PanamJAS-Referees Guidance Notes

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Dear Colleague,

The Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences publishes original Research

articles and Scientific notes in the Aquatic Sciences field, such as Biology and
Ecology of aquatic organisms, Biological, Physical, Chemical and Geological
Oceanography, Limnology, Coastal Management, Fisheries Biology, Aquatic
Ecosystem Management, Aquaculture and related areas.
Referees may find it useful, when reading the attached manuscript, to have in
mind the key questions which the Editors will have to consider in order to accept
the article for publication. In this sense, your advice as a specialist in the area is
being sought.
Please, consider this items, altogether with your own critical ideas:
1. Does the paper make a worthwhile contribution to knowledge; e.g. by way of
new data, techniques or ideas?
2. Is the title adequate?
3. If so, is it properly placed in the context of existing knowledge, giving the due
recognition to published work?
4. Is the evidence and argument presented clearly and concisely, or is the paper
unduly long for the message it is conveying? If the latter, how might it be
shortened without loss? Would it be appropriate to modify the manuscript to
a short communication?
5. Is the methodology (including sampling, experimental design, and theory)
sound and updated?
6. Are the text, tables, and figures mutually consistent, sufficient, not excessive,
and clear?
7. Are there specialised parts, for instance specific methodology or the statistical
analysis, on which you would prefer someone else to comment? If so, please
suggest a name to the Editorial Board as soon as possible.
8. Are the references cited in the text all included in References list and

Please, altogether with the manuscript send back to the Editorial Board, in a
separate document, all your comments to the authors (please, use the Referee
Comments document as a guide).
The Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences is honoured with your

The Editorial Board of the Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences

ISSN 1809-9009

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