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The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry

Perspectives in Psychopharmacology
Guest Editor: Boadie W. Dunlop, M.D., MSCR
The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry
APA Publishing
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Applied Armamentarium
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Boadie Dunlop, M.D.
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The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry

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David L. Fogelson, M.D., Glen O. Gabbard, M.D.,
Tristan Gorrindo, M.D., Vikas Gupta, M.D., M.P.H.,
Yad M. Jabbarpour, M.D., Venkata Kolli, M.B.B.S.,
Sherrell T. Lam, M.D., Ira M. Lesser, M.D., Avram H.
Mack, M.D., Jarrod A. Marks, M.D., Kristen Moeller,
Lindsay J. Moskowitz, M.D., Philip R. Muskin, M.D.,
Michele T. Pato, M.D., M.P.H., Mark H. Rapaport,
M.D., Victor I. Reus, M.D., Charles F. Reynolds, III,
M.D., Pedro Ruiz, M.D., Dorothy E. Stubbe, M.D.,
James W. Thomp­son, M.D., M.P.H., Marcia L.
Verduin, M.D., Jose Vito, M.D., Daniel K. Winstead,
M.D., Joel Yager, M.D.

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Focus VOLUME 19 • NUMBER 1 • WINTER 2021


1 Navigating the Novel Psychotropics

Boadie W. Dunlop, M.D., MSCR


3 Contrasting Typical and Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs
Herbert Y. Meltzer, M.D., and Erick Gadaleta, D.O.

14 Tardive Dyskinesia: Spotlight on Current Approaches to Treatment
Sarah M. Debrey, M.D., and David R. Goldsmith, M.D.
The current pharmacological options, especially with the more widespread use of the VMAT2 inhibitors,
offer some hope for greater symptomatic improvement that may lead to greater quality of life and
recovery for patients.

24 Increasing Psychiatrists’ Role in Addressing the Cardiovascular Health of Patients With

Severe Mental Illness
Martha Ward, M.D.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for people with serious mental illness. Psychiatrists
are well situated to address their patients’ holistic health and must stand up as leaders in prioritizing the
overall health of people with serious mental illness.

31 Novel Formulations of ADHD Medications: Stimulant Selection and Management

Ann C. Childress, M.D.
About 30 different amphetamine and methylphenidate formulations, including immediate- and extended-
release compounds, are now approved to treat ADHD. To select the right one for a patient, depends on
understanding a drug’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles, as well as other key factors.

39 Treatment of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Among Women: General Considerations

and Pharmacological Options
Gabriela S. Pachano Pesantez, M.D., and Anita H. Clayton, M.D.
The authors discuss the diagnostic tools available for hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) and
general diagnostic considerations for psychiatrists. They also review the pathophysiology behind HSDD
and emphasize the treatment of HSDD, including treatment with psychotherapy and medications.

46 Innovations in Psychopharmacology Education in U.S. Psychiatric Residency Programs

Jeffrey Rakofsky, M.D.
Innovations have increased in the areas of psychopharmacology curricula topics, teaching strategies, and
knowledge and skill assessments. Psychiatric training programs can benefit from these innovations,
ensuring that all graduating physicians meet learning objectives that can be reliably measured.


50 Moving on With Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
J. Alexander Bodkin, M.D., and Boadie W. Dunlop, M.D.
53 Ethical Issues in Psychopharmacology
Nataly S. Beck, M.D., et al.

59 COVID-19 and the Doctor-Patient Relationship
David C. Fipps, D.O., and Elisabet Rainey, M.D.

61 Integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Into an Academic Department of

Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Nadine J. Kaslow, Ph.D., et al.

66 Never Say Never: Successful Clozapine Rechallenge After Multiple Episodes
of Neutropenia
Michael Shuman, Pharm.D., et al.


71 Bibliography

73 Abstracts

76 Combinatorial Pharmacogenomic Testing Improves Outcomes for Older Adults With

Brent P. Forester, M.D., M.S.c., et al.

86 Mortality Risk of Antipsychotic Augmentation for Adult Depression

Tobias Gerhard, et al.

95 Psychedelics and Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy

Collin M. Reiff, M.D., et al.

116 The Impact of Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological Interventions to Improve

Physical Health Outcomes in People With Schizophrenia: A Meta-Review of
Meta-Analyses of Randomized Controlled Trials
Davy Vancampfort, et al.

129 Safety and Efficacy of Adjunctive Second-Generation Antidepressant Therapy With

A Mood Stabiliser or an Atypical Antipsychotic in Acute Bipolar Depression:
Randomised Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of A Placebo-Controlled Trials
Alexander McGirr, et al.


45 Call for Papers: The Applied Armamentarium

58 Call for Papers

65 Call for Papers: 21st-Century Psychiatrist

138 Continuing Medical Education

October 15, 1970: Dr. Julius Axelrod poses in his laboratory at the
National Institute of Mental Health after the announcement that he had
won the Nobel Prize for Medicine. He described his prize-winning work
as a long-time study of how nerves transmit messages to body organs.
“This can lead to a better understanding of suitable drugs and treatment
for some illnesses.” (Photo credit: Bettmann, Getty Images)

Navigating the Novel Psychotropics

A decade ago, psychiatry was awash with pessimistic pre- Metabolic disruptions and their consequences are another
dictions about the future of pharmacotherapy for mental unhappy complication of antipsychotic treatment and reduce
illnesses. With too many potential targets and no coherent both lifespan and quality of life. Cardiovascular diseases are
pathophysiological models, “Big Pharma” was pulling in its common comorbidities among psychiatric patients, who may
sails, giving up on neuropsychiatric drug discovery (1). Psy- be unwilling or unable to obtain primary care treatment. For
chiatrists and patients were going to be stuck with the same such patients, mental health clinicians need to take an active
old drugs for a long time to come. role in monitoring and addressing these problems. In her over-
What a difference a decade makes. The recent pace of view, Dr. Martha Ward (6) provides a very practical and
discovery has left many clinicians feeling a bit at sea, strug- impactful approach that mental health clinicians can easily apply
gling to keep up with developments across the pharmacopeia. to improve the cardiovascular health of their patients. First-step
Over the past 5 years, entirely new classes of medications have interventions such as metformin to address glucose dysregula-
been marketed in psychiatry, targeting glutamate, neuro- tion and tobacco addiction treatments are aspects of patient care
steroid, melanocortin, and orexin receptors, as well as ve- that psychiatrists ought to become comfortable with, consid-
sicular transporters. Other developments include numerous ering the fractured nature of health care in the United States.
new formulations of medications that alter absorption pro- Sexual dysfunction, particularly hypoactive sexual desire
files and effective half-lives (2, 3), prodrugs, psychedelic- disorder (HSDD), is a significant contributor to reduced quality
and MDMA-assisted psychotherapy, and pharmacogenomic of life and relationship stress. Drs. Gabriela Pachano Pesantez
decision support tools. All of these innovations make dis- and Anita Clayton (7) provide a review of the diagnostic con-
cussion of monoamine transporters and receptors seem old siderations and treatment options for this common and
hat, almost as much as talking about monoamine oxidase challenging-to-treat condition. Flibanserin and bremelano-
inhibitors (MAOIs) and barbiturates did 20 years ago. tide are two newly marketed medications for HSDD, which
This issue of Focus aims to chart a course through these possess unique pharmacodynamic actions and issues related
pharmaceutical currents. Our lead article, by Herman Meltzer, to tolerability. This article will help guide clinicians in the
M.D., and Erick Gadaleta, D.O., is a tour de force conceptu- use of these new agents vis-à-vis other potential interven-
alization of the marketed antipsychotics (4). By combining tions, such as testosterone or psychotherapy.
pharmacodynamic principles with important take-aways from In the realm of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, it
antipsychotic clinical trials, Dr. Meltzer challenges us to re- hasn’t been the emergence of new mechanisms but rather
think our understanding of the utility of the various atypical the astonishing number of new formulations that challenge
antipsychotics and potential approaches to treatment-resistant clinicians’ pharmacological competence. Erupting like so
schizophrenia. The richness of Dr. Meltzer’s review provides many flittering flying fish, transiently capturing our atten-
insights that emerge beyond one’s initial reading of the text; tion before disappearing again beneath the relentless flow of
this is an article that rewards clinicians the more deeply they information, the novel stimulant formulations have clinical
engage with it. utilities and differentiating characteristics that may be hard
An unfortunate consequence of antipsychotic treatment, for prescribers to retain in memory. Dr. Ann Childress (8)
tardive dyskinesia (TD) has recently acquired new promise provides a structured approach for thinking through these
in the form of the reversible vesicular monoamine transporter- new formulations and their pharmacokinetically-driven
2 (VMAT-2) inhibitors. Although tetrabenazine has been clinical applications. The generic names for these various
available for decades, pharmacokinetic factors have limited reformulations are highly overlapping and make retention
its clinical application for TD. Drs. Sarah Debrey and David by the clinician even more challenging; thus, for this article,
Goldsmith (5) provide a thorough review of the pharmacology we have deviated from our usual practice and permitted the
and clinical utility of deutetrabenazine and valbenazine, two use of branded drug names for clarity.
newly marketed VMAT-2 inhibitors. The authors also discuss As pharmacologic complexity increases in psychiatry, it
how these newer agents are important developments in our seems clear that residency training programs are going to
long battle against TD, and their position relative to the old need to commit even more time and expertise to psycho-
standby clozapine and the novel approaches of neurostimulation. pharmacology education. Dr. Jeffrey Rakofsky (9) reviews
Clinicians treating patients who have received antipsychotics the advances made to date in this area, including novel uses
will be well informed by this outstanding review. of technologies and supervision methods. Interactive

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 1


teaching, in which the learner is required to think through This is the goal of mental health treatment, and for many
the pros and cons of applying specific medications to specific patients psychopharmacology is an indispensable support
patients will need to become a bigger part of the learning for that journey. To best aid our patients, we must work
process. Currently, trainees usually learn about medications continually to deepen our knowledge of our medicines, in-
in the abstract and then at some later date attempt to recall cluding their mechanisms, kinetics, interactions, harms, and
that information as they haphazardly encounter patients for comparative advantages. There is no shortcut to possessing
whom it is applicable. Greater learning consolidation could such knowledge; it is acquired only through study and
be achieved if, shortly after participating in didactic instruction practice. Our patients look to us for this expertise. As
around the theoretical aspects of pharmacology, trainees en- physicians, understanding to the fullest of our ability the
gaged in computerized simulations programmed for the ap- workings of the chemicals we prescribe is a moral impera-
plication of recently acquired drug knowledge. Trainees also tive. This issue of Focus aims to support your growth as a
need to understand the importance of committing to lifelong psychopharmacologist, and I hope you come away enriched
learning focused on updating and reinforcing one’s knowledge for engaging with the knowledge contained within.
in psychopharmacology, through “learning how to learn” on
one’s own. We must instill in our trainees how to actively and REFERENCES
thoughtfully approach claims about the efficacy, safety, mech- 1. Miller G: Is pharma running out of brainy ideas? Science 2010; 329:
anism, and metabolism of new medications, for the pace of 502–504
discovery is unlikely to slow. 2. Andrade C: Sustained-release, extended-release, and other time-
release formulations in neuropsychiatry. J Clin Psychiatry 2015; 76:
Our Ask the Expert column (10), coauthored by Dr.
Alexander Bodkin and me, provides a throwback amid this 3. Boxenbaum H, Battle M: Effective half-life in clinical pharmacol-
exciting rush of new medications and their associated mecha- ogy. J Clin Pharmacol 1995; 35:763–766
nisms. By offering an approach for clinicians to go “backwards” 4. Meltzer HY, Gadaleta E: Contrasting typical and atypical antipsy-
from current, often multidrug, regimens to the old mechanism chotic drugs. Focus 2021; 19:3–13
5. Debrey SM, Goldsmith DR: Tardive dyskinesia: spotlight on cur-
of monoamine oxidase inhibition, this column reminds us that
rent approaches to treatment.Focus 2021; 19:14–23
newer does not automatically equate to better. Sure, it would be 6. Ward M: Increasing psychiatrists’ role in addressing the cardio-
easier if we did not have to think about MAOIs anymore, given vascular health of patients with severe mental illness. Focus 2021;
all their interactions and potential for serious adverse reactions. 19:24–30
We could commit our pharmacologic learning efforts to the 7. Pachano Pesantez GS, Clayton AH: Treatment of hypoactive sexual
desire disorder among women: general considerations and phar-
newer, safer, and easier-to-use medicines. But the successful
macological options. Focus 2021; 19:39–45
MAOI treatment of just one patient who has failed numerous 8. Childress AC: Novel formulations of ADHD medications: stimulant
other drug mechanisms can reveal the value in knowing and selection and management. Focus 2021; 19:31–38
retaining as much pharmacologic knowledge as possible. Until 9. Rakofsky J: Innovations in psychopharmacology education in US
these disorders that plague our patients can be distilled to their psychiatric residency programs. Focus 2021; 19:46–49
10. Bodkin JA, Dunlop BW: Moving on with monoamine oxidase in-
underlying pathophysiology, accompanied by targeted thera-
hibitors. Focus 2021; 19:50–52
peutics that reverse that pathophysiology, we are going to need
all our tools to optimize our patients’ outcomes. Boadie W. Dunlop, M.D., MSCR
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Mood and Anxiety
Disorders Program, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta. Send
Conclusion correspondence to Dr. Dunlop (
To perceive accurately, to reason sensibly, to feel rightly, and Received and accepted October 30, 2020.
to act purposefully, aligned with one’s truest sense of self. Focus 2021; 19:1–2; doi: 10.1176/appi.focus.20200044

2 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


Contrasting Typical and Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs

Herbert Y. Meltzer, M.D., and Erick Gadaleta, D.O.

The beliefs that antipsychotic drugs (APDs) are 1) effective only that among the atypical APDs, only clozapine is effective for
to treat delusions and hallucinations (positive symptoms), 2) reducing psychosis in treatment-resistant schizophrenia.
that typical and atypical APDs differ only in ability to cause Aripiprazole, lurasidone, olanzapine, and risperidone also
extrapyramidal side effects, and 3) that their efficacy as can be more effective than typical APDs for treatment-
antipsychotics is due solely to their dopamine D2 receptor resistant schizophrenia; clozapine is uniquely indicated for
blockade are outmoded concepts that prevent clinicians from reducing the risk for suicide. The ability of the atypical APDs to
achieving optimal clinical results when prescribing an APD. improve cognition and negative symptoms in some patients
Atypical APDs are often more effective than typical APDs in together with lower propensity to cause tardive dyskinesia
treating negative symptoms, cognitive impairment, and mood (an underappreciated advantage) leads to better overall
symptoms as well as reducing the risk for suicide and outcomes. These advantages of the atypical APDs in efficacy
decreasing aggression. This applies not only to those and safety are due, in part, to initiation of synaptic plasticity via
diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder direct and indirect effects of the atypical APDs on a variety of
but also to bipolar disorder, major depression, and other proteins, especially G proteins, and release of neurotrophins
psychiatric diagnoses. The greater advantage of an atypical (e.g., brain-derived neurotrophic factor). The typical APDs
APD is not evident in all patients for every atypical APD due, in beneficial effects on psychosis are mainly the result of D2
part, to individual differences in genetic and epigenetic receptor blockade, which can be associated with serious side
endowment and differences in the pharmacology of the effects and lack of tolerability.
atypical APDs, their mode of action being far more complex
than that of the typical APDs. A common misconception is Focus 2021; 19:3–13; doi: 10.1176/appi.focus.20200051

The goal of this contribution is to provide a clinically useful APDs, often referring to them as first- and second-generation
guide to antipsychotic drugs (APDs) based on clinical evi- APDs (5). The goal here is to highlight important differences
dence and mechanism of action. It emphasizes the choice of, that should inform clinical practice. The pharmacologic basis
and optimal use of, an APD based on receptor profiles, for the differential ability of the atypical APDs to improve
preclinical studies, and proven actions. The main focus is on psychosis, negative symptoms, and cognitive impairment is
their use in schizophrenia. Much of what has been learned discussed throughout, particularly cognition, because it is so
about their efficacy, side effects, and mechanism of action is critical for achieving good outcomes and because there is so
relevant to their uses in other psychiatric disorders. The much misinformation about the effect of APDs on cognition.
results from meta-analyses are not prioritized as they are in Table 1 highlights the receptor profiles of the typical and
other reviews (1–4), as the emphasis here is to alert the atypical APDs.
reader to clinically relevant information that may be helpful The relevance of these diverse receptor profiles, with an
for specific patients, which as meta-analysts note is difficult emphasis on dopamine and serotonin, for the clinical dif-
to discern in meta-analysis (4). The dichotomization of the ferences between typical and atypical APDs has been dis-
antipsychotics into atypical versus typical classes is the key cussed in more detail elsewhere (6–9). The main inhibitory
organizing principle for this article. It was first proposed in neurotransmitters in the brain are GABA, glycine, and ser-
the 1960s based on the minimal motor side effects of clo- ine. It is likely that these three neurotransmitters are highly
zapine, the prototypical atypical APD, to contrast it with significant for the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and
chlorpromazine, the prototypical typical antipsychotic and other neuropsychiatric disorders and greatly influence the
other APDs with similar functionality. This simple classifi- actions of APDs. Only brief discussion of the potential to
cation had, and still has, merit; however, it is misleading, not treat schizophrenia with drugs influencing these neuro-
only to clinicians but also to basic scientists, who may be transmitters could be included here. Drugs targeting these
unaware of the important differences in efficacy, side effects, systems will likely come to the fore in the near future.
and mechanisms of action that differentiate the diverse Similarly, relatively little attention is given to pharmacoge-
group of atypical APDs from one another. Powerful voices nomic studies that can inform choice of medications. Such
have minimized the differences between typical and atypical studies, as well as other types of biomarkers, can ultimately

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 3


TABLE 1. Receptor Affinity Values (Ki) for Atypical and Typical Antipsychotic Drugsa
Drug Name D1 D2 D3 5-HT1A 5-HT2A 5-HT2C a2 H–1 M–1
Amisulpride .10K 3 2.4 .10K 8,304 .10K 1,114 .10K .10K
Aripiprazole 387 0.95 5.35 5.6 4.6 181 74 29 .6K
Asenapine NA 2 NA 15 0.8 0.3 16.1 9.3 24.3
Brexpiprazole NA 0.3 1.1 0.1 0.5 0.6 19 negligible
Cariprazine NA 9.2 0.085 8.6 7.7 6.9 ,6.0 7.6 negligible
Chlorpromazine 112 2 4.65 .3K 3.2 26 184 0.18 47
Clozapine 189 431 240 105 13 29 142 2 14
Fluphenazine 21 0.54 1.75 145 7.4 418 314 7.3 .1K
Haloperidol 83 2 8.5 .1K 73 .10K .1K .3K .10K
Iloperidone 129 3.3 7.1 33 0.2 14 3 12.3 .1K
Loxapine 54 10 22 .2K 3.9 21 151 2.8 175
Lumateperone 52 32 NA NA 0.5 173 NA .1K NA
Lurasidone NA 1.7 NA 6.8 2 40.7 .1K .1K
Olanzapine 58 72 49 .2K 3 24 314 4.9 24
Paliperidone 41 9.4 0.5 637.8 1.9 100.3 4.7 5.6 .10K
Perphenazine 28.2 1.4 2.1 421 5.6 132 810.5 8 NA
Pimavanserin NA NA NA NA 0.4 16 NA NA NA
Pimozide 5,495 0.65 0.25 650 19 .3K .1K 692 800
Quetiapine 900 567 940 431 366 .1K .3K 7.5 858
Risperidone 60.6 4.9 9.6 427 0.19 94.9 151 5.2 .10K
Thioridazine 89 10 7.4 108 11 69 134 14 33
Thiothixene 51 1.4 0.4 410 111 .1K 80 12 .10K
Trifluoperazine NA 1.3 NA 950 13 378 653.7 63 NA
Ziprasidone 30 4 7.2 76 2.8 68 160 130 .10K
NA5not available.

guide clinical decision-making regarding APDs, as they do in and obsessive-compulsive symptoms, to name other estab-
many other areas of medicine, but are not yet mature enough lished common uses (18). Most importantly, their ability to
to be useful for general clinical practice (10, 11). treat cognitive impairment, the most controversial aspect of
While the APDs are the most versatile, and perhaps most their utilization, and to this author their most compelling
powerful, of the pharmacologic armamentarium available to advantage, has been challenged despite much preclinical and
treat behavioral disorders, their misuse can lead to signifi- clinical evidence that they are effective in this regard in
cant harm. Clozapine has been identified as the most unique many patients, enabling dramatic restoration of work and
and powerful of this diverse group of drugs, often referred to social function (9).
as the “gold standard.” However, because it has a greater side Subchronic phencyclidine (PCP) treatment followed by
effect burden than any other APD and requires monitoring withdrawal in rats has been shown to produce N-methyl-D-
for agranulocytosis, it is underused, even for suicide risk aspartate receptor (NMDAR) hypofunction in cortical slices.
reduction, where it is the only APD approved for this life- Lurasidone and clozapine have been shown to correct this
saving indication (12, 13). Clozapine may also have benefit for defect in a 5-HT7-dependent manner (19). Subchronic PCP
this purpose in bipolar disorder (14) and other diagnostic treatment has been shown to dysregulate the balance be-
groups (e.g., PTSD). The risk of using clozapine has been tween GABA and glutamate in mouse hippocampus, leading to
exaggerated, just as have been some of its benefits (15). In- an increased threshold for inhibition in hippocampal slices
sufficient use of clozapine is due, in part, to weakly sup- (20). Two drugs which enhance GABAA function in vivo, the
ported challenges to its efficacy for suicide prevention (16) neurosteroid pregnenolone, and the GABAA agonist, TPA-023,
and, in part, because of the side effects of clozapine and have been shown to restore novel object recognition in mice that
weekly monitoring of the white blood cell count (15). had received subchronic PCP treatment (21, 22). Pregnenolone has
The failure to appreciate the pharmacologic diversity of shown some promise in the treatment of cognitive impair-
the atypical APDs has hindered the development of superior ment and negative symptoms in schizophrenia (23).
APDs that could rely, in part, on some of their differential
pharmacology, e.g., 5-HT7 receptor blockade, release of
cortical glutamate, and indirect and direct 5-HT1A partial
agonism (7, 17). Many clinicians and basic scientists believe
that the atypical APDs are effective only for delusions and
hallucinations. However, as adjunctive agents, they are also The efficacy of chlorpromazine, the first APD shown to treat
effective for treating aggression, anxiety, mood symptoms, the positive symptoms of schizophrenia, was discovered by

4 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


Delay and Deniker in 1952 (24). This discovery transformed overemphasis on positive symptoms as the goal of drug de-
the treatment of this previously intractable illness that af- velopment for APDs and their clinical applications contrib-
fects 1%21.5% of the population worldwide. The subsequent uted greatly to the stagnation in the development of superior
identification of striatal dopamine D2 receptor blockade treatments of schizophrenia.
as the basis for its antipsychotic action by Arvid Carlsson
and others led to the development of many antipsychotic
agents—with the same mechanism of action—of diverse
chemical classes. Of these, the most widely used have been The persistent widespread use of typical APDs is due, in part,
haloperidol, fluphenazine, trifluperazine, perphenazine, to underappreciation of the importance of tardive dyskinesia
mesoridazine, and thiothixene. Many, especially haloperidol, (TD) and its importance to the development of cognitive
are still used for maintenance treatment. Although varying impairment and its amelioration. Emil Kraepelin (29) and
slightly in affinities for receptors other than dopamine D2 others reported dyskinesias in patients prior to the discovery
receptors, the evidence that these other actions add signifi- of APDs. My first use of clozapine confirmed its remarkable
cantly to their efficacy as antipsychotics is minimal (7). In- ability to improve psychosis and TD in treatment-resistant
deed, until recently it was widely believed that all APDs act schizophrenia and to improve cognition. All aforementioned
only through D2 receptor blockade (7, 25). It has been sug- domains of psychopathology responded to clozapine in a pa-
gested that differences in their rate of dissociation from the D2 tient near death due to TD (30). The ability to improve cog-
receptor was a critical variable in their relative ability to pro- nition in this patient was confirmed in a larger group of
duce motor side effects (26). However, the evidence for this patients with and without TD (31). That report helped to
hypothesis has not been confirmed (27). Sertindole, olanzapine, initiate many additional studies with other newly developed
and asenapine are atypical APDs with rates of dissociation from atypical APDs, including risperidone, olanzapine, and que-
the D2 receptor that are the same as, or even slower, than that tiapine, which were meta-analyzed (32, 33). Preexisting dys-
of haloperidol. Efforts by major pharmaceutical companies to kinesia and the emergence of TD during treatment with
develop novel atypical APDs on the basis of fast dissociation typical APDs is associated with cognitive impairment (34). As
from the D2 receptor have been unsuccessful. will be discussed, TD can impair the cognitive improvement
Development and application of a rational psychophar- made possible by treatment with atypical APDs (35).
macology is necessary for optimal choice and use of APDs. TD can develop rapidly or slowly, depending on genetic vul-
This contrasts with the irrational psychopharmacology that nerability, age, sex, and psychiatric diagnosis. In younger patients,
is widely practiced that takes many forms. These include the annual rate is between 3% and 5%. It is higher in bipolar
trial durations that are too short before switching to another disorder than schizophrenia, particularly in patients 60 years old
drug, initiating polypharmacy without an adequate trial or older. The average maintenance doses of haloperidol (6–12 mg/
of monotherapy, nonscience-based choice of adjunctive day or its equivalent) are twice the 3–4 mg/day required for
treatments, dosages that are too low or too high, failure to optimal efficacy in most patients (36). Although it may be re-
address nonadherence to oral or long-acting formulations, versible in some patients, TD can be irreversible, extremely se-
underutilization of long-acting formulations to improve vere, and in rare instances life-threatening (37). Its occurrence can
compliance, and failure to appreciate the differences in be minimized by using an atypical APD without supplementation
mechanism of action among the ever increasing numbers of by a typical APD, which enhances D2 receptor blockade.
atypical APDs. A rational psychopharmacology must be Recently, inhibitors of the vesicular monoamine transporter
based on greater understanding of the domains of psycho- VMAT2, valbenazine and deutetrabenazine, have been shown to
pathology found in the wide spectrum of clinical diagnoses diminish the motor symptoms of TD and have received FDA
for which APDs are used, including bipolar disorder, major approval for this indication (38). VMAT2 is present in the
depression, OCD, and aggression. Appreciation of schizo- membrane of secretory vesicles and transports dopamine (DA),
phrenia as a syndrome made up of four types of clinical norepinephrine, serotonin, histamine, glutamate, and GABA into
symptoms—cognitive impairment (which includes disorga- vesicles for presynaptic release (39). An acute dose of NBI-
nized thinking), positive symptoms (delusions and halluci- 98782, the active metabolite of valbenazine, given to mice at-
nations), negative symptoms (predominantly deficits in tenuated PCP- and amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion,
social interaction, experience of reward, and motivation), suggesting possible beneficial antipsychotic effect, as well as
and mood symptoms—is essential for a rational psycho- effects on cognition and negative symptoms. Acute NBI-98782
pharmacology and the development of treatments that are also enhanced cortical acetylcholine and GABA efflux and sup-
superior in efficacy and safety. The importance of a multi- pressed clozapine-, olanzapine- and risperidone-induced do-
dimensional perspective became evident to me through my pamine efflux in both the cortex and striatum and cortical
initial clinical experience with using clozapine in treatment- acetylcholine efflux. NBI-98782 also suppressed haloperidol-
resistant schizophrenia (28). That experience led to a induced striatal dopamine efflux (39). These effects may ac-
greater understanding that the goal of treating schizophre- count for its beneficial effects on TD. Thus, VMAT2 inhibitors
nia goes far beyond treating positive symptoms, which un- may have clinical utility beyond the control of TD. There is no
fortunately is the clinical standard too often applied (15). The published evidence of their effect on cognitive impairment in

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 5


patients. Despite the iatrogenic nature and potential gravity of in response to increases or decreases in their activity, leading to
TD, lack of information and the low cost of typical relative to learning and memory. Atypical APDs have been shown to have
that of atypical APDs contributes greatly to the continuing use profound effects on synaptic plasticity (47). For example, acute
of typical APDs. and chronic treatments with the atypical antipsychotic lur-
asidone, which has been shown to be effective to improve
psychosis, depression, and cognitive impairment, was shown to
alter the expression of the activity-regulated genes that are
related to these actions (48). This multireceptor targeting agent
shares with most atypical APDs higher affinity for 5-HT2A than
The serendipitous discovery of the antipsychotic properties of D2 receptors. However, its efficacy as an antipsychotic is also
chlorpromazine in chronic schizophrenia patients was followed related to its potent 5-HT7 receptor antagonism and 5-HT1A
quickly by the demonstration by Arvid Carlsson and others that partial agonism (49). These two serotonergic effects combined
ability to inhibit the action of dopamine at striatal D2 dopamine with weak D2 receptor antagonism are synergistic. There is
receptors was the main basis for its antipsychotic efficacy. The conflicting clinical data concerning the relevance of 5-HT3
D2 receptor is highly expressed in the basal ganglia and the receptors to the efficacy and side effect of APDs (50), so this
brain stem, less so in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, receptor will not be further discussed.
which is enriched in dopamine D1 receptors (40). These two Recent genetic studies with lurasidone indicate that its
types of DA receptors oppose each others’ cellular effects and effects on synaptic plasticity may be of great importance for
must be optimally balanced for normal cognitive function; too its ability to ameliorate positive and negative symptoms as
little or too much D1 receptor activity interferes with working well as cognitive impairment (51, 52). The antidepressant
memory and other cognitive measures and other behavioral action of amisulpride, a novel atypical antipsychotic that
domains (41). A placebo-controlled randomized trial demon- lacks 5-HT2A antagonism and is not approved in the United
strated that a selective D1 receptor antagonist increased, not States (although widely used in many other countries to treat
decreased, the severity of psychosis in patients with schizo- schizophrenia and major depression), was prevented in
phrenia (42). Atypical APDs, because of their ability to stimulate 5-HT7 receptor knockout mice (53). 5-HT7 receptor antag-
the release of dopamine in cortex and other brain regions, may onism is also central to the action of asenapine, clozapine,
be thought of as indirect dopamine D1 agonists. Clozapine is also and risperidone but not olanzapine or ziprasidone. The
a D1 agonist and produces equal occupancy of D1 and D2 re- 5-HT7 receptor has multiple influences on dopaminergic
ceptors in humans, indicating that clozapine may enhance D1 function, which enable it to fine tune dopamine function in a
receptor stimulation, both indirectly and directly (43, 44) manner not available to typical APDs (54, 55), even though
A key advance in our understanding of the role of dopamine some typical APDs (pimozide, chlorprothixene, chlorprom-
in brain function was the identification of the phosphorylation azine, clothiapine, and fluphenazine) have high affinities for
of DARPP-32 (dopamine- and cyclic-AMP-regulated phos- 5-HT7 receptors (56). This is because of their high potency
phoprotein of molecular weight 32,000) by dopamine and to block D2 receptors. Thus, the diversity in affinities for
cyclic AMP in intact nerve cells. DARPP-32 impacts the 5-HT7 receptors relative to dopamine D2 and 5-HT2A re-
concentration of the second messenger, cyclic AMP, via in- ceptors of the atypical APDs is highly likely to be relevant to
hibition of protein phosphatase-1 (PP1) and through that intraindividual differences in clinical effects of atypical
mechanism, neuronal signaling (45). This led to the Nobel APDs. As noted by Li et al. (52), the expression of 44.5% of
Prize for Paul Greengard, which was shared with Carlsson the genes that predicted response to lurasidone were in-
and Eric Kandel, whose research on the cellular basis of versely related to the expression of 5-HT7 receptors in the
memory in invertebrates helped to understand the role of hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of postmortem brain
dopamine and other neurotransmitters in the cognitive im- tissue from schizophrenia patients. These included genes
pairment of schizophrenia (46). The change in PP1 activity that are significantly decreased in schizophrenia patients (52).
following the release of dopamine can, in turn, alter the
activity of many downstream proteins critical for brain
function. This process is an example of the signaling induced
by all neurotransmitters and neuromodulators required for
an organism to respond to changes in its environment and to There are now many clinical studies that have compared
internally generated perturbations that enable harm avoid- typical and atypical APDs, providing the basis for many
ance, achievement of a desired goal (e.g., reward), experi- meta-analyses and reviews. These have generally, but not
ence less stress, avoidance of cell injury, and death. Signaling always, shown significant advantages for specific domains of
by dopamine is a critical means of inducing synaptic plas- psychopathology, including positive and negative symptoms
ticity, which is the basis for learning and memory (46). and cognition, side effects (particularly extrapyramidal side
Synaptic plasticity refers to changes in synaptic structure effects), and prolactin elevations (with the exception of ris-
and function that enable learning and memory. This is the peridone, which has a still unexplained ability to produce
process by which synapses strengthen or weaken over time prolactin elevations comparable to typical APDs). These

