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Level: Bachelor Semester – Fall Year : 2009

Programme: B.E. Full Marks : 100
Course: Analog Communication Time : 3hrs.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far
as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt all the questions.

1. a) Give the block diagram of a communication system. And explain 8

each of them in brief.
b) In an AM signals contains 700W at its carrier frequency and 300 W 7
in each of its sidebands.
i. Determine the percent of modulation of the AM
ii. Find the allocation of power if the percent of
modulation is changed to 80%
2. a) Write basic equations for FM and PM with neat diagram. 8
b) Why SSB is more important in communication application. Draw the 7
block diagram of a phase cancellation SSB generator and explain
how the carrier and unwanted sidebands are suppressed.
3. a) Show that the transmission bandwidth required for the transmission 7
of the AM modulated wave is twice the frequency of the message
signal used. 8
b) Derive the expression for the SSB modulated wave.
4. a) Discuss the effect of frequency and phase errors in the local oscillator 8
in the DSB-SC modulated wave.
b) Make the use of PLL to demodulate the FM modulated wave.
5 a) How can you generate a FM modulated wave using a phase 8
modulator? And how can you generate a PM modulated wave using a
frequency modulator. Explain with the help of a neat diagram. 7
b) Define Carson's rule. If f  75KHz , f m  15 KHz, Calculate
6. a) List out the advantages and application of satellite system. 7
b) Discuss different modulation techniques used in radio 8
communication system.
7. Write short notes on (Any Two) 5x2
a) Hilbert transform and its properties
b) Satellite systems and application
c) Multiplexing

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