve hit some balls really of Tanner Allen and a bas- still gets outs when he’s not nett, too, recorded his third
in two runs to lead New hard the last couple games,” es-loaded walk for a six-run great. His (velocity) was a inning of work this spring,
See PREP, 3B sixth inning. little down, but he was in the See BASEBALL, 3B
2B WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 The Dispatch •

Gonzaga, Baylor dominate AP All-America teams

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS lor, which earned a No. 1 him, the tougher that ketball’s youth.
seed for the NCA A Tour- gets for him,” Hawkeyes There was Suggs, the
Gonzaga and Baylor nament, has had a first- coach Fran McCaffery freshman who led Gon-
spent almost the entire team All-American. said. “So I just have been zaga to high-profile wins
season holding down the “These awards are really impressed with over Kansas and Iowa
top two spots in the Top just team awards,” said his relentlessness to early in the season, and
25. Butler, who withdrew continue to improve and Timme, the sophomore
Makes sense they’d from the NBA draft to to handle anything that who went from key re-
hold down a bunch of return for his junior comes his way.” serve to crucial starter
spots on The Associat- year. “I wouldn’t be here Like the Hawkeyes, for the West Coast Con-
ed Press All-America without my teammates the Fighting Illini had ference champs.
teams. just playing with me and never had a first-team Joining them were a
The Bulldogs’ Corey giving me confidence. pick until Dosunmu trio of post players: Kofi
Kispert and the Bears’ It’s been nice.” came along. The two- Cockburn of Illinois,
Jared Butler led the way Kispert also withdrew time All-Big Ten guard Hunter Dickinson of
with first-team nods from the draft and also led them to the confer- Michigan and Evan Mo-
Tuesday from the na- led his team to a No. 1 ence tournament title bley of USC. YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
tional panel of 63 media overall seed, along with last weekend and a No. 1 “Very proud of Evan,
members that vote each
helping the Bulldogs
week in the AP Top 25 finish a perfect regular
seed in the NCA A tour- his development,” Tro- Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
ney. jans coach Andy Enfield. placing puzzle based on
poll. They were joined season. He joined Dan Joining those veter- “He’s really improved as Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 1 7 8 6 4 5 2 3 9
by unanimous pick Luka Dickau, Adam Morri- ber-placing
ans — seniors Garza and a player throughout the given numbers.puzzleThe object 5 4 6 9 3 2 1 7 8

2021 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Garza of Iowa, a two-time son and Kelly Olynyk as Kispert, juniors Butler season and we are going based onthe a 9x9 9 3 2 8 7 1 5 6 4
is to place numbers
selection, along with Ayo first-team All-Americans grid
and Dosunmu — is Cun- to need him to play at a 1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 2 5 1 3 8 7 9 4 6
Dosunmu of Illinois and from Gonzaga. given
Cade Cunningham of
ningham, the favorite to high level starting the so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 7 6 9 2 1 4 8 5 3
“He’s the epitome of object
Oklahoma State.
be chosen first overall end of this week.” column and each 3x3 the
is to place box 4 8 3 5 9 6 7 2 1
a college athlete. He’s a numbers
Kispert and Butler poster child for the term
in the NBA draft. The contains the1same to 9 number
8 2 4 7 6 9 3 1 5
the empty spaces so
had plenty of company, student-athlete, great
calm freshman forward THIRD TEAM only once. The difficulty
that each row, each 6 9 7 1 5 3 4 8 2
helped engineer an up- Baylor’s Mitchell was level increases from
though. student, great ambassa- column and each 3 1 5 4 2 8 6 9 7
set of Baylor in the Big joined on the third team Monday
The Bulldogs also dor for the program, our 12 tourney and will lead 3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 3/16

landed big man Drew school and college ath- by Quentin Grimes, the the same number only once. The difficulty level
the fourth-seeded Cow- high-scoring guard from
Timme and freshman letics in general,” Gonza- increases from Monday to Sunday.
boys into the NCA A Houston; Herb Jones
sensation Jalen Suggs on ga coach Mark Few said.
Tournament. of Alabama; Cameron
the second team while “It’s all been because of
“Oklahoma State, Krutwig of mid-major
Joel Ayayi was an honor- the work, the time he’s
last year wasn’t the year darling Loyola Chicago;
able mention pick. The put in, and his growth
that they were proud of,” and Chris Duarte of Or-
Bears had Davion Mitch- physically and mentally.
Cunningham said, “but I egon.
ell on the third team and He’s just an unbelievable
MaCio Teague as an hon- know there’s a bunch of Just like the first- and
orable mention. guys that wanted to win second-team All-Amer-
So is Garza, the bril-
“Thinking about me and were going to do ev- icans, their teams also
liant big man from Iowa,
as a freshman coming to who came up two votes erything that it took to will be playing in the
Baylor and not knowing of being a unanimous win. So having a group NCA A Tournament this
what I’m getting myself choice last season. In of guys like that, with week.
into, having no expecta- fact, he’s been so domi- the coach we have and “You never want to
tions for how well I’m go- nant that the school’s ca- staff we have, that’s what take winning for grant-
ing to be or how good I’m reer scoring leader will I want to surround my- ed,” said Krutwig, a
going to be — it means a have his No. 55 jersey self with.” member of the Ramblers
lot to come full circle,” retired at the end of the team that reached the Fi-
said Butler, the Big 12 season. SECOND TEAM nal Four in 2018. “We put
player of the year and a “He’s the focal point While the first team a lot of hard work into it.
third-team All-American of every defense every was full of upperclass- But we were sitting there
last season. time we take the floor. men, the second team saying, ‘There’s so much
It is the first time Bay- The more tape that’s on belonged to college bas- more to go.’”