6 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


advantages for efficacy and safety, especially avoidance of TD, utilization of atypical APDs was the result of pernicious
have been found in first-episode schizophrenia (57) as well as marketing skills of industry, not valid proof of special benefit,
chronic schizophrenia (10) and bipolar disorder (58). They are while always being cautious to put clozapine in a favorable
not disorder specific or age related. Because of the diversity of light (5). They called for better education of physicians about
the atypical antipsychotic drugs, weight gain (clozapine, adhering to the recommendations of the CATIE study to
olanzapine) and prolactin elevations (risperidone) can be minimize the use of atypical antipsychotics other than clo-
avoided by choice of an atypical with little or no problem in zapine (65). It is beyond the scope of this article to provide a
these regards (e.g., aripiprazole, cariprazine, lurasidone, and full critique of the CATIE study. The self-corrected error with
ziprasidone). Nevertheless, because of their low cost, some regard to greater cognitive benefits of the atypical APDs in pa-
have argued for continued use of typical APDs as first-line tients without TD (35) will be discussed subsequently. Leucht
treatments, minimizing the lost opportunities for benefits et al. (1) compared the efficacy and tolerability of 15 typical and
discussed herein (59, 60). Both typical and atypical APDs are atypical APDs in a meta-analysis involving 212 studies and 47,000
available as long-acting formulations. The atypicals with long- patients. It included a number of findings, including all-cause
acting formulations include aripiprazole, olanzapine, paliper- discontinuation, the chief outcome measure of the CATIE
idone, and risperidone. Long-acting formulations have distinct study, that favored the atypical APDs over haloperidol,
advantages for compliance in both recent-onset schizophrenia which clearly had the poorest outcome. The conclusion of
and chronic schizophrenia. They are relatively costly com- the study was, as noted here, that APDs differed substantially
pared with oral atypicals that are now generic but should be in side effects and have small but robust differences in global
used when compliance with oral medication is erratic (61). measures of efficacy. The authors recommended clinicians
The most influential publication that has contributed to focus their choice of APDs for individual patients on the
the continued use of the typical APDs despite the evidence specific domains identified herein.
that the atypical APDs are more effective and safer is the
Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness
(CATIE) study (62). The current generation of prescribers
may need to be reminded of its history. CATIE was an
18-month randomized controlled trial in nearly 1500 chronic
schizophrenia patients with mild-moderate symptoms de-
spite treatment with typical or atypical APDs. The drugs It is no longer tenable to conclude that only dopamine D2
studied included aripiprazole, quetiapine, olanzapine, and receptor blockade contributes to the antipsychotic actions of
risperidone, the first-line atypical APDs available at that typical and atypical APDs. D2 receptor blockade is clearly
time, along with perphenazine, a representative typical APD. the major basis for initiating the antipsychotic action of
Perphenazine was chosen to represent the typical APDs typical antipsychotics but downstream effects on other in-
because it was seldom used compared with haloperidol. The tracellular mechanisms may also contribute. However, D2
CATIE study was funded by NIMH, and its conclusions receptor blockade is only partially responsible for initiating
were trumpeted by the authors and NIMH as the first un- the antipsychotic action of the atypical antipsychotics. The
biased comparison of these agents. The results of the study atypical APDs have been aptly described as “magic shot-
received vast publicity in popular media worldwide. As of guns” (6) because of the large number of different G-protein
September 24, 2020, there were 7000 citations in PubMed. receptors whose activity is directly or indirectly affected by
The CATIE study, a noninferiority study, concluded that some, but not all, of the atypical APDs. From a receptor
there was an absence of evidence for the superiority of perspective, the antipsychotic effect of the atypical agents is
atypical versus typical APDs for nonacute schizophrenia. derived from their more potent 5-HT2A relative to weaker
Both types of APDs were said to have similar therapeutic D2 receptor antagonism, with additional contributions from
potential and to produce nonsignificantly different out- direct actions at 5-HT1A, 5-HT6, 5-HT7, histaminergic, and
comes. It was also concluded that both types of APDs are alpha2 adrenergic receptors (17). The demonstration of the
similar in mechanism of action, thus explaining their lack of importance of more potent 5-HT2A than D2 receptor an-
difference for treating positive symptoms, negative symp- tagonism for distinguishing atypical from typical antipsy-
toms, and cognitive impairment. The CATIE study provided chotics facilitated the development of risperidone and
a minimal examination of the efficacy of clozapine in sub- olanzapine and most of the other atypical APDs. The com-
jects who completed or dropped out of the main study (63). bination of these two actions enabled a more rapid onset of
Although intended to include only nonresponders to the antipsychotic action than strong D2 receptor antagonism
drugs in the main study, it allowed patients who did not meet with equivalent or weaker 5-HT2A receptor antagonism (8).
that criteria to be included, minimizing its value (64). These direct effects of the atypical APDs also contribute
According to the CATIE lead authors, the CATIE study had to some of their indirect actions, especially the release of
little, and even then short-lived, impact on clinical practice acetylcholine, glutamate, and dopamine (66, 67), effects which
as use of atypical APDs changed little. This led the CATIE the typical APDs are not only devoid of, but may even block
leadership to reiterate their perspective that the widespread when the two classes of drugs are prescribed simultaneously

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 7


(68). This type of polypharmacy is common in the treatment Nevertheless, both are effective in treating acute schizo-
of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and may lead to lesser phrenia with minimal motor side effects and weight gain.
efficacy and more side effects (69, 70). The release of acetyl- They produce small increases in cortical DA efflux in ro-
choline by lurasidone, leading to the stimulation of both nic- dents without increased cortical acetylcholine efflux; the
otinic and muscarinic receptors in rat cortex, is an essential effect on cortical DA release is related to its 5-HT1A partial
component of the ability of lurasidone to restore declarative agonism as is its efficacy in restoring declarative memory in
memory in rats with memory impaired by prior treatment for the PCP test (82). Both may benefit from supplementation
7 days with PCP (71), the most widely studied rodent model of with a selective 5-HT2A inverse agonist that has no D2
cognitive impairment in schizophrenia (72, 73). 5-HT2A re- receptor-blocking properties of note (e.g., pimavanserin).
ceptor blockade, produced by 5-HT2A inverse agonists such Cariprazine, another novel atypical APD, also has potent
as pimavanserin, have been shown to be critical to the anti- dopamine D2 and D3 receptor antagonism (but lacks both
psychotic action of atypical APDs in the PCP model of 5-HT1A partial agonism and 5-HT2A receptor blockade) and
schizophrenia (68, 74). Inverse agonists block the constitutive is effective for treating both schizophrenia and mood dis-
activity of receptors. They may also block the activation of the orders (83–85). Cariprazine, aripiprazole, and brexpiprazole
receptor from endogenous or exogenous neurotransmitters, may be of particular interest for treating patients who do not
as is the case with pimavanserin. This is highly relevant to the respond adequately to one of the canonical 5-HT2A/D2 an-
efficacy of pimavanserin, which has been shown to be effec- tagonists (e.g., risperidone) and prior to a trial of clozapine.
tive to treat psychosis in Parkinson’s disease (75). The top-line Of these three, cariprazine has the most robust ability to
unpublished results of a single phase 3 study of pimavanserin enhance acetylcholine (86).
(the ADVANCE trial) reported it to be superior to placebo as The subchronic PCP-induced deficit in cognition in rodents
augmentation treatment of persistent negative symptoms in may result from abnormalities in GABAergic neurotransmis-
chronic schizophrenia (see NCT02970305 sion, which in turn, produce abnormalities in glutamatergic
for design of the trial). These results require confirmation. function, disrupting the synchrony between GABA and gluta-
Pimavanserin has been shown to be useful when combined mate required for effective oscillations and inhibitory and ex-
with low-dose risperidone—but not low-dose haloperidol—in citatory balance in the brain (20). Stimulation of the release of
acutely psychotic schizophrenia patients (76) but has not been acetylcholine by the atypical APDs in cortex, hippocampus, and
tested for efficacy as monotherapy. Other selective 5-HT2A other brain regions is one of the major reasons for their ability
inverse agonists (e.g., SR43469B) have been shown to be ef- to improve cognitive function. Typical APDs do not increase
fective as monotherapy in acute schizophrenia (77). cortical acetylcholine efflux (66, 67). The loss of cholinergic
Lumateperone is a 5-HT2A inverse agonist, D2 antagonist, stimulation in the aging brain and in neurodegenerative dis-
and 5-HT transporter inhibitor that has recently been shown eases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Lewy Body Dementia is a
to be more effective than placebo in acutely psychotic major cause of memory impairment in these disorders and can
schizophrenia patients (78). Unlike the other atypical APDs, be at least temporarily and partially remedied by pharmaco-
which are more potent 5-HT2A inverse agonists as previously logic means such as cholinesterase inhibition (87, 88). There is
discussed, it has insignificant binding to other G-protein recep- clinical evidence that release of acetylcholine and stimulation
tors (e.g., 5-HT1A and 5-HT7 receptors) that contribute to of muscarinic and nicotinic receptors in cortex and hippocam-
atypical APDs’ clinical advantages over typical APDs. In ad- pus by clozapine or the N-desmethylmetabolite of clozapine, or
dition to being a postsynaptic D2 receptor antagonist, it is also both, contributes to the improvement in working memory in
a partial agonist at presynaptic striatal D2 receptors, as is both adult and childhood schizophrenia (89, 90). There is also
aripiprazole. This presynaptic effect would be expected to strong preclinical evidence that supports the efficacy of this
contribute to its ability to increase mesocortical DA release, mechanism to improve cognition with other atypical APDs (91).
and most likely, indirect D1 and D4 agonism (79). Its occu- The direct and indirect actions of the atypical APDs at
pancy of D2 receptors in vivo in human volunteers is com- G-proteins and chromatin trigger a variety of intracellular
parable to that of atypical APDs that lack D2 partial agonism signaling events that lead to modifications of multiple second
(80) and is much lower that of aripiprazole. It indirectly messengers, including cyclic AMP, protein modifications and
modulates glutamatergic neurotransmission in rats by several protein-protein interactions, release of neurotrophins such as
novel mechanisms (79). There are no reported data as to its neuregulin and brain-derived neurotrophin (BDNF), and
ability to affect cognition in rodents or humans or to enhance short- and long-term changes in gene expression (7). Fumagalli
acetylcholine release in brain. et al (92) demonstrated that the NMDAR uncompetitive
Aripiprazole has been reported to improve some do- PCP-like NMDAR antagonist MK-801 decreased the BDNF
mains of cognition in schizophrenia (81). Aripiprazole and expression in the hippocampus; olanzapine, an atypical an-
brexpiprazole are atypical APDs that are dopamine D2 re- tipsychotic, restored BDNF levels, while haloperidol exac-
ceptor partial agonists with 5-HT1A receptor partial agonist erbated the decrease. This study is evidence that BDNF
properties. However, there are significant differences with biosynthesis is differentially modulated by typical and atypical
regard to receptor pharmacology. Aripiprazole has signifi- APDs when NMDA-mediated transmission is reduced, which
cant 5-HT2A inverse agonism, which brexpiprazole does not. is believed to be a key reason for cognitive impairment in

8 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


schizophrenia (93) and the target for the rescue of cognitive are diverse and include dopamine D1 and D4 agonism and
impairment in the subchronic PCP-induced model of cognitive 5-HT1A partial agonism, as well as restoration of cholinergic
impairment in schizophrenia (72). Further study is indicated to function (71, 91, 94). Ziprasidone, which has 5-HT1A partial
determine which atypical APDs can modulate BDNF expression agonist properties and enhances the release of acetylcholine
and, thus, lead to improvement in cognition through enhancing and dopamine, is among the many atypical APDs with a
synaptic plasticity. similar profile that have been shown to improve cognition
Thus, differences in the efficacy of atypical APDs are in schizophrenia (95, 96).The extensive evidence for the
related to the underlying neurobiology of the schizophrenia role of glutamate, including NMDA receptors in the path-
syndrome and how APDs restore neuronal function. Through ophysiology of schizophrenia, have made this model very
knowledge of these differences and pharmacogenetic guidance, attractive for identifying novel treatments for the cognitive
clinicians will someday be able to choose the best APD and impairment associated with schizophrenia (97). More im-
adjunctive treatments for a patient based on the patient’s ge- portantly for the purpose of this article, the studies with the
netic and epigenetic endowment, so-called personalized med- subchronic PCP are consistent with the findings of multiple
icine. Only some of the knowledge needed for a personalized clinical trials (98) that atypical antipsychotics are able to
approach to prescribing APDs is currently available even with improve cognition in patients with schizophrenia (9, 32, 95,
whole genome scanning and an epigenetic chip analysis of the 96, 99), which was rejected by Keefe et al. (100) based on the
epigenome at low cost relative to the cost of the illness. Much CATIE study. These authors later revised their conclusions
additional research is needed to enable this to be an effective after demonstrating superior efficacy of atypical APDs to
means of choosing a specific drug, but partial implementa- improve cognition in CATIE patients who did not have
tion is possible. An example of this would be measuring the overt TD (35). Unfortunately, Caroff et al. (35) did not
N-desmethylclozapine/clozapine ratio in plasma and adding call particular attention to this critical issue and it received
a muscarinic or nicotinic agonist. little attention subsequently based on the failure to note this
Common variants in genes related to synaptic function very important caveat when discussing whether or not the
have been identified as the best predictors of response to atypical antipsychotics have an advantage over the typical
lurasidone in acutely psychotic patients with schizophrenia antipsychotic or how effective they are in treating schizo-
in an association study of GWAS data and changes in total phrenia. The possibility that cognitive impairment in pa-
Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) scores tients with masked TD (because of maintenance treatment
(DPANSS-T) from the combined data of two 6-week ran- with antipsychotics) also impairs their ability to respond to
domized, placebo-controlled trials of lurasidone treatment atypical APDs has not been investigated.
in Caucasian schizophrenia patients (51, 52). However, none When considering the choice of an APD, the risk of TD
reach genome-wide significance. The genomic loci identified must be given high priority because of its impact on potential
in these hypothesis-free studies include: 1) synaptogenic improvement in cognition, effect on compliance, and mortality.
adhesion genes (PTPRD, LRRC4C, NRXN1, ILIRAPL1, This is a major reason for utilizing an atypical rather than a
SLITRK1, NTRK3); 2) scaffolding proteins (MAGI1, MAGI2, typical APD for maintenance treatment and even brief treat-
NBEA), both essential for synaptic function; and 3) other ment, as TD can sometimes develop during the first months of
synapse-associated genes including, NRG1/3, KALRN, and treatment with typical APDs (37, 101). TD can have a negative
the neuron-specific splicing regulator RBFOX1. Although impact on quality of life, with particular impact on social in-
none of these biomarkers reached genome-wide signifi- teraction in patients with bipolar disorder, major depression, and
cance, most of the genes and associated pathways have been schizophrenia (102). Other types of extrapyramidal symptoms
identified as risk genes for schizophrenia and shown to be produced by typical APDs, including increased muscle tone, ri-
under expressed in postmortem dorsolateral prefrontal gidity, and inaccuracies in fine motor skills can produce negative
cortex of schizophrenia patients. Some of these genes have subjective responses that lead to noncompliance in patients re-
been also shown to predict response to other atypical APDs gardless of diagnosis (103). The risk of TD with atypical APDs is
(52). These findings add to the evidence that synaptic plas- variable, with clozapine having the lowest risk and risperidone
ticity is related to multiple aspects of APD response, not just the highest because of its strong dopamine D2 receptor blockade
cognitive impairment, adding to the rationale for favoring (104). Antipsychotic-induced movement disorders should be
the use of atypical rather than typical APDs. assessed at each clinical visit and monitored with rating scales as
Awareness of the similarities and differences in phar- needed to facilitate treatment choices (105).
macology of the atypical APDs should increase their
utilization and lead to better outcomes. Rodents treated with
competitive NMDAR antagonists for 3–14 days have demon-
strated that diverse atypical improve some types of cognitive
impairment and social interaction deficits in rodents and As previously noted, clozapine is considered by many to be
nonhuman primates, while typical APDs do not (72, 73, 94). an atypical APD in a class of its own, the “gold standard”
The pharmacologic mechanisms that enable the atypical with regard to superior efficacy for patients who do not
APDs to restore cognition and social interaction in rodents respond to typical antipsychotics or other first-line atypical

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 9


antipsychotics. I have argued here that it is unique for after 2 weeks (118), this recommendation to start clozapine is
suicide risk but not for improving cognition. Is it unique not supported by the evidence (119). This is also the case for
for improving psychosis and overall function in treatment- other atypical APDs. During more prolonged trials, major
resistant schizophrenia? The efficacy of clozapine for changes in synaptic structure and function are quite possi-
treatment-resistant schizophrenia patients was first estab- ble. Related to this, clinicians should be cautious about em-
lished in a randomized clinical trial codirected by the author bracing suggestions that clozapine should be initiated very
and others (106). The main conclusion of that study, i.e., that early in the course of the illness without adequate trials of
clozapine is effective in treating positive and negative other atypical APDs that have been shown to be effective in
symptoms in 30%240% of patients who meet criteria for treatment-resistant schizophrenia (120).
treatment-resistant schizophrenia, has been supported by
several decades of experience and numerous other trials
throughout the world in a variety of clinical settings (107).
However, other atypical APDs have also been shown to be Atypical APDs have broader efficacy for treating the major
effective in subgroups of patients with treatment-resistant types of psychopathology, including positive, negative, and
schizophrenia. This was first reported in a study of mel- mood symptoms and suicidality, compared with typical
perone (108). Melperone is a member of the same butyro- APDs. These benefits are evident in a wide range of psy-
phenone chemical class as haloperidol. Melperone was chiatric disorders, not just schizophrenia. There is much
never developed as an APD in the United States because of a greater diversity among the atypical than the typical APDs.
single paper that claimed that the basis for the efficacy of Atypical APDs initiate their actions by targeting multiple
clozapine in treatment-resistant schizophrenia was dopa- receptors and neurotrophin, leading to synaptic plasticity,
mine D4 receptor antagonism (109). The studies supporting unlike the typical APDs, which selectively act through D2
this claim were rejected on a number of grounds and are receptor blockade to mainly target positive symptoms and
inconsistent with the contrary evidence that D4 receptor produce serious mechanism-based side effects, especially
stimulation can enhance the ability of clozapine to improve tardive dyskinesia. 5-HT2A receptor blockade and release
its efficacy in improving memory in rodents treated with of neurotrophins, such as BDNF, are the most common
PCP for 3–14 days (91). The Van Tol et al. (109) report led to a mechanisms by which atypical APDs supplement weaker
massive effort by at least four pharmaceutical companies to D2 receptor blockade to achieve their broader action. Di-
be the first to develop selective D4 antagonists, all of which rect effects on 5-HT1A and 5-HT7, and indirect effects on
failed! Indeed, in one study, the selective D4 antagonist dopamine D1, D4, nicotinic, and muscarinic receptors due
worsened psychopathology in acutely psychotic patients to the release of cortical and hippocampal dopamine and
(110). This is noteworthy since a similar worsening of acetylcholine, are principal contributors to their broader
schizophrenia occurred in the one clinical trial with a D1 actions. The benefits from atypical APDs are achieved, in
receptor antagonist (42), an indication of the translational part, through synaptic plasticity that may take weeks to
value of rodent studies with regard to schizophrenia. No months to be achieved. Because of differences among the
further effort to develop melperone for schizophrenia, atypical APDs and genetic and epigenetic differences
which has been shown to be effective to treat psychosis even among patients, multiple trials of atypical agents may be
in patients with Parkinson’s psychosis (111), occurred in the required to find the best drug for a patient until pharma-
United States, a great loss. Subsequently, in randomized con- cogenetic and other predictors of differential response are
trolled trials, olanzapine (112), long-acting injectable risper- identified. Clozapine, while uniquely effective to reduce
idone (113), lurasidone (114), and aripiprazole (115) were also the risk of suicide, is not the only atypical APD useful for
found to be effective in treating positive and negative symp- patients who fail to respond to first-line typical and atypical
toms in 30%240% of patients with treatment-resistant APDs. Clinicians should be aware of the risk of TD with
schizophrenia. The overall response rates were similar to that typical APDs and its potential to reduce the ability of
of clozapine based on historical controls or in the case of atypical APDs to improve cognition. Atypical agents that
olanzapine, with clozapine as an active comparator. There is target GABA receptors and use of biomarkers, especially
also some evidence that treatment-resistant schizophrenia pharmacogenomics markers, will likely expand the ad-
with no response to olanzapine or risperidone will improve by vantages of atypical APDs in the near future.
prespecified criteria with aripiprazole (115). Efficacy of various
atypical APDs in patients who fail to respond to typical anti-
Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Pharmacology,
psychotics has been widely reported (116).
and Physiology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine,
Based on these studies the argument for early use of Chicago. Send correspondence to Dr. Meltzer (h-meltzer@northwestern.
clozapine (i.e., after failure to respond to two APDs, re- edu).
gardless of whether neither or both are atypical [117]), needs This work was supported in part by donations from the Price and
to be reconsidered. Like the suggestion that trials of cloza- Weissman family.
pine in treatment-resistant schizophrenia should be limited The authors thank Dr. Ronald Salomon for help in preparing the table
to a few weeks on safety grounds if there is no improvement and manuscript.

10 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


Dr. Meltzer has received grant support in the past five years from and LTP threshold in the hippocampus. Neuropharmacology 2016;
ACADIA, Allergan, Janssen, Neurocrine, Sepracor, and Sumitomo Dai- 100:90–97
nippon and is a shareholder of ACADIA and LB Pharma. Dr. Gadaleta 21. Rajagopal L, Huang M, Michael E, et al: TPA-023 attenuates
reports no financial relationships with commercial interests. subchronic phencyclidine-induced declarative and reversal learning
deficits via GABAA receptor agonist mechanism: possible ther-
apeutic target for cognitive deficit in schizophrenia. Neuro-
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Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 13


Tardive Dyskinesia: Spotlight on Current Approaches

to Treatment
Sarah M. Debrey, M.D., and David R. Goldsmith, M.D.

Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is a debilitating, iatrogenic, and potentially clozapine; and present preliminary evidence for newer
severe movement disorder characterized by involuntary, approaches, such as deep brain stimulation and repetitive
repetitive, purposeless movements that are present throughout transcranial magnetic stimulation. On the basis of the evidence
the body. The authors present a review of studies of past, current, presented here, the authors highlight the importance of early
and possible future treatment approaches to the management recognition and assessment of TD, as well as how to best
of TD; consider the phenomenology, assessment, and putative approach management of these often incapacitating
pathophysiological mechanisms of TD, early pharmacological symptoms.
trials, a focus on the newer vesicular monoamine transporter
2 inhibitors, and other evidence-based approaches, such as Focus 2021; 19:14–23; doi: 10.1176/appi.focus.20200038

Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is an iatrogenic, irreversible, and 8–10 measure the severity of the involuntary movements, the
potentially severe movement disorder characterized by in- level of incapacitation resulting from them, and the patient’s
voluntary, repetitive, purposeless movements, typically of awareness of these movements, respectively. Items 11–12 are
the orofacial muscles but also often affecting muscles of the related to the patient’s mental status. According to the
trunk, limbs, and head. The term tardive dyskinesia, origi- Schooler-Kane criteria (6), an AIMS score of at least 2 in two
nally coined in 1964 by Faurbye et al. (1), refers to the dys- or more body regions or a score of 3 or 4 in at least one region
kinetic movements witnessed among those with long-term for a patient with at least three months of cumulative anti-
exposure to antipsychotic medications. However, TD can psychotic exposure defines a probable diagnosis of TD. Per
occur among patients exposed to any dopamine receptor DSM-5, older adults may develop symptoms after a shorter
blocking agent (DRBA), including nonpsychiatric medica- period of antipsychotic use.
tions such as metoclopramide. These hyperkinetic move- TD usually appears after long-term (months to years) ex-
ments are often not only burdensome but also lead to posure to DRBAs, but it has in certain cases been shown to
psychological stress and impaired quality of life during a occur after only a brief exposure (7). Second-generation an-
patient’s recovery efforts (2). tipsychotics (SGAs) are historically considered a lower risk
Multiple scales have been developed to assess the severity for the development of TD, with a reported cumulative annual
of TD, as well as that of other drug-induced movement incidence of 0.8%23.0% compared with 5.4%27.7% for first-
disorders. The Extrapyramidal Symptoms Rating Scale is a generation antipsychotics (FGAs) (8, 9). A 2017 meta-analysis
seven-item scale that addresses four types of drug-induced (10) of 41 studies and 11,493 patients exposed to antipsychotics
movement disorder: parkinsonism, akathisia, dystonia, and found a pooled TD prevalence of 25.3%, with a lower fre-
TD (3). The Simpson Rating Scale is a 15-item scale that quency among those with current SGA treatment (20.7%)
focuses on movements in the orofacial region, neck, trunk, than with FGA treatment (30.0%). Patients currently pre-
and extremities (4). The most frequently used scale, in terms scribed an SGA with no lifetime history of FGA treatment had
of both research and clinical use, is the Abnormal In- the lowest prevalence of TD at 7.2%. In addition to antipsy-
voluntary Movement Scale (AIMS), which allows providers chotic medication exposure (dose, duration, or type), older
to track a patient’s symptoms over time and determine the age is another well-established risk factor. Elderly patients
appropriate course of action. The AIMS is a 12-item scale; (defined as those with a mean age of 65 years) have a five to six
items 1–7 measure involuntary movements across regions, times greater risk of developing TD (11). Other risk factors
scored on a scale ranging from 0 (no dyskinesia) to 4 (severe include African American ethnicity, female sex, history of
dyskinesia), resulting in a maximum score of 28 (5). Items alcohol or other substance abuse disorders, HIV-positive

14 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


status, diabetes, and use of lithium or antiparkinsonian agents, including bipolar disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and
in particular anticholinergic medications (12). major depressive disorder, expanding the population at risk
The pathophysiology of TD is not fully elucidated, and it is for development of TD. Therefore, it is essential that this
postulated to have a multifactorial etiology. Several mecha- potential risk be thoroughly discussed and that antipsychotic
nisms have been proposed, with the prevailing hypothesis medications only be prescribed when clinically necessary.
implicating postsynaptic dopamine receptor upregulation Close monitoring for development of symptoms is also key.
following chronic blockade of dopamine receptors in the ni- Once TD symptoms are observable, cessation of the
grostriatal pathway. This, in turn, may lead to permanent medication may not lead to resolution. In fact, this is one
receptor hypersensitivity and increased affinity for dopamine, method of differentiating between TD and parkinsonism.
resulting in the characteristic hyperkinetic movements (13). Although parkinsonism is typically improved by either
This model would explain the “masking” of TD that tempo- complete cessation or decreasing the dosage of the offending
rarily occurs with greater dopamine blockade through an agent, the same is not true for TD. In addition, anticholin-
increase in the dosage of the DRBA. ergic agents frequently used to treat parkinsonism are con-
However, this mechanism alone does not account for the sidered ineffective for TD and potentially deleterious (20).
variability in development of TD. Given that all antipsy- In studies examining the natural history of TD, remission
chotic medications are DRBAs to some extent, and yet ap- rates have been highly variable, largely because of hetero-
proximately one in four patients taking these medications geneity in rates of continued antipsychotic exposure, sup-
develops TD, this suggests that other factors, genetic vul- porting the ability of these medications to mask ongoing TD.
nerability, or both are also involved. Oxidative stress— Although an older study found remission of TD in 37% of
through brain injury, aging, or even neuroleptic exposure patients after cessation of antipsychotic medication (21), this
(14)—has been implicated in the development of TD. DRBAs finding has not been replicated. In a retrospective study of
induce a secondary increase in the synthesis and metabolism patients with TD resulting from DRBA use for nonpsychotic
of dopamine (15), and this increased metabolism is associ- conditions (N5108), 13% experienced symptom resolution,
ated with increased free radical production via monoamine although only 2% achieved this without the addition of
oxidase. Particular antipsychotics, including haloperidol, various therapeutic agents (22).
have been shown to be directly harmful through the pro- Although it has been postulated that switching from an
duction of free radicals. One in vitro study showed that FGA to an SGA may lead to improvement in TD, the
haloperidol caused apoptotic cell death when administered American Academy of Neurology has reported insufficient
to cell cultures of murine neurons, an effect that was at- evidence for switching (23). This was supported by a natu-
tenuated by antioxidants such as vitamin E (16). ralistic study of 223 patients with severe mental illness and
Damage to striatal gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)- TD (mean baseline AIMS score 9.1) for whom switching
containing neurons may also contribute to pathogenesis of from an FGA to an SGA or from a high D2 affinity antipsy-
TD. In studies of animals after chronic exposure to anti- chotic to one with lower affinity had no significant impact on
psychotic medication, decreased activity of glutamic acid AIMS score (24). Adding an SGA to an existing FGA resulted
decarboxylase in the substantia nigra, globus pallidus, and in a 2- to 3-point reduction, and switching to an FGA led to a
subthalamic nucleus has been reported (17). However, GABA three-point reduction, consistent with the masking theory.
agonist treatments in humans have not had robust effects,
with two recent Cochrane reviews finding inconclusive Early Medication Trials
evidence to support the use of either benzodiazepine or No medication carried Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
nonbenzodiazepine GABA agonists in the treatment of approval for treatment of TD before 2017, although multiple
antipsychotic-induced TD (18, 19). agents have been tried off-label. In 2013, the American
This article highlights the varying treatment options for Academy of Neurology published treatment guidelines for
TD with a specific focus on the newer vesicular monoamine TD (23). At that time, results indicated limited evidence for
transporter 2 (VMAT2) inhibitors. We also provide some any treatment, listing only two drugs with level B evidence
historical context for older approaches to TD treatment as (clonazepam and Gingko biloba) and two with level C evi-
well as for medications such as clozapine that continue to be dence (tetrabenazine and amantadine).
effective yet underused for TD. Last, we review a growing Given the hypothesis that striatonigral GABAergic path-
literature on novel neurostimulation techniques that appear ways reduce dopaminergic activity in the substantia nigra via
to offer some potential benefit for more refractory TD cases. negative feedback, various GABA agonists have also been
trialed for the treatment of TD. In a small (N519) double-
blind, randomized crossover trial assessing the effect of clo-
nazepam versus placebo, clonazepam treatment decreased
Ideally, TD would be preventable, although among patients dyskinesia scores by 37.1% versus placebo, an effect that was
with a primary psychotic disorder, the long-term use of quickly reversed with placebo administration (25). Of note,
DRBAs is typically necessary. However, SGAs are now fre- clonazepam was more effective among patients with dystonic
quently used with patients with numerous other diagnoses, symptoms than among those with choreoathetoid symptoms.

