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Act Five Questions

1. In this Act the audience see Lady Macbeth’s state of mind falling
apart. How would the audience feel as we watch her decline?

2. In scene 3 Macbeth is still very confident that he will win the

battle. Why?

3. In scene 4 Malcolm tells the soldiers to carry branches to disguise

themselves. Explain why this is ironic. What do the audience know
about what this order will mean for Macbeth?

4. In scene 5 Macbeth has one final prophecy to hang on to. What is


5. In the final scene Macbeth finds out that Malcolm was ‘ripped’
from his mother’s womb. This would be a high point of tension in
the play. Explain in your own words what effect this new knowledge
would have on the audience and Macbeth.

6. At the close of the play we see order being restored to Scotland

and the throne restored to a worthy king, Malcolm. What lessons
would the Elizabethan audience have learnt about the supernatural,
ambition and treason?

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