Sister Jean thrilled to join Loyola Chicago for NCAA

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Having Sister Jean felt they would like to kid- and there was no food
along makes it a little nap me and then Loyola available, they were giv-
CHICAGO — Loyola sweeter. would have to search for en a pass.
Chicago is back in the She did not travel to me. Loyola didn’t know It resulted in a big
NCAA Tournament. And St. Louis for the Missouri any of those things. I shake-up of the officiat-
Sister Jean will be there, Valley tournament, which didn’t tell them until af- ing corps for the games,
too. Loyola won for the sec- ter.” 52 of which take place
The 101-year-old team ond time in four years. No one will have to Thursday through next
chaplain’s lobbying paid Though she is fully vac- sneak out Sister Jean or Monday at different
off Tuesday when the cinated, there were safety kidnap her. She’ll be there arenas in Indianapolis,
school reversed course and logistical issues, and cheering on her Ram- Bloomington and Pur-
and announced she will it was the same with the blers, just like in 2018, due. Though the NCA A
go. That means she gets NCAA Tournament. and that sure will be a brought plenty of backup
to watch her beloved “It was a little struggle welcomed change for her. referees, the mass de-
Ramblers in person for going along the journeyed Sister Jean hasn’t been parture served up yet an- ACROSS
the first time this season path,” she said, “but I fi- on campus since the start other illustration of how 1 Emerald Isle
when Loyola meets Geor- nally said to one of our of the pandemic. things can go wrong. city
gia Tech in Indianapolis executives, ‘You know, She starts work at “It’s not ever going to 7 Shoebox
on Friday. I’m just going to sound 7:30 a.m. and tries to fin- be perfect in a pandem- number
Sister Jean Dolores like the old woman in the ish by 3:30 p.m. so she ic,” NCA A vice president 11 Morphine, e.g.
Schmidt couldn’t be hap- Gospel who kept after the can watch Jeopardy. She Dan Gavitt said. “It’s an 12 Hunted animal
pier. judge and after the judge keeps in touch with play- unfortunate and disap- 13 Goose’s mate
“I kept saying to people for what she wanted. And ers through emails and pointing circumstance 14 Script bit
I want to go not because finally the judge said, ‘Let leads the team in prayer for all involved. But I don’t 15 Text additions
of myself,” she said Tues- her do what she wants.’” before each game. She think there’s something 17 “You know
day. “I want to go because Sister Jean acknowl- also gives Moser scouting that can be pinpointed as how —”
of the team. I want to be edged she has felt “lone- reports. a kind of failure here. Just 20 Different
present for them. I want ly” not being around the As for this tournament? an unfortunate set of cir- 23 Neither
to be present for (coach team. It’s been “very dif- Sister Jean has Loyola cumstances.” follower
Porter Moser) and I want ficult” for her to watch getting to the Elite Eight, Earlier, questions 24 Gaelic wailer
to be present for Loyola. I games on TV because the knocking out top-seeded arose after coach Rick 26 Mahershala of
said you have to remem- facility she lives in doesn’t Illinois and Tennessee be- Pitino ran a late-night “Moonlight”
ber what happened in have all the channels. sides Georgia Tech, in her practice with his Iona 27 Ram’s mate city 18 Apartment
2018.” Sometimes, she listens on bracket. Her pick to win it team as part of the 28 Horace’s “— DOWN sign
Who can forget? the radio and follows the all? Gonzaga. NCA A’s late and un- Poetica” 1 Pound occu- 19 Mutton dish
Loyola made a surpris- play-by-play online. “I’m just gonna be so announced change in 29 Gets comfy pant 21 Like Poe tales
ing run to the Final Four, When she goes to In- excited when I get there,” testing protocol, first re- 31 Carnival city 2 — tree 22 Plant anew
charming the nation with dianapolis, she will have she said. “It’s a whole year ported by The New York 32 One of the 3 Storage site 24 “Twilight”
one last-second victory since I’ve seen them play Barrymores 4 Stows cargo heroine
a nurse and security Times.
after another. Along the in a game (in person). 33 Gush forth 5 Article 25 Stunned
with her and will eat in Gavitt portrayed that
way, it shined a light on I just want to see them. 34 Radio prob- 6 Notorious wonder
her hotel room. She’s not as a “practical adjust-
the 1963 team that broke I’ve watched their videos lem emperor 30 Wyoming
sure where she’ll be seat- ment,” and not a major
racial barriers on the way and stuff like that. It’s just 37 Roman censor 7 Breaks apart range
ed when Loyola meets change.
gonna be like old home 39 Loves to 8 Instrument on 33 Unhappy look
to what remains the lone ninth-seeded Georgia He said players were
week to me, to see them pieces some euros 35 Distinct flavor
NCAA championship for Tech at Butler’s Hin- initially going to be
again.” 43 Plow pullers 9 Buddhist 36 Notion
an Illinois school. kle Fieldhouse, one of a required to pass two
Above all else, at age
44 City on the school 37 Force member
half-dozen Indiana ven- COVID-19 tests no less
98, Sister Jean became a ues being used to host the 6 officials out of NCAA than 12 hours apart on
Passaic 10 Retina setting 38 Log chopper
45 Chapel 16 Music’s 40 Unrefined
celebrity, with national tournament, but she’ll be Tournament after 1 different calendar days to seating Quincy 41 Pitcher’s stat
TV interviews and even safe. tests positive be eligible to practice af- 46 Emerald Isle 17 Laughable 42 Sun setting
her own bobblehead. She won’t be allowed INDIANAPOLIS — ter they arrived. Iona took
It was quite a ride. up-close contact with the Parts of the NCAA’s fine- its two tests in the same
But it was not clear if she Ramblers because teams ly honed plan for playing day, and Gavitt said the
would be along — in per- are isolating. But just be- March Madness amid change had been OK’d by
son, anyway — this time. ing there figures to be a the pandemic came into the NCAA medical advi-
Loyola (24-4) leaped boost. question Tuesday just as sory group and the local
into the AP Top 25 for the After all, Loyola play- teams began gearing up health department.
first time since March ing in the NCAA without for practices to tune up for Pitino said he was giv-
1985 and hit the 20-win Sister Jean just doesn’t the games later this week. en the green light for the
mark for the fourth year seem right. Had she not One referee tested pos- Sunday night workout,
in a row. The eighth-seed- gotten the green light to itive for COVID-19, forc- and so, he went. Iona
ed Ramblers come in go, Sister Jean had some ing him and five others missed 60 days in the
with the nation’s stingiest backup. who went out to dinner middle of the season be-
defense, allowing 55.5 “One alum wrote and with him, out of the tour- cause of the virus.
points per game. told me that her husband nament. “I gave four guys the
“This is what we’ve was willing to drive me Their excursion ran night off,” Pitino said.
wanted,” Moser said. down,” she said. “Some- counter to a protocol that “We practiced a lot of the
“We’ve wanted to sustain body else told me she was called on all players and other guys who didn’t get
success. We wanted to get going to sneak me out of staff to eat at their NCA A a lot of minutes” in Iona’s
it back here. That’s what the university. And anoth- hotels, but because the league championship
drives us.” er couple said that they refs’ rooms weren’t ready game win Saturday.

If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 3B

Droughts over: Drexel, Rutgers lead charge back to NCAAs

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Athletic Association “At the high-major lev- it was 2019. The Drag- that they finally get to innovation. I think it
Tournament champion- el, guys just want to get ons returned to campus experience this as well.” will carry and be talked
PHILADELPHIA — ship that earned them to the NBA. At our level, with a police escort and Rutgers had a taste about for a long period of
The last time Drexel bas- the No. 16 seed and a guys just want to play in students lined sidewalks of March success in the time.”
ketball made more than game against No. 1 Illi- the NCA A Tournament,” cheering them on. Drex- 1970s under coach Tom College athletics is
local headlines, TMZ nois on Friday. Appalachian State coach el put up a big screen Young when they played big business and the
was on the scene be- Drexel is back in the Dustin Kerns said. “And outdoors and threw a in four tournaments boon from making the
cause Philadelphia 76ers bracket — and some there is an element now watch party with music, from 1975-1983 and tournament often goes
star Ben Simmons and long-forgotten teams of, ‘Hey, how can I get giveaways, and fire pits reached the 1976 Final well beyond more invest-
model Kendall Jenner have tagged along. the NBA?’ But we told for the selection show. Four. ed fans in office pools.
were in the bleachers for Remember Appala- them when we got here, “Even though it’s a The playing field be- The repetition of
a game on the West Phil- chian State? The Moun- ’Hey listen, App State pandemic, we want our tween perennial power school names on the
adelphia campus. taineers have only two has been to the NCA A guys to have an expe- programs with their ticker and social media
Maybe real basketball previous NCA A appear- Tournament. This pro- rience, and have a mo- Hall of Fame coach- — and maybe a stunning
junkies remember when ances — under coaches gram has been twice. So ment,” Spiker said. “By es and one-and-done upset or two on national
Zach Spiker’s 2018 team Bobby Cremins (1979) if we can go before, we doing little things like first-rounders and every- television like Florida
rallied from a 34-point, and Buzz Peterson can do it again.’” that, we’re able to do one else was somewhat Gulf Coast’s “Dunk City”
first-half deficit to stun (2000) — and ended a For every mid-major that.” flattened this season. In Sweet 16 run in 2013
Delaware in the biggest 21-year skid. dreaming of blossoming Most of these teams other cases, it was find- — has often led to in-
comeback in Division I Oral Roberts is part into the next Gonzaga weren’t in the NCA A ing the right coach. creased interest among
men’s basketball history. of March Madness for -- or pulling off a UMBC mix last season when Before Dennis Gates potential students and
The rest of Drexel’s the first time since 2008, -- the reality is most of the tournament was can- was hired in 2019, donors to dip into those
tradition doesn’t have a Cleveland State returned these one-bracket won- celed because of the pan- Cleveland State’s pro- deep pockets to spruce
whole of March Madness for the first time since der programs fall back demic. Rutgers, though, gram had endured five up athletic facilities or
in it. Spiker, though, 2009, and Morehead into obscurity and won’t went 20-11 and seemed straight seasons of at other buildings on cam-
had to cut off a sugges- State snapped a drought pop up on Selection Sun- a safe bet to make the least 21 losses. The pus.
tion that he took over a that dates to 2011. UC day for years or decades 2020 field before it was Horizon League champs “It’s the schools that
program in 2016 devoid Santa Barbara made to come. waved off the court mo- went 19-7 and might aren’t in it every year
of much hoops histo- consecutive NCA A tour- That won’t stop the ments before its Big Ten lean on their postseason that get the notoriety ev-
ry, noting the Dragons naments as a No. 15 seed fun this weekend. Tournament opener. The past when they play sec- ery time the teams that
did represent the North in 2010 and 2011 and is Look at Drexel. The Scarlet Knights, who ond-seeded Houston. are in the tournament
Atlantic Conference in back as a 12 seed. Geor- Dragons aren’t part of received a No. 10 seed, In 2009, the Vikings (are listed),” Spiker said.
the NCA A Tournament gia Tech is back for the Philadelphia’s famed Big pushed forward this sea- knocked off No. 4 seed “Our name comes up
three straight years. first time since 2010. 5 — Villanova, Penn, La son with Ron Harper Jr., Wake Forest in the first there for the past week,
“Timeout. Timeout,” Those are drops in Salle, Temple and Saint Geo Baker and Jacob round. In 1986, they whether it’s on ESPN,
Spiker said by phone. the 3-point basket com- Joseph’s comprise the Young to go 15-11 and stunned Bob Knight’s CBS, Fox Sports - people
“We won three straight pared to Rutgers making city’s 65-year-old rivalry end the drought. Indiana team and made talk about it: ‘Drexel’s
titles from ‘94 to ’96. I the field for the first time series — and let former “None of us were it to the Sweet 16 be- in.’ People start to look
mean, we beat Memphis in 30 years. coach Bruiser Flint stick alive,” guard Paul Mulca- fore losing to Navy on a up Drexel.”
in the tournament, you One piece of advice around for a 15-year run hy said. “But there’s last-second shot by Da- For all the expecta-
know?” seems universal: Enjoy without an NCA A Tour- also been a lot of people vid Robinson. tions that a tournament
Long the outsider in the moment, and that nament appearance. who have supported the “It’s a glimpse of berth and a week of ex-
Philadelphia’s rich bas- applies as well to the So when the Dragons program for 30 years hope,” Gates said of his posure will do wonders
ketball scene, the Drag- two tourney newcom- clinched a berth in the through the ups and team’s tourney berth. for a program, the reali-
ons snapped that 25-year ers (Grand Canyon and face of the pandemic, downs. I’m just really “It’s a glimpse of excite- ty is most never sustain
streak with a Colonial Hartford). the school partied like happy for those people, ment and building and that success.

