Video Lesson Table of Contents

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Video Lesson Table Of Contents

VIDEO LESSONS – In the Beginning – Chapter 1

1 of 7 In The Beginning: Camera Obscura, early photographic systems,
Eadweard Muybridge.

2 of 7 In The Beginning: Louis LePrince & Thomas Edison. Edison and the
beginnings of movies for entertainment.

3 of 7 In The Beginning: The Lumiere brothers become the first

documentarians and spread cinema internationally.

4 of 7 In The Beginning: George Melies’ “A Trip to the Moon” as cinema’s first

science fiction displays film as an art form.

5 of 7 In The Beginning: Edwin S. Porter’s “The Great Train Robbery” further

advances cinema through the use of parallel editing (cross-cutting).

6 of 7 In The Beginning: D.W. Griffith expands the “Language of Film” and in

doing so creates modern filmmaking.

7 of 7 In The Beginning: Edison’s film trust, the Motion Picture Patents

Company (MPPC) forces filmmakers to move to California to escape the
MPPC monopoly.

VIDEO LESSON - The Golden Age of Silent Films - Chapter 2

1 of 4 The Golden Age of Silent Film 1918-1928: The 5 major studios and
the 4 major minor studios. The beginning of the Hollywood Studio
System. Laemmle’s creation of the Star System.

2 of 4 The Golden Age of Silent Film: The early role of minorities in cinema,
the great comedies of the silent era.

3 of 4 The Golden Age of Silent Film: The first studio formed by contract
talent, Thomas Ince creates the modern mode of production, Guilds &
Societies, the first Academy Awards.

4 of 4 The Golden Age of Silent Film: Foreign films advance the art of
cinema, the Russians and Montage Theory, the German expressionists,
the Surrealists.

Video Lesson Table Of Contents

VIDEO LESSONS – The Coming of Sound – Chapter 3

1 of 4 The Coming of Sound: Why did it take 30 years to develop sound for
cinema? Early use of color. The beginning of censorship.

2 of 4 The Coming of Sound: Innovations in sound, backward steps with the

advent of sound, creation of new genres.

3 of 4 The Coming of Sound: Innovations leading to the success of color


4 of 4 The Coming of Sound: The Hays Production Code.

VIDEO LESSONS – WWII and the 1950’s – Chapter 4

1 of 3 World War II & the Movies: American isolationism, Vertically
Integrated Monopolies, Hollywood becomes vital to the war effort.

2 of 3 World War II & the Movies: The war ends, The Consent Decree of
1948, Hollywood faces competition for the first time.
3 of 3 World War II & the Movies:1950’s, Film Noir & Science fiction reflect a
society, the baby boomers, wide screen formats appear.

1 of 1 Animation Evolution- From modest beginnings to the modern era.

VIDEO LESSONS – THE 1960’s – Chapter 8

1 of 3 The New Cinema of the 1960’s: The Hay’s Production Code becomes
obsolete, the Hollywood Studio System gasps it last breath, Corporate
takeovers of the studios.
2 of 3 The New Cinema of the 1960’s: Corporate accountants take over
Hollywood. The studios look for additional sources of revenue.

3 of 3 The New Cinema of the 1960’s: Stanley Kubrick, Roger Corman, a new
generation turn Hollywood upside down.

Video Lesson Table Of Contents  

VIDEO LESSONS - THE 1970’S – Chapter 9

1 of 3 The 1970’s: A Hollywood Renaissance: Marketing Executives decide
which films get made, the Blockbuster mentality, the Film School Brats
blend traditional Hollywood with foreign film techniques.

2 of 3 The 1970’s: A Hollywood Renaissance: The Hollywood Renaissance.

3 of 3 The 1970’s: A Hollywood Renaissance: Minority Filmmakers make

their mark, Blaxploitation, women in film.

VIDEO LESSONS – Documentary Filmmaking – Chapter 7

1 of 2 Documentary Films: Robert Flaherty, John Grierson, Pare Lorentz &
Leni Riefenstahl-Documentary V.S. Propaganda.

2 of 2 Documentary Films: Robert Drew, D.A. Pennybaker, Michael Moore,

Ken Burn and the Golden Age of Documentary.

VIDEO LESSONS – Foreign Films – Chapter 6

1 of 2 Foreign Films: The French New Wave & Auteur Theory.    

2 of 2 Foreign Films: Filmmakers from around the world continue to change

American cinema.

Video Lesson Table Of Contents  


1 of 5 Close-up on Alfred Hitchcock: Why Hitchcock? The Master of

2 of 5 Close-up on Alfred Hitchcock: The American Years

3 of 5 Close-up on Alfred Hitchcock: Master of Planning, Master of

Manipulation, striking images, loyal collaborator.

4 of 5 Close-up on Alfred Hitchcock: Evil is everywhere, unlikely romance,

black humor and the Wrong Man theme.

5 of 5 Close-up on Alfred Hitchcock: Famous locations, opening titles, the

MacGuffin & cameos.

VIDEO LESSONS – THE 1980’S - Chapter 10

1 of 4 The 1980’s and Beyond – Home video and the new cross breeding within
the industry.

2 of 4 The 1980’s and Beyond – MTV meets Cinematic Hollywood

3 of 4 The 1980’s and Beyond – Great filmmakers of the decade

4 of 4 The 1980’s and Beyond – Trends, Cable television, Film preservation, and the
start of the digital revolution.


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