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Bushing Embedder

Cost Analysis

Chris Bettencourt

Southern Utah University

November 15, 2019

Vision​: ​Perform cost analysis of Bushing Embedder Machine.
Purpose​: ​The purpose of this document is to discuss how the cost of the Bushing Embedder was
determined and show results of the analysis.

Figure 1. Solidworks Model of Bushing Embedder.

Method​: ​Several vendors were compared and placed in a spreadsheet for the various items. APA style
format was adapted to the table and a chart comparing the cost of items was created.
Results:​ The following results demonstrate the approximate cost for each item in the assembly. The
spreadsheet would not allow for the gridlines to be removed, so a screenshot was created.
Table 1. Cost Analysis.
Figure 2. Cost Comparison of Items.
Discussion:​ ​Several parts had to be custom made because certain decisions were overlooked in the
initial design and sketches. Parts that were bulk were bought by package and needed quantity was not
deducted from the overall pack.
Conclusion:​ The overall cost of the design was determined successfully.

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