Continued from Page 1B

checked out. After un- to finally know.” the procedure wasn’t In early February, elbow. “I love pitching,”
dergoing an MRI, he Still, Harden’s heart easy. For two weeks af- Moore cleared Harden He said he’s fairly he said. “That’s like
was diagnosed with a dropped when he heard terward, Harden was out to begin a hitting pro- confident of what ulti- my thing. If I get that
strain. He was told he the news. Oak Hill of school with his right gram. On Sunday, the mately was its cause. chance, that’d just be
could continue to pitch coach Mitch Bohon had arm immobilized in a sophomore received the “I overworked myself, great. I’d be really hap-
in hopes the injury a similar reaction. sling and fitted snugly green light to play in a realistically,” he said. “I py with that.”
would go away. “When he told me it into a restrictive brace. game. He was limited worked out every day. For now, Harden will
Harden kept throw- was a partial tear, that Showers were out of the to hitting and playing I threw every day. I hit support his teammates
ing. The pain kept get- he was done probably question — the contrap- first and second base — every day. I just did too — including pitchers
ting worse. for the year, it was a kick tion wasn’t allowed to pitching would have to much.” Brian Buchanan, Gunter
In October, he made in the gut,” Bohon said. get wet — and mundane wait. Harden his injury can Reed and Drew Wright
an appointment with Dr. “He was going to be our tasks like eating and Still, Harden had be a cautionary tale for — from the infield, the
Ryves Moore with the No. 1 arm or right there writing were next to im- done what he needed to teammates who could dugout and the plate.
Specialty Orthopedic with a couple other of possible. in order to return to the be putting themselves Bohon said Harden is “a
Group in Oxford. Moore our guys at the top of “It was pretty hard at field. He beat Moore’s in similar positions — big team guy” who hap-
sent Harden for anoth- our rotation.” the beginning to recov- estimated six-month although a strong work pily cheered on his fel-
er MRI in which con- Instead, Moore told er,” Harden said. timeline by more than ethic like his isn’t neces-
low Raiders even while
trast dye was inserted Harden, he wouldn’t be But the pain and stiff- seven weeks. Eventual- sarily a problem.
out with the injury.
through a vein in his arm playing at all — let alone ness went away with ly, he said, he expects “You have to take
“It was kind of a freak
to improve the quality of pitching — for at least time. Harden consult- to be 100 percent recov- care of your arm, and it
thing that happened, but
the image. The results six months. ed with a friend, 2019 ered. shows, but it’s never a
showed something that West Point High School bad thing to work hard,” he’s bounced back,” Bo-
“It sucked really bad hon said. “He’s in good
either hadn’t been there graduate Roe Ketchum, he said. “You’ve got to
before or that Harden’s Building back up who had undergone the
to have even torn it at
know your own limit.” spirits. I think he’s go-
On Nov. 5, Harden all, but a full tear would ing to be a spark to us
previous doctors had same injury on what to Harden has found
underwent surgery in have been much worse hitting the ball and play-
missed: a partial tear of expect. He rested his his. He knows he can’t
Tupelo to repair his because I would have ing defense.”
the right ulnar collateral arm often to let it heal continue the habits that
UCL. Because the liga- been out for a lot longer Harden feels that
ligament. naturally and also at- may have gotten him in
“Everybody had been ment wasn’t fully torn, tended physical therapy than what I was,” Hard- trouble ultimately, and spark, too. After a long
telling me that it was he avoided “Tommy four to five days a week. en said. he’s willing to wait in recovery process, he’s
probably just a strain John” surgery, which He did other exercises order to pitch again. He back where he belongs.
and I just needed to involves replacing the on his own time, using ‘Know your own limit’ said there’s a chance “It’s honestly one of
throw it out,” Harden ligament with a tendon Jaeger Sports’ stretchy Harden needs no fur- he could return to the the best feelings just to
said. “Honestly, I think taken from somewhere “J-Bands” or squeez- ther reminders of his mound by around the be out there on the field
I knew from the start. It else in the body. ing a ball to build up injury than the “big old time the Raiders hope to and be with these guys,”
was painful. I was glad Still, recovery from strength in his arm. scar” gracing his right begin their playoff run. Harden said.

Continued from Page 1B
striking out the side in 1-2-3 ninth inning. SEC opener against LSU, its second since 2006. where we’re at right now. ways tough getting wins
the sixth, while Stone Now riding a sev- MSU will look for its “We’ve had a chance to We’re excited going down out of there, but that’s
Simmons capped off the en-game win streak first series win in Baton see a lot out of our team,” there to Baton Rouge. We SEC play. I mean, we’re
whole-staff effort with a heading into Friday’s Rouge since 2016 and just Lemonis said. “We like know it’ll be tough. It’s al- ready to go.”

