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Webinar 1 HPI Komisariat Daerah Jawa Barat

13 Juni 2020
Definisi grammar

In linguistics, grammar is the set of structural rules governing

the composition of clauses, phrases and words in a natural
language. The term refers also to the study of such rules
and this field includes phonology, morphology and syntax,
often complemented by phonetics, semantics, and
Pastikan setiap kalimat mengandung satu subject dan satu verb (simple sentence).
Dalam kalimat majemuk (compound sentence), kalimat kompleks (complex
sentence), dan kalimat majemuk kompleks (compound-complex sentence), pastikan
ada subject dan verb pada setiap klausa dengan menggunakan kata hubung
(conjunction) atau titik koma (semicolon) sebagai penghubung antarklausa.

Dalam imperative sentence (command, request, forbiddance), subject tidak tersurat

meskipun sebenarnya tetap ada.
1. Simple sentence: a sentence that has one independent clause
2. Compound sentence: a sentence that has at least two independent clauses
joined by a comma, semicolon, or conjunction

3. Complex sentence: a sentence that contains an independent clause and one or

more dependent clauses

4. Compound-complex sentence: a sentence that contains at least two

independent clauses (like a compound sentence) and at least one dependent
clause (like a complex sentence)

Klausa-klausa independen dihubungkan dengan menggunakan titik

koma (semicolon) atau coordinating conjunction (fanboys: for, and,
nor, but, or, yet, so).

 George went to bed early.

 He didn’t feel better the next day.

➢ George went to bed early, but he didn’t feel better the next day.

 I sing and dance in my car.

 People can see me.
 I don’t care.

➢ I sing and dance in my car, and people can see me, but I don’t care.

 Atun is mean.
 Atun is lonely.

➢ Atun is mean because she is lonely.

 It was dark.
 We were still able to recognize him.

➢ Although it was dark, we were still able to recognize him.


 It was dark.
 We were still able to recognize him.
 He was wearing a bright-colored sweater.

➢ It was dark, but we were still able to recognize him as he was

wearing a bright-colored sweater.
➢ It was dark; nevertheless, we were still able to recognize him as
he was wearing a bright-colored sweater.
Klausa yang berfungsi sebagai benda sehingga bisa menjalankan peran
sebagai subjek atau objek kalimat

 That/The fact that Sally is in love with Udin surprises me.



 How the burglar entered the room without damaging any door
will remain a mystery.

 You should explain why you didn’t show up yesterday.


 Does anyone know what his objections are?

Subject-verb Agreement

 A singular subject takes a singular verb (is, was, has, does, goes, etc.)

 A plural subject takes a plural verb (are, were, have, do, go, etc.)
Subject-verb Agreement
 Indefinite pronoun seperti someone, somebody, anyone, everything, nothing, etc.
dianggap singular.
➢ Everyone has some part to play in fighting racism.

 Indefinite pronoun seperti all, none, dan some bisa dianggap singular atau plural
(bergantung pada benda yang dibicarakan).

➢ Some of the committee members disagree with the decision.

➢ All of the money was used for a marketing campaign in social media.

 Subject yang menggunakan each atau every selalu dianggap singular.

➢ Each of the participants in the experiment receives the same treatment.

Subject-verb Agreement
 Subject dengan frasa together with, as well as, dan along with bisa dianggap
singular atau plural (bergantung pada benda di depannya).

➢ The coach, as well as some of his players, is reported to have

contracted coronavirus.
 Subject dengan and dianggap plural.

➢ The woman and her husband have been charged with murder.

Catatan menarik:

➢ Breaking and entering is a type of property crime involving the unauthorized

entry into a residence or building using force.
➢ The bed and breakfast offers a uniquely charming atmosphere for a vacation.
Subject-verb Agreement
 Subject dengan either atau neither dianggap singular.
➢ Which of these shirts do you want to wear?
Either is fine.

 Subject dengan either … or … atau neither … nor … bisa dianggap singular atau
plural (bergantung pada benda yang lebih dekat dengan verb).

➢ Neither the old man nor his children were aware of the danger.


 Subject yang menggunakan either of … atau neither of … bisa dianggap plural

dalam informal writing.

➢ Are either of you taking this seriously?