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 15


Amantadine, a noncompetitive N-methyl-D-aspartate re- and valbenazine (VBZ)—and evidence for their use in
ceptor antagonist and dopamine releaser, has also been used treatment of TD are summarized in Table 1. Of note, all three
to treat drug-induced dyskinesias, including TD, although VMAT2 inhibitors are metabolized by cytochrome P450
results have been varied and, even in positive trials, of de- 2D6 (CYP2D6) and have the potential to cause Qtc pro-
batable clinical significance. An 18-week double-blind cross- longation, particularly in poor metabolizers (35).
over study of 16 patients with a baseline mean AIMS score of
8.375 randomized to placebo or amantadine administration Tetrabenazine. TBZ, a VMAT2 inhibitor that was FDA ap-
(up to 300 mg/day) reported a slight improvement in follow- proved for Huntington’s disease in 2008, has long been used
up AIMS scores for the amantadine group over the placebo off-label in the treatment of TD. The first randomized trial for
group (7.312 versus 8.188, respectively) (26). In this trial, pa- TBZ in treating TD was published in 1972 and demonstrated
tients were continued on their existing antipsychotic regi- significant improvement in frequency of abnormal move-
men, although anticholinergic medications were held. In a ments, with resolution of TD in 33% of the 24 enrolled patients
double-blind randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing (36). An open-label trial (N520) published in 1999 reported a
amantadine and placebo among patients with antipsychotic- 54% improvement in AIMS scores (37). However, there are
induced TD (N522), results demonstrated slight improve- several limitations to the use of TBZ. Due to its short serum
ment in the average AIMS total score for those randomized to half-life, tetrabenazine requires three times daily dosing. The
amantadine (21.8% versus 0% in the placebo arm) at 2 weeks associated high peak concentrations and fluctuations in
(27). In an older double-blind crossover RCT comparing plasma levels are believed to be responsible for its poor tol-
amantadine and biperiden (an older anticholinergic medica- erability, including reports of somnolence and depression.
tion), a similar, though modest, improvement in TD was re- TBZ also carries an FDA black box warning for suicidality in
portedly found for both amantadine and biperiden, but the patients with Huntington’s disease.
full text of this article was not available (28).
In the early 1980s, propranolol was reported to be effective Deutetrabenazine. Since the advent of TBZ, two newer
for the treatment of TD, primarily in case series (29, 30). Pro- VMAT2 inhibitors have been developed to enhance tolera-
pranolol, a beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist, has anti- bility via pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic improve-
dyskinetic properties postulated to be the result of its ments. DBZ and VBZ were both FDA-approved for the
modulation of dopaminergic activity through presynaptic at- treatment of TD in 2017. DBZ is a highly selective VMAT2
tenuation of dopamine efflux (31). However, when thioridazine inhibitor containing deuterium. The addition of deuterium
serum levels were reported to be increased by the addition of slows the metabolism of DBZ, leading to reduced serum-level
propranolol, the question was then whether propranolol was fluctuations compared with TBZ, thereby decreasing the
simply masking TD through the same mechanism as an in- potential for adverse effects associated with peak concentra-
crease in the antipsychotic dosage (32). Although no additional tions. This longer half-life also enables twice daily dosing.
trials have investigated the role of propranolol in TD treatment, There have been two randomized, double-blind, placebo-
a 2012 case series reported improvement in AIMS scores for controlled trials of DBZ with published results (38–40)
two patients prescribed low-dose propranolol for TD after the (summarized in Table 2). Both included 12 weeks of follow-up.
offending agents (metoclopramide and risperidone) had been In the Aim to Reduce Movements in Tardive Dyskinesia
discontinued, suggesting that propranolol may be efficacious (ARM-TD ) study, (38), patients (N5117) were randomized to
on its own in treating TD (33). placebo versus escalating doses of DBZ, titrated until symp-
toms were adequately controlled or an adverse event occurred,
VMAT2 Inhibitors to a maximum dose of 48 mg/day. A 6-week maintenance
Recent studies have focused on the efficacy of reversible period at the final dosage followed. Although AIMS scores
VMAT2 inhibitors in the treatment of TD. VMAT2 is a ve- were significantly reduced in the treatment group, results
sicular protein that transports monoamines, including do- were modest (23.0 versus 21.6, p50.019). Similarly, the sec-
pamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin from the cytosol into ondary outcome of Clinical Global Impression (CGI) score was
the membrane, where they are sequestered into vesicles rated as “much improved” or “very much improved” for 48.2%
before release into the synaptic cleft. VMAT2 inhibitors of the DBZ group versus 40.4% for the placebo group. There
block this monoamine transport into vesicles, leading to were low rates of adverse events in the DBZ and placebo
their degradation in the cytosol (34). This reduction in do- groups, including depression (1.7% versus 1.7%) and suicidal
pamine release in particular, leading to less activation of ideation (0% versus 1.7%). In addition, no worsening of par-
postsynaptic dopamine receptors in the nigrostriatal path- kinsonism or akathisia was observed in either group.
way, is believed to decrease dyskinetic movements. The Similar positive results were also found in the Addressing
VMAT2 inhibitors discussed here are reversible, in contrast Involuntary Movements in Tardive Dyskinesia (AIM-TD)
to reserpine, which is an irreversible, nonselective VMAT trial (39). After 8 weeks of maintenance following a 4-week
inhibitor at both VMAT1 and VMAT2. The pharmacokinetic titration to a lower target dose (12, 24, or 36 mg/day), the
and pharmacodynamic profiles of each of the three VMAT2 change in least-squares mean AIMS score was significantly
inhibitors—tetrabenazine (TBZ), deutetrabenazine (DBZ), improved in the two higher dosage DBZ groups, with a

16 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


TABLE 1. Comparison of VMAT2 inhibitorsa

Time to peak
Half- concentration, Dosage
Affinity for VMAT– life Cmax range Dosing Need to take
Drug 2 (Ki) (hours) (hours) (mg/day) frequency with food? Metabolism
Tetrabenazine 100 5–7 1–1.5 12.5–150 3 times No Hepatic; CYP2D6
Deutetrabenazine Multiple metabolites; 9–10 3–4 12–48 2 times Yes Hepatic; CYP2D6
range, 4.2–690 daily
Valbenazine 150 15–22 4–8 40–80 Once No (although high-fat Hepatic; CYP3A4,
daily meals lower Cmax) CYP2D6
VMAT2, vesicular monoamine transporter 2; Cmax, maximum concentration recorded; CYP2D6, cytochrome P450 2D6; CYP3A4, cytochrome P450 3A4.

treatment difference of 21.9 points (p50.001) in the 36 mg/ DBZ, its activation is via hydrolysis and therefore not de-
day group and of 21.8 (p50.003) in the 24 mg/day group, pendent on hepatic metabolism. Multiple double-blinded,
compared with placebo. The 12 mg/day group did not reach placebo-controlled trials have demonstrated significant im-
a statistically significant treatment difference (20.7 points, provement in TD among patients randomized to VBZ versus
p50.217). The proportion of patients who experienced at placebo. Although three studies have shown acute improve-
least a 50% improvement from their baseline AIMS score ment in trials carried out for between six and 12 weeks, others
was greater in the two higher dosage groups (24 mg/day: have been conducted for up to a maximum of 52 weeks to
35%, p50.005; 36 mg/day: 33%, p50.007) compared with analyze long-term effects.
placebo (12%), but this was not true for the 12 mg/day group The KINECT series of trials (41–45), summarized in Table
(13%). Treatment success defined as “much improved” or 3, has provided the majority of the evidence. In the initial
“very much improved” on the CGI was also significantly 6-week KINECT trial, neither AIMS nor Clinical Global Im-
higher in the 24 mg/day and 36 mg/day groups (49% and pression of Change–Tardive Dyskinesia (CGI-TD ) scores
44%, respectively) versus placebo (26%). The rate of adverse improved with VBZ over placebo (41). In the larger KINECT2
events was similar in all treatment and placebo groups, with trial, participants were randomized to either placebo or
high mean adherence to the study drug (98%). Two deaths VBZ, titrated to a maximum dosage of 75 mg/day, depending
from cardiac events were reported in the DBZ groups, but on tolerability and response (42). After 6 weeks of follow-up,
these were not deemed to be related to study drug exposure. there was a mean 3.6-point decrease in AIMS severity score
Participants who completed either AIM-TD or ARM-TD for VBZ compared with a 1.1-point decrease in that score
were eligible to enter an open-label extension trial of a 6-week for placebo (p,0.001). A significantly greater percentage of
dose-escalation phase followed by a long-term maintenance responders (.50% reduction in AIMS from baseline) was
phase of up to 106 weeks (40) in order to evaluate the tolera- present in the VBZ group versus the placebo group (48.9%
bility and long-term efficacy of DBZ maintenance treatment. Of versus 18.2%, p,0.001).
the 368 patients who successfully completed the phase 3 trials, Similar results were found in KINECT 3, both for short-term
343 patients rolled over into this open-label extension study (43) and long-term (44) trials. In the 6-week trial, participants
(DBZ, N5232; placebo, N5111). After a 1-week washout period were equally randomized to placebo, VBZ 40 mg/day, or VBZ
from the phase 3 study drug, DBZ was titrated in a similar 80 mg/day. The difference in the least-squares mean change
fashion as in the AIM-TD trial, to a maximum of 48 mg/day between baseline and week 6 was 23.2 points in the VBZ 80
(36 mg/day if on concurrent strong CYP2D6 inhibitors), with mg/day group, 21.9 points in the 40 mg/day group, and 20.1 in
more robust improvement reported. The mean change in AIMS the placebo group, equating to a number needed to treat
score was 24.9 points at week 54 (N5146) and 26.3 points at (NNT)of 3.2 (rounded up to 4) for the 80 mg/day VBZ group.
week 80 (N566). The most common neuropsychiatric adverse The KINECT3 extension study (44) had a 42-week VBZ
events reported included headache, somnolence, depression, extension period, followed by a 4-week washout period, for a
and anxiety, with rates that were comparable to or lower than total of 52 weeks of follow-up. Those receiving placebo ear-
those reported in the shorter-term ARM-TD and AIM-TD lier in the study were randomized to 40 mg/day or 80 mg/day,
phase 3 trials. This study therefore supported the long-term and those receiving 40 or 80 mg VBZ were continued on these
safety and efficacy of DBZ treatment. Although DBZ carries a doses. During follow-up, AIMS and CGI-TD score improve-
black box warning for suicidality among patients with Hun- ments were maintained, indicating sustained improvement in
tington’s disease, the data have not showed an increased risk for TD. At week 48, mean changes in AIMS scores were 24.8
suicidality during its use for TD treatment, and therefore DBZ (80 mg/day group) and 23.0 (40 mg/day group) (p,0.001).
does not have a regulatory warning for this population. As expected, these improvements were reversible, with scores
returning toward baseline after VBZ discontinuation.
Valbenazine. VBZ is a highly selective, reversible VMAT2 in- KINECT 4 (45) further evaluated the long-term effects of
hibitor with metabolites that have affinity strictly for VMAT2 VBZ over 48 weeks of follow-up. In this open-label trial
receptors, thereby minimizing adverse effects. A prodrug of (N5167), treatment was initiated at 40 mg/day and increased

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 17


TABLE 2. Efficacy and safety analysis data for DBZa

Study Study design Population Exposure Primary endpoint Efficacy results Adverse events
ARM-TD trial (38) 12-week, TD diagnosis DBZ started at Change in AIMS DBZ reduced least- Low rates of anxiety
N5117 (70% with randomized, for .3 months 12 mg/day (6 mg score from squares mean in DBZ vs. PBO
schizophrenia or double-blind, and history of BID) and titrated baseline to week AIMS scores from groups (3.4% vs.
SCAD), mean parallel-group DRBA weekly by 6 mg/ 12 baseline to week 6.8%), depressed
baseline AIMS study at 46 sites use .3 months day, if required, 12 vs. PBO (–3.0 mood (1.7% vs.
score59.6 in the United (.1 month if for up to 6 weeks vs.–1.6, p50.019). 1.7%), and suicidal
States and age .60). Total until adequate Improvement in ideation (0% vs.
Europe. AIMS motor dyskinesia control AIMS score 1.7%,
Randomized 1:1 score .6. was achieved, a significantly respectively).
for DBZ versus significant AE differed between
PBO. Stratified by occurred, or the the DBZ and PBO
use of DRBA at maximal groups by week 4.
baseline. allowable dose
(48 mg/day) was
reached; this was
followed by
(6 weeks) and a
1-week washout.
AIM-TD trial (39) 12-week TD diagnosis DBZ at a dosage of Change in AIMS Change in least- No increased risk of
N5298 (60% with randomized, for .3 months 36, 24, or 12 mg/ score from mean squares akathisia or
schizophrenia or double-blind and history of day. Target dose baseline to week AIMS score parkinsonism was
SCAD), mean study, patients DRBA maintained for 12 improved by –3.3 found in the DBZ
baseline AIMS randomized in a use .3 months 8 weeks. in the DBZ groups vs. the
score ranged 1:1:1:1 pattern to (.1 month if 36 mg/day group, PBO group. Rates
from 9.4 to 10.1 receive 1 of age .60). Total –3.2 in the of depression,
(reported per 3 fixed-dose AIMS motor 24 mg/day group, suicidal ideation,
treatment arm) regimens of DBZ score .6. and –2.1 in the and anxiety were
(12, 24, or 36 mg/ 12 mg/day group, not significantly
day) or PBO. versus –1.4 in the different among
PBO group. This DBZ treatment
equated to a groups vs. PBO
significant group.
difference of –1.9
(p50.001), –1.8
(p50.003), and
–0.7 (p50.217)
for the 3 groups
compared with
AIM-TD/ARM-TD Open-label dose- Participants who DBZ at a dosage of Safety assessment, Mean change in Exposure-adjusted
extension trial extension trial had successfully 36, 24, or 12 mg/ plus change in AIMS score was incidence rates of
(40) N5343, (6 weeks) completed day AIMS score from –4.9 at week adverse events
mean baseline followed by AIM-TD or ARM- baseline to each 54 (N5146) and (most common
AIMS score58.8 maintenance TD follow-up visit –6.3 at week including
follow up phase 80 (N566). depression,
(#106 weeks) anxiety, and
were comparable
to that of the
ARM-TD trial,
indicating no
evidence of
toxicity or
associated with
long-term DBZ
DBZ, deutetrabenazine; ARM-TD, Aim to Reduce Movements in Tardive Dyskinesia study; TD, tardive dyskinesia; SCAD, schizoaffective disorder; AIMS,
Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale; PBO, placebo; DRBA, dopamine receptor blocking agent; AIM-TD, Addressing Involuntary Movements in Tardive
Dyskinesia study; BID, twice a day; AE, adverse event.

18 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


TABLE 3. Efficacy and safety analysis data for VBZa

Study Study design Population Exposure endpoint Efficacy results Adverse events
KINECT 2 (42) 6-week Moderate to NBI–98854 (VBZ) Change in AIMS AIMS score Most common
N5100 (58% randomized, severe TD at a starting score from improved by adverse events
with double-blind diagnosis at dosage of baseline to –3.6 in the VBZ in VBZ vs. PBO
schizophrenia study of VBZ vs. study entry 25 mg once week 6 group vs. –1.1 group were
or SCAD), mean PBO (assessed via daily, increased points in PBO fatigue (9.8% vs.
baseline AIMS video by by 25 mg every group. A 4.1%), headache
score58.0 movement 2 weeks until significantly (9.8% vs. 4.1%),
disorder reaching greater constipation
specialists) maximum percentage of (3.9% vs. 6.1%)
among patients dosage of responders and urinary tract
with psychiatric 75 mg/day (.50% infection (3.9%
stability reduction in vs. 6.1%),
(BPRS,50) and AIMS from respectively.
history of DRBA baseline)
use present in VBZ
vs. PBO group
(48.9% vs. 18.2%,
KINECT 3 (43) 6-week double- Moderate to VBZ at 40 mg/day Change in AIMS Mean least- Most common
N5227 (65% blind study, severe TD or 80 mg/day score from squares AIMS adverse events
with randomized 1:1: diagnosis at baseline to score improved VBZ 40 mg/day
schizophrenia 1 to PBO, VBZ study entry week 6 by –3.2 in the group vs. VBZ
or SCAD), mean 80 mg/day, or (assessed via VBZ 80 mg/day 80 mg/day
baseline AIMS VBZ 40 mg/day video by group, –1.9 in group vs. PBO
score510.0 movement the 40 mg/day group were
disorder group, and –0.1 somnolence
specialists), in PBO group. (5.6%, 5.1%, and
history of DRBA NNT54 for the 3.9%), akathisia
use .3 months VBZ 80 mg/day (4.2%, 2.5%, and
group. 1.3%), and dry
mouth (6.9%,
0%, and 1.3%),
KINECT 3 42- 42-week VBZ Same as KINECT Participants Change in AIMS AIMS Most common
week extension extension trial 3 initial study randomized score from improvement adverse events
trial (44) N5198, of KINECT3 to PBO in baseline to sustained in 80 mg/day
mean baseline participants 6-week trial week 48 throughout the group vs.
AIMS score59.6 rerandomized 1: extension 40 mg/day
for 40 mg/day 1 to VBZ 40 or period. At week group were
group vs. 10.4 80 mg. Those 48, mean headache (6.9%
for 80 mg/day on VBZ in initial changes in AIMS vs. 7.2%), urinary
group study continued score of –4.8 tract infection
at current dose. for the 80 mg/ (6.9% vs. 7.2%),
day group and diarrhea (7.9%
–3.0 for the vs. 3.1%), and
40 mg/day dizziness (6.9%
group. Mean vs. 4.1%).
percentage of Syncope
improvement occurred in
from baseline 3 patients.
was 30.4% There was no
(80 mg/day worsening of
group) and akathisia or
23.7% (40 mg/ parkinsonism.
day group). AIMS
worsened from
weeks 48–52
after VBZ
with evidence of
TD returning
toward baseline

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 19


TABLE 3, continued
Study Study design Population Exposure endpoint Efficacy results Adverse events
KINECT 4 (45) 48-week open- Moderate to Participants Long-term safety TD improvement The most
N5167 label treatment severe started on VBZ assessment, was sustained common TEAEs
(73% with period followed neuroleptic- 40 mg/day, plus change in throughout ($5% after week
schizophrenia by a 4-week induced TD then changed to AIMS score treatment, with 4) were urinary
or SCAD), mean washout for .3 months 80 mg/day after from baseline to AIMS mean total tract infection
baseline AIMS at study entry, 4 weeks on the endpoint score changes (8.5%) and
score510.0 stable basis of efficacy from baseline to headache
psychiatric and tolerability week 48 of (5.2%).
status, medical –10.2 (40 mg/
stability day group) and
–11.0 (80 mg/
day group). AIMS
scores trended
back toward
baseline during
washout period.
VBZ, valbenazine; SCAD, schizoaffective disorder; AIMS, Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale; PBO, placebo; BPRS, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale; DRBA,
dopamine receptor blocking agent; NNT, number needed to treat TEAE, treatment-emergent adverse event.

to 80 mg/day at week 4 on the basis of individual tolerability symptoms as well as side effects, including TD (47). The
and response, in order to simulate real-world clinical situations. meta-analysis found a significant decrease in TD among
Mean AIMS score improvement for the 40 mg/day group was patients treated with clozapine, although the effect was
10.2 points, compared with 11.0 points for the 80 mg/day group. nonsignificant when compared with other SGAs.
Among all participants, treatment response (.50% improve- Since that initial study, a more recent meta-analysis investi-
ment on AIMS) was found to be 90%. During the extension gating the effect of switching from a nonclozapine antipsychotic
period, 69.2% of patients reported at least one adverse event, to clozapine for TD demonstrated that in studies of patients with
with headache being the most common (7.2% versus 6.9% for schizophrenia, switching to clozapine resulted in a significant
the 40 mg/day versus 80 mg/day groups, respectively). Dis- reduction in symptoms of TD (effect size of 0.4, indicating a
continuation rate due to any adverse event was 15.7%. small to moderate effect) (48). Although there was significant
Serious adverse events were observed among 14.6%, al- heterogeneity in the studies included in the meta-analysis in
though the only serious event occurring for more than two regard to baseline severity of TD, the meta-analysis demon-
participants was syncope (N53). VBZ treatment did not induce strated the most significant reductions in those studies of indi-
or worsen parkinsonism or akathisia, as measured by the viduals (N54 studies, 48 patients) with moderate to severe TD.
Simpson-Angus Scale and the Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale. These findings were further supported by a larger recent
No clinically meaningful changes were reported in vital signs or systematic review demonstrating effectiveness for switching
electrocardiogram parameters during the extension trial. Sui- from either FGAs or SGAs to clozapine across 13 studies (46).
cidal ideation was reported among 5.1% of participants, and The review also demonstrated a negative association between
suicidal ideation or behaviors led to treatment discontinuation duration of clozapine use and severity of TD symptoms, with
by five people, although these were judged by site investigators variability among studies regarding time to significant re-
to be unlikely to be related to VBZ. It is noted that few par- duction in symptoms that ranged from four to 12 weeks.
ticipants had worsening of scores on the Columbia Suicide Moreover, longer trials have supported a sustained effect over
Severity Rating Scale for suicidal ideation, despite nearly a third time (49–51). This review also found a significant negative
having a lifetime history of suicidality. This study further sup- relationship between TD severity and mean clozapine dose,
ported the long-term safety and efficacy of VBZ, even among which suggests that improvements in TD symptoms may be
older patients. When patients were dichotomized at age 55, no found early in the course of clozapine titration even before
significant differences were found between older and younger achieving a meaningful antipsychotic effect.
groups in regard to either efficacy or adverse events. One possible explanation for the role of clozapine in the
treatment of TD may be supported by the hypothesized mech-
Clozapine anisms of TD. Postsynaptic D2 receptor upregulation or potential
Clozapine is an SGA and the only FDA-approved antipsy- hypersensitivity of these receptors may be mitigated by the low
chotic medication for treatment-resistant schizophrenia. affinity of clozapine for the dopamine D2 receptor as opposed to
Although there have been reports of clozapine worsening or other antipsychotics that have greater affinity for that receptor
inducing TD (46), the majority of evidence supports its use (52, 53). Moreover, because of its quick dissociation from the
as an effective treatment for TD. An early 2001 meta-analysis D2 receptor, it is unlikely that the effect of clozapine on TD
evaluated the effectiveness of SGAs among patients with symptoms is due to a masking effect but is rather likely due to
treatment-resistant schizophrenia on outcomes related to other mechanisms that warrant further investigation.

20 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


Neurostimulation addition to the newer Alzheimer’s drugs have found limited

In severe, refractory cases of TD, neurostimulation via deep overall benefit across studies with nonsignificant trend-level
brain stimulation (DBS) or repetitive transcranial magnetic benefit for active drug compared with placebo (62). Although
stimulation (rTMS) has been studied. A recent meta-analysis one small randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial
described cases of 117 patients who underwent elective DBS showed no difference for donepezil compared with the con-
(for the majority, the bilateral posteroventral globus pallidus trol (63) several case reports (64, 65) and open-label trials (66,
pars interna was targeted) to treat refractory tardive syn- 67) have demonstrated benefit for donepezil in the treatment
dromes (54). Whereas most cases were open label, four of TD. One randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial for
studies (N531) reported on assessments that were done in a galantamine (68) that used a crossover trial design has been
double-blind fashion (55–58). Of note, the majority of cases published. It did not find an overall significant benefit for
(N5113) were patients with tardive dystonia. All but two cases galantamine in reducing TD symptoms compared with pla-
in this analysis were patients treated with antipsychotic cebo, although when patients who were initially randomized
medications. Patients showed significant improvement on the to galantamine were crossed over to placebo, they had
AIMS (mean6SD 62615%) and the Burke-Fahn-Marsden worsening of both dyskinesia and parkinsonism.
scale (76621%) after DBS. Although the included data were Limited evidence exists for the efficacy of branched-
heterogeneous in terms of recruitment, severity, assessment, chain amino acids, with two open-label trials demonstrating
and so forth, the data from these case studies suggest that DBS benefit for the treatment of TD symptoms (69, 70). There
may be an effective option for severe treatment-refractory have been three RCTs of Gingko biloba, whose purported
cases with significant disruption in quality of life. mechanism is via the antioxidant, free-radical scavenging
One RCT of pallidal DBS versus sham treatment has been properties of the extract. A meta-analysis of these trials
conducted with patients with tardive syndromes (dystonia showed benefit for Gingko biloba compared with placebo
and dyskinesia) (59). Although patients in the active DBS (71), although larger trials are warranted, as well as further
condition showed a 22.8% improvement in their symptoms at studies that provide greater mechanistic understanding.
3 months, this was not statistically significantly different from Vitamin E has also been studied, and whereas a recent meta-
the sham group, who showed a 12.0% improvement. Patients analysis of 15 studies showed benefit for vitamin E over
went through an open-label extension phase for 6 months and placebo (72), a recent Cochrane Review of the literature
demonstrated an overall improvement of 41.5%. Adverse showed no evidence for vitamin E compared with placebo
events occurred in 10 of 25 cases and included DBS lead over 13 RCTs (73). Of note, studies of vitamin E demon-
discomfort, gait disorders, dysarthria, confusion, skin erosion strated significant publication bias in the meta-analysis,
(DBS lead), pulmonary embolism, and in one case aggravation which may explain the discrepancy in these reviews.
of dyskinesia as a result of a gastrointestinal infection. All
adverse events resolved, suggesting that DBS for tardive
syndromes may be a safe option. Further RCTs will be im-
portant to provide evidence that DBS is an effective treatment TD remains a challenging clinical concern for patients
option for patients with severe TD. treated with antipsychotic medications. Although the in-
Given these DBS findings, Khedr et al. (60) suggested that cidence has decreased since the advent of SGAs, the risk of
tardive syndromes may result from a distributed cortico- TD even after treatment with SGAs remains significant. The
striatal network that may be modulated by rTMS. The au- impact on quality of life, treatment adherence, and recovery
thors conducted a double-blind RCT of rTMS versus sham should not be underestimated. Not only is it important for
over the motor cortex with 26 patients for 10 consecutive prescribing physicians to discuss the risk of TD with patients
days. The active rTMS group showed a significantly greater who are treated with antipsychotic agents (in addition to
reduction in AIMS scores (8.361.7 points), as tardive medications such as metoclopramide), but physicians must
symptoms compared with the sham group (1.263.3). It is be aware of the different treatment options available to treat
important to interpret this finding with caution, given that it these debilitating symptoms.
represents one single-site study whose findings will need to Clozapine remains an underused treatment option for
be replicated in multiple larger trials across sites. If repli- TD. It is already underprescribed for patients with persis-
cated, rTMS may be an effective option for medication- tent symptoms of psychosis, with barriers such as the need
refractory patients who do not want to progress to DBS. for regular blood monitoring and significant risks of neu-
tropenia and myocarditis, in addition to more common but
Miscellaneous Treatments concerning side effects (i.e., weight gain, tachycardia, sia-
Agents often used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease that lorrhea, and constipation). More education on how to safely
have cholinergic properties (e.g., cholinesterase inhibitors), and effectively manage these barriers may lead to greater
such as galantamine, donepezil, and rivastigmine, have been access to clozapine for patients for whom other antipsy-
proposed as putative therapeutic agents for TD because some chotic medications fail. Should psychiatrists feel more
of the older cholinergic drugs were found to have some competent and comfortable prescribing clozapine, its use as
benefit (61). Systematic reviews of these older agents in a treatment for TD may be considered. In fact, some have

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 21


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opment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology.
The authors report no financial relationships with commercial interests.
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Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 23


Increasing Psychiatrists’ Role in Addressing the

Cardiovascular Health of Patients With Severe
Mental Illness
Martha Ward, M.D.

The early mortality of individuals with serious mental illness psychiatrists are often their only physicians. Thus, to have
has long been documented yet persists despite calls for an impact on the mortality gap, psychiatrists must address
change. Individuals with serious mental illness have a the cardiovascular health of their patients with serious
higher rate of medical morbidity than those in the general mental illness. Here, the author presents a framework of
population across all categories of disease. Cardiovascular intervention at varying levels of intensity for psychiatrists to
disease is particularly prevalent in this population, and it is increase their role in addressing the cardiovascular health of
the leading cause of death for persons with serious mental patients with serious mental illness.
illness. Addressing cardiovascular risk factors is essential to
closing the mortality gap, yet patients with serious mental
illness often receive poor continuity of medical care, and Focus 2021; 19:24–30; doi: 10.1176/appi.focus.20200036

Advances in modern medicine have greatly increased the life Although rates of disease among people with serious
span of people living in the United States. However, indi- mental illness exceed those in the general population for
viduals living with serious mental illness have been left every disease category (1), cardiovascular disease (CVD)
behind. A 2003 study revealed that patients with serious plays a particularly important role in perpetuating the
mental illness treated in the US public health sector die, on mortality gap. Rates of cardiovascular risk factors, including
average, 25 years earlier than people in the general pop- hypertension, tobacco use, obesity, dyslipidemia, and di-
ulation (1). Despite multiple calls to action to address this abetes mellitus, are greatly elevated among those with seri-
public health issue, the mortality gap remains, with a recent ous mental illness (5, 6). CVD is two- to threefold more
meta-analysis estimating that people with schizophrenia common among people with serious mental illness and oc-
experience an average of 14.5 years of potential life lost (2). curs at a younger age (7). Overall, CVD is the most common
Clearly, further interventions are urgently needed. cause of death among people with serious mental illness (6).
Yet finding a solution to this problem is difficult. Reasons Because of this, addressing CVD and its risk factors is a
for the mortality gap are complex and multifactorial, in- reasonable initial goal for psychiatrists hoping to improve
volving adverse health behaviors, stigma, medication side the medical health of their patients with serious mental
effects, poverty, and psychiatric and cognitive symptom illness.
burden. The situation is compounded by an overwhelming
lack of access to ongoing quality medical care and a sub-
sequent pattern of overuse of emergency services and underuse
of primary care (3). For many people with serious mental ill-
ness, the behavioral health clinic is their only contact with the Of necessity, interventions initiated by psychiatrists will
medical system, and their psychiatrist is the only physician they exist on a sliding scale, depending on availability of care
regularly see. In recognizing this reality, the American Psy- referral resources, patient preference, and physician knowl-
chiatric Association published a position paper in 2015 urging edge base. Graduates of combined residency programs (in-
psychiatrists to play a role in assessing, diagnosing, and treating ternal medicine-psychiatry and family medicine-psychiatry)
the medical problems that contribute to the mortality gap are ideally situated to provide integrated care to complex
among people with serious mental illness (4). patients with comorbid medical and psychiatric conditions,

24 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


and the recent increase in the number of such programs in engage meaningfully in care with a new primary care phy-
the United States provides hope for improving outcomes sician. Finally, factors intrinsic to the psychiatrist will play a
for patients with serious mental illness (8). However, the large role. Motivation, confidence, and belief in the need to
number of physicians who complete combined residency intervene are all necessary qualities to ensure that psychia-
programs is overall minimal compared with patient needs. If trists address CVD risk among their patients.
the mortality gap is to be adequately addressed, psychiatrists
who have completed categorical residencies will need to
intervene as well. Comfort with addressing medical health
may require additional training or continuing medical edu- At a minimum, psychiatrists should screen their patients
cation, although primary care skills are increasingly being for cardiovascular risk factors. Clear guidelines exist for
emphasized in categorical psychiatry residency training. screening for metabolic conditions associated with the pre-
Recent psychiatry residency graduates affirm that their scription of second-generation antipsychotics (Table 1) (10).
programs have adequately trained them to recognize and For patients not prescribed second-generation antipsy-
initiate treatment for common medical conditions (9). chotics, screening recommendations for cardiovascular risk
Increasing psychiatrists’ comfort with addressing physi- factors vary somewhat depending on organizational guide-
cal morbidity also requires examination of the therapeutic lines. A reasonable paradigm for cardiovascular risk screening
frame, boundary crossings, and boundary violations in do- is outlined in Table 2 and incorporates recommendations
ing so. According to Freud’s initial description in 1911, the from various evidence-based US organizations.
therapeutic frame consists of certain norms in the patient- Screening for tobacco use is perhaps the most straight-
doctor relationship that allow for a safe and contained forward of the CVD risk factors. Physicians should be cer-
structure in which to process communication. Among these tain to ask about all forms of tobacco (including smoking,
norms is a lack of physical touch. Although a reductionist chewing, dipping, and vaping) and whether the patient has
and rule-bound adherence to the frame is generally not ever used tobacco, because some individuals may not con-
helpful to the therapeutic dyad, and handshakes and hugs sider themselves smokers if they use tobacco products in-
are no longer unheard of in the therapeutic relationship, termittently (11). All adults should be screened annually for
careful attention to boundary fluidity is necessary. Practice obesity by calculation of body mass index (BMI) (12). BMI is
setting, patient diagnosis, physician expertise, and treatment defined as weight in kilograms divided by the square of the
modality will all have an impact on the propriety of psy- height in meters. A patient with a BMI of 25–29.9 m/kg2 is
chiatrists performing a physical exam to assess their pa- considered overweight, and one with a BMI of $30 m/kg2 is
tients’ physical health status. Risks and benefits must be considered obese. Practitioners must be diligent in avoiding
carefully weighed. Physical examination is generally not a judgmental stance concerning weight. Rather than focus
recommended (outside of obtaining vital signs) in a practice on appearance, physicians must focus solely on the health
in which there is no separate examination room and ap- risks associated with increasing BMI.
propriate examination table. Likewise, physical examination Blood pressure screening is largely noncontroversial and
of patients with unstable identity and porous boundaries, inexpensive and can easily be done in the office. More reli-
such as those with borderline pathology, may also be harmful able readings can be done by using a 24-hour ambulatory
to the therapeutic relationship. The risks of physical exam- blood pressure monitor, but this may be logistically difficult
ination are likely much lower for psychiatrists treating pa- to set up (12). Daytime blood pressures higher than 130/
tients solely with medication management. Fortunately, as I 80 mmHg are considered positive for hypertension (13).
discuss, physical examination is not a necessary component Screening for elevated lipids should begin at age 40 for
of many of the interventions that psychiatrists can make to anyone without risk factors for CVD, but physicians could
improve their patients’ medical morbidity and mortality. consider screening as early as age 17 if the patient has sig-
nificant risk factors for CVD. Nonfasting samples are suffi-
cient to determine the need for statin therapy for primary
prevention of CVD.
Psychiatrists’ involvement in their patients’ medical care Screening for diabetes, as for hyperlipidemia, requires
will likely cover a large spectrum, depending on multiple access to laboratory services and is recommended for all
factors. First, psychiatrists will face systemic factors such as adults ages 18 years or older who have at least one risk factor
accessibility of primary care providers to consult with or for diabetes (see Table 2); for all others, screening is rec-
refer patients to and flexibility in time during psychiatric ommended at age 45. Screening is ideally done by measuring
visits to allow for interventions. For even the most basic of fasting blood glucose. Values of 100–125 mg/dL indicate
interventions, screening, psychiatrists must have access to prediabetes, whereas a fasting blood glucose measurement
on-site laboratory testing and equipment, such as blood of 126 mg/dL or more indicates a diagnosis of diabetes. Of
pressure cuffs and scales. Other factors include those in- note, glucometers should not be used to diagnose diabetes
trinsic to the patient, such as level of motivation and orga- because readings may differ by as much as 15% from those
nization to follow through with referrals and ability to obtained via phlebotomy. If fasting values are unavailable (as

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 25


TABLE 1. Monitoring protocol for patients on second-generation antipsychotics the use of motivational in-
Measure Baseline 4 weeks 8 weeks 12 weeks Quarterly Annually terviewing techniques to as-
Personal and family history X X
sess patients’ readiness to
Weighta X X X X X enact change. Inquiries should
Waist circumference X X be nonconfrontational and
Blood pressure X X X encourage collaboration. Once
Fasting blood glucose X X X patients are ready to change
Fasting lipid profile X X X
their behavior, collaborative
Body mass index. plans may be enacted using
various cognitive-behavioral
a result of patients’ difficulty with fasting for laboratory exercises. A great deal of evidence supports the use of
collection), hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) may be used. Values of cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based tech-
5.7%26.4% indicate prediabetes, and values of 6.5% or more niques to reduce cardiovascular risk factors, such as obesity
indicate diabetes. Of note, two HbA1c values are required to and tobacco use (15–17). Multiple online resources, texts,
confirm the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. If any abnormal manuals, and workshops are available to guide such struc-
blood glucose measurements are made, screening should be tured psychological interventions, and some individual ex-
done annually. Among those with normal blood glucose on ercises may be easily incorporated into medication management
screening, repeat screening should occur at 3-year intervals. appointments. These exercises include self-monitoring for
exercise, food intake, and tobacco use; problem solving;
short- and long-term goal setting; and the use of thought
records and cognitive restricting (18). In addition, psychia-
Although screening is a start, it is not enough. Interventions trists may address external stressors, underlying psychiatric
are essential to have an impact on the mortality gap for pa- disorders, and psychological defenses that may make be-
tients with serious mental illness. Behavioral counseling is havioral change difficult.
highly recommended by the American Health Association to In addition to individual counseling for behavioral change,
decrease overall cardiovascular risk (13). Given that the a robust literature supports group lifestyle interventions
American College of Graduate Medical Education lists psy- for improving cardiovascular risk (19), and a growing body
chotherapy as one of the essential competency milestones of evidence supports the benefits of such interventions for
obtained by psychiatry residents during training (14), it is the population with serious mental illness (20, 21). Psychi-
reasonable to assume that psychiatrists are capable of ef- atrists may take the lead in supporting, promoting, orga-
fectively counseling patients for behavioral change. For nizing, or leading group lifestyle interventions offered in
maximum effectiveness, such counseling should start with their own practice setting. When organizing such interventions,

TABLE 2. Screening guidelines for cardiovascular risk conditions

Risk factor Age (years) Method Frequency
Hypertension $18 Blood pressure measurement (office, Yearly among those with any risk
but preferably 24-hour ambulatory) factor (age $40, overweight or
obesity, African American); every
3–5 years otherwise
Hyperlipidemia 40–75 (may consider earlier screening if Measurement of total cholesterol and Every 5 years
other risk factors are present for high-density lipoprotein (does not
familial hypercholesterolemia or for require fasting)
cardiovascular disease, such as
diabetes mellitus, hypertension,
tobacco use, obesity, chronic kidney
disease, family history)
Tobacco usea $11 Ask about use (including all forms) Annually
Obesity All adults BMIb measurement Annually
Diabetes $18 if BMI is elevated and 1 other risk Fasting blood glucose by blood draw; if Every 3 years if normal; every year if
mellitus factor is present (history of not possible, HbA1cb prediabetic
prediabetes, family history, high-risk
ethnicity, history of gestational
diabetes, cardiovascular disease,
hypertension, dyslipidemia, polycystic
ovarian syndrome, physical
inactivity); $45 for those without risk
Per the American Academy of Pediatrics (11).
BMI, body mass index; HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c.