Continued from Page 1B
“I am looking forward staff. Ahead of his time ual assaults allegedly more season in Starkville, Mingo-Young was rat- transfer portal in the past
to being a part of the as a head coach, Hop- committed by football released a statement via ed a four-star recruit and 10 days after junior for-
Bulldog Family, and all son worked in varying players and how the uni- Twitter that she plans to the No. 97 player in the ward Xaria Wiggins did
the exciting things hap- capacities at Ole Miss, versity handled such is- enter the transfer portal 2019 class according to so last week.
pening at Mississippi LSU, Florida and Mich- sues. after two years at MSU. ESPN HoopGurlz. Over
MSU concluded its
State.” igan. He also served as Terms of Hopson’s “This was not an easy two seasons in Starkville,
Hopson resigned the defensive coordina- decision to make, but the Louisiana native av- 2020-21 campaign, its
deal are unclear at this
from his post in Hatties- tor at Southern Miss be- time. after much thought and eraged 4.9 points, 2.8 re- first under head coach
burg after just one game tween 2005 and 2007. consideration with my bounds and 2.1 assists per Nikki Mccray-Penson,
this year. In parts of five Hopson came under MSU guard JaMya family, friends and career game. 10-9 (5-7 SEC) and
seasons at Southern some scrutiny during mentors, I have decided Following a limited missed the NCAA Tour-
Miss Hopson compiled the 2019 offseason when Mingo-Young to enter to enter my name into out[put her freshman nament for the first time
a 28-23 record. He was he considered disgraced transfer portal the transfer portal,” she year, Mingo-Young dou- since the 2013-14 season.
previously 32-17 as the former Baylor head Mississippi State wrote. “I am grateful for bled her minutes per A source with knowledge
head coach at Alcorn coach Art Briles for his sophomore guard JaMya the opportunity to pursue game while notching 5.6
Mingo-Young announced fo the situation told The
State prior to his run at then-vacant offensive my degree at Mississip- points, three assists and
Southern Miss. coordinator job. Briles Tuesday she intends to pi State University and 3.9 rebounds per contest Dispatch Monday the
The Vicksburg native was fired from his post leave the program. play basketball for such a this season. school turned down an
brings a wealth of expe- at Baylor over a slew of Mingo-Young, who just great program these last She also becomes the invitation to the WNIT in
rience to the Bulldogs’ concerns regarding sex- wrapped up her sopho- two years.” second player to enter the recent days.

Continued from Page 1B
Hope. Madyson McBrayer pitched all five innings, Byrns (Tennessee) in four innings. McBrayer had three strikeouts in 3.1 innings in
striking out five. The Red Devils scored six runs in the third and the circle.
two in the fourth.
Jo Byrns (Tenn.) 8, New Hope 1, four innings Taylor Brownlee drove in New Hope’s only run
New Hope lost Tuesday’s earlier game 8 -1 to Jo in the first inning. Goodpasture Christian (Tenn.) 11, Caledonia 4
4B WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 The Dispatch •

New Mexico hires Pitino, as Minnesota aims higher once again

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS name he’ll carry with him Though Pitino went just vital reference for Nuñez, Craig Neal’s first year. The about how much.
the rest of his life, and he 54-96 in conference play who also considered former Lobos, playing in the Moun- The Gophers play
After an amicable split owes a lot to his dad for giv- with only three finishes in Nebraska coach Tim Miles tain West Conference, went at Williams Arena, the
with Minnesota, Richard ing him an opportunity, but the rugged Big Ten high- among others for the vacan- three times in six seasons 93-year-old, barn-shaped
Pitino headed west for New the fact is he has built the er than 10th place, he took cy. Coyle and Pitino grew under Neal’s predecessor, building with the unique-
Mexico, no longer a young successes and the reason the Gophers to the NCAA close, even though Coyle Steve Alford. Playing in ly raised floor that some
man relying more on name he is here today is because Tournament twice and went didn’t hire him, and the their eclectic arena, The analysts and boosters
recognition than coaching of who he is and what he there five other times as an strength of their relation- Pit, they’ve had their share have pointed to as a hin-
experience. has done,” New Mexico ath- assistant at Louisville un- ship made an impression of strong teams over the drance to sustained suc-
Both the mid-major letic director Eddie Nuñez der his father and at Florida on Nuñez. last several decades. cess for the program in
team he’s inheriting and said on a video conference with Billy Donovan. Two of “He is one of my favor- “The way people view such an unrelenting con-
the power-conference pro- call with reporters. Pitino’s other teams at Min- ite people. I respect him. this program is so high, and ference with big-spend-
gram he’s leaving behind Dad in this case, of nesota, including this year, I know he’s going to do it has earned that because ing competitors.
are searching for a spark to course, is Rick Pitino, the were on an NCAA Tourna- wonderful things at New of the passionate fan base Pitino, in his radio in-
bring fans back to their sto- Hall of Fame coach who has ment track before injuries Mexico, but in terms of at that we have,” Nuñez said. terview, said he didn’t
ried arenas. returned this year to the led to a late-season demise. Minnesota, I just felt like it Nuñez said he was work- think recruits were dis-
Hours after Minnesota NCAA Tournament with “I love Minnesota. It was was time in my heart that ing on a six-year contract suaded by it. He does,
finalized his firing follow- his fifth different team, an eight awesome years, we needed to go in a dif- for Pitino with an annual however, believe it’s a
ing eight seasons on the Iona. but I’ve landed in a spot ferent direction and try to salary similar to what Weir factor in declining atten-
job, the 38-year-old Pitino When Minnesota picked where I know we can win find a new leader to help us had ($775,000). At Minne- dance when fancier pro-
was hired as New Mexico’s Richard Pitino for the job, big,” Pitino said on KFAN accomplish the goals that sota, Pitino’s base salary fessional-team venues are
coach to succeed Paul Weir, he had one season of prior radio in the Twin Cities. I firmly believe we can ac- was $2 million. His $1.7 surrounding it in the area
who went 58-63 in four sea- experience as a head coach Nuñez played for and complish here,” Coyle said. million buyout will be sig- with the NHL’s Wild, the
sons for the Lobos. at Florida International coached under Donovan. New Mexico last nificantly lessened by his NBA’s Timberwolves, the
“He is his own person. and was far from the first Gophers athletic director reached the NCAA Tour- new employment. Coyle NFL’s Vikings and MLB’s
He knows his name is a choice. Mark Coyle was another nament in 2014, in coach declined to be specific Twins.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: children, par- of my kitchen
I have seen enting, animals, With its sodden, hot, lack-
letters in aging, death, luster lures —
your column from forgiveness and When you’re here, stay out
people upset that more. It can be of my kitchen
their guests don’t ordered by send- And I promise to stay out
help them after ing your name of yours!
dinner. I am the and address, plus DEAR ABBY: I had weight-
opposite. I held check or money loss surgery six months ago. I
onto a poem you order for $8 (U.S. haven’t had the dramatic trans-
printed years funds) to Dear formation that some people
ago and had it Abby Keepers experience. I’ve only lost about
perma-plaqued Booklet, P.O. 50 pounds.
ZITS and posted on a Box 447, Mount My problem is, friends who
kitchen cabinet. Morris, IL 61054- know I had the operation keep
For more than 0447. Shipping asking me how much weight I
20 years, my and handling are lost. I think it’s a rude question
husband and I included in the and none of their business. I
hosted a dinner Dear Abby price. understand people are curious,
every Sunday It’s a quick especially since they haven’t
after church. I and easy read seen me in person because of
set the table for 10, but we as well as an inexpensive gift COVID restrictions. How do I
often had more. When guests for newlyweds, pet lovers, new answer without saying, “None
offered to help, I handed them parents and anyone grieving or of your business”? — LOSING
a copy of that poem. Could you recovering from an illness. IN NEW JERSEY
print it again for your readers? STAY OUT OF MY KITCHEN DEAR LOSING: Your friends
— FAITHFUL FOLLOWER IN by Susan Sawyer may just be curious and want to
MASSACHUSETTS Please stay away from my congratulate you on a big loss,
DEAR FOLLOWER: Gladly. kitchen and 50 pounds is one. That
GARFIELD That poem has been requested
many times over the years. It
From my dishwashing, cook-
ing and such;
said, you do not have to answer
every question that is asked.
resonates with hosts who are You were kind to have All you need to say is, “I’ll let
territorial about their space offered to pitch in you guess once you see me
when entertaining. It is includ- But thanks, no, thank you again.” If they ask for a hint,
ed in my booklet “Keepers,” so much! stick to your guns and change
which is a collection of poems, Please don’t think me the subject. Then consider
essays and letters readers ungracious this: They may be gauging the
have told me they clipped and When I ask that you leave success of your surgery for
saved to reread until they were me alone; themselves.
yellowed with age and fell For my kitchen’s not any too DEAR READERS: Today’s
apart. You were clever to per- spacious the day for the wearing of the
ma-plaque yours. “Keepers” is And my routine is strictly green. A very happy St. Pat-
both witty and philosophical. It my own. rick’s Day to you all! — LOVE,
covers many subjects including Tell you what: You stay out ABBY

