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FINAL EXAM 2018______________Total: 100 marks
 Reading comprehension
A) Fill in the blanks
1. but 2. go 3. friends 4. uniform 5. cold 6. usually
……………………………………………………………12 marks (2 marks each)

B) True or False
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. T
…………………………………...………………………14 marks (2 marks each)
 About you - Student expected answer:
I play football on Tuesdays and Thursdays with my friends. We go to the park or the sports
centre. My mum doesn’t do any sports. My dad and my brother play tennis at the weekend.

Marking criteria – Juniors 1 – short task

Mark Criteria

All ideas are relevant and clearly expressed.
Competent completion Only minor spelling mistakes and occasional grammatical mistakes
of task

Task completed Most ideas are relevant and clear.
adequately Few errors which do not hinder communication.

Pass Mark Main ideas are clear. One of the key points is omitted.
Reasonable completion More errors in target structures. Limited range of lexis.
of task

Answer is not completely addressed to the rubric, or main bullet points have been
2 omitted.
Not quite clear enough Very limited range of structures and lexis.

Very weak piece of Irrelevant ideas. Serious errors impede message to be understood.

……………………………………………………………………………………………….…… 4 marks

Ninguna parte de esta publicación, incluidos los dibujos, puede ser reproducida, almacenada o transmitida en manera alguna ni por
ningún medio, ya sea digital, eléctrico, químico, mecánico, óptico, de grabación o de fotocopia, sin acuerdo previo con Dickens.
Page 1
 Multiple choice
1. his 2. There’s 3. mum’s computer 4. is riding
5. some 6. wasn’t 7. played
……..…………………………………………………….14 marks (2 marks each)
 Match
1. f 2. h 3.a 4. d 5. g
……………………………………………………….…….10 marks (2 marks each)
 Vocabulary
A) 1. library 3. bathroom 5. Turkish
2. watch 4. windy 6. surf

……………………………………………………………12 marks (2 marks each)

B) 1. Science 3.ninety-three 5. mechanic 7. cousin
2. rollerblading 4. post office 6. drawing
……………………………………………………………14 marks (2 marks each)
 Writing task
Student’s expected answers.

Option A
Hi Kate!
My name is … and I’m … years old.
I usually get up at nine o’clock because I go to school in the afternoon. I have
breakfast with my family and then, I watch TV. At eleven o’clock I have a shower,
I have lunch and I go to school by bus. In the afternoon, I have History, Maths,
Science and English lessons. I always go to bed at eleven o‘clock.
What about you?
Write to me soon

Option B

My favourite character is Bart Simpson.

He is a boy. He is ten years old. He is short and thin.
He is yellow! He’s got short hair. His eyes and mouth are very big but his nose is
small. He can skateboard but he can’t play the saxophone.
He isn’t very intelligent.

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ningún medio, ya sea digital, eléctrico, químico, mecánico, óptico, de grabación o de fotocopia, sin acuerdo previo con Dickens.
Page 2
Marking criteria – Juniors 1 – long task

Relevance of Organisation Accuracy of Range of

content structures structures
Juniors 1 & Cohesion
& lexis & lexis
Bracket 5 Target structures
The development of ideas is easy
and lexis of the Some variety, within
Most ideas are clear to follow. There is an attempt to
(18-20) level might contain the target language
and relevant. use grammatical devices such as
few errors which do of the level, in the
Competent All bullet points are pronouns and articles and also
not impede structures and
completion of included. simple cohesive devices of the
communication of vocabulary used
task level such as and, but, then.

The development of ideas is easy

Target structures
to follow, though few of them
Bracket 4 and lexis of the
might be disconnected from the
(15-17) Most ideas are clear level contain few
rest or in the wrong order. There Limited range of
and relevant. errors most of
is an attempt to use grammatical structures and
Task Almost all bullet which do not
devices such as pronouns and vocabulary
completed points are included. impede
articles and also simple cohesive
adequately communication of
devices of the level such as and,
but, then.

Structures and
Bracket 3 Main ideas are clear lexis of the level
(12-14) even if simple, Ideas are mostly clear and might be
although content expressed at sentence level. inaccurate at Basic repertoire of
Pass Mark might be irrelevant at times, but main structures and
Reasonable times. One of the key There is an attempt to use message is words/phases
completion of points might have pronouns and articles to connect understood without
task been omitted ideas and/or avoid repetition an effort on the
part of the reader

Bracket 2 Answer is not The development of ideas is Errors make it

(7-11) completely addressed difficult to follow. difficult to Very limited range
to the rubric, or main understand what of structures and
Mostly wrong or no use of
Not quite bullet points have the writer wants to vocabulary
cohesive devices
clear enough been omitted say
Bracket 1
Off topic answers. Serious errors Very limited range
No bullet point No clear development of ideas impede message to of structures and
Very weak
included be understood vocabulary
piece of

Important: - Deduct ½ mark if students don’t reach or exceed the word limit –

……………………………………….……………………….………… 20 marks

Ninguna parte de esta publicación, incluidos los dibujos, puede ser reproducida, almacenada o transmitida en manera alguna ni por
ningún medio, ya sea digital, eléctrico, químico, mecánico, óptico, de grabación o de fotocopia, sin acuerdo previo con Dickens.
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