26 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


psychiatrists may look to the literature to identify elements was both effective and life changing, although patients may
associated with greater success; such elements include use need additional support in the postoperative period (27).
of multiple components (exercise, dietary counseling, and
behavioral therapy), personalization, more frequent contact,
longer duration (longer than three months), manualized
programs, active monitoring (of weight, diet, and exercise), As prescribers, the initial step for psychiatrists in approaching
and training of treatment providers (19). Evidence has the pharmacological management of cardiovascular risk in
shown that the use of peers (individuals living with serious patients with serious mental illness may be guided by the
mental illness) as treatment team members in lifestyle in- Hippocratic adage “First, do no harm.” The metabolic ef-
terventions can also improve outcomes for patients with fects of psychotropic medications, particularly the second-
serious mental illness (22). generation antipsychotics, are well established. Although
In promoting lifestyle change, psychiatrists must be all of the antipsychotics (including the first-generation
mindful to tailor interventions to the life circumstances of agents) have been shown to be obesogenic, weight gain po-
the patients they are treating. For individuals with serious tential varies by individual medication. Among the second-
mental illness, this often means actively addressing adverse generation agents, clozapine has the greatest risk, followed
social determinants of health (23). In addition, because in- in descending order of magnitude by olanzapine, quetiapine,
dividuals with serious mental illness often experience low risperidone, amisulpride, aripiprazole, and ziprasidone (28).
health literacy, low educational attainment, and cognitive Weight gained is clinically significant, with an average of
impairment, programs may require simplification of lan- 12 kg gained in 40%290% of patients on olanzapine and up
guage and content (24). to 31.3 kg gained among patients on clozapine (29). More
recently approved second-generation antipsychotics appear
to be less obesogenic, with asenapine associated with a
0.9-kg weight gain in the first three weeks of treatment and
Astute psychiatrists will recognize when a patient’s medical iloperidone with a 1.5- to 2.1-kg weight gain (29). Medica-
needs exceed the care provided in their own practice setting tions used to treat affective disorders (particularly mood
or when a patient is receiving insufficient medical care stabilizers) may also cause weight gain. Of patients pre-
through other providers. Screening and recognizing goals scribed valproic acid, 71% gain more than 4 kg, and 20% of
for improving cardiometabolic risk are both essential pre- individuals taking lithium gain more than 6.3 kg (29). Anti-
requisites to understanding when to seek a primary or spe- depressants can also induce weight gain. Of patients taking
cialty medical care referral (see Table 3 for treatment goals antidepressants, 10%–20% experience treatment-emergent
for various cardiovascular risk factors). Ideally, a referral to a increases in weight, with mirtazapine and the tricyclic an-
primary care provider may occur in a patient-centered tidepressants consistently associated with more weight gain
medical home (or a behavioral health home), creating an than the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (29).
integrated care network for the patient. When this is not Weight gain resulting from psychotropic medication is
possible, it is preferable for psychiatrists to make a facili- likely due to interactions with a number of neurotransmit-
tated referral to a trusted primary care or specialty provider ters and neural circuits. Mirtazapine and many of the
with whom they have ongoing communication and a good second-generation antipsychotics (including olanzapine,
working relationship. Such physicians may show a greater quetiapine, and clozapine) are serotonin 2c antagonists; in
aptitude for working with patients with serious mental ill- mice, serotonin 2c receptor stimulation promotes anorexia,
ness; sadly, many primary care physicians see patients with and mice lacking these receptors become obese. Histamine
serious mental illness as disruptive, frightening, or time may help to centrally regulate satiety, and psychotropic
consuming, and such biases may inhibit formation of a medications that block the H1 receptor are associated with
therapeutic alliance (25). Care managers can be invaluable in
ensuring that patients are able to adhere to primary or
specialty care referral recommendations (26). TABLE 3. Goals of treatment for cardiovascular risk factors
For patients with obesity, referral for bariatric surgery Risk factor Goal of treatment
for weight loss may also be warranted. Patients eligible Hypertension Blood pressure ,130/80 (except in those $75
for referral are those with a BMI of 40 m/kg2 or more and years old)
those with a BMI of 35 m/kg2 or more with obesity-related Hyperlipidemia Statin when indicated (if patient has known
comorbid conditions (such as hypertension, diabetes melli- cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney
disease, or diabetes mellitus or has a 10-year
tus, osteoarthritis, obstructive sleep apnea). Poorly controlled
atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk
mental illness is a contraindication to bariatric surgery; of $7.5%)
however, patients with serious mental illness who have Tobacco use Cessation
stable treatment are eligible for referral. A recent qualitative Obesity Body mass index 18.5–24.9
study of individuals with obesity and mental illness—many Diabetes mellitus HbA1ca 7.0%–8.0%
with serious mental illness—surmised that bariatric surgery a
HbA1c, hemoglobin A1c.

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 27


greater weight gain. In addition, anticholinergic effects of the potential for psychiatric decompensation. For patients
psychotropics may be obesogenic, whether directly through who have gained more than 7% of pretreatment weight or
appetite stimulation or via side effects such as dry mouth have developed hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, or hyper-
(leading to caloric fluid intake) and sedation (inhibiting tension, physical benefits of switching drugs must be given
physical activity) (29). strong consideration (30). In addition, several medications
In addition to weight gain, second-generation antipsy- have been evaluated as adjunctive strategies for antipsychotic-
chotics are associated with lipid and glucose abnormalities. induced metabolic abnormalities. For treatment of weight
These metabolic changes are mediated in part by weight gain gain, the largest body of evidence supports the use of met-
but have also been cited independent of adiposity. Olanza- formin (6, 33). A smaller body of data shows that the use of
pine and clozapine confer the greatest risk of lipid abnor- adjunctive aripiprazole, topiramate, reboxitine, or sibutr-
malities; quetiapine and risperidone confer intermediate amine is superior to placebo; however, clinically relevant
risk. Elevations in triglycerides are most marked, but second- weight loss (of $7%) was noted only with metformin and
generation antipsychotics also appear to raise low-density aripiprazole (33). Psychiatrists are generally quite comfort-
lipoprotein and total cholesterol. Olanzapine and clozapine able with prescribing the partial D2 antagonist-agonist ari-
are also associated with the greatest risk of insulin resistance piprazole; for a discussion of metformin prescribing, please
and glucose dysregulation. see the preceding paragraph.
The metabolic syndrome is made up of increased central Limited data support the use of metformin and rosigli-
adiposity, elevated triglycerides, low high-density lipopro- tazone for improving glucose intolerance (33). Rosiglitazone
tein (HDL), hypertension, and impaired glucose tolerance, is a thiazolidinedione that reduces glucose production and
and it is a major risk factor for cardiovascular mortality. increases glucose clearance by improving insulin sensitivity
Clozapine, olanzapine, and chlorpromazine are most closely and pancreatic beta-cell function. Rosiglitazone is associated
associated with risk of metabolic syndrome. One meta- with fluid retention and liver function abnormalities and is
analysis showed a prevalence of metabolic syndrome in ap- contraindicated in patients with New York Heart Associa-
proximately 50% of patients taking clozapine (30). tion class III and IV heart failure and those with active liver
Those who are most at risk for metabolic abnormalities disease or increased liver enzymes ($2.5 times the upper
(particularly for weight gain) with second-generation anti- limit of normal). Rosiglitazone should be started at 4 mg/day
psychotics are younger and treatment naive, although all and can be titrated to 8 mg/day. Because rosiglitazone may
patients should be appropriately counseled when starting be associated with mild weight gain and is more likely to
psychotropic medications, and a plan for monitoring and cause hypoglycemia, metformin may be a better initial agent
healthy habits should be simultaneously prescribed. To de- to prescribe for antipsychotic-emergent glucose dysregula-
crease cardiovascular risk, polypharmacy should be avoided tion. In addition, liver enzymes must be monitored among
when possible, and medication with lower potential for ad- patients prescribed rosiglitazone (34).
verse metabolic effects should be considered as initial Limited evidence supports the use of metformin, top-
therapy. A dose-dependent relationship between metabolic iramate, or sibutramine to treat patients with antipsychotic-
abnormalities and second-generation antipsychotics has emergent dyslipidemia; in such incidences, these medica-
been suggested, particularly for olanzapine (30). Thus, dose tions have been shown to decrease both total cholesterol and
reductions should be considered and medications tapered to triglyceride levels (33). The majority of psychiatrists are
the lowest therapeutic dose when feasible. In addition, experienced with prescribing the anticonvulsant and mood
limited data support starting metformin when treatment stabilizer topiramate, and the logistics of metformin pre-
with second-generation antipsychotics is initiated, specifi- scribing have previously been listed. Sibutramine is a se-
cally those that are more obesogenic (31). Metformin acts by lective reuptake inhibitor of serotonin, norepinephrine, and,
inhibiting hepatic glucose production and thus has effects on to a lesser extent, dopamine. Sibutramine was approved as a
both weight and glucose regulation. The most common side weight loss medication by the Food and Drug Administra-
effect of metformin is gastrointestinal upset, including di- tion in 1997 but was pulled from the US market in 2010 be-
arrhea and nausea. To improve tolerability and decrease side cause of an association with cardiovascular events.
effects, metformin should be started at 500 mg/day and ti- In addition to prescribing medications to counteract ad-
trated to up to 2,000 mg/day in split doses. Lactic acidosis is verse effects of second-generation antipsychotics, psychia-
a rare adverse effect of metformin and is more likely to occur trists may elect to provide evidence-based pharmacological
with the accumulation of excess levels. Because metformin is treatment for medical conditions associated with increased
renally cleared, it is therefore contraindicated for individu- cardiovascular risk. In particular, pharmacological assis-
als with a glomerular filtration rate of less than 30 mL/min tance with tobacco cessation greatly improves patients’
and should be held if an individual is to receive intravenous ability to successfully quit smoking. Therapies approved by
contrast dye (32). the Food and Drug Administration for smoking cessation
When medication-associated metabolic abnormalities do include nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), bupropion,
occur, psychiatrists may consider switching to a psychotro- and varenicline (35); all three medications have been shown
pic agent with less metabolic risk while carefully weighing to improve success in nicotine cessation among patients with

28 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


serious mental illness without worsening psychiatric Psychiatrists are optimally situated to advocate for such
symptoms (36). NRT provides controlled doses of nicotine changes. At the health system level, psychiatrists may act as
without the harmful substances found in tobacco products. champions of integrated health care initiatives. Integrated
It improves withdrawal symptoms but does not alleviate care settings improve coordination of care and have the
them completely because the release of nicotine into the potential to change care utilization patterns and, ultimately,
central nervous system is much more gradual than with health outcomes. Positive findings may be disseminated to
cigarette inhalation. NRT is available in many formulas, in- allow for successful replication in other settings. Psychia-
cluding patches, gum, oral and nasal sprays, lozenges, and trists may also create and disseminate guidelines for the
inhalers. NRT can safely be used while patients are still using coordinated medical and psychiatric care of their patients.
tobacco products; the instruction for patients not ready to At the societal level, psychiatrists can lead or join stigma-
quit should be to cut back as much as possible while using reducing initiatives to change the way communities and
NRT. Dosing of NRT should correlate to the amount of to- health care systems view individuals with serious mental
bacco used in a day. For example, when prescribing nicotine illness. They can advocate for policy changes that remove
patches, anyone smoking 10 or more cigarettes per day discriminatory laws, invoke mental health parity, strengthen
should be prescribed a 21-mg patch. Basal delivery formu- existing health care platforms, and increase funding for
lations (the patch) may also be combined with quick-release public health and the social safety net (21, 39).
formulations (such as gum) to combat cravings. Nicotine
patches may cause skin irritation and so should be avoided CONCLUSIONS
among patients with chronic dermatologic conditions. To
reduce skin irritation, patients should be instructed to place CVD is the leading cause of death for individuals with seri-
the patch on a different area of the skin each day. ous mental illness. To improve medical morbidity and close
Psychiatrists are likely familiar with prescribing bupro- the mortality gap, cardiovascular risk must be addressed. In
pion for patients with depression. Bupropion is a norepi- their role as trusted physicians for patients with serious
nephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor that may also act mental illness, psychiatrists are well situated to address their
as a nicotine receptor antagonist. Bupropion should be patients’ holistic health, and they are often the default pri-
prescribed for at least seven days before the quit date for mary health care provider for such patients. Comfort and
tobacco cessation in order to build up therapeutic serum knowledge will dictate psychiatrists’ appropriate level of
levels. Varenicline is a partial agonist of nicotinic acetyl- intervention for cardiometabolic conditions, although screen-
choline receptors (with strongest affinity for alpha4beta2 ing and addressing psychotropic-associated side effects is
receptors) and a full agonist of the serotonin type 3 recep- commonly considered standard of care. However, address-
tors. Varenicline is believed to assist with withdrawal ing cardiovascular risk among individual patients is not
symptoms via its agonism of the nicotinic receptor and to sufficient to close the mortality gap. Medical illness among
prevent the reward of smoking via competitive inhibition of persons with serious mental illness exceeds that among the
nicotine binding. As with bupropion, varenicline should be general population across every disease category. Preventive
started one week before cessation attempt; titrating slowly health measures, such as vaccinations and age-appropriate
can improve gastrointestinal side effects (as can taking the cancer screening, must also be a priority. Ongoing care of
medication with a full glass of water). Combination therapy complex medical multimorbidity must be made available.
with NRT and bupropion may lead to greater success in Changes at the health care system and societal levels are
quitting tobacco use (35). Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) ultimately needed. The time has come for psychiatrists to
have gained in popularity in recent years; however, a recent stand up as leaders in prioritizing the overall health of in-
review found no evidence that e-cigarette use is associated dividuals living with serious mental illness.
with increased tobacco cessation for cigarette smokers (37).
In addition, recent studies show that dual use of e-cigarettes AUTHOR AND ARTICLE INFORMATION
and tobacco products may be associated with greater risk of Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Department of
cardiovascular disease (38). Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta. Send corre-
spondence to Dr. Ward (
Although a thorough discussion of the evidence-based
Dr. Ward receives royalties from UpToDate.
treatment of other disorders associated with increased car-
diovascular risk is outside the scope of this article, psychiatrists
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Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Circulation 33. Mizuno Y, Suzuki T, Nakagawa A, et al: Pharmacological strategies
2019; 140:e596–e646 to counteract antipsychotic-induced weight gain and metabolic
14. . Psychiatry Milestones. Chicago, Accreditation Council for Grad- adverse effects in schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-
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15. Vinci C: Cognitive behavioral and mindfulness-based interventions 34. Wagstaff AJ, Goa KL: Rosiglitazone: a review of its use in the
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nology Comprehensive Clinical Practice Guidelines for Medical 36. Tidey JW, Miller ME: Smoking cessation and reduction in people
Care of Patients With Obesity. Endocr Pract 2016; 22(Suppl 3): with chronic mental illness. BMJ 2015; 351:h4065
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sation and reduction in individuals with schizophrenia. Cochrane J Oral Pathol Med 2020; 49:181–189
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population: lessons for individuals with serious mental illness. a report from the American Psychiatric Association. Psychiatr Serv
J Clin Psychiatry 2015; 76:e477–e486 2018; 69:254–256

30 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


Novel Formulations of ADHD Medications: Stimulant

Selection and Management
Ann C. Childress, M.D.

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most (PK) profile. For stimulants, the PK and pharmacodynamic (PD)
commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorder in children and profiles are tightly linked, and the immediate-release and
adolescents in the United States. In 2016, approximately 3.8 extended-release percentages influence onset and duration
million U.S. children ages 2 to 17 years with ADHD were of drug effects. Choosing the right stimulant medication for a
being treated with medication. There are approximately 30 patient depends on an understanding of the PK/PD profile, the
different amphetamine (AMPH) and methylphenidate (MPH) for- time of day that symptoms are most impairing, the need for
mulations on the market. These include immediate-release and morning and evening symptom control and individual patient
extended-release compounds. The extended-release formula- preferences.
tions contain various ratios of immediate-release and extended-
release components, which determine the pharmacokinetic Focus 2021; 19:31–38; doi: 10.1176/appi.focus.20200032

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most adolescents should be prescribed FDA-approved medications
commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorder in children, and for ADHD, with the adolescent’s assent, and encourages the
symptoms often continue into adulthood (1–3). Among U.S. primary care provider to also prescribe evidence-based training
children ages 2 to 17, approximately 6.1 million (9.4%) were or behavioral interventions along with appropriate educational
estimated to have been diagnosed as having ADHD on the interventions. For preschool-age children (ages 4 to ,6), key
basis of the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health (4). action statement 5a recommends evidence-based parent train-
Of these, 62.0% (approximately 3.8 million) with current ing in behavior management. If parent training in behavior
ADHD symptoms were taking medication. The estimated management is not available or is available and not effective,
prevalence of ADHD among U.S. adults is 4.4% (3). The treatment with methylphenidate is recommended.
prevalence of adult ADHD medication use in the total U.S. The SDBP issued a practice guideline for the assessment
population was 1.48% in 2010—the highest in the world (5). and treatment of complex ADHD in children and adoles-
Several professional societies in the United States, including cents in February 2020 (8). It recommends evidence-based
the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American treatments for ADHD and coexisting conditions.
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), and the Although the AACAP “Practice Parameter for the Assess-
Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics (SDBP), ment and Treatment of Children and Adolescents With At-
have released guidelines for the treatment of ADHD in children tention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder ” was published more
and adolescents. Although organizations in other countries, than a decade ago, it is still relevant (9). It recommends initial
such as the National Institute for Health Care and Excellence, pharmacological treatment with an FDA-approved medication.
have also published ADHD treatment guidelines, this article FDA-approved medications include stimulants and non-
focuses on recommendations for treatment and medications stimulants. Stimulants include amphetamine (AMPH) and
available in the United States (6). methylphenidate (MPH). Nonstimulants include atomoxetine,
Key action statement 5b in the recent AAP “Clinical guanfacine extended release, and clonidine extended release
Practice Guideline for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treat- (10–14).
ment of ADHD in Children and Adolescents” states that ele-
mentary school– and middle school–age children should be
treated with a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–
approved medication, along with parent training in behav- Stimulants are by far the most widely prescribed medica-
ior management (7). Key action statement 5c states that tions for the treatment of ADHD in the United States (15).

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 31


Thus this article focuses on the use of stimulants to treat patient or parent preference, should also be considered.
ADHD, specifically how to target specific patient needs. Al- Daytime functioning or evening commitments should also
though osmotic-release oral system (OROS) MPH (Concerta), influence the formulation choice. In general, when choos-
mixed amphetamine salts (Adderall), mixed amphetamine ing a stimulant, an extended-release formulation should be
salts extended release (Adderall XR), and lisdexamfetamine chosen in lieu of an immediate-release formulation to im-
(Vyvanse) have the largest market share in the United States, prove adherence and decrease the risk of misuse (39, 40).
stimulant formulations prescribed less frequently should also A recent meta-analysis of efficacy and tolerability of ADHD
be considered when treating individual patients (15). medications in children, adolescents, and adults favored the
Approximately 30 stimulants are FDA-approved for the use of MPH in children and adolescents and AMPH in adults
treatment of ADHD, and 12 of these have been approved as initial pharmacological treatment for ADHD (41). FDA-
since 2010. New stimulant formulations approved since 2010 approved drugs evaluated also included guanfacine extended
include MPH extended-release oral suspension (Quillivant release and atomoxetine.
XR), MPH extended-release chewable tablets (QuilliChew
ER), racemic AMPH (Evekeo), racemic AMPH orally dis- Is the Patient Able to Swallow Tablets or Capsules?
integrating tablets (Evekeo ODT), multilayer-release MPH Although the extended-release stimulant capsule formula-
(Aptensio XR), AMPH extended-release oral suspension 2.5 tions can be opened and sprinkled on applesauce for patients
mg/mL (Dyanavel XR), MPH extended-release orally dis- who cannot or prefer not to swallow a capsule whole, this
integrating tablet (Cotempla XR-ODT), AMPH extended- maneuver is more difficult than it sounds. Capsules must
release orally disintegrating tablets (Adzenys XR-ODT), AMPH be opened carefully to avoid spilling the contents, and it is
extended-release oral suspension 1.25 mg/mL (Adzenys ER), important that the patient not chew the contents to avoid
mixed amphetamine salts 16 hour (Mydayis), MPH delayed- premature release of the drug (dose dumping). For patients
release and extended-release (Jornay PM), and MPH multilayer- who cannot or will not swallow an intact tablet or capsule, it
release 16 hour (Adhansia XR) (16–26). AMPH immediate release may be more practical to choose an extended-release suspen-
(Zenzedi) is not a new formulation but includes multiple dex- sion in a chewable or orally disintegrating tablet formulation. It
troamphetamine doses not previously available (27). Medica- is important to consider patient and parent preference, in-
tions approved since 2000 are listed in Tables 1 and 2. cluding taste, when choosing a preparation. For example, teens
Stimulant formulations not mentioned above include ra- may prefer not to take a suspension. Suspensions may also be
cemic MPH controlled delivery (Metadate CD), MPH long less transportable than tablets or capsules, and MPH extended-
acting (Ritalin LA), Methylin, and Methylin ER (28–30). release oral suspension is dispensed in a glass bottle that can
Methylin is an oral suspension of MPH immediate-release break if dropped.
formulation, and Methylin ER is bioequivalent to Ritalin SR. Oral suspensions can be easily titrated with just one
Ritalin SR has been shown to have efficacy from approxi- prescription. The directions contained in the package inserts
mately 1 hour to 9 hours after dosing (31). MPH transdermal allow quick titration to optimal dose: MPH extended-release
system (Daytrana), a patch placed on the hip that delivers oral suspension (10–20 mg weekly), AMPH extended-
MPH through the skin, is also marketed (32). Dexmethyl- release oral suspension 1.25 mg/mL (3.1–6.3 mg weekly),
phenidate, the d-threo enantiomer of racemic MPH, is marketed and AMPH extended-release oral suspension 2.5 mg/mL
as Focalin, dexmethylphenidate extended release (Focalin XR), (2.5–10 mg every 4 to 7 days), so that patients can escalate to
and multiple generics (33, 34). an effective dose within 1 month of starting medication. In
Stimulants exhibit a strong concentration-response re- contrast, for patients who have difficulty tolerating stimu-
lationship for both efficacy and safety (35–37). For this lant increases with tablets or capsules, the medication can be
reason, different formulations with different pharmacoki- titrated very slowly with an oral suspension. Dosage can
netic profiles developed from the same active component easily be adjusted by less than a mL to allow time for at-
(AMPH or MPH) may have differing onset and duration of tenuation of adverse effects.
How to Achieve Optimal Response
How to Choose a Stimulant Formulation Dose optimization of medication is important when treating
With the vast number of medications available to treat ADHD. In double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies
ADHD, selecting an initial pharmacological treatment may using one stimulant, 25%235% of subjects were considered
seem complex. However, the array of available medications nonresponders (9). However, in crossover studies compar-
allows the clinician to tailor treatment to individual patient ing AMPH with MPH, 68%297% of subjects responded to at
needs. When choosing an initial therapy for ADHD, one least one class of stimulants and 12%271% responded to
should first consider that stimulants are in general more both (42).
effective than nonstimulants (38). Other factors, such as the How, then, does a clinician maximize the opportunity for
time of day when a patient is most symptomatic, the ability response? A standardized scale should be used to obtain
to swallow a tablet or capsule, concern about abuse or di- baseline and follow-up ADHD symptom ratings. For chil-
version either with the patient or a household member, and dren, adolescents, and adults, several scales are available. A

32 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


TABLE 1. Extended-release methylphenidate formulations approved since 2000 for the treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity
Onset of duration Initial
Formulation Dose form effecta of effecta dose Dosing
Methylphenidate 25-, 35-, 45-, 55-, 70-, 1.0 hour 16 hours 25 mg 25–85 mg; increase
multilayer release, 85-mg capsules 10–15 mg every
extended release 5 days
(Adhansia XR)
Methylphenidate 10-, 15-, 20-, 30-, 40-, 1.0 hour 12 hours 10 mg 10–60 mg; increase
multilayer release 50-, 60-mg by 10 mg every
(Aptensio XR) capsules 7 days
Osmotic-release 18-, 27-, 36-, 54-mg 1.0 hour 12.5 hours 18 mg 18–54 mg for
oral system tablets children; 18–72 mg
methylphenidate for adolescents and
(Concerta) adults (not to
exceed 2 mg/kg/
Methylphenidate 8.6-, 17.3-, 25.9-mg 1.0 hour 12 hours 17.3 mg 17.3–51.8 mg;
extended release, tablets increase 8.6
orally disintegrating –17.3 mg/day every
tablet (Cotempla 7 days
Methylphenidate 10-, 15-, 20-, 30-mg 2.0 hours 12 hours (when worn 10 mg 10–30 mg
transdermal system patches for 9 hours)
Dexmethylphenidate 5-, 10-, 15-, 20-, 25-, 0.5 hour 12 hours 5 mg for children; 5–30 mg for children;
extended release 30-, 35-, 40-mg 10 mg for adults 10–40 mg for
(Focalin XR) capsules adults
Methylphenidate 20-, 40-, 60-, 80-, 10 hours after 23 hours after dosing 20 mg 20–100 mg; increase
delayed release/ 100-mg capsules dosing 20 mg weekly
extended release
(Jornay PM)
Methylphenidate 10-, 20-, 30-, 40-, 1.5 hours 7.5–12 hours 20 mg 10–60 mg
controlled delivery 50-, 60-mg (depending on
(Metadate CD) capsules dose)
Methylphenidate Extended-release 0.75 hour 12 hours 20 mg 20–60 mg; increase
extended release, suspension 25 mg/ 10–20 mg every
oral suspension 5 mL 7 days
(Quillivant XR)
Methylphenidate 20 mg-, 30 mg-, 2.0 hours 8 hours 20 mg 20–60 mg; increase
extended release, 40-mg tablets 10–20 mg every
chewable tablet 7 days
(QuilliChew ER)
Long-acting 10-, 20-, 30-, 40-mg 30 minutes 12 hours (depending 10–20 mg 10–60 mg
methylphenidate capsules on dose)
Data for onset and duration of effect may not be in the Food and Drug Administration–approved label.

clinician should choose one for children and adolescents and patients in clinical practice. If a patient is unable to reach or
another for adults to use regularly. Most laboratory class- tolerate an optimal dose in practice, the drug should be
room studies used an open-label, dose-optimization design discontinued and another formulation prescribed.
prior to the double-blind, placebo-controlled classroom
period. For several studies, a 30% improvement on an ADHD Target Specific Times of Day
rating scale and a Clinical Global Impression improvement Early-morning efficacy. The time of day when symptoms are
score of 1 (very much improved) or 2 (much improved) were most impairing can be targeted with stimulant formulations.
considered minimal criteria for optimal response. Many If a child or adult has severe problems in the morning that
protocols allowed further dose increases if tolerability was cause difficulty preparing for school or work, a medication
acceptable and subjects could benefit from an increased that is effective in the morning can be chosen. For example,
dose. If subjects had difficulty tolerating the higher dose, a delayed-release/extended-release MPH is formulated to have
dose reduction was allowed. Additionally, if subjects could delayed onset of effect for approximately 10 hours after in-
not achieve the above criteria, they were discontinued from gestion and is designed for patients to take in the evening and
the trial. These criteria should be considered when treating have onset of effect upon awakening the next morning. Data

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 33


TABLE 2. Intermediate- and extended-release amphetamine formulations approved since 2000 for the treatment of attention-deficit
hyperactivity disorder
Onset of duration Initial
Formulation Dose form effecta of effecta dose Dosing
Mixed amphetamine 5-, 10-, 15-, 20-, 25-, 1.5 hours 12 hours (depending 10 mg for ages 6–17; 5–30 mg for ages 6
salts, extended 30-mg capsules on dose) 20 mg for adults –12; 5–20 mg for
release (Adderall ages 13–17; 20 mg
XR) for adults
Extended-release 3.1-, 6.3-, 9.4-, 12.5-, Bioequivalent to Bioequivalent to 6.3 mg for ages 6–17; 6.3–18.8 mg for ages
amphetamine, 15.7-, 18.8-mg Adderall XR Adderall XR 12.5 mg for adults 6–12; 6.3–12.5 mg
orally disintegrating tablets for ages 13–17;
tablets (Adzenys XR 12.5 mg for adults
Extended-release 1.25-mg/mL Bioequivalent to Bioequivalent to 6.3 mg for ages 6–17; 6.3–18.8 mg for ages
amphetamine, extended-release Adderall XR Adderall XR 12.5 mg for adults 6–12; 6.3–12.5 mg
suspension suspension for ages 13–17;
(Adzenys ER) 12.5 mg for adults
Amphetamine, 2.5-mg/mL 30 minutes 13 hours 2.5–5 mg for ages 2.5–20 mg for ages
extended release, extended-release 6 and older 6 and older;
oral suspension suspension increase 2.5–5 mg
(Dyanavel XR) every 4–7 days
Racemic 5-, 10-mg tablets 45 minutes 10 hours 2.5 mg for ages 3 and 5–40 mg divided
amphetamine older; 5 mg for daily or twice daily
(Evekeo) ages 6 and older for ages 6 and
Racemic 5-, 10-, 15-, 20-mg Bioequivalent to Bioequivalent to 5 mg daily or twice Increase 5 mg
amphetamine, tablets Evekeo Evekeo daily weekly; maximum
orally disintegrating dose not listed in
tablets (Evekeo label
Mixed amphetamine 12.5-, 25-, 37.5-, 2.0 hours 16 hours 12.5 mg for ages 12.5–25 mg for ages
salts, extra-long 50-mg capsules 13 and older 13–17; 12.5–50 mg
extended release for adults
Lisdexamfetamine 10-, 20-, 30-, 40-, 1.5 hours 14 hours in adults; 30 mg 30–70 mg; increase
(Vyvanse) 50-, 60-, 70-mg 13 hours in children 10–20 mg weekly
capsules; 10-, 20-,
30-, 40-, 50-,
60-mg chewable
Data for onset and duration of effect may not be in the Food and Drug Administration–approved label.

from two studies enrolling subjects ages 6 to 12 years who after dosing. These include dexmethylphenidate extended-
had morning impairment showed significant improvement release and AMPH extended-release oral suspension 2.5 mg/mL
in completing the morning routine. A laboratory classroom (45, 46). Additionally, MPH extended-release oral suspension
study demonstrated that the drug was effective, compared has onset of effect at 45 minutes after dosing (47). Onset of
with placebo, during the school day and into the evening. An effect is influenced by the percentage of immediate-release
important consideration with delayed-release/extended-release compound in different formulations. For example, OROS-
MPH is dosing. The relative bioavailability of delayed-release/ MPH is composed of 22% immediate-release MPH, whereas
extended-release MPH is 73.9%, compared with immediate- MPH controlled delivery contains 30% immediate-release
release MPH (43). At the end of a 6-week, open-label, dose- MPH and MPH long acting and dexmethylphenidate extended
optimization period in one study, the mean daily optimized release have a 50% immediate-release component. Although
dose was 66.2 mg (SD519.56) (44). Although the FDA- MPH extended-release oral suspension contains approxi-
recommended starting dose is 20 mg, most patients will not mately 20% MPH immediate release and 80% MPH extended
achieve optimal symptom control until higher doses are release, there are thousands of MPH particles in each dose.
prescribed. For example, a patient taking 72 mg of OROS- The extended-release particles are covered by a proprietary
MPH may need to take 100 mg of delayed-release/extended- coating of various thicknesses to achieve early onset and ex-
release MPH. tended duration of effect (47).
For patients with early-morning impairment who prefer OROS-MPH has 22% MPH immediate-release coating on
not to take medication in the evening, two extended-release the tablet, and the label states that OROS-MPH did not have
formulations have demonstrated onset of efficacy at 30 minutes significant change from placebo in a laboratory classroom

34 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


trial until 2 hours after dosing (13). A head-to-head trial gastrointestinal (GI) tract. GI transit time can influence re-
between OROS-MPH and MPH controlled delivery dem- lease of the extended-release portion of the drug and shorten
onstrated that OROS-MPH has an earlier onset of effect, or lengthen the duration of efficacy. Food can delay onset of
with an effect size of 0.52 at 1.5 hours postdose (48). A later effects for many formulations and shorten it for others (37).
trial, measuring time points from 1 hour to 12.5 hours after For example, administration with a high-fat meal delayed
dosing, demonstrated onset of efficacy at 1 hour and duration time to maximum concentration (Tmax) by 1 hour for OROS-
of effect to 12.5 hours, compared with placebo (49). MPH and by 2.5 hours for mixed amphetamine salts ex-
Another option is to apply the MPH transdermal system to tended release and shortened Tmax by 30 minutes for MPH
the hip before the patient awakens; however, this approach extended-release orally disintegrating tablet (37). Maximum
requires a caregiver to be up early to apply the patch because concentration of the active moiety may also be decreased
it takes about 2 hours to onset of effect (50). Because it is when administered with a high-fat meal.
recommended to wear the patch for no more than 9 hours, Few head-to-head studies have evaluated extended-release
application early in the morning would likely require removal stimulants. In two studies comparing dexmethylphenidate
and proper disposal by the child at school. For example, if the extended release with OROS-MPH, the dexmethylphenidate
MPH transdermal system is applied at 0400, it should be extended-release formulation had a faster onset of effect,
removed at 1300. Because more than 50% of MPH drug whereas OROS-MPH showed greater effect at 10–12 hours
content remains in the patch after removal at 9 hours, the (58, 59). When controlled-delivery MPH was compared
potential for misuse exists for discarded patches (51). with OROS-MPH, both were significantly better statistically,
compared with placebo, from 1.5 to 7.5 hours (48). The MPH
Evening efficacy. Multiple marketed extended-release for- controlled-delivery effect was statistically better, compared
mulations have been shown to be effective 12 hours post- with OROS-MPH, at 1.5–4.5 hours, whereas the OROS-MPH
dose, as measured in a laboratory classroom, after the drug effect was statistically better, compared with MPH controlled
has been optimized over several weeks. It is important to delivery, at 12 hours (48). Direct comparisons of other MPH
remember that drug effects are compared with placebo ef- products have not been conducted.
fects in the laboratory classroom trials. In an examination of
one such effect—dexmethylphenidate 20 mg at 12 hours— Extend Duration of Effect
ratings were similar to predose but significantly better than When prescribing a stimulant, it is important to understand
placebo ratings. This is an example of a statistically signifi- that increasing the dose can prolong duration of efficacy.
cant but not clinically relevant outcome. Consequently, many This is illustrated by the trial comparing 20 mg dexmethyl-
patients may require the addition of an afternoon immediate- phenidate extended release with 30 mg dexmethylphenidate
release formulation to achieve noticeable efficacy at 12 hours extended release. Attempted and correct scores on a math
and beyond. test were higher for the patients on the 30 mg dose at 10–12
To avoid use of multiple medications for patients who hours (60). Mixed amphetamine salts extended release is
require a longer duration of effect, one MPH extended- another example. In the mixed amphetamine salts extended-
release and three AMPH extended-release formulations are release laboratory classroom trials, onset of effect was seen
available. Laboratory classroom studies in adults demonstrated by 1.5 hours after dosing (61). However, only the 20- and
duration of effect of up to 16 hours for dose-optimized MPH 30-mg doses were effective at 10.5 and 12 hours after dosing.
extended-release and mixed amphetamine salts extended- Although extended duration of effect is seen in trials, it may
release formulations (52, 53). The duration of effect for lis- not be seen clinically. If a patient is tolerating a specific dose
dexamfetamine in laboratory classroom trials was shown to of medication but the dose is not fully optimized, increasing
be 13 hours in children ages 6 to 12 and 14 hours in adults (54, the dose may be a consideration. Adverse effects should be
55). In another laboratory classroom trial, AMPH extended- queried before and after the dose increase to ensure that an
release oral suspension 2.5 mg/mL also showed efficacy to attempt at extending the efficacy does not make the drug
13 hours (56). side effects intolerable.
Because lisdexamfetamine is a prodrug and the l-lysine
has to be cleaved from the dextro-amphetamine for the drug Single-Isomer Versus Racemic Formulation
to become active, its onset of effect is delayed. In a laboratory Another consideration in treatment is whether to use a single
classroom study in children ages 6 to 12, onset of effect oc- isomer or a racemic formulation. With MPH, the d-threo-
curred approximately 1.5 hours after ingestion (55). In the enantiomer preferentially crosses the blood-brain barrier.
mixed amphetamine salts 16-hour trials, the first onset of Plasma concentrations are ten to 40 times higher than those
effect was measured at 2 hours after dosing in an adolescent of the l-enantiomer (62). When dexmethylphenidate is used,
laboratory classroom (57). the dose used is half of the racemic drug. Theoretically, one
In addition to differences in onset and duration of effect, might expect fewer adverse effects with the single d-enantiomer;
formulations differ in the time of peak efficacy and the however, no data available support this notion—adverse ef-
amount of interpatient variability. Many of the extended- fects are similar for dexmethylphenidate and racemic MPH
release properties depend on pH in different segments of the in clinical trials.