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March today. hearing your unique take.
17). You may not believe you TAURUS (April 20-May 20). LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). It
have mystical power, but that Whatever you do, get warmed makes you feel cool when you
won’t stop unexplained and up for it. When you’re warm, give recommendations that
wondrous events from happen- you’re supported internally. You others turn out to love or spread
ing to you. A secret wish will can trust yourself. Just as cold awareness about a piece of
be answered. You’ll find a sort muscles are prone to injury, culture that opens minds and
of treasure when you follow cold states of being are prone brightens worlds. Guess what?
through on an uncanny feeling to mistakes. You ARE cool. Share your good
for where to “dig.” And you’ll GEMINI (May 21-June 21). taste today.
be credited for making all the You’re that risk-taker who is VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
difference for someone. Libra beloved because you’re not You never know how loved ones
and Taurus adore you. Your afraid to be yourself. If they are going to respond to your
BABY BLUES lucky numbers are: 30, 22, 14, laugh, even better. You welcome work. They might be jealous that
4 and 17. levity whether you come by it the work got your attention and
ARIES (March 21-April accidentally or on purpose. All not them. Or they might be over
19). There’s no ideal condition will be raised by you. the moon. Go forward, seeking
for bringing out the best in a CANCER (June 22-July 22). neither permission nor blessing.
human. What works for one Maybe you’re not sure what you LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
person is useless for another. have to say, but you can be sure Even the hard-boiled pragmatist
Whatever condition makes that you have something to say. you know will soften and bend
you want to be where you are Think and write about it. Talk to your whimsical charms be-
— that’s the right one for you it over. Others will benefit from cause, bottom line, you’re fun.
Life is more interesting when
you’re giving that carefree part
of yourself.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
It doesn’t matter that some
BEETLE BAILEY come by certain proficiencies
easier than others. For the
current task, what’s required is
a willingness to break down the
learning to the right-sized chunk
and then practice until you know
it well.
21). Fight your two biggest ene-
mies: fear and distraction. You
might also consider that distrac-
tion is fear in disguise. It’s an
excuse that fear uses to keep
you from dedicating yourself to
what you really want.
19). When the environment
is habit-forming, the person
doesn’t have to be. Take pres-
sure off yourself by being in the
location that will do the heavy
lifting for you because it’s struc-
tured and organized around a
particular task.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). As humans, we have a
limited understanding of our
own motives. What you do know
is that, at the very least, you’re
trying to create unity, not dis-
FAMILY CIRCUS cord. With this as your lodestar
and the willingness to check
yourself, move forward.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Solid organization helps
you deal with the unexpected.
And more importantly, it allows
you to be confident and relaxed
whether things are going to plan
or not.

Jan Swoope: 328-2471

A brunch spread
This Bacon Banana Bread com-
bines two morning meal classics in
one easy-to-enjoy bite.

Make breakfast
better with bacon

armer spring weather
makes the season a
perfect time for families
to enjoy breakfast together. From
classic combinations like bacon
and eggs to more extravagant
offerings, a breakfast spread offers
a blank canvas for creativity and
opportunities to enjoy your loved
ones’ favorite morning noshes.
For your next breakfast celebra-
tion, whether it’s a special occasion or just an excuse to spend time
Pastry Brunch Cups make an excellent appetizer and can be made ahead of time. together, consider adding what
may become a new family favorite
FAMILY FEATURES to the menu. This Bacon Banana

Bread combines two morning meal
rom tasty small bites to a classics in one easy-to-enjoy bite.
filling feast and even dessert Plus, it’s made using Coleman
for breakfast, brunch options Natural Bacon so you can feel
are nearly endless. Take your spring confident you’re feeding your
brunch to the next level with recipes family all-natural pork sourced
that appease appetites of all kinds. from American Humane Certified
First, start with portioned pastry family farmers who raise their
cups perfect for appetizers. Bring animals the way nature intended –
out the protein-packed breakfast 100% crate-free without antibiotics
burritos for the main course then, or added hormones. The prepara-
for a final touch of sweet delicious- tion is simple (just 10 minutes in
ness, offer up lemony doughnuts to the kitchen) so you can put this
cap off the feast. dish together and catch up with
Appetizer-sized portions and loved ones while baking a sweet
small bites of all sorts are ideal for and savory snack.
breakfast spreads, and these Pastry For more breakfast recipe ideas,
Brunch Cups are perfect for starting visit
a morning meal with loved ones. Or,
if a busy schedule looms, try baking
a batch and separating into appro- BACON BANANA BREAD
priate serving sizes for a simple way Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 70-80 minutes
to meal prep heading into a new Servings: 6-8
Find more breakfast recipes at Nonstick cooking spray
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour, divided
1 teaspoon baking soda
See BRUNCH, 6B These Breakfast Burritos are packed with vegetables and protein. 1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup sugar
3 medium bananas, mashed