Subject-verb Agreement
 Subject tidak dipengaruhi oleh modifier yang hadir sesudahnya.
➢ The governor, who has been convicted along with his four brothers of
various crimes but who also seems, like a cat, to have several political lives,
is finally going to jail.

 Subject berupa perhitungan matematika dianggap singular.

➢ Three times four divided by two is six.

 Pada kalimat dengan dua subject, satu positif dan satu negatif, verb
mengikuti subject yang positif.

➢ The coach, but not the players, makes the decisions on tactics.
Subject-verb Agreement
 Subject berupa tim olahraga dianggap plural
➢ Arsenal have gone without winning a Premier League trophy for 16 years.

 Beberapa kata berakhiran –s dan terkesan plural, tapi sebenarnya dianggap singular

➢ The news has finally reached him, and he is unhappy about it.
➢ Mathematics is definitely my least favorite subject.
➢ Measles is a highly infectious viral illness that can be very unpleasant and
sometimes lead to serious complications.
Subject-verb Agreement
 Sebaliknya, ada beberapa kata berakhiran –s yang seharusnya dianggap
plural, tapi sering secara keliru dipasangkan dengan singular verb
➢ These jeans are very comfortable and make my legs look longer.

Tapi: A pair of jeans is enough for me.

 Harap berhati-hati dengan inverted subject (subject muncul sesudah verb)

➢ There is a hair in my chicken soup.

➢ There are more than 40 students in this classroom.
➢ On the doorstep was a bunch of flowers from her secret admirer.
Parallel Structure
Unsur-unsur pembentuk kalimat dengan fungsi yang sama harus diungkapkan dalam
bentuk yang sama.

Faulty Correct
The manager praised her employees for their The manager praised her employees for their
dedication and they were willing to work on weekends dedication and their willingness to work on weekends
for free. for free.
Monetarism is an economic policy that seeks to control Monetarism is an economic policy that seeks to control
the supply of money and preventing excessive the supply of money and to prevent excessive inflation.
Mrs. Twinklestar not only taught the children the
history of windmills, but also read the story of Don
Mrs. Twinklestar not only taught the children the Quixote.
history of windmills, but also the story of Don Quixote.
Mrs. Twinklestar taught the children not only the
history of windmills, but also the story of Don Quixote.
Parallel Structure
Faulty Correct
Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method,
Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method, while now it is taught by the laboratory method.
while now the laboratory method is employed.
Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method;
now it is taught by the laboratory method.
The company offers special college training to help The company offers special college training to help
hourly employees move into professional careers like hourly employees move into professional careers
engineering management, software development, like engineering management, software development,
service technicians, and sales trainees. technical services, and sales.
When you come across faulty parallelism, it clangs off When you come across faulty parallelism, it clangs off
the ear, it destroys written sentences, and the writer the ear, it destroys written sentences, and it muddies
didn't make her meaning clear. any intention the author may have had.
Not only Andrew has drinking problems, but he also Not only does Andrew have drinking problems, but he
smokes too much. also smokes too much.
Simple Present Tense lazim digunakan untuk
peristiwa/kegiatan yang sudah terjadwal untuk masa
 Pertemuan akan dimulai 30 menit lagi.
➢ The meeting starts in 30 minutes.
 Kereta baru akan berangkat dua jam lagi, jadi kita masih punya banyak waktu.
➢ The train doesn’t depart for another two hours, so we have plenty of time.

Catatan: penggunaan ‘will’ biasanya menyiratkan keputusan atau perkiraan

Jangan menggunakan Present Perfect Tense (dengan makna
‘sudah’ atau ‘telah’) untuk peristiwa lampau. Gunakan
Simple Past Tense!
 Dewan direksi telah mengambil keputusan bulat dalam rapat tadi malam.
➢ The board of directors reached a unanimous decision in last night’s meeting.
➢ The board of directors has reached a unanimous decision.
 Saya sudah bicara dengannya kemarin dan berhasil membujuknya untuk
bergabung dengan kita.
➢ I talked to him yesterday and managed to persuade him to join us.
➢ I have talked to him and (have) managed to persuade him to join us.

Catatan: Present Perfect Tense menyampaikan makna ‘hasil’ atau ‘akibat’

Terima kasih dan sampai jumpa
pada webinar berikutnya!

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