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 35


In contrast, for AMPH, both the both the d- and l- isomers duration, but this formulation has not been evaluated in a
are effective in treating ADHD (63). Both isomers increase laboratory classroom (71). These drugs are often dosed twice
the extracellular concentrations of dopamine and norepinephrine daily, 4 to 6 hours apart (67, 72).
in the brain. Currently, only d-AMPH and d,l-AMPH prepara- Dextro-AMPH is marketed in multiple immediate-release
tions are on the market. The d,l-AMPH preparations contain d- preparations and also as the extended-release prodrug lis-
and l-isomers in a ratio of 50:50 (racemic AMPH and racemic dexamfetamine. The immediate-release formulation of dextro-
AMPH orally disintegrating tablets) or in a ratio of 3:1 (mixed AMPH is dosed two to three times daily (73, 74).
amphetamine salts, AMPH extended-release oral suspen-
sion, AMPH extended-release orally disintegrating tablet,
and AMPH extended-release oral suspension) (14, 64–66).
AMPH extended-release orally disintegrating tablets and Multiple MPH and AMPH drugs are available for the treat-
AMPH extended-release oral suspension 1.25 mg/mL are ment of ADHD, and the pharmacokinetic and pharmaco-
bioequivalent to mixed amphetamine salts extended release; dynamic properties of various formulations are tightly
however, AMPH extended-release orally disintegrating tab- linked. Choosing the most appropriate medication depends
lets and AMPH extended-release oral suspension do not con- on time of day when symptom control is needed, tolerability,
tain salt molecules, and their doses are described only as and individual preferences. Small differences in the ratio
AMPH base. of immediate-release to extended-release drug may translate
In 2013, the FDA began to require all newly approved to significant differences in onset and duration of effect. It
stimulant formulations to express dose of the active moiety is important have a thorough understanding of the entire
rather than the salt form (67). Although the directive was ADHD armamentarium to provide the best care for patients.
meant to decrease confusion, the goal has not been accom-
plished. For example, mixed amphetamine salts extended-
release 30 mg is equivalent to 18.8-mg AMPH extended-release
orally disintegrating tablets or AMPH extended-release oral Center for Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Inc., Las Vegas. Send
correspondence to Dr. Childress (
suspension 1.25 mg/mL, and MPH hydrochloride 30 mg is
Dr. Childress reports receipt of research or writing support, participation
equivalent to 25.9-mg MPH extended-release orally dis-
on advisory boards, and service as a consultant or speaker for Adlon
integrating tablets (68, 69). Multiplying the dose of MPH hy- Therapeutics, Aevi Genomic Medicine, Akili Interactive, Allergan, Arbor
drochloride extended-release products by 0.8647 will result Pharmaceuticals, Cingulate Therapeutics, Emalex Biosciences, Iron-
in the appropriate dose of MPH extended-release orally dis- shore Pharmaceuticals, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, KemPharm, Lundbeck,
integrating tablets. Because the conversion factor for AMPH Neos Therapeutics, Neurovance, NLS Pharma, Otsuka, Pearson, Pfizer,
Purdue Pharma, Rhodes Pharmaceuticals, Sunovion, Supernus Phar-
extended-release orally disintegrating tablets depends on the
maceuticals, Takeda, and Tris Pharma.
molecular weight of the AMPH salt and because marketed
AMPH products vary in their salt composition, the reader is
referred to the table in Engelking et al. (67) for the appropriate 1. Data and Statistics on Children’s Mental Health. Atlanta, Centers for
conversion factors. Disease Control and Prevention, 2020.
Regarding the AMPH orally disintegrating tablets and data.html
AMPH extended-release suspension 1.25 mg/mL, 50% of 2. Mannuzza S, Klein RG, Bessler A, et al: Adult outcome of hyper-
AMPH microparticles are coated for delayed release and active boys: educational achievement, occupational rank, and psy-
chiatric status. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1993; 50:565–576
50% are left uncoated for the immediate-release component 3. Kessler RC, Adler L, Barkley R, et al: The prevalence and corre-
(69). Although bioequivalent to mixed amphetamine salts lates of adult ADHD in the United States: results from the Na-
extended release, the properties of the orally disintegrating tional Comorbidity Survey Replication. Am J Psychiatry 2006; 163:
tablets and suspension dosage forms may make these for- 716–723
mulations more tolerable for individual patients. With mixed 4. Danielson ML, Bitsko RH, Ghandour RM, et al: Prevalence of
parent-reported ADHD diagnosis and associated treatment among
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36 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


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38 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


Treatment of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

Among Women: General Considerations and
Pharmacological Options
Gabriela S. Pachano Pesantez, M.D., and Anita H. Clayton, M.D.

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) is a persistent or available as well as general diagnostic considerations for
recurrent absence of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual psychiatrists. Given its importance in the understanding of
activity, causing marked personal distress or interpersonal the available treatments for this disorder, the pathophysiol-
difficulties. HSDD affects 10% of U.S. women and is associated ogy behind HSDD is reviewed. The authors emphasize the
with depression and other negative emotional states. It is treatment of HSDD, including general treatment consid-
imperative that psychiatrists are competent to make this erations, treatment in the context of depression, and
diagnosis and are aware of available treatment options. A full psychotherapy and medications that have been approved
psychiatric and medical history are necessary to identify by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
potential causes or contributing factors that may need to be
addressed first. The authors discuss the diagnostic tools Focus 2021; 19:39–45; doi: 10.1176/appi.focus.20200039

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) is defined in the HSDD affects 10% of U.S. women (3). It is also associated
DSM-IV-TR as a persistent or recurrent absence of sexual with depression and other negative emotional states (4, 5).
fantasies and desire for sexual activity, which causes marked Therefore, it is imperative that psychiatrists are competent
personal distress or interpersonal difficulties. The symptoms to make this diagnosis and are aware of what treatment
are not better explained by another axis I diagnosis and options are available for their patients.
are not due to the direct physiological effects of a drug Among the subtypes of HSDD, the generalized acquired
or medical condition. It is further classified into lifelong form is the one that could benefit from pharmacological
or acquired, and generalized or situational (1). The Inter- treatment. Other subtypes, such as lifelong and situational,
national Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health are not discussed in this review.
developed a definition for HSDD that states that either a lack
of motivation for sexual activity or a lack of desire to initiate
or participate in sexual activity must be accompanied by
clinically significant personal distress and must be present To make the diagnosis, a sexual history and use of the De-
for at least 6 months (2). creased Sexual Desire Screener are recommended (Figure 1)
The newer DSM-5 merged two of the female sexual (6). The Decreased Sexual Desire Screener is quick and ef-
dysfunction disorders into female sexual interest/arousal fective, and it requires no specific training to administer. It is
disorder, eliminating HSDD and female sexual arousal dis- a validated instrument for confirming the diagnosis of gen-
order. However studies on treatment options for HSDD have eralized acquired HSDD. It consists of five “yes-no” ques-
used DSM-IV-TR criteria. The ICD-11 available January 1, tions. If the patient answers “yes” to the first four questions
2022, has a separate chapter entitled “Conditions Related to and “no” to the items on question 5, they have generalized
Sexual Health,” which integrates some mental health and acquired HSDD. Any items checked in question 5 may rep-
behavioral disorders with some genitourinary disorders. resent initiating events or modifiable factors for early in-
This chapter returns the diagnoses to parallel diagnoses for tervention. This instrument can also help initiate the
men and women including HSDD and orgasmic dysfunction, dialogue between patient and physician; moreover, it can
except for distinct clinical presentations (female sexual screen for potential etiologies of HSDD (Figure 1) and is in
arousal disorder and erectile dysfunction), and it also adds the public domain, so it can be used freely in clinical
pelvic pain/penetration disorder for both men and women. practice.

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 39


FIGURE 1. Decreased Sexual Desire Screenera

From Clayton et al. (6). Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

DIAGNOSTIC CONSIDERATIONS FOR associated with decreased sexual desire (12). Because of
PSYCHIATRISTS widespread use, it is important to inquire whether the pa-
tient is on an oral contraceptive pill (OCP). Checking sex
It is important to obtain a full psychiatric and medical his-
hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and testosterone levels
tory to identify potential causes or contributing factors that
(total and free) might be helpful for this subset of patients,
may need to be addressed first. Screening for depression is
given that OCPs can raise levels of SHBG, which increase
particularly important, given its bidirectional relationship
binding of testosterone, resulting in a decrease in free and
with HSDD. Studies have shown that the risk of sexual
bioavailable testosterone. Although low testosterone is not
dysfunction is increased by 50%–70% among women with
diagnostic of HSDD, treatment with testosterone may in-
depression. Inversely, women with sexual dysfunction have
crease sexual desire.
a 130%–210% increased risk for depression (7, 8).
Sexual and/or physical trauma or psychological factors
can cause sexual dysfunction and likely require the addition PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF HSDD
of psychotherapy to the treatment plan. Substance abuse or
dependence can also cause sexual dysfunction and should be HSDD is thought to be in part because of an imbalance
addressed separately and before interventions specific for between excitatory and inhibitory pathways involved in
HSDD. sexual response and behavior in the brain. Generally
Certain antidepressants, such as selective serotonin reup- speaking, dopamine, norepinephrine, testosterone, estro-
take inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake gen, and progesterone are excitatory, whereas serotonin,
inhibitors (SNRIs), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), and prolactin, and opioids are inhibitory of sexual desire and
monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), can cause sexual response. Pharmacological treatments for HSDD target
dysfunction and can be managed with a dose reduction, switch some of the neurotransmitters and hormones involved in
to a different antidepressant, or addition of an antidote. Some these pathways.
antipsychotics, particularly risperidone or first-generation an- Other factors may also play a role, including psychoso-
tipsychotics, also cause sexual dysfunction; therefore, it might cial variables (satisfaction with the relationship, self-image,
be useful to obtain a prolactin level in these cases. Treatment past sexual experiences among others), aging, menopause,
recommendations for depression and antidepressant-induced comorbid medical conditions, as well as substances and
sexual dysfunction are discussed in the following sections. medications (13, 14).
Providers should also screen for other sexual problems
such as arousal or orgasm dysfunction and sexual pain. If
present, these conditions might be contributing to or causing
the low sexual desire. General Considerations
It is worth pointing out that numerous medical conditions We recommend first assessing the patient’s motivation for
can cause or contribute to low sexual desire. Hypertension, treatment and their personal preferences. A variety of
diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypothyroidism, urinary in- treatment options are available for HSDD, including lifestyle
continence, neurological disorders, and malignancy have modifications and education, psychotherapy, sex therapy,
all been associated with low sexual desire (9–11). and pharmacotherapy. Treatment should be patient cen-
Several classes of medications have also been associated tered. Involving the patient’s partner should be considered.
with low sexual desire (Table 1). Broadly speaking, antihy- It is also important to assess whether the level of distress is
pertensive medications, hormonal preparations, narcotics, significant enough to consider treatment options that carry
psychotropics, and chemotherapeutic agents have all been the risk of adverse effects.

40 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


It is important to screen for contributing psychological TABLE 1. Medications associated with low sexual desire among
factors. Examples include relationship strain, underlying womena
beliefs about sex, history of trauma, and body image issues. Medication type Examples
In these cases, the appropriate psychotherapy modality to Cardiac and Lipid-lowering medications, beta-blockers,
treat these issues should be part of the treatment plan. antihypertensive clonidine, digitalis, methyldopa,
If there is concern for an underlying medical condition or spironolactone
medications causing the symptoms, a referral to internal Hormonal Androgen antagonists, danazol, GnRH
agonists and analogs, oral
medicine or the patient’s primary care provider should be contraceptives, tamoxifen
made. If pain with sexual activity is present, the patient Opioids Any opioids used chronically, methadone
should be referred to gynecology for a targeted examination. Psychotropic Antipsychotics, barbiturates,
benzodiazepines, lithium, MAOIs (oral),
Treatment of HSDD in the Setting of Depression phenytoin, SSRIs, SNRIs, TCAs
Other Aromatase inhibitors, chemotherapy,
If depression is present, it should be treated first because histamine 2 receptor blockers,
untreated major depressive illness is associated with sexual nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents,
dysfunction. As mentioned earlier, SSRIs, SNRIs, and TCAs ketoconazole
can cause sexual dysfunction. For all four classes of antide- a
GnRH, gonadotropin-releasing hormone; MAOIs, monoamine oxidase inhibitors;
pressants, sexual dysfunction is numerically but not statis- SSRIs, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; SNRIs, serotonin-norepinephrine
tically significantly worse at higher doses (15). Antidepressants reuptake inhibitors; TCAs, tricyclic antidepressants.

that do not cause sexual dysfunction, or that cause it to a

lesser degree, are preferred (Table 2). These antidepres- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can be helpful by
sants include bupropion and mirtazapine as well as two challenging unrealistic beliefs contributing to low sexual
drugs with serotonin reuptake inhibitor effects as part of desire and by changing maladaptive behaviors that perpet-
their mechanism of action: vortioxetine and vilazodone uate HSDD. A review of psychological treatments for HSDD
(16). Vortioxetine recently had a change to its label that found three studies in which CBT was effective for women
states it causes significantly less sexual dysfunction than with HSDD compared with a waitlist control group (28).
SSRIs at rates similar to placebo at doses#10 mg for women Mindfulness-based CBT can help the patient increase
and at doses#15 mg for men. Should sexual dysfunction awareness of the present moment, minimizing cognitive
occur at higher doses, decreasing the dose may improve distractions during sexual activity and enhance awareness of
sexual function. pleasurable sensations (29, 30). Two studies found positive
If augmentation with an antipsychotic is needed, aripi- results with mindfulness training among women with HSDD
prazole and brexpiprazole are preferred options because (28). Group mindfulness-based therapy has also been shown
they have been shown to have a low rate of sexual side effects to improve sexual desire among women (31, 32).
compared with other antipsychotics (17, 18). If the patient is Resources might be limited depending on the commu-
already on one of these agents, assess whether it is con- nity; therefore, it might be beneficial to cultivate relation-
tributing to the sexual dysfunction. Reducing the dose or ships with providers who have expertise in these types of
switching to one of the antidepressants mentioned earlier psychotherapy.
can be helpful (14, 19). Adjunctive treatment with bupropion
(20–22) or buspirone (23, 24) has also been shown to de- Pharmacological Options
crease sexual side effects. There is also evidence that ad- Flibanserin. Flibanserin (Addyi) was approved in 2015 by the
junctive treatment with mirtazapine can decrease sexual U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of
side effects from SSRIs (25). generalized acquired HSDD among premenopausal women.
If insomnia is present, it is recommended that the sleep Its mechanism of action is exerted through serotonin 1A
disturbance be treated independently and to monitor for (5HT1A) receptor agonism and serotonin 2A (5HT2A) re-
improvement of sexual symptoms. A study showed that ceptor antagonism. This process reduces serotonin in-
higher insomnia scores and shorter sleep duration were hibition of excitatory neurotransmitters and thus indirectly
associated with decreased sexual function (26). Flibanserin, increases release of dopamine and norepinephrine (33, 34).
which is discussed later, can also potentially help with sleep Three randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled tri-
because of its sedating effects. als demonstrated that flibanserin was efficacious for HSDD
symptoms compared with placebo (35–37). All three studies
Psychotherapy were conducted among premenopausal women, and all were
There are three types of psychological interventions that 24 weeks long. Efficacy was measured with the Female
have been found effective in treating or helping with female Sexual Function Index desire subscale (FSFI-D); Female
sexual dysfunction and symptoms of HSDD. Sexual Distress Scale–Revised Item 13 (FSDS-R13), which
Behavior therapy attempts to target sexual dysfunction measures distress associated with sexual desire; and Satis-
through a combination of communication skills training, fying Sexual Events (SSE), as determined by the woman. All
education, and sensate focus exercises (27). efficacy endpoints in the phase 3 studies demonstrated

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 41


TABLE 2. Antidepressant and antipsychotic medications with lower rates of sexual side effects or used for augmentation of SSRI- and
SNRI-induced sexual dysfunctiona
Treatment characteristic Antidepressant-psychotropic Antipsychotic
Low rates of sexual side effects Bupropion, mirtazapine, vilazodone, vortioxetine Aripiprazole, brexpiprazole
Useful for augmentation of SSRI and SNRI Bupropion,b buspirone,b flibanserin Aripiprazole
SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; SNRI, serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.
Not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

statistical significance in change from baseline to endpoint enzymes. The risk of severe hypotension is increased with
over placebo. Relative to placebo, flibanserin had an effect CYP3A4 inhibitors. Examples of strong CYP3A4 inhibitors
size of 0.29–0.44 (desire) and 0.24–0.44 (distress). Im- include clarithromycin, HIV protease inhibitors, ketocona-
provement was seen after 4 weeks of daily dosing. One study zole, and grapefruit juice. Strong inducers of CYP3A4 in-
found that 50 mg given at bedtime was efficacious (36); clude phenytoin, phenobarbital, rifampin, carbamazepine,
however, another study did not find this dose to separate and St. John’s wort. Strong inhibitors of CYP2C19 include
from placebo (35). All studies found that 100-mg daily dosing fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, proton-pump inhibitors, antifungals,
was effective in approximately 50% of women. Responders and benzodiazepines.
found the effect to be clinically meaningful. Flibanserin can increase the concentration of drugs
A 52-week open-label extension study found that fli- transported by P-glycoprotein (P-gp). It is recommended to
banserin was safe and well tolerated. Sexual function im- increase monitoring of concentrations of drugs transported
proved among participants who were initially nonremitters by P-gp that have a narrow therapeutic index, such as digi-
and was maintained over time in remitters (38). talis and rapamycin.
Even though flibanserin is not indicated for postmeno- The use of flibanserin is contraindicated in hepatic im-
pausal women, evidence suggests that it is also effective pairment because there is a 4.5-fold increase to flibanserin
among this population (39). The recommended dose is 100 mg exposure in this population. Its use in pregnancy and
given once daily at bedtime. When assessing for improvement, breastfeeding has not been studied; therefore, it is not
one should inquire about changes in sexual desire, reduction recommended.
in distress related to sexual dysfunction, and satisfaction with Currently, this medication costs $99 per month without
the treatment. If no improvement occurs after 8 weeks, one insurance. However, discounts as low as $20 per month for
should consider discontinuing this medication. patients with commercial insurance can be found at https://
Flibanserin is safe to use concomitantly with SSRIs and
SNRIs. A small randomized, placebo-controlled trial dem-
onstrated no serious adverse effects and no instances of Bremelanotide. Bremelanotide (Vyleesi) was approved in
suicidal ideation and behavior when combining flibanserin 2019 by the FDA for treatment of generalized acquired
100 mg daily with a stable SSRI or SNRI treatment regi- HSDD among premenopausal women.
men (40). Bremelanotide is a melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) ag-
The most common adverse reactions (incidence$2%) in- onist. Neurons expressing the MC4R are present throughout
clude dizziness, somnolence, nausea, fatigue, insomnia, and the central nervous system (45). The mechanism by which
dry mouth. Hypotension and syncope have been reported, and bremelanotide improves HSDD is unknown, but it is thought
its package insert has a warning for these conditions (41). to increase excitation by enhancing dopamine and norepi-
Previously, concomitant use with alcohol was contra- nephrine activity.
indicated and required a risk evaluation and mitigation The FSFI-D, item 13 of the Female Sexual Distress Scale-
strategy (REMS) because of concerns for orthostatic hypo- Desire/Arousal/Orgasm (FSDS-DAO), and SSE were also
tension and syncope. Studies have demonstrated that it is used in the phase 3 studies and demonstrated that breme-
safe to use flibanserin with alcohol. Taking this medication 2, lanotide is significantly more effective than placebo (46).
4, and 6 hours after ethanol consumption did not increase The combined effect size for the two phase 3 studies relative
the incidence of hypotension, orthostatic hypotension, or to placebo was 0.39 for FSFI-D and 0.27 for FSDS-DAO item
syncope compared with flibanserin or ethanol alone 13. The response rate for bremelanotide was 58.2% versus
(42–44). Thus, the REMS program was discontinued, and 35.6% for placebo in the integrated phase 3 data set. This
the label was changed to recommend not using flibanserin response was considered clinically meaningful by the study
within 2 hours of alcohol consumption. participants. An extension study also showed that after
Flibanserin does not appear to prolong the corrected QT 52 weeks, response to this medication was maintained (47).
interval (41). It is primarily metabolized by cytochrome The recommended dose is 1.75 mg administered sub-
P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) and cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19); cutaneously in the abdomen or thigh via an autoinjector, on
therefore, one should review the patient’s medication list an as-needed basis. Patients should inject the medication at
for moderate and strong inhibitors or inducers of these least 45 minutes before a sexual encounter. It is not

42 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


recommended to use more than one dose within 24 hours, or studies, liver function, lipid profile, hematologic tests, and
more than eight doses within 1 month. clotting measures remained essentially unchanged (49–52).
As with flibanserin, one should inquire about changes in Baseline and follow-up testosterone levels should be
sexual desire, reduction in distress related to sexual dys- obtained. Levels should be maintained within normal
function, and satisfaction with the treatment to assess for ranges. Short-term safety data are reassuring when testos-
treatment response. If no improvement occurs after 8 weeks, terone levels are maintained within normal levels (54).
one should consider discontinuing this medication. However, long-term data are limited to observational stud-
The most common adverse reactions (incidence$4%) ies, including safety data with regard to breast cancer and
include nausea, flushing, headache, vomiting, and adverse cardiovascular events (55).
site reactions. Nausea is the most common adverse reaction. Testosterone formulations for women are not widely
In placebo-controlled trials, 40% of patients receiving bre- available. Most clinicians will have to use topical formula-
melanotide reported nausea compared with 1% of patients tions for men but at a much lower dose, generally one-
receiving placebo. Hyperpigmentation of the face, gingiva, seventh to one-tenth of approved doses for men to avoid
and breasts has also been reported (48). virilization. Compounded formulations are another option.
Bremelanotide can cause transient increases in blood
pressure, and it is contraindicated in uncontrolled hyper-
tension. Providers should consider the patient’s cardiovas-
cular risk and ensure that blood pressure is well controlled. HSDD affects 10% of U.S. women. Assessment should in-
Of note, bremelanotide can significantly decrease the clude comorbid medical, psychiatric, and sexual disorders
absorption of oral naltrexone, and its concomitant use is not and their associated treatments, which may inform man-
recommended. The use of intramuscular naltrexone can be agement. Addressing modifiable factors and utilizing tar-
an alternative for this subset of patients. geted interventions will provide optimal care to women with
This medication also has cost savings available online at HSDD. With these dis-
counts, the current cost varies between $0 and $99 per 4-pack AUTHOR AND ARTICLE INFORMATION
of autoinjectors. Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville. Send correspondence to Dr. Clayton (ahc8v@
Testosterone. Although approved in Europe for treatment of

HSDD among women with surgical menopause, it is an off- The authors thank Stephen Furry for assistance with formatting and
submitting the article.
label treatment option in the United States. Studies on tes-
tosterone for HSDD have been largely conducted among Dr. Clayton has received grants from Janssen, Relmada Therapeutics,
and Sage Therapeutics. Dr. Clayton has also received advisory board or
women who have undergone natural or surgical menopause.
consultant fees from Acadia, Alkermes, Allergan, Fabre-Kramer, Ovoca
Evidence is lacking for premenopausal women, and should a Bio, PureTech Health, S1 Biopharma, Sage Therapeutics, Takeda/
woman become pregnant, fetal exposure may be associated Lundbeck, and WCG MedAvante-ProPhase. In addition, Dr. Clayton has
with significant negative consequences. received royalties from Ballantine Books/Random House and Guilford
Three randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled tri- Press and holds the copyright of the Changes in Sexual Functioning
Questionnaire. Finally, Dr. Clayton owns shares or restricted stock units
als have shown that a 300-mg/d transdermal testosterone
in Euthymics, Mediflix, and S1 Biopharma. Dr. Pachano Pesantez reports
patch was superior to placebo in improving symptoms of no financial relationships with commercial interests.
HSDD. Women who received this medication reported im-
provement in satisfying sexual events as well as a decrease REFERENCES
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Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 45


Innovations in Psychopharmacology Education in U.S.

Psychiatric Residency Programs
Jeffrey Rakofsky, M.D.

Medications available to treat psychiatric illnesses continue to programs. The past 20 years have seen an increase in innovations
increase, in conjunction with a shifting of outpatient psychiatric in the areas of psychopharmacology curricula topics, teaching
practice from psychotherapy toward medication management. strategies, and assessments of psychopharmacology knowledge
To be successful in this climate, a psychiatrist needs to select the and skills. Psychiatric training programs can benefit from and
appropriate pharmacologic option(s) for their patient, drawing build on these innovations, ensuring that all physicians graduating
from old and new psychotropics while accounting for variables from a psychiatric residency program meet psychopharmacology-
such as a patient’s comorbid medical conditions and based learning objectives and that their learning can be
potential drug-drug interactions. In the absence of any national measured in a valid and reliable way.
psychopharmacology training guidelines, these skills are taught
to varying degrees in American psychiatric residency training Focus 2021; 19:46–49; doi: 10.1176/appi.focus.20200037

Since the introduction of lithium in 1949, the number of Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) (5).
medications available to treat psychiatric illnesses has Additionally, the inconsistency may be due to the lack of
steadily increased, providing modern clinicians a sizeable faculty with psychopharmacologic expertise or of specialty
armamentarium of medications with diverse formulations, clinics for illnesses such as treatment-resistant schizophre-
mechanisms of action, and targets. Concurrently, over the nia or bipolar disorder at various residency programs across
past 3 decades, the practice of outpatient psychiatry has the country. In a survey of U.S. psychiatry residency pro-
moved away from psychotherapy toward medication man- gram directors, 34% reported a need to enhance their pro-
agement (1, 2) and more complex psychopharmacologic gram’s overall psychopharmacology curriculum (6). With
regimens (3). To be successful in this climate, a psychiatrist the growing need to provide robust and effective psycho-
must be able to select the appropriate pharmacologic pharmacology training, psychiatric educators over the past
option(s) for the patient, drawing from a long list of old and 20 years have developed and published several innovations
new psychotropics while taking into account variables such in the form of pedagogical practices and assessment strate-
as a patient’s comorbid medical conditions and potential gies. I review these innovations next and then offer future
drug-drug interactions. The psychiatrist must know how to considerations to help program directors and educators
prescribe the medicine, striking a balance between tolera- strengthen psychopharmacology training for the psychia-
bility and efficacy. Finally, he or she must know how to re- trists of the next generation.
spond to adverse events, nonadherence, or breakthrough
symptoms that may develop with time.
These skills are likely taught to varying degrees in
American psychiatric residency training programs. A na- The pedagogical approaches to teaching psychopharmacol-
tional survey study of postgraduate year (PGY)-3 and PGY-4 ogy consider which topics to teach (content) and how to
psychiatry residents revealed that many of the respondents teach them (methods). Over the past 20 years, several psy-
failed to initiate mood stabilizers, including lithium, val- chopharmacology publications have described innovations
proate, carbamazepine, and lamotrigine, for their patients in both areas. Regarding content, educators have reported
with bipolar disorder in their most recent training year (4). their experiences teaching a wide range of topics, including
The lack of consistency among programs may be due to the the psychodynamics of psychopharmacology, which ex-
absence of specific, detailed program requirements for psy- plores how the psychosocial factors in the doctor-patient
chopharmacology training established by the Accreditation relationship influence medication effectiveness (7); biological