Slurping Fast, flavorful meals when you’re short on time


FAMILY FEATURES uality meals don’t

have to drain hours
t’s that time of year again from your day;
when nearly everyone wants to satisfying taste is possible
be outside all day, every day. in just minutes when you
These are the times kids have have a few strategies that
been waiting for all year long. can help make meal prep
The sun is shining bright in the easier and the results more
sky, the flowers are blooming and enjoyable.
the temperature is rising every Eat better with veggies.
minute. Spring and summer are If eating better is your
typically full of fun, laughter, fam- goal, explore veggie-based
ily and friends – not to mention recipes that are hearty
great recipes everyone can enjoy and filled with nutrients
indoors and outdoors throughout and vitamins. This Brown
the warmer months. and Wild Rice Bowl with
Try this Sunshine Smoothie for Veggie Burger is perfect for
something cool and refreshing a meatless Monday or any
during the sunny seasons. This other day when you need
recipe will have nearly everyone a fast, filling and flavorful
feeling re-energized and ready for meal in short order. If you
more warm weather. It’s a perfect don’t have veggie burgers
afternoon pick-me-up after a long at home, or simply prefer
day of yard work, sunbathing or a meat-based option, a
swing-set climbing. It can cool you cooked frozen beef patty is
Beef and Broccoli Garlic Rice can be made with portion-controlled minute rice.
down and has a fruity flavor that is a good time-saving alter-
almost irresistible. native. toppings. Try pickled jala- a few minutes. This Beef Tempt your taste buds
When thinking about recipes Make simple swaps for penos for spice. Add corn if and Broccoli Garlic Rice with more convenient meal
to try this spring, consider taking variety. When you find a you like things sweet. Swap uses perfectly portioned ideas at
advantage of fresh fruits and dish that’s easy and tasty, a creamy dressing with a Minute Ready to Serve
vegetables at grocery stores and you may find yourself zesty vinaigrette for fewer microwavable rice cups
farmer’s markets. There can be falling back on the same calories and a whole new that help you put together
so many wonderful flavors to try. thing again and again. taste. a delicious lunch or dinner BOWL WITH VEGGIE
For example, this recipe includes Prevent taste bud boredom Shop for convenience. without measuring or over-
grapefruit (a less commonly by mixing up your ingre- Takeout may let you skip eating. Choosing products BURGER
Prep time: 5 minutes
used fruit), fresh orange and ripe dients. You can transform prep time completely, like portion-controlled rice Servings: 1
bananas. a rice-based recipe by but you can easily make and other ready-to-serve
With the heat coming and fresh changing up the veggies, versions of many favorite ingredients can help shave 1 cup Minute Ready to Serve
See SMOOTHIE, 6B cheese, dressing and other to-go meals at home in just time off your prep work. See RICE, 6B
6B WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 5B
teaspoon cheese sauce. Crack 1/4 cup cilantro ■ In large bowl, whisk eggs, Vegetable oil, for frying salt. Add lemon zest, eggs,
PASTRY BRUNCH CUPS one egg into each cup and 1 avocado milk and salt and pepper, to 2 cups all-purpose flour ricotta cheese and vanilla ex-
Servings: 18 sprinkle each with diced ham. lime wedges (optional) taste. 1 3/4 cups Domino Golden tract; mix until well combined.
■ Bake 10-15 minutes hot sauce (optional) ■ Heat pan to medium heat Sugar, divided ■ Use ice cream scoop to
2 tablespoons butter until eggs set. Sprinkle with and add splash of oil. 2 tablespoons baking powder scoop small amounts dough
2 tablespoons flour chopped green onions. ■ Remove steak from packag- ■ Pour egg mixture into pan 1/4 teaspoon salt into oil, 4-5 pieces at a time.
1 1/2 cups milk ing and set aside 10 minutes. and cook, lifting and folding 2 tablespoons lemon zest Fry each batch until golden
1 cup shredded Swiss cheese Once steak reaches room eggs until thickened and no 5 large eggs brown, about 7 minutes. Keep
2 sheets puff pastry BREAKFAST BURRITO temperature, heat pan over visible liquid egg remains. Do 1 3/4 cups ricotta cheese oil at or near 350 F; if oil is
18 eggs medium-high heat. not stir constantly. 1 tablespoon pure vanilla
2 cups diced ham too hot, doughnuts will turn
1 Silver Fern Farms New ■ Rub steak with oil and ■ Lay tortillas on flat surface extract golden brown but centers may
chopped fresh green onions Zealand 100% Grass-Fed New season with salt and pepper, or plate. still be raw. Remove from oil
York Strip Steak (10 ounces) to taste. ■ In center of tortilla, add
■ Heat oven 375 F. oil Lemon Curd (optional): and drain in paper towel. Re-
■ Cook until medium-rare, cooked veggies and top with peat with remaining dough.
■ In small saucepan, melt salt, to taste approximately 3-4 minutes thinly sliced beef. Add handful 1 stick unsalted butter,
butter. Whisk flour with pepper, to taste softened ■ While still hot, toss dough-
each side. Remove from pan of spinach, scrambled eggs,
butter. Gradually pour in milk, 1/2 onion, finely chopped and cover loosely with tinfoil 1 1/2 cups Domino Golden nuts with remaining sugar.
crumbled feta, cilantro and ■ To make lemon curd, if de-
whisking each time. Bring to 1 red bell pepper, sliced to rest 5 minutes. avocado. Fold bottom of torti- Sugar
simmer, whisking until mixture lengthwise ■ Reduce heat to medium 2 large eggs sired: In large bowl of stand
lla and roll. mixer, cream butter and sugar
starts to thicken. Remove from 4 large mushrooms, sliced and add splash of oil. Add ■ Serve with lime wedges 2 egg yolks
heat; stir in Swiss cheese. Set 1 teaspoon cumin onion; cook 1 minute. Add red 4 lemons, zest and juice only until light and fluffy. Add eggs
and hot sauce, if desired. and egg yolks, one at a time.
aside. 1 teaspoon paprika bell pepper and mushrooms; 1/8 teaspoon salt
■ Use rolling pin to thin out 1/2-1 teaspoon chili powder cook 1 minute. Add lemon zest, lemon juice
puff pastries. Cut each into
nine squares. Line pastry
1 tomato, finely chopped
8 eggs
■ Add cumin, paprika and LEMON RICOTTA ■ To make doughnuts: In
large saucepan, preheat oil to
and salt.
■ Transfer mixture to sauce-
chili powder; stir through.
squares in muffin cups, 1/2 cup milk ■ When veggies are ten- DOUGHNUTS 350 F. Prepare cookie sheet pan and cook at low-medium
pressing bottoms down firmly 4 large tortillas der (about 2 minutes), add Prep time: 20 minutes with paper towel to drain heat until thick and creamy,
and moving pastries up sides 1 cup spinach tomato and cook until soft. Cook time: 7 minutes doughnuts once out of hot oil. stirring constantly. Remove
for edges to come up just over 1 1/2 ounces feta cheese, Season with salt and pepper, ■ In bowl, mix flour, 3/4 cup from heat and let cool before
muffin tins. Fill each cup with 1 crumbled to taste. Doughnuts: sugar, baking powder and serving with doughnuts.

Continued from Page 5B
ingredients available,
this smoothie may quick-
ly become one of your
family’s new favorites.
It’s light, smooth and has
that fresh fruit taste you
often crave when the sun
is blazing.
To make this recipe,
blend 2 cups of grape
juice, 2 cups of orange
juice, two ripe bananas,
1 cup of vanilla yogurt
and 1 teaspoon of vanilla
extract until the ingredi-
ents are smooth. Be sure These smoothies feature orange juice, grapefruit juice
to serve cold. and bananas.
It’ll be nearly impos- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
sible to resist a sweet, SUNSHINE SMOOTHIE ■ In blender, blend orange
bright and creamy Servings: 2-4 juice, grapefruit juice, banana
smoothie after a long day chunks, yogurt and vanilla
2 cups orange juice extract until smooth. Serve
of play out in the sun. 2 cups grapefruit juice immediately.
Find more seasonal 2 bananas, peeled and cut ■ Note: If smoothie is too
recipes and ideas at Culi- into chunks tart, reduce to 1 cup grape- 1 cup vanilla yogurt fruit juice.

Continued from Page 5B
Brown and Wild Rice ■ Toss together rice and veg- chestnuts
1 precooked veggie burger gie burger. Top with lettuce, 3 ounces cooked beef, sliced
patty tomatoes and cheese. Drizzle into strips
1/2 cup shredded lettuce with ranch dressing. 3 tablespoons teriyaki glaze
1/2 cup halved grape toma- soy sauce (optional)
2 tablespoons shredded ched- BEEF AND BROCCOLI ■ Heat rice according to
dar cheese
2 tablespoons ranch dressing GARLIC RICE package directions.
■ In large, microwave-safe
Prep time: 5 minutes
■ Prepare rice according to Servings: 1 bowl, combine broccoli, bell
package directions. pepper and water chestnuts.
■ Break veggie burger into 1 cup Minute Ready to Serve Microwave on high 1 minute.
large chunks and place in Garlic and Olive Oil Jasmine Add beef and microwave on
small, microwave-safe bowl. Rice high 1 minute.
Microwave on high 60-90 1/2 cup fresh broccoli florets ■ Stir in glaze and rice. Top
seconds, or until veggie burger 1/2 cup sliced red bell pepper with soy sauce, if desired.
is heated through. 2 tablespoons diced water Source: Minute Rice

Continued from Page 5B
1/2 cup canola oil cup flour, baking soda, baking into batter. Pour batter into
2 eggs powder and sugar. In separate prepared loaf pan.
1 teaspoon vanilla extract bowl, combine mashed banan- ■ Bake 70-80 minutes, or
8 slices Coleman Natural as, canola oil, eggs and vanilla until toothpick inserted near
Bacon, cooked and cut into extract. center comes out clean.
1/4-1/2-inch pieces ■ Add banana mixture to dry
ingredients, stirring until just ■ Cool in pan on wire rack
■ Preheat oven to 325 F. combined. 20 minutes before inverting
Lightly grease 9-by-5-inch loaf ■ In small bowl, toss bacon bread onto wire rack to cool
pan with nonstick cooking and remaining flour until bacon completely.
spray. is lightly coated. ■ Cut and serve.
■ In large bowl, combine 1 ■ Fold flour-coated bacon Source: Coleman Natural Foods
The Dispatch • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 2021 7B

Original Beneficiary, to secure
the indebtedness therein de-
scribed, as same appears of
record in the office of the Chan-
cery Clerk of Lowndes County,
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
Mississippi filed and recorded
May 22, 2013, in Deed Book
2013, Page 14797 ; and
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
WHEREAS, the beneficial in-
terest of said Deed of Trust
To place ads starting at only $12,
was transferred and assigned
to Reverse Mortgage Solutions,
call 662-328-2424 or visit
Inc.; and

has been appointed as Substi-
tute Trustee; and

NOW, THEREFORE, the holder

Deed of Trust, having Legal Notices Apts For Rent: North Mobile Homes for Rent

LEGALS Merchandise Community

requested the undersigned so
his duly appointed agent, by vir- LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- 1 & 2 BR near hospital. CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL!
tue of the power, duty and au- SIPPI $595−$645 monthly. Utilities & cable included,
Call us: 662-328-2424 thority vested and imposed
upon said Substitute Trustee IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- Military discount, pet area, from $150/wk − $555/mo Ads starting at $12 Ads starting at $12
shall, on April 14, 2021 within TATE REBECCA HIELCHER, DE- pet friendly, and furnished Columbus & County School
Legal Notices the lawful hours of sale CEASED corporate apts. locations. 662−242−3803 Burial Plots Travel & Entertainment
between 11:00AM and 4:00PM 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL or 601−940−1397.
The following vehicle has been at the southeast front door of CAUSE NO. 2020-378 GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. 2 BURIAL PLOTS CALL & GET YOUR NAME
abandoned at Courthouse proceed to sell at ON SITE MAINTENANCE.
public outcry to the highest and RULE 81 SUMMONS
Located in Veteran location ON THE LIST for Constance

