Questionnaire of The Market Survey: Below 150 150 - 250 251 - 350 351 - 450 Above 450

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Questionnaire of the Market Survey

A. General Information about your clinic:

1- Range of your visit fees? …… EGP

Below 150 150 – 250 251 – 350 351 – 450 above 450
2- Location of your clinic? …………..

3- Number of visitors (patients) per month

Below 20 20 – 50 51 – 80 81 – 120 above 120

B. What is the main complaint of your clients? Please choose one or more from the below.

1. Pain
2. Anesthesia
3. High Visit Rate
4. High Price of medicines.
5. Other ….

C. For a laser device priced at $70K What is the expected payback period
Less than 2 years
2 to 3 years
4 to 5 years
More than 5 years

D. Please rate from 1 to 3 your readiness to buy laser product for your daily work.

1. Ready
2. Neutral
3. Not Ready

E. Are you aware of the importance of the laser technology in the dental field?

Yes No
F. Please state channels frequently visited to buy needed/new equipment for your clinic (You can
choose more than one)

1. Specialized Conferences & Exhibitions

2. Retailers
3. Depends on Sales Personnel.
4. Others (Please state):…………………

G. What is the preferred channels for medical news and trends?

1. Social media
2. Scientific magazines
3. Conferences
4. Other (please mention): …………

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