46 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


psychiatry, which combines neurosciences and psychophar- Training Exam (PRITE) and the ACGME Psychiatry Mile-
macology (8, 9); the psychopharmacological treatment of stones assessment, both of which present limitations (18).
various psychiatric illnesses (10, 11) and their established Assessment can be divided into two broad categories: for-
treatment algorithms (9); the evaluation of psychopharma- mative and summative. Formative assessments provide the
cology clinical trials (9, 12); the nuances around prescribing student and teacher with data about the student’s progress
clozapine and managing side effects (13); the assessment and and can help the student become more self-directed and
management of medication nonadherence (14); and the in- accelerate their learning (19). Summative assessments pro-
formed consent process for initiating new medications (15). vide an overall evaluation of the student’s mastery of the
The majority of these topics are contained within the material at the completion of the course (20). Both types of
American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology (ASCP) assessment are fundamental to psychiatric training and have
Model Psychopharmacology Curriculum, which consists of been developed for use in psychiatric residency programs.
a comprehensive collection of lectures on various topics Among formative assessments, Young et al.’s (21)
related to psychopharmacology. This curriculum originated Psychopharmacotherapy-Structured Clinical Observation
in 1984 and has been updated every 2 years (16). The most (P-SCO) instrument stands out. This 27-item checklist in-
recent list of included lectures can be found on the ASCP cludes essential tasks to be completed during a psychiatric
website ( medication management visit. Faculty observe residents
ascp-model-psychopharmacology-curriculum-seventh-edition). during clinic visits and indicate whether and to what degree
In addition to many of the topics listed earlier, the curriculum residents complete the 27 tasks. The faculty member then
also includes lectures on the art of psychopharmacology, provides specific feedback to the resident. Compared with
cross-cultural psychiatry, combining psychotropics with global assessments of resident performance, the P-SCO as-
psychotherapy, ethical issues in psychopharmacology, and sessments provided residents 3.3 times more patient-care
industry interactions (17). specific comments, particularly for corrective and reinforc-
In regard to the methods for teaching these topics, vari- ing comments. A follow-up study provided additional val-
ous strategies have been reported that incorporate principles idity evidence with respect to the tool’s internal structure
of adult learning, including the need for learners to be active and its correlation with resident experience (22). Another
and self-directed (8). Most of the publications reported formative assessment includes measuring residents’ confi-
earlier describe multimodal educational efforts that usually dence levels initiating and managing the side effects of var-
have some lecture or didactic component as a starting point. ious psychotropics. Rakofsky et al. (23) showed that
For example, in addition to the lectures, the ASCP Model confidence prescribing medicines from particular classes of
Psychopharmacology Curriculum and University of Mas- psychotropics varied with experience prescribing those
sachusetts biological psychiatry seminars include additional medicines over a 12-month academic year. By eliciting resi-
elements such as journal clubs, problem-based learning, dents’ confidence levels early in the academic year, educa-
games, and case conferences (8, 10, 11). When teaching res- tors can tailor the training experience to boost those levels
idents the components of the informed consent process for where it is most needed.
initiating new medicines, Kavanagh et al. (15) used a com- In the category of summative assessments, a few of the
bination of role-playing exercises and group discussion. curricula described earlier include pre- and postassessments
Weiden and Rao (14) also used role-playing activities along to ensure that residents mastered the content (13, 24). A
with case vignettes and lectures to teach residents how to more recent publication describes the creation of a virtual
assess and manage medication nonadherence. To train res- standardized patient-based assessment tool to evaluate
idents in the use of clozapine, Freudenreich et al. (13) psychiatric residents’ psychopharmacology proficiency in
worked with PGY-2 residents in a clozapine specialty clinic the treatment of major depressive disorder (18). The tool is
over 6 weeks. The residents received clozapine specific di- an online simulator that replicates the outpatient psychiatric
dactics in a small group session at the beginning of every clinic experience. The virtual patient reports symptoms of a
clinic and then immediate supervision and feedback after treatment-resistant form of depression, and the resident is
each patient encounter. Finally, Mohr et al. (12) developed a required to use various antidepressants until the patient fi-
23-item appraisal instrument to guide residents through a nally remits. The resident earns points for correct responses
systematic assessment of psychopharmacologic clinical trials. to questions asked by the virtual patient about topics such as
dosing, titration decisions, and side effects.
Assessment is a vital component of psychopharmacology
training because it provides essential feedback to stake- The innovations in pedagogy and assessment reported ear-
holders (i.e., residents, faculty, program directors, state li- lier address a variety of topics in psychopharmacology,
censing boards, specialty certification boards). Across most learning styles, and assessment types. However, opportuni-
residency programs, assessment in psychopharmacology ties are available to add to these innovations and continue
knowledge and skills occurs via the Psychiatry Residency In improving psychopharmacology education. Integrating the

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 47


neuroscience-based nomenclature (NbN) into residency Finally, more research in psychopharmacology education is
education may be one such innovation. The NbN was de- needed. Studies that identify the extent and depth of U.S. res-
veloped in 2008 by a task force of scientific organizations idents’ psychopharmacology knowledge will help determine
including the American, Asian, European, and International how well American residency programs are preparing their
Colleges of Neuropsychopharmacology and the Inter- graduates. Scores on the PRITE psychopharmacology ques-
national Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (25). Its tions can shed some light on this question. Research on the
goal is to reclassify psychiatric medicines on the basis of most effective methods for teaching psychopharmacology is
their neuronal targets rather than their clinical indications. also greatly needed to help educators select the optimal ap-
The task force has developed a free app, which is updated proach for training residents, taking into account PGY level and
every 2 years, that provides detailed information about the adult learning theories.
pharmacology and mode of action of psychiatric medicines.
Residency lectures and communications between attending
physicians and residents can incorporate these new classi-
fications, helping residents learn the new terminology and The increased role of psychopharmacology in the practice of
improve their understanding of how these medications psychiatry is leading psychiatric educators to shift their fo-
work. cus to ensure that psychiatric residents can competently
Another opportunity stems from the lack of specific, de- prescribe and manage the side effects of a diverse range of
tailed psychopharmacology program requirements estab- psychotropic medications. Fortunately, the past 20 years
lished by the ACGME. Residents’ psychopharmacology have seen an increase in the number of publications
education may benefit from a national expert consensus– reporting innovations in the areas of psychopharmacology
defined list of psychopharmacology learning objectives. The curricula topics, teaching strategies, and assessments of
ASCP Model Psychopharmacology Curriculum is compre- psychopharmacology knowledge and skills. Psychiatric
hensive and likely addresses the learning objectives that training programs can benefit from and build on these in-
would be included; however, one of the limitations to the novations, ensuring that all physicians graduating from a
curriculum has been educators’ reluctance to replace their psychiatric residency program meet psychopharmacology-
own lecture material with that provided by the ASCP (24). based learning objectives and that their learning can be
Developing only a defined set of learning objectives would measured in valid and reliable ways.
provide residency programs a guide for the topics they
should teach and the flexibility to teach them in the manner AUTHOR AND ARTICLE INFORMATION
they choose. Psychiatric educators in Europe have proposed Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University
such a list, providing topics ranging from basic principles of School of Medicine, Atlanta. Send correspondence to Dr. Rakofsky
pharmacology to the implementation and application of (
these medications in the treatment of various psychiatric Dr. Rakofsky has received speaking honoraria from SMI Clinical Adviser
and has received research funding from Compass, Otsuka, the American
illnesses. They also provide the number of hours that should
Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, and the Association of Directors for
be dedicated to teaching those topics (26). Medical Student Education.
Building on Freudenreich et al.’s (13) example, residency
programs can identify psychiatric specialty clinics within REFERENCES
their institution (e.g., clozapine, women’s mental health, 1. Mojtabai R, Olfson M: National trends in psychotherapy by office-
bipolar disorder, treatment-resistant depression) and seek based psychiatrists. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2008; 65:962–970
opportunities for their residents to work in those settings. 2. Olfson M, Marcus SC, Wan GJ, et al: National trends in the out-
Incorporating more digital technology—such as audience patient treatment of anxiety disorders. J Clin Psychiatry 2004; 65:
response systems, apps, video telecommunications to in- 3. Mojtabai R, Olfson M: National trends in psychotropic medication
clude patients or expert psychopharmacologists, and other polypharmacy in office-based psychiatry. Arch Gen Psychiatry
tools—will ensure that presentations are multimodal and 2010; 67:26–36
interactive, consistent with adult learning theories. 4. Rakofsky JJ, Dunlop BW: US psychiatric residents’ treatment of
In the realm of assessment, developing virtual stan- patients with bipolar disorder. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2012; 32:
dardized patient simulators focusing on the treatment of 5. ACGME Program Requirements for Graduate Medical Education
psychiatric illnesses besides major depressive disorder, in Psychiatry. Chicago, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical
including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and obsessive- Education, 2020.
compulsive disorder, would provide additional opportunities pfcatid/21/Psychiatry. Accessed Aug 23, 2020
to evaluate a resident’s psychopharmacologic proficiency. 6. Prabhakar D, Balon R, Zisook S: Assessing the need for a multi-
modal curriculum in psychopharmacology education. Acad Psy-
Developing a national exam for residents that focuses ex- chiatry 2012; 36:497–499
clusively on psychopharmacology knowledge (similar to the 7. Mintz DL: Teaching the prescriber’s role: the psychology of psy-
ASCP Exam in Advanced Clinical Psychopharmacology) chopharmacology. Acad Psychiatry 2005; 29:187–194
may be an opportunity to widen the scope of psychophar- 8. Zisook S, Benjamin S, Balon R, et al: Alternate methods of teaching
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48 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


9. Osser DN, Patterson RD, Levitt JJ: Guidelines, algorithms, and 18. Rakofsky JJ, Talbot TB, Dunlop BW: A virtual standardized
evidence-based psychopharmacology training for psychiatric res- patient-based assessment tool to evaluate psychiatric residents’
idents. Acad Psychiatry 2005; 29:180–186 psychopharmacology proficiency. Acad Psychiatry (Epub ahead of
10. Deligiannidis KM, Girgis RR, Lau A, et al: Psychiatry resident/ print, July 17, 2020)
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13. Freudenreich O, Henderson DC, Sanders KM, et al: Training in a cotherapy competence. Acad Psychiatry 2011; 35:27–34
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14. Weiden PJ, Rao N: Teaching medication compliance to psychiatric sults of a factor and time series analysis. Acad Psychiatry 2018; 42:
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prescribing workshops: a novel method for teaching psychiatry Psychiatry 2017; 41:350–353
residents how to talk to patients about medications. Acad Psy- 24. Glick ID, Zisook S: The challenge of teaching psychopharmacology
chiatry 2017; 41:491–496 in the new millennium: the role of curricula. Acad Psychiatry
16. Vasudev K, Vasudev A, Glick ID: Psychopharmacology training for 2005; 29:134–140
psychiatry residents: a pilot iterative quality improvement project. 25. Blier P, Oquendo MA, Kupfer DJ: Progress on the neuroscience-
J Clin Psychopharmacol 2017; 37:754–756 based nomenclature (NbN) for psychotropic medications. Neuro-
17. ASCP Model Psychopharmacology Curriculum, 10th ed. Brent- psychopharmacology 2017; 42:1927–1928
wood, TN, American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 26. Baumann P, Spies M, Möller HJ, et al: A proposal for a
2018. psychopharmacology-pharmacotherapy catalogue of learning ob-
psychopharmacology-curriculum-seventh-edition. Accessed Aug 27, jectives and a curriculum in Europe. World J Biol Psychiatry 2017;
2020 18:29–38

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 49


Moving on With Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors

J. Alexander Bodkin, M.D., and Boadie W. Dunlop, M.D.

For patients whose depression has not been responsive to not typically considered as a treatment option for patients
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor or serotonin-norepinephrine until several other treatments have failed. However, this
inhibitor treatment and for whom treatment with a mono-
scenario presents the complications of transitioning to an
amine oxidase inhibitor seems warranted, how best can the
drug-free interval required by the Food and Drug Adminis-
MAOI from an existing regimen, which may be complex and
tration for such a transition be managed? include medications contraindicated with MAOIs.
It is important to briefly consider why such a switch may
Estimates indicate that 15%220% of patients presenting for make sense in a given case. Uptake-inhibiting antidepres-
treatment of major depression require monoamine oxidase sants are all similar in their primary mechanism of action,
inhibitor (MAOI) treatment for optimal response, but the whereas MAOIs have a primary mechanism of action that is
rate of prescription of MAOIs in the United States in 2005 completely different from that of antidepressants that are in
was less than 0.1% (1). A 1999 survey found that 40% of wide general use. Rather than induce prolonged accumula-
psychiatrists had not prescribed an MAOI in the previous tion of serotonin and norepinephrine in the intrasynaptic
3 years, and only 2% of psychiatrists prescribed them fre- clefts throughout the brain, as do SSRIs, SNRIs, and tricyclic
quently (2); these numbers have certainly worsened since antidepressants, MAOIs, by inhibiting MAO, have the effect
then, as older psychiatrists have retired. These low rates are of increasing the stores of presynaptic monoamines available
even more remarkable considering the easing of the dietary for release into the synapse as regulated by processes such as
restrictions to be followed while on MAOI therapy (3). This feedback inhibition. These presynaptic stores include not
problematic reluctance on the part of patients and providers only serotonin and norepinephrine but also the behaviorally
clearly needs to be addressed. In our experience, this re- salient monoamine dopamine, a deficit of which may have an
luctance stems in part from fears of patients worsening in important role in persistent depressive symptoms such as
the period between discontinuation of current antidepres- apathy, psychomotor retardation, and anhedonia (5).
sants and initiation of the MAOI. However, once the decision Rather than waiting for numerous medication failures
to try an MAOI is made, the transition is rarely difficult and before beginning an MAOI, an assessment of the patient’s
need not require any interval off treatment. symptom picture can warrant earlier initiation of this class
MAOIs are among the oldest medications in the psychi- of medication (6). MAOIs have been demonstrated to have
atric pharmacopeia, with demonstrated efficacy in unipolar superior efficacy to tricyclic antidepressants for depression
and bipolar depression, social anxiety disorder, posttrau- characterized by atypical features (7, 8). Atypical depression
matic stress disorder, and panic disorder. The four MAOIs includes mood responsivity to positive events at a level of at
approved in the United States for depression are phenelzine, least 50% along with at least two of the following: an ex-
tranylcypromine, isocarboxazid, and transdermal selegiline cessive need for sleep, hyperphagia, prominent lethargy or
(4), which all irreversibly inhibit monoamine oxidase (MAO). anergia, and a long-standing pattern of oversensitivity to
Phenelzine, isocarboxazid, and tranylcypromine inhibit both personal rejection. A variant of atypical features that does
MAOA (which degrades serotonin, norepinephrine, and do- not focus on rejection sensitivity but emphasizes the reverse
pamine) and MAOB (which degrades dopamine) throughout neurovegetative symptoms of hypersomnia, hyperphagia,
their dose ranges. Transdermal selegiline is selective for MAOB anergia and loss of motivation also shows good response to
at low doses and inhibits MAOA to a therapeutic degree at a MAOIs (9).
dosage of at least 6 mg every 24 hours. When a prescriber decides to move a patient who is on
The two primary safety concerns with MAOI treatment a serotonin reuptake inhibitor to an MAOI, the question
are a hypertensive crisis reaction and serotonin syndrome. becomes how to make the transition safely, balancing the
Hypertensive crises can arise from the pharmacodynamic competing risks of potential drug interactions against the
interaction of MAOIs with sympathomimetic drugs or ex- risk of a period without antidepressant coverage and clini-
cessive dietary tyramine intake. Serotonin syndrome occurs cal deterioration. Approaching this problem is made more
when medications that enhance serotonin availability (pri- complex by the highly restrictive guidance on the MAOI
marily the serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRIs] and serotonin- product labels approved by the Food and Drug Administration
norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors [SNRIs]) are taken when (FDA), compared with the more flexible recommendations of
MAO activity is inhibited. Because of these risks, MAOIs are experts with deep clinical experience with MAOIs.

50 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


The FDA labels for the marketed MAOIs state that sym- interaction while the failed medication is being tapered. Safe
pathomimetic drugs, such as stimulants, and the 5-HT1a antidepressant options include mirtazapine (14), trazodone
receptor antagonist buspirone are contraindicated because (15), and tricyclics other than clomipramine or imipramine
of hypertensive risks (10–13). Tryptophan supplements, (16); nortriptyline is one we often use. If this step brings the
certain opiates, and dextromethorphan are contraindicated patient to recovery, no further measures need be taken, and
because of the risk of serotonin syndrome. Antidepressants an MAOI will not be required. However, if after an adequate
as a class, and regardless of mechanism of action, are listed trial of the added antidepressant, or some combination of the
as contraindicated because of serotonin syndrome risk, and permissible agents, there has not been a satisfactory clinical
some are contraindicated for hypertensive risk. This re- response, an MAOI can be initiated. The dose of the MAOI
striction includes drugs that have no direct action on serotonin can be increased following the usual dosing strategy con-
as well as agents that act by antagonizing serotonin receptors currently with the tapering of the safe medications. Notably,
but not transporters, such as mirtazapine. The restriction also if there has been a partial but worthwhile response to the
extends to carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine because of their transitional medications, they can be retained throughout
shared dibenzoazepine structure with tricyclics. Lithium is MAOI therapy. With a tricyclic such as nortriptyline, this is
listed as “use with cautions” on the tranylcypromine label, a particularly sensible because there is greater safety in adding
dubious warning that is appropriately absent from the label- an MAOI to an established tricyclic antidepressant than vice
ing of other psychotropics. Such broad restrictions make it versa.
difficult to transition a patient to an MAOI from an existing Notably, if in addition to an SSRI or an SNRI the patient is
antidepressant regimen. In contrast, the first author has on one or more antidepressant adjuncts, such as aripipra-
used bupropion, mirtazapine, and trazodone in combination zole, quetiapine, triiodothyronine, gabapentin, pregabalin,
with MAOIs for many years with no adverse consequences, lamotrigine, or a benzodiazepine, these agents can be con-
as have many members of the international MAOI experts tinued unchanged. Leaving them in place may make the
group ( period preceding MAOI initiation less uncomfortable. In
Other medications less commonly considered to carry contrast, the old practice of prescribing a “rescue” rapid-
risk with MAOIs include blood-pressure-lowering agents, acting blood-pressure-lowering agent (e.g., nifedipine) to be
which may act synergistically with the hypotensive side ef- taken by the patient in the case of symptoms of a hyper-
fect sometimes observed on initiating an MAOI and carry tensive reaction is no longer recommended because of the
warnings on the tranylcypromine and isocarboxazid labels. established serious risks of brain, cardiac, and renal hypo-
Thus, particular attention should be paid to such drugs used perfusion stemming from an acute blood pressure reduction.
in psychiatry, including alpha-1 antagonists such as prazosin A point worth making is that instead of an unpleasant
and certain antipsychotics, alpha-2 agonists such as cloni- discontinuation syndrome, we have occasionally observed
dine and guanfacine, and beta blockers, such as propranolol. that some patients experience a period of mild elation on
The tranylcypromine label also asserts that nonselective discontinuation of a monoamine reuptake inhibitor such as
histamine type 1 receptor antagonists, such as diphenhy- paroxetine or duloxetine. This experience rarely lasts more
dramine, are contraindicated because of increased anticho- than 2 weeks before mood sinks back into depression. So, in
linergic effects, and triptans, such as sumatriptan, which cases in which the antidepressants that are safe to combine
agonize serotonin type 1B and 1D receptors, are contra- with MAOIs have previously been tried and failed, such that
indicated because of the risk for serotonin syndrome (12). the bridging strategy is not possible, or if a patient prefers to
These additional contraindications on the tranylcypromine move straight from the unsatisfactory current regimen to a
label are not well supported by the literature and not present trial of an MAOI, they can be advised that it is possible their
on the labels of transdermal selegiline or phenelzine. mood may brighten for a short time after coming off the
Regarding the duration of the drug-free interval, the FDA reuptake inhibitor. If instead they slump in mood, then a
labels state that contraindicated medications, including an- brief course of treatment with a benzodiazepine, gabapentin,
tidepressants, should be discontinued for at least four to five or low-dose quetiapine may make the washout period more
half-lives of the parent drug, or any active metabolites, be- tolerable.
fore initiating an MAOI. For most antidepressants this A final precaution: Tapering off SSRIs and SNRIs, par-
means about 5–7 days, although 2–3 weeks are required for ticularly paroxetine or venlafaxine, even gradually, may be
vortioxetine and 5 weeks for fluoxetine. Antidepressants associated with such acute dysphoria that the patient is
with most rapid clearance are venlafaxine (3 days) and strongly inclined to just go back on the unsatisfactory agent
desvenlafaxine (2 days). rather than pursue the well-being that MAOIs offer. In such
cases, it is critical to make clear to the patient that this is not
a recurrence of depressive illness but an acute discontinu-
The Transition
ation syndrome. Therefore, returning to the agent being
Our recommended strategy for the shift from a failed discontinued would not relieve depressive illness, which
course of treatment with an SSRI or an SNRI to an MAOI is would not have acute onset but rather would have slowly
to introduce an antidepressant with no dangerous MAOI crept up with the passage of time off effective treatment.

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 51


In these cases, a slower SSRI or SNRI taper, along with the defining syndrome boundaries of selective MAOI responders. Am J
addition of a safe transitional medication, is the best ap- Psychiatry 1988; 145:306–311
8. Quitkin FM, McGrath PJ, Stewart JW, et al: Atypical depression,
proach to enable the patient to reach the potential benefit of
panic attacks, and response to imipramine and phenelzine: a rep-
an MAOI trial. lication. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1990; 47:935–941
9. Thase ME: Atypical depression: useful concept, but it’s time to
AUTHOR AND ARTICLE INFORMATION revise the DSM-IV criteria. Neuropsychopharmacology 2009; 34:
Department of Psychiatry, McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 2633–2641
Belmont (Bodkin); Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 10. Validus Pharmaceuticals: Marplan (isocarboxazid) [package in-
Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta (Dunlop). Send corre- sert]. Washington, DC, US Food and Drug Administration, 2018.
spondence to Dr. Bodkin (
3f04-4865-a913-db6ed6f4fdc5. Accessed Oct 9, 2020
Dr. Bodkin has received research support from Alkermes and Otsuka
11. Parke-Davis Division, Pfizer Inc: Nardil (phenelzine) [package in-
and has served as a consultant to both firms. Dr. Dunlop has received
sert]. Washington, DC, US Food and Drug Administration, 2008.
research support from Acadia, Aptinyx, Compass, National Institute of
Mental Health, Sage, and Takeda and has served as a consultant to
37d4-4355-8a6d-a2c643bce6fa. Accessed Oct 9, 2020
Greenwich Biosciences, Myriad Neuroscience, Otsuka, Sage, and
12. Concordia Pharmaceuticals: Parnate (tranylcypromine) [package
Sophren Therapeutics.
insert]. Washington, DC, US Food and Drug Administration, 2015.
Focus 2021; 19:50–52; doi: 10.1176/appi.focus.20200046
dfcc-4ea0-b5e9-c0be95b69a27. Accessed Oct 9, 2020
REFERENCES 13. Mylan Specialty LP: EMSAM (selegiline patch) [package insert].
1. Frampton JE, Plosker GL: Selegiline transdermal system: in the treatment Washington, DC, US Food and Drug Administration, 2020. https://
of major depressive disorder. Drugs 2007; 67:257–265, discussion 266–267 5b891bd9f-
2. Balon R, Mufti R, Arfken CL: A survey of prescribing practices for fdb8-4862-89c5-ecdd700398a3. Accessed Oct 9, 2020
monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Psychiatr Serv 1999; 50:945–947 14. Gillman PK: A systematic review of the serotonergic effects of
3. Gardner DM, Shulman KI, Walker SE, et al: The making of a user mirtazapine in humans: implications for its dual action status. Hum
friendly MAOI diet. J Clin Psychiatry 1996; 57:99–104 Psychopharmacol 2006; 21:117–125
4. Physicians’ Desk Reference, 71st ed. Montvale, NJ, PDR Network, 2017 15. Nierenberg AA, Keck PE Jr: Management of monoamine oxidase
5. Dunlop BW, Nemeroff CB: The role of dopamine in the patho- inhibitor-associated insomnia with trazodone. J Clin Psychopharmacol
physiology of depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2007; 64:327–337 1989; 9:42–45
6. Thase ME, Trivedi MH, Rush AJ: MAOIs in the contemporary treat- 16. Razani J, White KL, White J, et al: The safety and efficacy of
ment of depression. Neuropsychopharmacology 1995; 12:185–219 combined amitriptyline and tranylcypromine antidepressant
7. Quitkin FM, Stewart JW, McGrath PJ, et al: Phenelzine versus treatment: a controlled trial. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1983; 40:
imipramine in the treatment of probable atypical depression: 657–661

52 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


Ethical Issues in Psychopharmacology

Nataly S. Beck, M.D., Daniel S. J. Kim, M.D., Laura B. Dunn, M.D.

Psychopharmacology is the scientific study of the effect of moving from another state, she presented to find a new
medications on the mind and behavior. Many ethical issues psychiatric provider. Upon interview of the patient and re-
arise within the broader realm of psychopharmacology, in- view of her medications, TL’s new psychiatrist saw that she
cluding the fair allocation of resources or the weighing of had been prescribed divalproex sodium, alprazolam, and
risks versus benefits in the prescribing of medications. The modafinil by her previous psychiatrist. The dosing patterns
ethical psychiatric practitioner has the responsibility to appeared unconventional, and the interview revealed that at
know and continue to learn the latest empirical findings on least some of the dosing variation was patient driven (e.g.,
psychopharmacologic and psychosocial treatments, in- dosing divalproex sodium daily with an additional dose ev-
cluding their indications, adverse effects, and contraindica- ery 3 days, dosing modafinil and alprazolam in very small
tions (1–3). doses multiple times a day, and daily variability in the doses
In this article, ethical principles in psychopharmacology taken of these two medications).
will be addressed. Ethical principles include the following: 1.1 What is the most appropriate initial step for the psychiatrist
in this case? (More than one response may be appropriate.)
Respect for persons: regard for an individual’s worth and
dignity A. Elicit more detail from TL about her perspectives on
Autonomy: self-governance her medications.
Beneficence: the responsibility to act in a way that seeks to B. Discontinue the alprazolam and modafinil.
provide the greatest benefit C. Ask TL to describe in more detail the benefits of each
Fidelity: faithfulness to the interests of the patient medication and for what specific symptoms they are
Nonmaleficence: the commitment to do no harm being used.
Veracity: the duty of truth and honesty D. Inquire about any side effects TL has experienced.
Justice: the act of fair treatment, without prejudice E. Discuss overall goals for treating anxiety and lack of
Privacy: protection of patients’ personal information energy besides the controlled substances of alprazo-
Integrity: honorable conduct within the profession lam and modafinil.
F. Check the controlled substance monitoring database
All psychiatrists commonly confront ethical dilemmas when
in TL’s current state and also her previous state of
considering psychopharmacologic indications, benefits, and
residence, if possible.
risks, as well as those of alternative management strategies.
G. Contact TL’s previous outpatient psychiatrist to dis-
To the experienced clinician, balancing these factors may
cuss the details of her case.
come to feel like second nature, particularly when the
H. All of the above.
treatment context includes a solid rapport with the patient.
Furthermore, patients with intact cognition, insight, and TL described that, after numerous medication trials over the
judgment are typically able to engage meaningfully in shared years, alprazolam, modafinil, and divalproex sodium are the
decision making, which then unfolds naturally over the only medications that have helped her psychiatric symptoms
course of treatment. However, in many other cases, psy- reach stability. In addition, she stated that she is very sen-
chopharmacologic management raises a host of ethical is- sitive to medications and thus responds to very small doses
sues with no easy or optimal solutions. Three cases, of medications, especially when dosed throughout the day.
presented below, illustrate a few of these challenges. She stated that she used to be on much higher doses of
alprazolam and modafinil in the past but has been able to
wean herself off these higher doses.
Case 1
TL’s care was also complicated by having insurance that
TL is a 58-year-old woman with a history of bipolar disorder, restricts medications to certain formulary-approved medi-
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and anxiety. After cations. She also must pay a large copay for her office visits.

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 53


1.2 What is the most appropriate next step for the At the initial geriatric psychiatry visit, Mrs. R reported
psychiatrist? that the agitation had been worsening over the past several
months. The behaviors consisted of resisting care, restless-
A. Find alternatives that are more affordable, such as
ness and purposeless behaviors, screaming, and occasional
using divalproex sodium delayed release, instead of
physical aggressiveness. Upon detailed questioning, it be-
the extended-release formulation, which is more
came apparent that his behavioral issues were exacerbated
over the past year by worsening nonfluent aphasia and in-
B. Recommend that the patient conduct a search of
creased functional limitations, including bowel and bladder
prescription savings programs to find medications at a
incontinence requiring more invasive caregiving. Although
lower cost, and even do the search together.
the agitation also appeared to be associated with paranoia
C. Manage medication changes over the phone or
toward caregivers, Mrs. R—who was the primary caregiver
through electronic messages to help decrease the cost
and designated power of attorney—adamantly declined
and frequency of office visits.
consideration of psychotropic medications, including cho-
D. Fill out prior authorization forms for TL’s medications.
linesterase inhibitors, instead querying regarding comple-
After a patient-centered discussion, TL and the psychiatrist mentary or alternative interventions.
agreed to gradually try other medications instead of the 2.1 What is the most appropriate next step in the manage-
alprazolam and modafinil, such as cross-tapering from ment of Mr. R’s agitation? (More than one answer may be
alprazolam onto clonazepam for decreased risk for de- appropriate.)
pendence and using trazodone to help with sleep. In addi-
A. Attempt to persuade Mrs. R to agree to a trial of
tion, TL agreed to try to take more regular doses of
medications instead of changing them as needed. Although
B. Ask Mrs. R to carefully observe and document the
these changes were done slowly and one at a time, the
patient’s behaviors to identify potential triggers and
changes resulted in TL having substantially increased anxi-
unmet physical or emotional needs.
ety and mood lability. The psychiatrist then cross-tapered
C. Prescribe short-acting benzodiazepines on an as-needed
the medications back to her previous medications, with ad-
(prn) basis when Mr. R starts to get agitated.
justment of alprazolam and modafinil to the lowest possible
D. Prescribe a trial of cannabis (e.g., edibles), presuming
doses that helped TL’s symptoms.
that the patient’s behavior is anxiety related.
1.3 What were the ethical principles involved in the agree- E. Prescribe a trial of citalopram for agitation.
ment between the psychiatrist and TL that she use
alprazolam and modafinil and use the medications in her Previous alternative interventions initiated by Mrs. R, in-
previous unusual dosing patterns? cluding consultation with faith healers and use of medicinal
cannabis, had been of limited benefit. Aromatherapy, music
A. Integrity and privacy therapy, and reminiscence therapy were also attempted with
B. Justice and fidelity limited response. Although a day program was attempted
C. Respect for persons and veracity several months before the initial geriatric psychiatry visit,
D. Autonomy and beneficence Mr. R’s screaming and aggressive behaviors led to his being
asked to leave after the first 2 weeks.
After several visits to the geriatric psychiatry clinic,
Case 2
during which rapport and trust were gradually established
Mr. R was a 71-year-old married Caucasian man who was with Mrs. R, the staff discussed nonpharmacologic ap-
referred by his primary care physician to an outpatient ge- proaches with her at length, as well as the risks and benefits
riatric psychiatry clinic for evaluation and management of of several classes of medications. Mrs. R eventually agreed to
agitation. The referral stated that the patient was diagnosed a trial of an antidepressant medication targeting Mr. R’s
as having Alzheimer’s disease 6 years ago and that the pa- agitation.
tient’s agitation started approximately 2 to 3 years ago. Al- On the basis of findings from the Citalopram for Agitation
though his wife had received caregiver education and in Alzheimer’s Disease (CitAD) Study (4), the psychiatrist
support through the local Alzheimer’s Association chapter prescribed 10 mg citalopram and gradually titrated it up-
with some improvement in her ability to redirect the patient, ward, over several months, to 40 mg. Unfortunately, this
she was nonetheless experiencing additional caregiver upward titration was associated with an increase in Mr. R’s
burnout, despite additional support from their children liv- corrected QT (QTc) interval to 492, without an apparent
ing in the community. At the time of his initial visit to geri- reduction in agitation intensity or frequency. Citalopram was
atric psychiatry, the patient’s cognition was obviously subsequently discontinued.
impaired. He was minimally responsive to questions, be- Mrs. R firmly declined consideration of any further
came irritable when asked basic questions, and was unable to medication trials for nearly 6 months. Ultimately, Mr. R’s
tolerate a cognitive assessment. The history was obtained daughter sustained a broken wrist when Mr. R pushed her
from the patient’s wife, Mrs. R. while she was providing caregiver support.

