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Research Pre-Test


A. Citation E. Hook AE. Secondary Source

B. Claim AB. Lead-In BC. Topic Sentence
C. Commentary AC. Plagiarism BD. Transition
D. Hanging Indent AD. Primary Source BE. Works Cited

_____ 1. another word for “thesis statement”

2. the original piece of literature you are writing about

3. another term for “bibliography”

4. words or phrases that help you segue from one topic to another

5. quoting or paraphrasing from a source without properly giving credit to the author

6. a way of visually separating sources on a works cited page

7. your own words that explain the significance of the previous quote

8. an attention-grabbing statement that starts your paper

9. parentheses, occurring after a quote, that note basic source information

10. your own words that occur before a quote, blending your statements with your source material

11. an academic journal article or the like that provides expert analysis on your topic

12. the first sentence of each paragraph that notes that focus of said paragraph

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