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Sub-skills of Listening Possible Definitions Answers

1. listen for facts and details a. listen to find out the cause and effect connection 1............
2. listen for gist b. listen to identify the order of events 2............
3. listen for cause and effect c. listen to guess what speaker is going to say 3............
4. listen for sequence of event d. listen to get the general/main idea of the topic 4............
e. listen to the clues and guess meaning in
5. listen for predicting outcome 5............
6. listen to infer meaning from
f. listen to get the specific information 6............
contextual clues

Sub-skills of Listening Possible Definitions Answers
1. listen for facts and details a. listen to find out the cause and effect connection 1............
2. listen for gist b. listen to identify the order of events 2............
3. listen for cause and effect c. listen to guess what speaker is going to say 3............
4. listen for sequence of event d. listen to get the general/main idea of the topic 4............
e. listen to the clues and guess meaning in
5. listen for predicting outcome 5............
6. listen to infer meaning from
f. listen to get the specific information 6............
contextual clues
Table A Table B
1. Who is wearing the pink t-shirt? 1. Who loves grandma the most? Why?
2. Who do you hear at the grandma’s 2. Who is wearing the pink t-shirt?
birthday? And put them in the right column.
3. Who loves grandma the most? Why? 3. Who do you hear at the grandma’s
birthday? And put them in the right column.

Table A Table B
1. Who is wearing the pink t-shirt? 1. Who loves grandma the most? Why?
2. Who do you hear at the grandma’s 2. Who is wearing the pink t-shirt?
birthday? And put them in the right column.
3. Who loves grandma the most? Why? 3. Who do you hear at the grandma’s
birthday? And put them in the right column.
Metacognitive Approach (MA)
- Pre-listening
1. activate prior knowledge of
2. predicting answers
- While-listening
1. listen, check(tick) your predicted answer and compare
2. listen and add (take note) more detail
3. listen, check and explain how you arrived at the
- Post-listening
1. reflect on listening performance
Comprehension Approach (CA)
- Pre-listening
1. pre-teach vocabulary
2. activate prior knowledge of the topic
- While-listening
1. listen and do exercises
2. listen again and check answers
- Post-listening
1. speaking/writing/grammar/ Pronunciation
Hot potato’s instruction
1. Students stand in circle.
2. T plays music and students continually pass the ball to their friends one by
3. When the music stops, a person who holds the ball peels the ball and follows
what it is said in the paper.
4. T continues playing music and students keep doing the same until running
out of paper.

Hot potato’s instruction
1. Students stand in circle.
2. T plays music and students continually pass the ball to their friends one by
3. When the music stops, a person who holds the ball peels the ball and follows
what it is said in the paper.
4. T continues playing music and students keep doing the same until running
out of paper.

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