54 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


2.2 What is the most appropriate next step in the manage- Discussion of Case 2
ment of Mr. R’s agitation? (More than one answer may be
Although dementia (i.e., major neurocognitive disorder) is a
broad category of illnesses defined primarily by a range of
A. Report Mrs. R to Adult Protective Services for neglect cognitive deficits, some of the most challenging and dis-
of an older adult. tressing symptoms for patients and caregivers are the be-
B. Strongly encourage Mrs. R to consent to the patient havioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD).
being hospitalized to comprehensively assess and ad- These symptoms (also commonly known as neuropsychiat-
dress the behaviors. ric symptoms, or NPS) include psychosis (delusions and
C. Prescribe short-acting benzodiazepines on a prn basis hallucinations), verbal or physical agitation, verbal or
when Mr. R starts to get agitated. physical aggression, depression, anxiety, apathy, disinhibi-
D. Advise Mrs. R that the patient requires a long-acting tion, and wandering (6).
injectable antipsychotic. Mr. R’s case illustrates the numerous complex challenges
E. Obtain an ethics consultation. faced by families who care for their loved ones with de-
mentia who are experiencing BPSD. Clinicians who are
After the episode in which her daughter was injured, Mrs. R
asked to evaluate and manage these patients will inevitably
agreed reluctantly to psychiatric hospitalization of Mr. R for
face numerous ethical questions. In several ways, the
further evaluation and management, with clear communi-
treatment of BPSD represents a perfect storm of ethical di-
cation from the outpatient geriatric psychiatrist that the use
lemmas. First, patients with dementia in the moderate to
of psychotropic medications would be necessary to ensure
advanced stages generally lack adequate capacity to provide
patient and staff safety. She reluctantly agreed to the emer-
informed consent for their own treatment. Second, because
gent use of benzodiazepines, if needed, and was willing to
patients with diminished autonomy such as those with ad-
consider mood-stabilizing medications. However, she was
vanced dementia require surrogates to make medical deci-
unwavering in her refusal to consider use of antipsychotic
sions on their behalf, clinicians find themselves in the
medications after a review of the U.S. Food and Drug Ad-
difficult position of trying to alleviate the patient’s symptoms
ministration (FDA) black-box warning regarding the use of
while helping families navigate this often fraught decision-
antipsychotic medications in dementia (5).
making process. Third, because BPSD can become severe to
During the initial phase of psychiatric hospitalization,
the point where patient and caregiver safety may be in
multiple emergent intramuscular injections of lorazepam
jeopardy, such potential harms must be factored into the
were necessary to mitigate bouts of physical aggression
evaluation of potential harms of treating versus not treating
toward staff. Mr. R also appeared suspicious toward both
the patient psychopharmacologically. Finally, relatively
staff and family members, including his wife, with clear
limited treatment options present challenging trade-offs of
reactions to internal stimuli and apparent misidentification
potential benefits versus risks.
delusions with angry posturing at his mirror image. After
Nonpharmacological interventions are universally rec-
further review of the treatment of psychosis, Mrs. R agreed
ognized as the first-line management for BPSD (7), with
to a trial of low-dose risperidone. However, this brief trial
those based on family caregiver interventions having the
was aborted at her firm request because of the emergence
greatest evidence of benefit. These include interventions
of a resting tremor. Mrs. R also declined further trials of
such as caregiver education and skills training in dementia
antipsychotic or mood-stabilizing medications, despite
care; enhancing support and self-care techniques for care-
multiple family meetings wherein the couple’s children
givers to mitigate burnout; and home environmental re-
noted their belief that Mr. R would not have foregone
design to improve patient safety, minimize their confusion,
treatment of his psychotic symptoms. Consequently, be-
and enrich their sensory stimuli, among others (8, 9).
cause of the need for routine prn doses of lorazepam, which
However, although nonpharmacological interventions
his wife accepted, the patient was started on scheduled
may, over time, be effective in reducing the frequency or
clonazepam. With the scheduled use of 2 mg clonazepam
intensity of BPSD, the immediate benefit of such interven-
twice daily, the patient was ultimately calmer, although
tions is often limited in a person with dementia experiencing
now bedbound and requiring total care. He was discharged
acute agitation or frank psychosis: When patient or caregiver
back to his family’s care at the wife’s request, against
safety and quality of life are in immediate jeopardy, psy-
medical advice.
chotropic medications are generally necessary. Ultimately,
2.3 Which ethical principles was the treatment team trying
both pharmacological and nonpharmacological interven-
to balance in the care for Mr. R and in communication
tions play a crucial role in the optimal management of BPSD,
with Mrs. R?
which an expert consensus panel has described using the
A. Respect for persons, beneficence, and nonmaleficence acronym DICE for describing the symptoms and context
B. Nonmaleficence and beneficence of the behaviors; investigating the contributing factors to
C. Fidelity and respect for persons the behaviors; creating a treatment plan, including both
D. Justice and beneficence nonpharmacological management and—when necessary—

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 55


pharmacological interventions to ameliorate acute risk of allow time for the frank and timely review of the patient’s
harm to caregivers or patients or should nonpharmacological life goals and values that is at the heart of ethically appro-
interventions be ineffective; and evaluating whether the priate clinical care. Such a discussion is a crucial step in
treatment plan has been effective and modifying the plan as appropriately balancing the ethical principle of beneficence
appropriate (7). against nonmaleficence in a way that best reflects the pa-
The central ethical tension in any treatment intervention tient’s goals and values and thereby respects, as best as
is that between the principles of beneficence (the relief of possible, a patient’s autonomy in an illness that all too often
suffering, enhancement of quality of life, and harm reduction ends in the loss of decisional capacity.
to self or others) and nonmaleficence (avoiding harm). This
tension is particularly challenging with psychotropic medi-
cations (i.e., antipsychotics, antidepressants, mood stabi- Case 3
lizers, or sedative-hypnotics) in persons with dementia,
BF is a 33-year-old man with a history of schizoaffective
given this population’s unique vulnerability to medication
disorder. He is in the psychiatric hospital for psychosis
side effects and adverse events as well as their eroding de-
complicated by medical issues as well as an unusual response
cisional capacity with cognitive decline. Although all psy-
to antipsychotics, including an increase in his creatine kinase.
chopharmacologic agents are associated with potential side
He has had neuroleptic malignant syndrome on previous
effects—even medications as generally benign as selective
trials of antipsychotics. The inpatient psychiatrist considers a
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)—some, such as anti-
newer antipsychotic that BF has not yet tried, which has a
psychotic medications, are considered particularly risky and
unique mechanism of action. However, even with the manu-
are labeled as such with an FDA black-box warning that
facturer’s patient assistance program, the medication costs an
notes the increased risk of stroke and mortality associated
amount that is not feasible for BF and his family to afford.
with the use of antipsychotics in persons with dementia (10).
3.1 Is it ethically justifiable to prescribe this medication if we
Consequently, psychotropic medications are primarily used
know that the patient will not be able to afford it going
in this population when nonpharmacological interventions
forward? Does it depend on how life saving or life
are ineffective in managing BPSD or when there is imminent
changing the medication potentially is?
risk of harm to the patient or caregivers. Even so, particular
efforts should be taken not only to weigh the anticipated A. No. If the medication is beneficial to BF, it would be
benefits of a psychotropic medication against the potential devastating to him and his family to not be able to
risks but also to conduct an optimal informed-consent pro- continue receiving it because of its cost.
cess with the patient or surrogate decision maker. B. No. There is no guarantee that the medication would be
One must not presume that patients in the mild or early to helpful, and there is a large possibility that it may even
moderate stages of dementia, or even patients with delirium, be harmful, given BF’s past responses to antipsychotics.
completely lack treatment decision-making capacity; none- C. Yes. The medication may become more affordable in
theless, as cognitive impairment worsens, decisional capac- the near future.
ity invariably wanes, eventually necessitating the use of a D. Yes. It is up to BF to decide whether he and his family
surrogate decision maker. Ideally, this surrogate decision want to pay for it or find another means in which to
maker would be the person who best understands the cog- pay for it.
nitively impaired individual’s clinical situation; most ap- E. Any of the aforementioned responses may be justified.
preciates their life goals and values; and is, consequently,
Of note, the psychiatrist thought of this medication be-
legally recognized by the cognitively impaired person—
cause of visits from a pharmaceutical representative to his
while they maintain the capacity to make such a decision—as
clinic. The representative gave him a psychiatric textbook,
their health care power of attorney. Absent such a formal
meals, and office supplies to learn more about the new
designation, most states designate the next of kin as decision
makers, using a hierarchy of relational proximity to the
3.2 When is it ethically appropriate for a physician to accept
person in question: typically, the person’s spouse or domestic
“gifts” from a pharmaceutical company?
partner, then an adult child, a parent, a sibling, then other
relatives or close friends. A. It is never appropriate for a physician to receive “gifts”
Although one hopes that the decisions of the legally (pens, meals, etc.) from pharmaceutical companies, as
designated decision maker or closest next of kin accurately it will bias the treatment provided.
reflect not just the patient’s life goals and values but also the B. It is sometimes appropriate, as even though bias may
consensus views of the patient’s family and friends, sadly, be introduced (11), the physician may learn about the
this is not always the case. All too often—particularly with new treatments that could potentially be helpful to
end-of-life decisions—disagreements may arise between patients.
family members and friends regarding the patient’s goals C. It is always appropriate, as this will help patients
and values. Such challenges highlight the value of early di- obtain the best medicine available by teaching phy-
agnosis of progressive dementing illnesses, which, in turn, sicians the most up-to-date pharmacotherapies.

56 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


Answers outweigh benefits. Similarly, although antipsychotic

medications may be necessary and effective as both prn
1.1. A, C, D, E, F, and G are all appropriate responses. It
and scheduled medications, they are best used in acute
would be inappropriate to discontinue the alprazolam
management of behaviors that jeopardize safety or limit
and modafinil (choice B) without further information.
necessary care, and attempts should be made to limit or
1.2. The most appropriate responses are A, B, and D. Choice discontinue medications once the crisis has resolved.
C is incorrect, because it may be inappropriate to make Therefore use of long-acting injectable antipsychotic
medication changes via phone or messages because the medications is rarely warranted.
patient may not be able to fully portray their symptoms
2.3. The best response is A. The central ethical tensions in
or side effects through these modalities. For the most
managing the behavioral and psychological symptoms
comprehensive care, it is best to see the patient in
of dementia are those arising among the principles of
person, or at least through telemedicine, to be able to
beneficence (improving patient quality of life, including
observe the patient’s grooming and hygiene, appear-
advancing goals of safety and security in one’s sur-
ance, behavior, and affect and to assess the patient’s
roundings), nonmaleficence (avoiding or minimizing
insight and judgment.
actions that might cause harm to the patient or others),
1.3. The best response is D. Autonomy (self-governance) and respect for the patient’s autonomy, including in in-
and beneficence (the responsibility to act in a way that stances such as this one, protecting patients with di-
provides the greatest benefit) best describe the ethical minished autonomy. Frank discussions with patients,
principles involved. The other responses contain at families, and others involved in the patient’s care about
least one principle that does not apply. this delicate, often difficult, ethical balancing act—in-
2.1. The best responses are B and E. Optimal management cluding the acknowledgment that there are inherent
of a patient with behavioral and psychological symp- risks and trade-offs in any decision—are best done as
toms of dementia (BPSD) has been described using the early as possible, while decisional capacity is still largely
acronym DICE. This entails a comprehensive de- maintained. Despite the best efforts of clinicians, these
scription of the behavioral changes associated with discussions often are necessary later in the course of
dementia; a careful investigation into the various fac- illness and, as this case illustrates, may be particularly
tors that may be triggering a patient’s behavioral de- challenging and complex at these later stages.
cline from their former baseline; creation of a treatment 3.1. The best response is E. Any of the responses listed may
plan initially involving primarily nonpharmacological be justifiable responses; there is no “correct” answer.
interventions but also potentially pharmacological This plays into the art of ethics itself, as one must
treatment when clinically indicated; and, finally, eval- weigh the risks and benefits of all possibilities for each
uation and modification of the treatment plan based on case while simultaneously holding several potentially
its effectiveness. As depression is a common—but not opposing solutions.
always easily identified—driver of behavioral issues in
3.2. The best response is B. Although there are long-
dementia, and SSRIs are generally a low-risk and ef-
standing concerns about the potential effect of financial
fective intervention in these cases (as found in the
interests on medical decision making (12), the physi-
CITAD Study), an early trial of citalopram for BPSD is
cian may also learn about new treatments and mecha-
often indicated.
nisms of action that could be very helpful to patients.
2.2. The best response is B. A comprehensive evaluation of
the behavioral changes and identification of potential AUTHOR AND ARTICLE INFORMATION
triggers is often best achieved during a psychiatric
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University,
hospitalization, particularly when the behavioral issues Stanford, California (Beck, Kim, Dunn). Send correspondence to Dr.
are unmanageable in the home environment or poten- Dunn (
tially jeopardize the patient’s or caregiver’s safety. Dr. Dunn receives royalties from American Psychiatric Association
Although Mrs. R declined the initial treatment rec- Publishing. The other authors report no financial relationships with
ommendations of providers, she did not demonstrate commercial interests.
decisional incapacity in this decision and otherwise Focus 2021; 19:53–58; doi: 10.1176/appi.focus.20200043
was meeting the basic needs of the patient and taking
steps to ensure his safety; consequently, an Adult Pro- REFERENCES
tective Services report for neglect is unwarranted. Al- 1. Gutheil TG: Reflections on ethical issues in psychopharmacology:
though prn use of benzodiazepines may be necessary at an American perspective. Int J Law Psychiatry 2012; 35:387–391
times for emergent management of behaviors that 2. Roberts LW, Jain S: Ethical issues in psychopharmacology. Psy-
chiatr Times 2011; 28(5).
threaten the safety of the patient or care providers, ethical-issues-psychopharmacology Accessed Sept 25, 2020
they are best used in a structured, supervised setting, 3. Dell ML, Vaughan BS, Kratochvil CJ: Ethics and the prescription
as the risks associated with these medications may pad. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am 2008; 17:93–111, ix

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 57


4. Porsteinsson AP, Drye LT, Pollock BG, et al: Effect of citalopram 8. Brodaty H, Arasaratnam C: Meta-analysis of nonpharmacological in-
on agitation in Alzheimer disease: the CitAD randomized clinical terventions for neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia. Am J Psy-
trial. JAMA 2014; 311:682–691 chiatry 2012; 169:946–953
5. Jibson MD: Second-generation antipsychotic medications: pharma- 9. Livingston G, Kelly L, Lewis-Holmes E, et al: Non-pharmacological
cology, administration, and side effects. UpToDate. https://www. interventions for agitation in dementia: systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Br J Psychiatry 2014; 205:436–442
macology-administration-and-comparative-side-effects?search= 10. Schneider LS, Dagerman KS, Insel P: Risk of death with
second-generation-antipsychotic-medicationspharmacology-admin- atypical antipsychotic drug treatment for dementia: meta-
istration-and-side-effects&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1; analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials. JAMA 2005;
150&usage_type=default&display_rank=1. Accessed Sept 30, 2020 294:1934–1943
6. Zhao QF, Tan L, Wang HF, et al: The prevalence of neuropsychi- 11. Wazana A: Physicians and the pharmaceutical industry: is a gift
atric symptoms in Alzheimer’s disease: systematic review and ever just a gift? JAMA 2000; 283:373–380
meta-analysis. J Affect Disord 2016; 190:264–271 12. Baker CB, Johnsrud MT, Crismon ML, et al: Quantitative analysis of
7. Kales HC, Gitlin LN, Lyketsos CG: Assessment and management of be- sponsorship bias in economic studies of antidepressants. Br J Psy-
havioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. BMJ 2015; 350:h369 chiatry 2003; 183:498–506

58 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


COVID-19 and the Doctor-Patient Relationship

David C. Fipps, D.O., and Elisabet Rainey, M.D.

During a pandemic, physicians can become so inundated Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, with an emphasis on utilizing skills
with combating the disease that they may forget the to enhance the doctor-patient relationship even in this
individual patient’s experience. In this perspective, the time of crisis.
authors describe a case of COVID-19 from the point of
view of the grief stages (or categories) described by Focus 2021; 19:59–60; doi: 10.1176/appi.focus.20200033

We present a commentary stemming from the care and in- the symptom severity, avoiding or delaying care, or having little
terview of a 29-year-old African American male—Mr. V—who to no emotional reaction to symptoms (2). If denial becomes
contracted coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) during the problematic, physicians should ensure respectful and direct
crux of a pandemic, a time of isolation and fear. During such a communication about the illness, prognosis, and treatment
crisis, we medical professionals often direct our attention while reassuring patients that they will not be abandoned.
toward society as a whole in an attempt to slow the rate of
spread and determine appropriate interventions. Although
these needs are essential, this focus can often distract us from
the personal experience of the individual patient. To this end, Mr. V recalled that, as his symptoms progressed to severe
instead of following the minute pathophysiologic details of fatigue and exertional dyspnea, he became quite fearful and
Mr. V’s symptomatic progress, hospitalization, treatment and anxious. His fatigue caused fears of falling and being trapped
recovery, we focus on Mr. V’s personal response to his on the floor, and his anxiety progressively worsened over
COVID-19 experience. In this discussion, we intertwine a time as he sought care four times before receiving the ac-
commentary of empathy, compassion, and humanistic care to curate diagnosis and admission to the hospital. This delay in
reiterate the value of the vital role of the doctor-patient re- care acted as a stimulus for anger and brought about ques-
lationship during a crisis. We utilize a categorical sectioning tions such as, “Why me?” and “Why is this happening?”
method to distinguish different emotional responses based on A lethal pandemic can instill anxious thoughts even for
the grief stages described by Kübler-Ross (1). Identifying in- those without anxiety at baseline. It forces individuals to
formation has been changed to protect patient privacy. realize their vulnerabilities and potential mortality. In ad-
dition, contracting an illness can make one feel defective,
weak, less desirable, and further isolated. The highly encour-
aged social isolation can produce a sense of disconnection and
Originally, when Mr. V began developing fatigue, body aches, precipitate fears of abandonment. Blanket reassurance is typi-
and chills, he considered the possibility of a coronavirus in- cally ineffective and could be detrimental if the patient per-
fection but eventually concluded that his symptoms were sec- ceives it as patronizing or superficial. Empathy and reassurance
ondary to a detoxification diet. Considering the stigma that focuses on the individual’s specific fears can offer a more
surrounding contracting coronavirus, individuals may display humanistic method for relief.
denial by assuming that they would never get the virus or that Anger is a common response for people dealing with an
their symptoms are simply from allergies or the flu. This denial illness. Unfortunately, it may be one of the most difficult
may diminish upon receiving a positive diagnostic test. Un- responses to confront as physicians. Conveying empathy
fortunately, Mr. V’s positive diagnostic test did not result until with necessary boundary setting and tactful redirection are
after he was hospitalized for respiratory distress and pneumonia. often essential when dealing with the angry individual. Con-
Denial is not always pathologic; it can be adaptive or ceptualizing a patient’s anger as a natural occurrence and
maladaptive. Adaptive denial can protect the individual from attempting to diffuse and redirect the anger can help to rees-
being emotionally overwhelmed, whereas maladaptive denial tablish a collaborative relationship. Physicians should recog-
is counterproductive and can prevent or delay care. Denial is nize that anger may represent a patient’s desire for control in a
not always rejecting the diagnosis; it could include minimizing time where chaos and a lack of control are nearly ubiquitous.

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 59


DEPRESSION AND GUILT others, it can exacerbate anxiety and catastrophic thinking.
Some patients in this stage may even treat the doctor as an
After the anger, anxiety, and shock of his diagnosis subsided,
infallible being and hope that their compliance, nonquestioning
Mr. V experienced sadness when having to face his potential
attitude, and respectful demeanor will bring better, more suc-
mortality at a young age. Mr. V had no chronic medical conditions
cessful treatment. It is best for physicians in such situations to
other than morbid obesity (with a body mass index of 43), was
make clear that they will take care of the individual regardless
not prescribed medications other than to treat his COVID-19, and
of his or her actions. It is also valuable to bring back some
had no major diseases in his family. Therefore, facing his potential
semblance of control by allowing the patient to be an active
death was an unfamiliar and daunting concept. In addition, the
member of the decision-making process, if possible.
loss of independence and his ability to care for himself during
hospitalization amplified his depressive thoughts, and he began
internalizing his guilt and asking, “Am I responsible for this?” ACCEPTANCE
Depression, sadness, and a sense of loss are quite common
Eventually, Mr. V was able to accept the diagnosis and find
for individuals with medical illness. Sadness is not always
relief in knowing what underlying condition caused his
pathognomonic of major depressive disorder and may simply be
symptoms. This stage became more easily attainable for Mr.
a manifestation of adjustment to one’s illness. These symptoms
V, as his hospitalization progressed toward positive out-
could be a reaction to how the illness has affected the individ-
comes for his pneumonia and COVID-19 symptoms.
ual’s life or from anticipation of future impact. Recognizing the
Acceptance is a broad concept, with many different con-
parallels to the process of mourning can be of great benefit, as it
texts, and unfortunately, it is not always guaranteed. When
allows patients to normalize their sadness (3). In this context,
describing acceptance in the context of death, one becomes
someone who is mourning needs support, hope, and time to
more comfortable with the concept of their own mortality.
process. Providing false hope is not recommended; however,
When death is no longer in the near future—because of an
giving a realistic viewpoint (e.g., giving examples of similar
improving clinical picture, for instance—acceptance can often
presentations with positive outcomes) could be of great value.
emerge naturally. As physicians, we should hope for acceptance
As physicians, we can instill hope and understand that time to
but not always expect it. Clearly, acceptance comes on a case-
process is a vital component of addressing this stage of grief.
by-case basis and can be greatly influenced by social support,
Guilt is particularly pertinent to the present pandemic.
spirituality, mental health, prognosis, and so forth.
Considering the highly publicized necessity of social iso-
lation, self-quarantine, hygiene techniques, and so forth,
when one does contract coronavirus, one could internalize CONCLUSIONS
the blame. This often results in asking, “If I had done more, In conclusion, when mass fear and anxiety are common-
could this have been avoided?” and “Am I a danger to my place, such as during a pandemic, we as physicians can be-
family?” It is important for physicians to take a non- come so focused on combating the disease that we may forget
judgmental stance to avoid the counterproductive, critical, the individual patient’s experience. We must remember that
and disapproving responses. Such negative reactions are patients are individuals and not just the diagnoses that they
typically ineffective for motivating behavioral change. Even may receive. Remembering Mr. V’s experience can bring a
if the patient is clearly at fault (e.g., lack of social distancing), focused empathy when treating patients with COVID-19 and
taking a nonjudgmental viewpoint and approaching feelings enhance the doctor-patient relationship. This will go a long
of guilt with compassion can open up a trusting relationship way, both in direct patient care and the milieu of the health care
for discussions of future preventative behavioral changes. experience. As with most cases of hospitalization, COVID-19
survivors will likely reflect on this time and value the interac-
tions with their doctors far more than the specifics of the
treatment received.
As a religious man, Mr. V reached out in prayer and consid-
ered atonement that he could provide in exchange for a cure. AUTHOR AND ARTICLE INFORMATION
During this time, when he still had strength, he reached out to Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota (Fipps); Prima Health-Upstate, Uni-
social media for support, which, he later noted, provided versity of South Carolina, Greenville (Rainey). Send correspondence to
more than he could handle. In fact, he eventually asked Dr. Fipps (

friends to stop sending messages so that he could rest. No outside funding was obtained for the study.
Individuals with any illness can undergo feelings of help- The authors report no financial relationships with commercial interests.
lessness and a lack of control. Their attempts to minimize their
distress can include bargaining with a higher power (a spiritual REFERENCES
being, a physician, etc.) or reaching out for social support. So- 1. Kübler-Ross E: On Death and Dying. New York, Macmillan, 1969
2. Goldbeck R: Denial in physical illness. J Psychosom Res 1997; 43:
cial media has expanded the significance and impact of this 575–593
stage of grief since Kübler-Ross’s time. For some like Mr. V, 3. Fitzpatrick MC: The psychologic assessment and psychosocial recovery
social media brings about an encouraging social support; for of the patient with an amputation. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1999; 361:98–107

60 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


Integrating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Into an

Academic Department of Psychiatry and
Behavioral Sciences
Nadine J. Kaslow, Ph.D., Ann C. Schwartz, M.D., Dinah K. Ayna, Ph.D., Negar Fani, Ph.D., Betsy Gard, Ph.D.,
David R. Goldsmith, M.D., Joya Hampton-Anderson, Ph.D., Jennifer Holton, M.D., Erica D. Marshall-Lee, Ph.D.,
DeJuan White, M.D., Jordan E. Cattie, Ph.D.

This article highlights one department’s efforts to bolster challenges encountered in transforming a departmental
diversity, equity, and inclusion as an exemplar for other culture to one that is more diverse, equitable, and inclusive
academic departments. It offers an approach for building an and strategies for overcoming these challenges. Finally, it
infrastructure and leadership group and details accomplishments discusses next steps and recommendations for other
associated with strategic plan priorities related to visibility, academic departments.
values, stakeholder education, recruitment, retention,
promotion, and community engagement. It also delineates Focus 2021; 19:61–65; doi: 10.1176/appi.focus.20200024

In this 21st century, academic psychiatry departments must stakeholders, such as patients and community members.
prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Such trans- Spearheaded by the Vice Chair for Faculty Development
formation is in keeping with national calls to implement with the support and input of the chair and other senior
policies that foster diversity and ensure a culturally com- leaders of the psychiatry department, the DISC created a
petent workforce to provide optimal care for a diverse pa- mission, a goals statement including values, and a logo. Its
tient population (1). To empower other departments of mission statement reads: “The Department . . . welcomes,
psychiatry and behavioral sciences to bolster DEI, this arti- respects, and embraces differences in age, sex and gender,
cle describes the infrastructure and accomplishments from sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, in-
one such department, discusses DEI-related challenges and digenous background, culture, national origin, language,
strategies to overcome them, and reflects on next steps. religion, spiritual orientation, ability status, social class, ed-
Recommendations are proffered for building DEI programs ucation, veteran status, political persuasion, professional
that can be adapted to the broader ecological context in interests, and other cultural and professional dimensions.
which each department is embedded; our efforts occurred We celebrate intersectionalities among these cultural and
within a school of medicine and a university that valued DEI professional dimensions. The DISC endeavors to foster an
but did not place it central to their mission—a culturally rich equitable and inclusive culture in which all members of the
local community on the forefront of social justice in a region department feel respected, valued, and recognized for their
that did not prioritize these values consistently. unique and collective contributions.”
In keeping with the DISC’s strategic plan, several related
work groups were formed. One year after the DISC was
established, to enhance the experience of and to empower
In 2017, the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sci- diverse faculty, the Women’s Faculty Subcommittee (WFS)
ences at our university formed the Diversity and Inclusion and the Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Minority Faculty Sub-
Subcommittee (DISC), which includes faculty, trainees, and committee (RECM) were formed. These two cochaired
staff selected by the vice chairs who had previous DEI re- subcommittees outlined their own missions and goals. The
sponsibilities. The committee members represent diversity mission of the WFS is to “promote a culture that actively
related to professional degree, primary work site, age, gen- supports the successful professional and personal develop-
der, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, ment of all women faculty in our department through edu-
religion, sexual orientation, ability status, primary language, cation, advocacy, and mentoring.” The mission of the RECM
immigrant status, and family socioeconomic status. This is to “promote awareness of issues related to race, ethnicity,
committee may be expanded in the future to include other and culture among the faculty in our department, and

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 61


provide a source of safety and support, education and other emails following the perpetration of hate crimes. Con-
resources.” The following year, the Resident Diversity structed by a DISC subgroup, including someone associated
Committee, was created to advance diversity initiatives with the targeted group, these emails describe the incident,
within the residency program. honor the victims, offer strategies to mitigate the devastating
To bolster the departmental DEI portfolio and obtain impacts on communities, and convey the unacceptability of
the personnel to implement the strategic plan, the DEI in- the prejudice. These values also are evidenced in efforts to
frastructure was expanded. In 2019, two assistant Vice encourage department members to add personal gender
Chairs for Diversity and Inclusion were selected by senior pronouns to their e-mail signatures and departmental web-
leaders of the psychiatry department. They assumed lead- pages. Members of the department appreciate these dem-
ership roles vis-à-vis key components of the diversity stra- onstrations of allyship and hope for a more inclusive culture
tegic plan, and their responsibilities evolved based on their that gives all voices equitable power.
interests and expertise and departmental needs. The Vice A second way in which values have been conveyed is
Chair for Faculty Development’s scope was broadened; she by acknowledging and addressing microaggressions. After
became Vice Chair for Faculty Development, Diversity, Eq- microaggressions transpired at an event attended by de-
uity, and Inclusion and was allotted a small annual budget. partment members, the Diversity Leadership Council and
The vice chair, assistant vice chairs, and subcommittees’ subcommittees hosted a well-attended (.150) forum. Small
cochairs formed a Diversity Leadership Council to learn group discussions were cofacilitated, and individuals not
from one another and to collaborate to expand their impact. previously involved in DEI conversations participated.
Members of this council determine fiscal priorities for the Recommendations for culture change that came from the
diversity budget. forum are being incorporated into the department’s strategic
plan implementation efforts.
A third way in which our values have been conveyed
pertains to efforts to ally with, advocate for, and engage in
science-informed activities to improve the quality of life for
Prioritized Visibility members of the department, the patients served, and the
To ensure visibility, each subcommittee maintains an In- communities with whom we partner (2). The Diversity
ternet presence and advertises events in the monthly de- Leadership Council and other committee members have
partmental newsletter. The subcommittees jointly host an facilitated diversity dialogues for faculty, staff, and trainees
annual event in which faculty mingle and make recom- (e.g., psychiatry residents and fellows, psychology interns
mendations for culture transformation. The three subcom- and postdoctoral residents, basic science postdoctoral fel-
mittees (DISC, WFS, RECM) jointly created an annual lows) in response to recent racially related social injustices
award to recognize a faculty leader who exemplifies the in our nation and have trained others to engage in this
department’s DEI mission. The subcommittees cosponsor process.
departmental initiatives that bring together the arts and
sciences from throughout the university to model ways di- Educated Stakeholders
versity can be interwoven into academic activities; for ex- One powerful educational initiative we have implemented
ample, the RECM cofacilitated the conversation about is the diversity moment at each DISC meeting, in which
culture change by hosting an event on poetry and psychiatry members share a story about oppression, discrimination, or
that featured a Pulitzer Prize winning African American marginalization related to their social identities or evolving
poet. Activities such as these bolster external visibility. cultural humility (3). Subcommittee members have found
The subcommittees increasingly have been recognized learning through listening to personal experiences to be
for their efforts. Within the department, people have re- more poignant and effective than traditional educational
ported improved interactions, greater inclusion of diverse activities and more likely to increase trust and engagement.
faculty on committees, and appointment of diverse faculty A second educational initiative implemented has been the
to lead strategic initiatives. Within the broader community, securing of annual grand rounds spots to invite experts to
there are growing requests for Diversity Leadership Council speak and expand awareness and sensitivity about DEI.
members to engage in medical school and university efforts Speakers have given presentations on Muslim mental health,
(e.g., regarding unconscious bias). Such visibility reduces transgender behavioral health, and implicit bias in health
marginalization and increases the impact of faculty com- care and have provided consultation services to the sub-
mitted to diversity. committees for initiatives.
A third set of initiatives has involved the subcommittees’
Conveyed Values facilitation of panel discussions, workshops, journal clubs,
Crucial to the success of the DEI efforts is articulation of the and movie groups. These programs have centered on un-
values that guide action. One way in which the values of conscious bias, microaggressions, and microinterventions
accepting and celebrating difference have been conveyed is (4); transgender health care; and leadership competencies
through development and dissemination of departmental that attend to gender and privilege.

62 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


A fourth initiative has been to include information in the to gain support from and take action with others with similar
department newsletter about diversity-related topics. Indi- goals and values.
viduals identified with a particular sociodemographic group To address faculty promotion, RECM and WFS held joint
have provided background information and shared their meetings to review promotion guidelines and strategies
personal experiences about cultural observances (e.g., Yom for career enhancement. WFS has a standing agenda item
Kippur, Ramadan, Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday). Re- for sharing successes and offering professional advance-
cently, weekly updates have been shared about disparities ment opportunities to provide a forum for practicing self-
and COVID-19. promotion and securing support for career development.
Fifth, a diversity consultation service has been created to The three faculty subcommittees have a systematic nomi-
identify departmental consultants on topics including race, nation process for departmental, medical school, univer-
ethnicity, language, disability, religion, sexual orientation, sity, and community awards that has resulted in recognition
sexual identity, refugees and immigration, and implicit bias. of more women and minority faculty. To facilitate the
Consultants have provided cultural input related to patient promotion of diverse individuals, the DISC, RECM, and
care, education, or research. For example, a faculty member, WFS provide outlets for supported scholarship and leader-
whose patient identified as Muslim and transgender, re- ship. Faculty and trainees associated with the subcommit-
ceived consultation from a resident regarding empowering tees have coauthored publications on DEI (9). Subcommittee
the patient within their (preferred pronoun) family and re- participation has led to increased engagement in research;
ligious community. one RECM cochair has become involved in multisite re-
To foster faculty members’ professional development, search addressing microaggressions and professional iden-
department members have partnered with an academic tity formation of underrepresented groups in academic
psychiatry department in Ethiopia to implement a global medicine. Subcommittee leadership roles have led to lead-
virtual learning collaboration focused on innovative tech- ership opportunities in the medical school and in regional
nologies to enhance teaching (5). Topics have included organizations. For example, one WFS cochair created
learning management systems, innovative technology-based and chairs a women’s committee for the state psychiatric
presentations, technological innovations in psychotherapy society. Finally, senior faculty who represent one or
supervision, and social media to bolster learning. more forms of diversity now get together annually to cele-
To strengthen resident training, the curriculum was re- brate promotion and leadership accomplishments (e.g.,
vised to expand the diversity focus. Sessions were added on endowed chairs).
cultural formulation, interface between the cultural identi-
ties of the residents and their patients, religion and spiritu- Engaged in Community Activities
ality, and culturally informed interventions. DISC members have engaged with the community by pro-
viding education and service, primarily centered on the
Bolstered Recruitment, Retention, and Promotion refugee and asylum-seeking community (e.g., by volunteer-
To promote DEI in recruiting faculty and trainees, several ing at a local summer camp for refugee and immigrant youth
changes were made. To make training programs more in- and providing workshops on pertinent topics, such as ac-
viting, websites and training materials (e.g., for welcoming culturation); by participating in a summit on community
international trainees and highlighting pertinent resources) challenges and services needed by refugees and asylum
were updated. A DISC member now participates in all re- seekers; by partnering with community groups, other uni-
cruitment activities to detail the departmental commitment versity departments, and nonprofit community legal pro-
to DEI. viders to develop a consortium to meet the diverse needs
For retention purposes, the DISC and the Resident Di- of asylum seekers within the rubric of the “Physicians for
versity Committee developed a diversity contact list that is Human Rights” virtual training, mentoring, and supervi-
provided annually to all members of the department. This sion model; and by collaborating with local organizations
list features faculty, trainees, and staff who identify with to write grants supporting the provision of mental health
various social identities (6) so people can network with services.
others who share or are familiar with specific social identi- The DISC also hosted a program for the department and
ties and are able to connect them with community resources. community that centered on the reading by the authors, who
Representatives from DISC, RECM, and WFS attend ori- are current or former medical school faculty, of a children’s
entations for new faculty to highlight their presence on book on racial injustice (10). Following the reading, DISC
campus and role as resources. The WFS distributes a re- members specializing in child and/or adolescent psychiatry
source guide they created to address issues that may be or psychology interacted with the children and discussed
particularly relevant for women. Retention is prioritized via with the adults how to help their children recognize and
the subcommittees’ emphasis on providing safe places to cope with prejudice and inequity. In a third example of a
discuss DEI challenges and offer opportunities to collabo- community activity, subcommittee members lead seminars
rate for positive change. Because institutional culture and about DEI for trainees, nonprofit groups, and community
climate influence retention (7, 8), safe spaces enable people members.

