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Internet of things (IOT)

An era of IoT — Machine-to-Machine
Communication (M2M) - telemetry
• Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications refers to
communication between computers, embedded processors, smart
sensors, actuators and mobile devices without, or with only human
• M2M is a new business concept originating from the telemetry.
• M2M is based on very common used technologies –
• wireless sensors
• mobile networks
• the Internet.
IOT – internet of things
• The Internet of Things (IoT) refers
to the ever-growing network of • M2M (Machine to Machine)
physical objects that feature an
IP address for internet • “Internet of Everything” (Cisco Systems)
connectivity, and the
• “World Size Web” (Bruce Schneider)
communication that occurs
between these objects and other • “Skynet” (Terminator movie)
Internet-enabled devices and
• It is also referred to as Machine-
to-Machine (M2M), Skynet or
Internet of Everything.
The Structure of IoT
• The IoT can be viewed as a gigantic network consisting of networks of
devices and computers connected through a series of intermediate
technologies where numerous technologies like RFIDs, wireless
connections may act as enablers of this connectivity.
• Tagging Things : Real-time item traceability and addressability by RFIDs.
• Feeling Things : Sensors act as primary devices to collect data from the
• Shrinking Things : Reduction and Nanotechnology has provoked the ability
of smaller things to interact and connect within the “things” or “smart
• Thinking Things : Embedded intelligence in devices through sensors has
formed the network connection to the Internet. It can make the “things”
realizing the intelligent control.
How IOT transforming WORLD
IoT Criticisms and Controversies of IoT
• Scalability • Privacy
• Technological Standardization • Security
• Inter operability • Independence and Control
• Discovery
• Social control
• Software complexity
• Data volumes and interpretation
• Political manipulation
• Power Supply • Design
• Interaction and short range • Environmental impact
communication • Influences human moral decision
• Wireless communication making
• Fault tolerance

1. How IOT can be used in

• Agriculture
• Healthcare
• Education
• E-commerce
• Telecommunication

2. Define Metcalf ’s law and Moore's law with

real time examples?

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