Real Estate
ON SITE MANAGEMENT. @ Memorial Gardens of lovely talk show. Greatest
Auto Mart LLC best bidder for cash or certi- BY PUBLICATION 24−HOUR CAMERA
1009 Gardner Blvd fied funds ONLY, the following Columbus, MS. Must have talent show in town!
described property situated in TO: ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS AT
SURVEILLANCE. Benji & cash, $7500. A savings of Singers/comedians/group
Columbus, MS 39702 Ashleigh, 662−386−4446.
Lowndes County, Mississippi, LAW OF REBECCA HIELCHER, $1500. Plots include burial dancers. 310−993−9884
2002 Ford SLT to wit: DECEASED
Apts For Rent: West
Ads starting at $25 vaults and can be or email kandeyessence
VIN# 1FMCU04162KA39621 exchanged for any spot
BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHW- You have been made Respond- Farms & Timberland other than a veteran.

This vehicle will be put up for EST CORNER OF SECTION 31, ents in the suit filed in this Call 662−386−4080 or
sale on the 18th day of March TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE Court by Laverne Cooper, Ad-

Rentals Need a new

at 10am at Auto Mart LLC, ministratrix of the Estate of Re-
MISSISSIPPI; THENCE NORTH becca Hielcher, Deceased, 203 ACRES
1009 Gardner Blvd., Colum- General Merchandise
bus, MS 39702. 1 DEGREE 20 MINUTES WEST seeking a Petition to Determ- PRIME TIMBERLAND

Publish: 3/12 & 3/17/2021

ine Heirs at Law. You are
summoned to appear and de-
fend against the Petition filed
Apartments & Houses
Exc deer, turkey hunting
Good Investment
Need a little care.
against you in this action at
9:00 a.m. on the 23rd day of
1 Bedrooms (615)719−8329 Brown sofa w/ matching
2 Bedroooms
love seat & reversible
HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE April 2021, before the Honor- pillows, $550.
CAUSE NO.: 2021-0040-F CONTINUE NORTH 1 DEGREE able Joseph N. Studdard Chan-
cery Court Judge, in Judge 3 Bedrooms LAMAR COUNTY, AL: 63
Entertainment Center, $80.
Queen Mattress w/
LOWNDES COUNTY Studdard’s courtroom at the ACRES on County Road 34.
NORTH 3 DEGREES 26 Lowndes County Chancery Furnished & Unfurnished Exc hunting, some timber,
railings, $75.
Call 662−549−5332.
MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE OF Courthouse located at 505 S.
Letters Testamentary have power & county water.
been granted and issued to the DEGREES 32 MINUTES EAST A Ave N., Columbus, MS 39701
and in case of your failure to
1, 2, & 3 Baths $1,150 per acre. 205−712 Sporting Goods
undersigned upon the estate of DISTANCE OF 132.8 FEET;
BETTY GIBSON PRICE, de- appear and defend a judgment Lease, Deposit −5606 or 205−799−9846.
& Credit Check
THENCE SOUTH 89 DEGREES will be entered against you for ED SANDERS GUNSMITH
ceased, by the Chancery Court 4 MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE
of Lowndes County, Missis- money or other things deman- Lots & Acreage Open for season!
OF 435.3 FEET; THENCE ded in the Petition. You are not
sippi, on the 5th day of March, SOUTH 3 DEGREES 26
required to file an Answer or Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12

A.D., 2021. This is to give no- MINUTES WEST A DISTANCE
1.75 ACRE LOTS. Good/ Over 50 years experience!
tice to all persons having other pleading, but you may do Bad Credit Options. Good Repairs, cleaning, refin−
OF 200 FEET; THENCE NORTH so if you desire.
claims against said estate to 87 DEGREES 44 MINUTES credit as low as 20% down, ishing, scopes mounted &
Probate and Register same
When looking
WEST A DISTANCE OF 10 FEET; Issued under my hand and the Apts For Rent: Other $499/mo. Eaton Land, zeroed, handmade knives.
with the Chancery Clerk of THENCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES 662−361−7711. Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
Lowndes County, Mississippi, seal of the Court, this the 5th
14 MINUTES EAST A DIS- day of March, 2021. of West Point, turn right on
within ninety (90) days from

for a new pet,

TANCE OF 476 FEET; THENCE Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
this date. A failure to so Pro- NORTH 87 DEGREES 44 NEW HOPE AREA:
bate and Register said claim CHANCERY CLERK left on Darracott Rd, will
MINUTES WEST A DISTANCE +/− 1 acre. Open land with see sign, 2.5mi ahead
will forever bar the same. OF 478 FEET TO THE INITIAL BY: Shantrell W. Granderson
adoption is
water & electricity nearby. shop on left.
POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE (SEAL) $17,900. Call or text,
This the 8th day of March, PROPERTY HEREIN DE- 662−494−6218.
2021. 662−435−0401.
SCRIBED AND CONTAINING Gerald Gaggini, MSB 99905 Wanted To Buy
/s/ Ray Daniel Price
2500 Hickory Wood Dr.
Tupelo, MS 38801 always a
Garage Sales

good option.
SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 18 Looking to buy a working
PUBLISH: 3/10, 3/17 & SOUTH, RANGE 17 WEST,
3/24/2021 PUBLISH: 3/10, 3/17 & treadmill. Good condition.
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- 3/24/2021 Call 662−251−6621.
SIPPI. Two free signs

Employment Vehicles
SIPPI street address of the property Estate Sales
is believed to be 119 SONIA
LOUISIANNER HARRIS 39702. In the event of any dis-
HUGHES, DECEASED crepancy between this street
address and the legal descrip-
Call us: 662-328-2424
2604 Boyd Rd.
Columbus, MS 39705 Ads starting at $12 Five Questions:
NO. 2021-0011 tion of the property, the legal Fri. March 19, 9am−4pm
description shall control. General Help Wanted Sat. March 20, 9am−5pm Autos For Sale
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Sun. March 21, 1pm−5pm
Title to the above described PERSONAL CARE: Full or Selling partial estate with 1 Fugu
WHEREAS, Letters Testament- property is believed to be good,
2015 GMC Canyon Pickup
part-time position available some nice items. Turn off white, 4 door, 4 cylinder,
ary upon the Estate of Louisi- but I will convey only such title at small personal care Hwy. 45 onto Holly Hills
anner Harris Hughes, de- extra clean, 137,000
as is vested in me as Substi- home in Columbus, MS. RENTALS Rd., Boyd Rd. is the 3rd miles. $13,000.
ceased, were duly issued to tute Trustee.
2 “Doctor Who”
the undersigned as Executor of Must pass background TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS road to the right, watch for Call 662−312−6617.
the estate by the Chancery check & health screening. our estate sale signs. King
Court of Lowndes County, Mis- ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY Call Collegeview Personal 1 BEDROOM bedroom suite, chest, Motorcycles & ATVs
sissippi, on the 3rd day of INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL Care 662-327-9463. 2 BEDROOMS desk, 3 sewing machines,
March, 2021; therefore, legal BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. washer, dryer, older fridge, ’05 HONDA REBEL 250
3 Inca
notice is hereby given that all blue willow, sofa, chairs, Black, red & grey. Actual
persons having claims against Rubin Lublin, LLC FULL TIME CARPENTER Peter’s pottery bowl, miles, 1,432. $1200.
the estate are required by law LEASE,
© The Dispatch

