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March 15, 2021


The Board has a contractual obligation to evaluate the superintendent's performance on an annual
basis no later than March 15. The evaluation process is outlined in Board Staff Linkages 3 (BSL 3),
"Monitoring Superintendent Performance" and in accord with the Superintendent's contract.

The Board has collected information in the form of Executive Limitation reports, graduation rates, dropout
rates, and what data that could be collected regarding student progress toward reaching the goal of one
year of progress for one year of school attendance. Data collection was hindered due to COVID-19
limitations and conditions. Discussions have taken place and the superintendent has been apprised of
concerns and issues.

Conclusion: It has been determined that Superintendent Perry's performance for the 2019-2020
school year is consistent with all Executive Limitations and the Results Policy. The performance
evaluation represents the Board's confidence in Superintendent Perry, and the Board commends
Superintendent Perry for her leadership of the District.

Recommendation/Board Action
This report is presented for Board action.

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