Anecdotal Notes

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Miss Huff’s Anecdotal Notes Date: 3/15/21

Subject: Newton’s Law of Gravitation in Planetary Motion

Student: Cole Student: Sarah Student: Ryan Student: Lauren
Period: 1 Period: 1 Period:1 Period: 1
Asks good questions Got a question Got one question First time in person for
and got one incorrect. incorrect and I correct and one over a week got a
reassured her. incorrect. question incorrect.
Student: Nick Student: Liam Student: Stephen Student: Allysan
Period: 1 Period: 1 Period: 1 Period: 1
Got a question Tried to help Nick with Have to constantly tell Prefers not to answer
incorrect and his questions both him to pull up his mask. questions usually
reassured him. incorrect but at least Got a question correct. follows along with
learning. notes.
Student: Nathan Student: Jake Student: Elle Student: Kyle
Period: 1 Period: 1 Period: 1 Period: 1
Asks a lot of good Prefers to answer Almost always late to In Rossi and wore his
questions and gets questions on math. class but takes good uniform. Had trouble
flustered when put on Had trouble recalling notes. Likes to answer recalling Mr. Hanlon’s
the spot. formulas. questions. lessons.
Student: Isaac Student: Lizzy Student: Grace Student: Adrianna
Period: 1 Period: 2 Period: 2 Period: 2
Did not want to answer Answered my Answered correctly On the wrestling team
questions and said “I questions correctly and and was excited to tell and answered my
don’t know call on wanted to participate. me about her questions correctly.
someone else” a lot. weekend. Just started coming in
Student: Jayson Student: Jake Student: Carter Student: Sara
Period: 2 Period: 2 Period: 2 Period: 2
Constantly have to tell Constantly have to tell Answered my question Answered correctly and
him to pull up his mask him to pull up his mask incorrectly but was still helped to give me
and answered and answered interested in the lesson number values on the
correctly. incorrectly. and asked good notes.
Student: Rachel Student: Emily Student: Hanna Student: Hannah
Period: 2 Period: 2 Period: 2 Period: 2
Answered my question Answered my question Said “I don’t know Miss Answered a question
correctly and helped correctly and takes Huff, but I would like correctly and
others around her. through notes. to” when asked a participated in the
question. demonstration in the
Student: Max Student: Will Student: Josh Student: Madison
Period: 2 Period: 6 Period: 6 Period: 6
Answered a question Answered question Answered my question Answered my question
incorrectly and gave correctly for class and correctly and helped to correctly with some
him a second chance asked me a question on move the demo into guidance and
then he answered it the homework. the hallway. participated in the
correctly. Tried to lead demonstration.
him to the answer.
Student: Shawn Student: Casen Student: Jason Student: Nathan
Period: 6 Period: 6 Period: 6 Period: 9
Has been online Did not have the G Usually online and he Always in person and
recently could not constant in his notes came in person for the enjoys this unit. He is
answer my question and I told that it was day. Was able to studying engineering at
but with a little help okay as long as he answer my question BCCC and enjoys
answered correctly. added it now. with some help. answering questions
and working with
Student: Sadie Student: Becca Student: Kelsey Student: Ciana
Period: 9 Period: 9 Period: 9 Period: 9
She is often confused Participates well in Flip flops between in Always has her
on physics and does physics and often person and online. Told calculator out to help
not take advantage of answers questions me she was really with values and enjoys
help. She was excited correctly. She is really behind in most of her working with scientific
to show me her tattoo excited for the next classes and asked for notation.
on her arm. unit. help during the 5th
period study hall.
Student: Garett Student: Owen Student: Jason Student: Colin
Period: 9 Period: 9 Period: 9 Period: 9
Almost always in He enjoys Usually comes in Usually answers
person and really demonstration and I person and likes to questions when
enjoys demonstrations. occasionally have to answer questions on prompted and he is not
He also answers tell him to pullup his variables and formulas. afraid to ask questions
questions correctly. mask. Usually answers when he is confused.
questions correctly.

Today was my first day taking over 1st period. A lot of students were really lost and had issues recalling
what Mr. Hanlon had taught them. Only had a couple students in period one answer correctly.

For these notes I used the in-person students from each of my periods.

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