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Upper Body Strength Sequence

Vicky Arundel

1 2 3 4 5
1. Wide Child 2. Child Pose 3. Cat Cow Pose 4. Balancing 5. Balancing

Pose Variation Both Table Pose Table Pose Knee

Arms To Side To Nose

6 7 8 9 10
6. Downward 7. Plank Pose 8. Plank Pose 9. Four Limbed 10. Upward

Facing Dog Pose Variation Knee To Staff Pose Knees Facing Dog Pose

Ground To Floor Variation Variation


11 12 13 14 15
11. Downward 12. Plank Pose 13. Plank Pose 14. Four Limbed 15. Chariot Pose

Facing Dog Pose Variation Knee To Staff Pose Knees Variation Arms

Ground To Floor Variation Out


16 17 18 19 20
16. Downward 17. Plank Pose 18. Crescent High 19. Downward 20. Plank Pose

Facing Dog Pose Knee to Elbow Lunge Shoulder Facing Dog Pose Knee to Elbow

21 22 23 24 25
21. Crescent High 22. Downward 23. Dolphin Pose 24. Forearm 25. Sphinx Rollup

Lunge Shoulder Facing Dog Pose Plank Pose Pose


26 27 28 29 30
26. Sphinx Pose 27. Sphinx Rollup 28. Forearm 29. Forearm Side 30. Wide Child

Pose Plank Pose Plank Pose

31 32 33 34 35
31. Forearm Side 32. Wide Child 33. Shoulder 34. Downward 35. Plank Pose

Plank Pose Stretch Pose Facing Dog Pose Knee to Elbow

36 37 38 39 40
36. Warrior Pose I 37. Side Plank 38. Side Plank 39. Downward 40. Plank Pose

Eagle Arms Twist Pose Facing Dog Pose Knee to Elbow

41 42 43 44 45
41. Warrior Pose I 42. Side Plank 43. Side Plank 44. Downward 45. Revolved

Eagle Arms Twist Pose Facing Dog Pose Downward Facing

Dog Pose

46 47 48 49 50
46. Low Lunge 47. Downward 48. Revolved 49. Low Lunge 50. Downward

Triceps Stretching Facing Dog Pose Downward Facing Triceps Stretching Facing Dog Pose

Dog Pose

51 52 53 54 55
51. Squat Pose 52. Crow Pose 53. Four Limbed 54. Upward 55. Downward

Staff Pose Facing Dog Pose Facing Dog Pose

Variation High

56 57 58 59 60
56. Jump 57. Reverse Table 58. One Legged 59. Constructive 60. Bridge Pose

Through Pose Top Pose Reverse Table Rest Pose

Top Pose
61 62
61. Constructive 62. Corpse Pose

Rest Pose

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