428 North Lamar Blvd, Suite needed for local company. McCarty Bird, pearl handle 662−364−0120.
to have them filed, probated, 107 Please contact (662) 570-
and registered with the Clerk of Oxford, MS 38655
5570 for more info.
DEPOSIT knife sets, stoneware,
foreign money, sm. bench,
the Chancery Court of Lowndes
County, Mississippi, at Colum- Tel: (877) 813-0992
bus, Mississippi, within ninety Fax: (470) 508-9401 THE COMMERCIAL CREDIT CHECK
Wedgwood, quilts, stamp
collection, wicker set, Sell idle items 4 Aglet
(90) days time from the public- musical instruments, Reed
DISPATCH with a quick action
ation of this notice, and the PUBLISH: 03/17/2021, & Barton and Oneida
failure to file, probate, and re- 03/24/2021, 03/31/2021, is seeking a part time stainless, baskets, Tools, classified ad.
employee for approxim-
5 True
gister their claims with the 04/07/2021 paintings, art, mid−century,
Clerk within the time will
forever bar the claims.
ately 2-3 hours of work per
day. Driving required.
2411 HWY 45 N iron yard items, tools,
IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF curio, kitchen items,
/s/ Rosie Harris Turner , LOWNDES COUNTY, Must have reliable trans- COLUMBUS, MS books, & we are still
Houses For Sale: Other
ROSIE HARRIS TURNER, EXEC- MISSISSIPPI, portation, valid driver's unboxing their items.
UTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF license & auto insurance. Houses For Rent: North See photos @
HUGHES, DECEASED Apply at our office at 516 COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES. Stewart’s Estate Sales
CASE NO: 2020-378 Main Street in Columbus 2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3 Benny Shelton
Prepared by: or via email to Mike Floyd bath townhouses. $650 to
J. Gordon Flowers (MSB No. Columbus, MS
5378) NOTICE TO CREDITORS at $750. 662−549−9555. 662−251−1515
Ask for Glenn or text.
Drew C. Bigelow (MSB No.
having been granted on the ROSES DAY SPA Mobile Homes for Rent
ER & HEWES, PLLC 21st day of September 2020 Licensed Nail Tech needed
Attorneys at Law
190 E. Capitol Street, Suite
to Laverne Cooper, by the
Chancery Court of Lowndes
for pedicures, manicures &
shellacs. Good pay. 662-
3BR/2BA MH in New Hope.
$650 dep + $650/mo. Read local.
County, Mississippi, upon the
Post Office Drawer 119 Estate of Rebecca Hielcher, 327-7718, ask for Logan. No pets, quiet area. Leave
voicemail with full name &
Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Deceased, notice is hereby giv-
en to any and all persons hav- message, 205−712−6697.
Telephone: (601) 948-3101 THE COMMERCIAL
Email: ing claims against said Re-
becca Hielcher, Deceased to DISPATCH Loans
present the same to the Clerk seeks a motivated,
PUBLISH: 3/10, 3/17 & of said Court for probate and contracted carrier for the
3/24/2021 registration according to law Caledonia area. Excellent
within ninety (90) days from the opportunity to earn money
first publication of this notice,
NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE otherwise, said claim will be for college. Must have
TRUSTEE’S SALE forever barred. good transportation, valid
driver's license & insur-
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI THIS the 8th day of March ance. Delivers on Sunday
COUNTY OF LOWNDES 2021. morning and Mon-Fri after-
WHEREAS, default has oc- noons. Apply at The Com-
s/ Laverne Cooper mercial Dispatch, 516
curred in the performance of LAVERNE COOPER
the covenants, terms and con- Administratrix of the Estate of Main Street in Columbus.
ditions of a Deed of Trust Rebecca Hielcher No phone calls please.
dated May 16, 2013, ex-
conveying certain real property Gerald Gaggini, MSB 99905 SEASONS OF COLUMBUS,
therein described to REAL ES- 2500 Hickory Wood Dr. which is a new senior
TATE CLOSING SERVICES INC, Tupelo, MS 38801 citizen residential facility, is
as Trustee, for REVERSE Telephone: 601-212-3696
MORTGAGE SOLUTIONS, INC., currently taking applica-
Original Beneficiary, to secure tions for the following posi-
PUBLISH: 3/10, 3/17 &
the indebtedness therein de- 3/24/2021
tions: Property Operations
scribed, as same appears of Assistant and Resident As-
record in the office of the Chan- sistant. For more informa-
cery Clerk of Lowndes County, tion, job description, or an
Mississippi filed and recorded application, please call
May 22, 2013, in Deed Book
2013, Page 14797 ; and Mrs. Taylor at 662-657-
WHEREAS, the beneficial in-
terest of said Deed of Trust All notices must be Transportation

Service Directory
was transferred and assigned
to Reverse Mortgage Solutions, emailed to CLASS A CDL DRIVER with
Inc.; and
classifieds@ Truck & Lowboy/Dump
WHEREAS, Rubin Lublin, LLC Trailer experience to load,
has been appointed as Substi- haul, & unload heavy
tute Trustee; and construction equipment/
material. Overnight travel
NOW, THEREFORE, the holder required. Only qualified Promote your small business starting at only $25
of said Deed of Trust, having
requested the undersigned so applicants with clean MVR,
current medical examiner’s Building & Remodeling General Services General Services Painting & Papering
to do, as Substitute Trustee or
Legalduly appointed agent, by vir-
Notices certificate and no
tue of the power, duty and au- accidents need apply. HOME REPAIRS & DUMP TRUCK HAULING. WORK WANTED: SULLIVAN’S PAINT
thority vested and imposed Email resume to chastity@ MAINTENANCE Slag − $400 Licensed & Bonded. SERVICE
upon said Substitute Trustee Work wanted. Carpentry, Clay Gravel − $250 TILL SMALL GARDENS. Special Prices.
shall, on April 14, 2021 within concrete, electrical & Millie for Driveways − $375 Carpentry, minor electrical, Interior & Exterior Painting.
the lawful hours of sale Available for hauling any minor plumbing, insulation, 662−435−6528
between 11:00AM and 4:00PM plumbing, shingle & metal
HEAVY EQUIPMENT roofing, fascia & soffit materials. Filling in painting, demolition,
at the southeast front door of OPERATORS needed for swimming pools. gutters cleaned, pressure
Courthouse proceed to sell at repairs, pressure washing
public outcry to the highest and
local project. Must be able & mobile home repairs. Columbus. Call Walter, washing, landscaping, &
best bidder for cash or certi- to maintain & operate No Job Too Small. 662−251−8664. cleanup work.
fied funds ONLY, the following dozers and excavators. 662−549−7031. 662−242−3608.
described property situated in Email resume to: chastity@
Lowndes County, Mississippi,
to wit: General Services BANKRUPTCY Lawn Care / Landscaping

TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE Bucket truck & stump $545 plus Filing Fee Spring Cleanup, Tree Got leaky pipes?
Cutting, Landscaping,
removal. Free est.
Serving Columbus
CHAPTER 13 Sodding & Bush Hogging Find a plumber in the
1 DEGREE 20 MINUTES WEST Ads starting at $25 since 1987. Senior BANKRUPTCY 662−356−6525 classifieds.
561 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1 All Attorney Fees Through The Plan
citizen disc. Call Alvin @ Painting & Papering
DISTANCE OF 466 FEET TO Apts For Rent: North 242−0324/241−4447 Jim Arnold, Attorney
"We’ll go out on a limb
for you!"
104 South Lafayette Street, Starkville Ext/Int Painting LIST YOUR
HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE Central Heat & Air Please visit our website: Sheet Rock Hang, Finish & BUSINESS HERE!
CONTINUE NORTH 1 DEGREE Appliances Repair. Pressure Washing.
00 MINUTES WEST A DIS- Ads starting at $25
$600/mo. plus sec. dep., Are you a painter? Free Estimates. Ask for
No pets. No HUD. Saturday morning appointments specials! Larry Webber,
NORTH 3 DEGREES 26 Advertise here! available for Starkville Office.
MINUTES EAST A DISTANCE OF 662−327−0587 662−242−4932.

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