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 63


CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED IN TRANSFORMING A inform future activities designed to support culture change
DEPARTMENTAL CULTURE (11, 12). Optimally, transparency about assessment findings
will stimulate discussion, garner buy-in from more stake-
Despite these accomplishments, several challenges have
holders, and motivate organizational change. More coura-
complicated efforts to achieve subcommittee missions and
geous conversations will be planned to facilitate and empower
infuse DEI values into departmental systems, practices, and
everyone to speak and hear the voices of all parties. Such
culture. Although our aim is to foster a culture of open di-
communication may include small group discussions, mech-
alogue, some individuals have been reluctant to speak; some
anisms for anonymous suggestions, and in-person DEI con-
fear that being vulnerable could be risky and result in ret-
sultations. Increased activities outside the workplace for
ribution, and others are concerned they might offend
faculty from underrepresented backgrounds could promote
esteemed colleagues or those in power. Others do not appear
collegiality and connection and reduce isolation and margin-
to be invested in such conversations, possibly because they
alization (13). Data could be used to advocate for resources
do not share or prioritize the DEI values enumerated above.
(money, staff ) to advance the DEI agenda. Supporting col-
These challenges limit the diversity of perspectives offered.
leagues’ engagement in DEI to mitigate against burnout and
Even among people committed to advancing DEI, chal-
optimize resilience will be a priority.
lenges emerge in the discourse which need to be navigated.
After 2 years of working to align values, the DISC struggled
to issue a statement about a hate crime that was perceived RECOMMENDATIONS FOR OTHER ACADEMIC
differently by individuals from diverse backgrounds. Instead DEPARTMENTS OF PSYCHIATRY
of glossing over the complexities or avoiding making a
DEI must be integrated within the department’s mission. An
statement, the subcommittee built respect and trust by ac-
infrastructure must be established to foster conversation and
knowledging the process, seeking commonalities, and issu-
strategic plan implementation. Leaders must be trained and
ing a statement about the struggle to reach consensus. As
encouraged to create a community in which all parties ac-
another example, although many DISC members support
knowledge their biases and commit to strengthening their
the use of preferred pronouns to promote inclusion (e.g.,
DEI competencies; action plans are implemented and eval-
“they and them”), this change was challenging for some
uated; and structures and systems that perpetuate bias and
members, because it departs from historical ways of com-
discrimination are altered.
municating in certain languages.
One problem encountered across settings pertains to the
fact that despite widespread departmental interest in DEI CONCLUSIONS
efforts, many people do not engage with the initiatives. For
It is our hope that sharing the initiatives undertaken within
efforts to advance, greater participation is needed by more
our academic department of psychiatry will allow others to
parties, including leaders. In addition, it is challenging to
build on this example. Promotion of DEI is an ongoing col-
identify the best actions to take to promote DEI. After the
laborative process to ensure that all department members
departmental forum that resulted in a list of potential ac-
feel welcome, included, heard, respected, and valued. Our
tions, prioritizing action steps has been complicated.
future efforts will assess the outcomes of our strategic plan
Data are needed to determine the department’s current
and the impact of our DEI efforts and will articulate dy-
state and to capture change. Data collection could allow for
namically evolving best practices.
examination of discrepancies between what people believe
they know about an aspect of cultural competence and their
actual knowledge regarding a specific aspect (e.g., trans
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory School of
and/or gender diversity) of cultural competence before and Medicine, Atlanta (Kaslow, Schwartz, Fani, Gard, Goldsmith, Hampton-
after a training session. However, data related to cultural Anderson, Holton, Marshall-Lee, White, Cattie); Department of Psychi-
competence often are hard to gather or access, and their atry, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon
reliability may be questionable. Finally, although we are (Ayna). Send correspondence to Dr. Kaslow (
grateful for the funding we have received for activities, the The first, second, and last authors assumed primary responsibility for
funds have been limited. The impact of the DEI efforts preparation of the article. The remaining authors are listed alphabetically
and contributed equally.
enumerated above would be greater if additional resources
The authors thank the department chair and members of the three di-
were available.
versity subcommittees for their engagement in diversity, equity, and
inclusion initiatives.
NEXT STEPS The authors report no financial relationships with commercial interests.

Future efforts will be dedicated to creating and embarking

on a strategic action plan that incorporates initiatives 1. Allbaugh LJ, Pickover AM, Farber EW, et al: Learning to be in-
designed to be transformative. DEI efforts will be assessed to terprofessional advocates in the public sector. Psychol Serv 2019;
determine their effectiveness, and stakeholder feedback will 17(1):62–68

64 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


2. Melton ML: Ally, activist, advocate: addressing role complexities 8. Carr PL, Raj A, Kaplan SE, et al: Gender differences in academic
for the multiculturally competent psychologist. Prof Psychol Res Pr medicine: retention, rank, and leadership comparisons from the
2018; 49:83–89 National Faculty Survey. Acad Med 2018; 93:1694–1699
3. Mosher DK, Hook J, Captari L, et al: Cultural humility: a therapeutic 9. Richman EE, Ku BS, Cole AG: Advocating for underrepresented
framework for engaging diverse clients. Pract Innov 2017; 2:221–233 applicants to psychiatry: perspectives on recruitment. Am J Psy-
4. Sue DW, Alsaidi S, Awad MN, et al: Disarming racial micro- chiatry Resid J 2019; 14:2–4
aggressions: microintervention strategies for targets, White allies, 10. Celano M, Collins M, Hazzard A: Something Happened in our
and bystanders. Am Psychol 2019; 74:128–142 Town: A Child’s Story About Racial Injustice. Washington, DC,
5. Kaslow NJ, Friis-Healy E, Hoke DM Jr, et al: Development of a Magination Press, 2018
global, interprofessional, learning community of practice. Acad 11. Nivet MA: A diversity 3.0 update: are we moving the needle
Psychiatry 2020; 44:597–601 enough? Acad Med 2015; 90:1591–1593
6. Hays PA: Addressing the complexities of culture and gender in 12. Smith DG: Building institutional capacity for diversity and in-
counseling. J Couns Dev 1996; 74:332–338 clusion in academic medicine. Acad Med 2012; 87:1511–1515
7. Kaplan SE, Gunn CM, Kulukulualani AK, et al: Challenges in 13. Pololi L, Cooper LA, Carr P: Race, disadvantage and faculty ex-
recruiting, retaining, and promoting racially and ethnically diverse periences in academic medicine. J Gen Intern Med 2010; 25:
faculty. J Natl Med Assoc 2018; 110:58–64 1363–1369

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 65


Never Say Never: Successful Clozapine Rechallenge

After Multiple Episodes of Neutropenia
Michael Shuman, Pharm.D., Lori Moss, M.D., Adam Dilich, Pharm.D.

Clozapine is a second-generation antipsychotic with a neutrophil counts. This particular strategy of filgrastim
superior efficacy for the management of treatment-resistant use was determined to be a weakness of the second trial. A
schizophrenia but underutilized because of potential side PubMed search identified recent literature that discussed
effects. A 59-year-old Caucasian male veteran was preemptive dosing of filgrastim to prevent neutropenia. Thus, a
transferred from the long-term care unit to the acute protocol was established to administer 300 mg filgrastim
psychiatry unit because of suicidality. He was noted as subcutaneously, three times weekly, concurrently with
having a long-standing history of psychosis with significant clozapine initiation. This plan was discussed on local and
referential and paranoid delusions. He had experienced national levels to achieve consensus before its initiation. Using
two previous trials of clozapine; although he had significant a revised, patient-specific protocol led to successful initiation
response in the past, both trials ended in neutropenia and of clozapine and the ability to maintain the regimen for over
an absolute neutrophil count ,500 cells per microliter, 24 months without interruption or any further suicidal ideation.
despite the second trial also including supplemental “as-
needed” doses of pegfilgrastim to manage decline in Focus 2021; 19:66–70; doi: 10.1176/appi.focus.20200029

Clozapine is a second-generation antipsychotic with supe- the long-term care unit to the acute psychiatry unit because of
rior efficacy for the management of treatment-resistant suicidality with plans to hang himself by his pajama bottoms.
schizophrenia and evidence for the improvement of psy- He was noted as also having a long-standing history of psy-
chotic symptoms associated with other conditions, such as chosis with significant referential and paranoid delusions
schizoaffective disorder or bipolar disorder (1, 2). Furthermore, regarding staff and other veterans who, he felt, wanted him to
it has a noted effect of decreasing suicidality (3). However, be kicked off the unit and were stealing his belongings. At the
potential side effects include myocarditis, metabolic syndrome, time, his psychotropic regimen included 15 mg olanzapine at
and neutropenia (absolute neutrophil count [ANC] ,1,500/mL) bedtime and 2.5 mg twice a day (BID) as needed, as well as
(4). Although agranulocytosis (ANC ,500/mL; now replaced 60 mg aripiprazole daily. The patient was also receiving 34 mg
with the term “severe neutropenia”) was noted in less than 1% pimavanserin daily as an adjunct for psychotic symptoms. He
of all clozapine recipients after up to 1.5 years of treatment, the was noted as having trialed numerous psychotropic agents in
annual rate of neutropenia has been found to be 2.7% and the past, with lack of sustained success, including aripipra-
highest within the first 18 weeks of therapy (5, 6). To address zole, carbamazepine, citalopram, divalproex, fluphenazine,
concerns of neutropenia, in September 2015, a Risk Evaluation haloperidol, lurasidone, minocycline, mirtazapine, nefazo-
and Mitigation Strategies program was established within the done, olanzapine, paroxetine, phenelzine, quetiapine, risper-
United States to ensure that a complete blood count (CBC) with idone, and trifluoperazine. He refused electroconvulsive
differential is obtained weekly for the first 6 months of therapy therapy, noting minimal response in the past. He and his
and then every 2 weeks for an additional 6 months; at that providers noted that, in previous years, his symptoms had
point, monitoring occurs monthly thereafter for the duration of been less pronounced on clozapine, although not completely
the clozapine regimen (7). absent and not requiring admission to the acute psychiatry
unit. Thus, clozapine was again considered after first factoring
in the results of previous trials and current suicidal ideation.
In October of 2017, a 59-year-old Caucasian male veteran
CLOZAPINE TRIAL 1 (2005–2014)
(post-Vietnam era) with a history of paranoid schizophrenia,
depressive disorder not otherwise specified (NOS), cognitive The veteran was previously maintained on clozapine suc-
disorder NOS, traumatic brain injury, anxiety, coronary artery cessfully for 9 years, reaching a maintenance dose of 250 mg
disease, and cerebrovascular accident was transferred from twice daily. However, upon routine monthly monitoring in

66 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


April 2014, his ANC was noted to have decreased from a authorized at a national level. Previous neutropenic episodes
baseline range of 2,200–3,200/mL to 1,600/mL with no were first reviewed to determine whether polypharmacy
ascertained source, including medication changes. Moni- was contributory. Valproic acid and omeprazole were both
toring of the CBC with differential increased to twice identified as potential factors (10–15).
weekly, pursuant to the monitoring recommendations at the With the aforementioned information, the case was pre-
time. Three days later, the ANC was noted to be 1,300/mL. sented to the VA’s National Clozapine Coordinating Center
Clozapine was discontinued, and twice weekly monitoring (NCCC) and approved using a special protocol. The CBC
of the CBC with differential was continued. After 8 days, was to be assessed thrice weekly for 1 month; if the ANC
including 2 consecutive days of ANC .2,000/mL, clozapine remained.1,000/mL, the plan was to decrease monitoring to
was restarted at 25 mg daily at bedtime, eventually reaching twice weekly for 1 month and then weekly thereafter. If the
the previous maintenance dose of 250 mg twice daily. During ANC were to decrease, the plan was to increase monitoring
that period, the veteran experienced occasional anxiety and frequency until again stable. Because of a history of neu-
persistent auditory hallucinations on a daily basis, both male tropenia likely exacerbated by drug-drug interactions, it was
and female. Voices were derogatory in content, but there requested that no new medications be administered to the
was no evidence of command hallucinations, visual hallu- veteran without first discussing this with both the psychia-
cinations, or suicidal ideation. Other medication changes trist and clinical pharmacist. This was emphasized by plac-
were made to address current symptoms, including the ad- ing a note in the veteran’s chart describing the presence of a
dition of divalproex for mood stabilization and seizure special protocol and restriction on new medications. Addi-
prophylaxis, clonazepam for anxiety, and mirtazapine for tionally, this document was scanned for patient records.
depressive symptoms. Six months later (in October 2014), If the ANC ,1,000/mL, the veteran was to be admitted to
the ANC decreased from 2,800/mL to 1,700/mL. Mirtazapine the acute medicine unit and continued on clozapine, re-
was discontinued. Further reduction in neutrophil count ceiving a 6-mg dose of pegfilgrastim. This threshold for the
persisted despite mirtazapine discontinuation, and cloza- use of pegfilgrastim was originally set at ,1,500/mL. How-
pine and divalproex were also discontinued 3 days later. The ever, it was lowered to minimize overall exposure to peg-
ANC continued to decrease, and omeprazole was also dis- filgrastim. This PEGylated formulation of filgrastim was
continued; haloperidol and olanzapine were trialed for chosen specifically because of its longer half-life and the
psychotic symptoms. Lithium was initiated, given data sug- hypothesis that this would allow for sustained protection
gesting positive impact on circulating neutrophil counts (8). against neutropenia (16). A meta-analysis of patients re-
However, the decline in ANC persisted, reaching 300/mL ceiving cyclic doses of pegfilgrastim or daily doses of fil-
1 week after clozapine was discontinued. Olanzapine and grastim for treatment of neutropenia found similar rates of
lithium were discontinued the next day. The veteran re- efficacy between the two agents (17). However, one study
ported feeling worried and anxious but, overall, stable. The within the meta-analysis found that pegfilgrastim was su-
hematology staff was consulted and advised to continue to perior in terms of febrile neutropenia rates. If the ANC were
hold clozapine. Haloperidol was replaced with tri- to fall below 500/mL, the plan was to stop clozapine and not
fluoperazine per patient preference and then titrated up- rechallenge.
ward to manage psychotic symptoms. Mirtazapine was This protocol was reviewed nationally and approved.
restarted for depressive symptoms, and pantoprazole was Clozapine was initiated at 25 mg daily on April 27th and
initiated for peptic ulcer disease. The ANC and white blood increased gradually, reaching a dose of 100 mg BID on May
cell count began to trend upward. However, the veteran then 15th. Other psychotropic medications at that time included
began to decompensate and was transferred from the long- 40 mg olanzapine daily, 300 mg lithium daily, 0.5 mg lor-
term care unit to the acute psychiatry unit because of azepam by mouth every 6 hours as needed, 25 mg hy-
worsening paranoia, auditory hallucinations, and thoughts droxyzine BID, 0.5 mg benztropine daily, and 100 mg
of self-harm. Within the next 6 months (October 2014–April trazodone at bedtime. On day 22 of clozapine administration,
2015), he required four separate acute admissions for similar the ANC began to decrease, reaching 900/mL on day 25. Per
symptoms, despite a regimen of lurasidone (replacing tri- protocol, 6 mg pegfilgrastim was administered that day;
fluoperazine), clonazepam, trazodone, olanzapine, lithium, however, the ANC continued to decrease below 500/mL on
and hydroxyzine. day 27. Clozapine was discontinued, and the ANC began to
increase thereafter.
In April 2015, it was determined that the veteran would
benefit from retrial of clozapine. Under the guidelines at that It was determined that a weakness of the initial protocol in
time, he was deemed “non-rechallengeable” (9). However, 2015 was the use of “as-needed” doses of pegfilgrastim. Re-
there was still evidence to support careful use of the medi- cent literature was noted to discuss preemptive dosing of
cation in extenuating circumstances (6). The Department filgrastim to prevent neutropenia, a strategy under consid-
of Veterans Affairs (VA) allows for a special protocol, eration for this veteran during the previous trial but not

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 67


FIGURE 1. Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) and filgrastim dose versus time

utilized (18). On the basis of further review of safety of and the previous clonazepam regimen was continued. The
dosing for as long as 48 months after clozapine initiation, veteran continued to report persecutory delusions, refer-
and a lack of studies explicitly utilizing pegfilgrastim, the ential delusions, and paranoia regarding his being trans-
team planned to administer 300 mg filgrastim subcutane- ferred off the unit. However, he remained able to complete
ously three times weekly, concurrently with clozapine ini- activities of daily living, participate in daily yoga, and draw
tiation. Doses were to be adjusted up or down to maintain an both for pleasure and to compete in art exhibitions at the
ANC between 2,000/mL and 8,000/mL. Should the ANC facility. Throughout clozapine treatment, he denied suici-
decrease below 1,000/mL, the veteran was to be admitted to dality, with no further acute hospitalizations required. On
the acute medicine unit, and the hematology team was to be day 23 of clozapine treatment, the ANC decreased to 900/
consulted for additional guidance. This plan was discussed mL, and the filgrastim dose was adjusted to maintain the
on both local and national levels to achieve consensus (a ANC within the desired range (Figure 1). The frequency of
specific protocol is available from the authors on request), filgrastim injections and ANC monitoring decreased over
and written informed consent was obtained from the patient time because of the ANC stabilization. Minor changes were
after the treatment protocol had been fully explained to him. made to the protocol, given concern for elevated ANC; as a
Given the concern for continuity of care should the need result, the protocol was modified so that the filgrastim dose
arise to transfer the veteran to a higher or lower level of care, decreased to 300 mg twice weekly and was held if the
a chart flag was entered within the electronic health record ANC .3,000/mL. Lithium was subsequently discontinued,
apprising all providers of the protocol, including the request with no negative impact on neutrophil count. The veteran
that no new medications be administered without first dis- has not needed any doses of filgrastim since day 240 of
cussing with both the psychiatrist and clinical pharmacist. clozapine treatment. Interestingly, the facility instituted a
The protocol itself was also entered into the electronic smoking ban that occurred after the patient had received
health record for review by any provider. approximately 22 months of clozapine treatment. As a result,
his clozapine level increased from 646 to 1,166 ng/mL before
the dose was adjusted to target a lower maintenance range.
Again, no episodes of neutropenia or seizures were noted.
In December 2017, clozapine was successfully initiated with
the aforementioned protocol. Pimavanserin and olanzapine
were eventually discontinued, and the clozapine dose was
titrated to the previous maintenance dose of 250 mg BID; Clozapine is a highly effective antipsychotic and one that is
lithium was added for additional neutrophil stabilization, underutilized within the VA setting (19). One factor that was

68 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


found to influence clozapine utilization was the absence or rechallenge, the strategies using “as-required” doses of fil-
presence of a multidisciplinary team to ensure safe and ef- grastim were the most successful. Utilizing a prophylactic
fective care. Through the involvement of a multidisciplinary strategy initially and then gradually adjusting or holding the
team, the veteran in this case was able to be safely initiated dose to maintain a prespecified ANC range, as was utilized in
on clozapine and maintained on a therapeutic dose, with no this case, may provide a more flexible approach that requires
ANC excursions below 500/mL, despite 2 years of continu- further exploration. We hope that this case illustrates the
ous treatment. However, this case may not be necessarily risks and benefits of various strategies of CSF use and may
applicable to all hospital settings. Although behavioral flags serve as a potential model for successful clozapine use in the
and those related to patient confidentiality are often used future, particularly in situations in which neutropenia is of
within the VA setting, this was the first medication-specific concern for patients and providers.
flag to be implemented at our facility. Such a process is time
sensitive and thus requires the support of a clozapine AUTHOR AND ARTICLE INFORMATION
treatment team. Pharmacy Department, Central State Hospital, Louisville, Kentucky
One other fact to note is that, in our case, the initiation of (Shuman); College of Medicine, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine
lithium did not produce any significant improvement in and Science, North Chicago (Moss); Pharmacy Department, Captain
neutrophil count, nor did the discontinuation of lithium James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center, North Chicago (Dilich).
Send correspondence to Dr. Shuman (
decrease the neutrophil count. Clozapine rechallenge has
Sections of this article were previously discussed as a therapeutic case
been shown to be less successful when patients are copre-
report presentation at the annual meeting of the College of Psychiatric
scribed both lithium and colony-stimulating factor (CSF), and Neurologic Pharmacists, April 7–10, 2019, Salt Lake City.
such as filgrastim (18). This is surprising, as there are multiple
The authors thank Nicholas Myles, M.B.B.S., for his expertise and assis-
reports of successful use of lithium to treat clozapine-induced tance regarding this case.
neutropenia, and given the concern for the precipitous drop in The authors report no financial relationships with commercial interests.
ANC upon its discontinuation (20). Our case demonstrates
that further research may be necessary to quantify the effect REFERENCES
of lithium on increasing ANC in clozapine recipients, partic- 1. Kane J, Honigfeld G, Singer J, et al: Clozapine for the treatment-
ularly those who are coprescribed CSF. resistant schizophrenic. A double-blind comparison with chlor-
Myles and colleagues, in a recent meta-analysis, have promazine. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1988; 45:789–796
provided additional data regarding rates of neutropenia as- 2. Zarate CA Jr, Tohen M, Baldessarini RJ: Clozapine in severe mood
disorders. J Clin Psychiatry 1995; 56:411–417
sociated with clozapine use. Assuming a neutropenia 3. Meltzer HY: Suicide in schizophrenia: risk factors and clozapine
threshold of 1,000/mL, they noted a 1.3% incidence over the treatment. J Clin Psychiatry 1998; 59(Suppl 3):15–20
course of the included studies (21). The rate decreased to 4. Meltzer HY: Clozapine: balancing safety with superior antipsy-
0.9% if neutropenia was more tightly defined as an ANC less chotic efficacy. Clin Schizophr Relat Psychoses 2012; 6:134–144
than 500/mL, and 89% of neutropenia cases occurred within 5. Clozapine and the Risk of Neutropenia: A Guide for Healthcare
Providers. Phoenix, Clozapine REMS Program, 2019. https://www.
the first year of treatment, with the peak incidence occurring
after 1 month. This is similar to the experience with the most REMS_A_Guide_for_Healthcare_Providers.pdf. Accessed Sept 4, 2020
recent clozapine titration (Figure 1). However, our case il- 6. Whiskey E, Taylor D: Restarting clozapine after neutropenia:
lustrates that there are still times at which neutropenia may evaluating the possibilities and practicalities. CNS Drugs 2007; 21:
occur even past this 1-year mark, given that the veteran was 25–35
7. Clozapine and the Risk of Neutropenia: A Guide for Healthcare
initially maintained on clozapine for many years before ex- Providers. Washington, DC, US Food and Drug Administration,
periencing significant neutropenia. These findings are sup- 2015. Available:
ported by a similar case, also reported from a VA facility, of a rems/clozapine_2015-09-15_A_Guide_for_Healthcare_Providers.pdf.
55-year-old man who developed neutropenia after 20 years Accessed July 21, 2020
of clozapine therapy. He, too, responded well to filgrastim 8. Focosi D, Azzarà A, Kast RE, et al: Lithium and hematology:
established and proposed uses. J Leukoc Biol 2009; 85:20–28
coadministration to maintain clozapine treatment (22). 9. Highlights of Prescribing Information [Clozaril; package insert].
Given that neutropenia may develop because of idio- East Hanover, NJ, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, 2020. https://www.
pathic reactions as well as drug-drug interactions, continued
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clozapine. The patient in our case is eligible for less frequent
neutropenia. Am J Psychiatry 2008; 165:1611
monitoring of ANC every 4 weeks. After discussion with the 11. Madeb R, Hirschmann S, Kurs R, et al: Combined clozapine and
NCCC, the treating providers determined that continuing to valproic acid treatment-induced agranulocytosis. Eur Psychiatry
monitor every 2 weeks would allow for more acute man- 2002; 17:238–239
agement of neutropenia should it occur again; at that point, 12. Pantelis C, Adesanya A: Increased risk of neutropaenia and
the current protocol would allow for the resumption of fil- agranulocytosis with sodium valproate used adjunctively with
clozapine. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2001; 35:544–545
grastim. Myles and colleagues (18) noted that, although 13. Imbarlina MJ, Sarkar S, Marwah S, et al: Leukopenia in clozapine
prophylactic administration of filgrastim was the most treated patients may be induced by other drugs: a case series. Eur
common approach to prevent neutropenia on clozapine Psychiatry 2004; 19:506–509

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14. Bhatt V, Saleem A: Review: drug-induced neutropenia--patho- and clinical recommendations. Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2017; 51:
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tential effect of polypharmacy on the hematologic profiles of clo- pine. Psychiatr Serv 2016; 67:1189–1196
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pain: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Curr Med demiology of clozapine-associated neutropenia. Acta Psychiatr
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tropenia on drug rechallenge: a systematic review of the literature a case report and discussion. Ment Health Clin 2018; 8:250–255

70 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


Perspectives in Psychopharmacology

This section contains a compilation of recent publications that have shaped the thinking in the field as well as classic works
that remain important to the subject reviewed in this issue. This bibliography has been compiled by experts in the field and
members of the editorial and advisory boards. Entries are listed chronologically by first author. Articles from the bibliography
that are reprinted in this issue are in bold type.

2020 Reiff CM, Richman EE, Nemeroff CB, et al: Psychedelics and
Anderson KN, Lind JN, Simeone RM, et al: Maternal use of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. Am J Psychiatry 2020;
specific antidepressant medications during early pregnancy 177:391–410
and the risk of selected birth defects. JAMA Psychiatry 2020; Solmi M, Fornaro M, Ostinelli EG, et al: Safety of 80 antidepres-
e202453 sants, antipsychotics, anti-attention-deficit/hyperactivity medi-
Cuijpers P, Noma H, Karyotaki E, et al: A network meta-analysis cations and mood stabilizers in children and adolescents with
of the effects of psychotherapies, pharmacotherapies and their psychiatric disorders: a large scale systematic meta-review of
combination in the treatment of adult depression. World Psy- 78 adverse effects. World Psychiatry 2020; 19:214–232
chiatry 2020; 19:92–107 Yoshida K, Müller DJ: Pharmacogenetics of antipsychotic drug
Fagiolini A, Alcalá JÁ, Aubel T, et al: Treating schizophrenia treatment: update and clinical implications. Mol Neuro-
with cariprazine: from clinical research to clinical practice. psychiatry 2020; 5(Suppl 1):1–26
Real world experiences and recommendations from an In-
ternational Panel. Ann Gen Psychiatry 2020; 19:55 2019
Faraone SV, Rostain AL, Montano CB, et al: Systematic review: Chang Z, Ghirardi L, Quinn PD, et al: Risks and benefits of
nonmedical use of prescription stimulants: risk factors, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder medication on be-
outcomes, and risk reduction strategies. J Am Acad Child havioral and neuropsychiatric outcomes: a qualitative review
Adolesc Psychiatry 2020; 59:100–112 of pharmacoepidemiology studies using linked prescription
Forester BP, Parikh SV, Weisenbach S, et al: Combinatorial databases. Biol Psychiatry 2019; 86:335–343
pharmacogenomic testing improves outcomes for older adults Corponi F, Fabbri C, Bitter I, et al: Novel antipsychotics
with depression. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2020; 28:933–945 specificity profile: a clinically oriented review of lurasidone,
Gerhard T, Stroup TS, Correll CU, et al: Mortality risk of brexpiprazole, cariprazine and lumateperone. Eur Neuro-
antipsychotic augmentation for adult depression. PLoS psychopharmacol 2019; 29:971–985
One 2020; 15:e0239206 Earley W, Burgess MV, Rekeda L, et al: Cariprazine treatment of
Jiang WL, Cai DB, Yin F, et al: Adjunctive metformin for bipolar depression: a randomized double-blind placebo-
antipsychotic-induced dyslipidemia: a meta-analysis of controlled phase 3 study. Am J Psychiatry 2019; 176:439–448
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials. Transl Factor SA, Burkhard PR, Caroff S, et al: Recent developments
Psychiatry 2020; 10:117 in drug-induced movement disorders: a mixed picture.
Kim N, McCarthy DE, Piper ME, et al: Comparative effects of Lancet Neurol 2019; 18:880–890
varenicline or combination nicotine replacement therapy Furukawa TA, Cipriani A, Cowen PJ, et al: Optimal dose of selective
versus patch monotherapy on candidate mediators of early serotonin reuptake inhibitors, venlafaxine, and mirtazapine in
abstinence in a smoking cessation attempt. Addiction (ahead major depression: a systematic review and dose-response meta-
of print, Sept 4, 2020). doi: 10.1111/add.15248 analysis. Lancet Psychiatry 2019; 6:601–609
Leone FT, Zhang Y, Evers-Casey S, et al: Initiating Pharma- Huhn M, Nikolakopoulou A, Schneider-Thoma J, et al: Com-
cologic Treatment in Tobacco-Dependent Adults: An Offi- parative efficacy and tolerability of 32 oral antipsychotics
cial American Thoracic Society Clinical Practice Guideline. for the acute treatment of adults with multi-episode
Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2020; 202:e5–e31 schizophrenia: a systematic review and network meta-
Rakofsky JJ, Talbot TB, Dunlop BW: A virtual standardized analysis. Lancet 2019; 394:939–951
patient-based assessment tool to evaluate psychiatric Kingsberg SA, Clayton AH, Portman D, et al: Bremelanotide for
residents’ psychopharmacology proficiency. Acad Psychiatry the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder: two
2020; 44:693–700 randomized phase 3 trials. Obstet Gynecol 2019; 134:899–908

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 71


Pardis P, Remington G, Panda R, et al: Clozapine and tardive Solmi M, Pigato G, Kane JM, et al: Treatment of tardive dys-
dyskinesia in patients with schizophrenia: a systematic re- kinesia with VMAT-2 inhibitors: a systematic review and
view. J Psychopharmacol 2019; 33:1187–1198 meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Drug Des
Vancampfort D, Firth J, Correll CU, et al: The impact of Devel Ther 2018; 12:1215–1238
pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions Walshaw PD, Gyulai L, Bauer M, et al: Adjunctive thyroid
to improve physical health outcomes in people with hormone treatment in rapid cycling bipolar disorder: a
schizophrenia: a meta-review of meta-analyses of random- double-blind placebo-controlled trial of levothyroxine (L-T4)
ized controlled trials. World Psychiatry 2019; 18:53–66 and triiodothyronine (T3). Bipolar Disord 2018; 20:594–603
Waxmonsky JG, Pelham WE III, Campa A, et al: A randomized
controlled trial of interventions for growth suppression in FURTHER READING
children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder treated
Carbon M, Hsieh CH, Kane JM, et al: Tardive dyskinesia
with central nervous system stimulants. J Am Acad Child
prevalence in the period of second-generation antipsychotic
Adolesc Psychiatry 2020; 59:1330–1341
use: a meta-analysis. J Clin Psychiatry 2017; 78:e264–e278
Wolraich ML, Hagan JF Jr, Allan C, et al: Clinical Practice
Fernandez HH, Factor SA, Hauser RA, et al: Randomized
Guideline for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of
controlled trial of deutetrabenazine for tardive dyskinesia:
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and
the ARM-TD study. Neurology 2017; 88:2003–2010
Adolescents. Pediatrics 2019; 144:e20192528
Hauser RA, Factor SA, Marder SR, et al: KINECT 3: a phase 3
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of valbenazine
2018 for tardive dyskinesia. Am J Psychiatry 2017; 174:476–484
Clayton AH, Goldstein I, Kim NN, et al: The International Kanes S, Colquhoun H, Gunduz-Bruce H, et al: Brexanolone
Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health process of (SAGE-547 injection) in post-partum depression: a random-
care for management of hypoactive sexual desire disorder ised controlled trial. Lancet 2017; 390:480–489
in women. Mayo Clin Proc 2018; 93:467–487 Liu B, Zhang Y, Fang H, et al: Efficacy and safety of long-term
Cortese S, Adamo N, Del Giovane C, et al: Comparative efficacy antidepressant treatment for bipolar disorders: a meta-
and tolerability of medications for attention-deficit hyper- analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Affect Disord
activity disorder in children, adolescents, and adults: a 2017; 223:41–48
systematic review and network meta-analysis. Lancet Psy- McGirr A, Vöhringer PA, Ghaemi SN, et al: Safety and effi-
chiatry 2018; 5:727–738 cacy of adjunctive second-generation antidepressant
Mentzel TQ, van der Snoek R, Lieverse R, et al: Clozapine therapy with a mood stabiliser or an atypical antipsy-
monotherapy as a treatment for antipsychotic-induced chotic in acute bipolar depression: a systematic review
tardive dyskinesia: a meta-analysis. J Clin Psychiatry 2018; and meta-analysis of ran-domised placebo-controlled tri-
79:17r11852 als. Lancet Psychiatry 2016; 3:1138–1146

72 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


Perspectives in Psychopharmacology

Given space limitations and varying reprint permission policies, not all of the influential publications the editors considered
reprinting in this issue could be included. This section contains abstracts from additional articles the editors deemed well
worth reviewing.

Adjunctive Metformin for Antipsychotic-Induced Novel Antipsychotics Specificity Profile: A

Dyslipidemia: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized, Clinically Oriented Review of Lurasidone,
Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trials Brexpiprazole, Cariprazine and Lumateperone
Jiang WL, Cai D.B., Yin F, et al. Corponi F, Fabbri C, Bitter I, et al.
Transl Psychiatry 2020 Apr 23; 10(1):117 Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2019; 29(9):971–985
Antipsychotic-induced dyslipidemia could increase the risk Second generation antipsychotics (SGAs) are effective op-
of cardiovascular diseases. This is a meta-analysis of ran- tions in the treatment of schizophrenia and mood disor-
domized double-blind placebo-controlled trials to examine ders, each with characteristic efficacy and safety features.
the efficacy and safety of adjunctive metformin for dyslipi- In order to optimize the balance between efficacy and side
demia induced by antipsychotics in schizophrenia. The effects, it is of upmost importance to match compound
standardized mean differences (SMDs) and risk ratios (RRs) specificity against patient clinical profile. As the number of
with their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated SGAs increased, this review can assist physicians in the
using the random-effects model with the RevMan 5.3 ver- prescription of three novel SGAs already on the market,
sion software. The primary outcome was the change of se- namely lurasidone, brexpiprazole, cariprazine, and luma-
rum lipid level. Twelve studies with 1215 schizophrenia teperone, which is in the approval phase for schizophrenia
patients (592 in metformin group and 623 in placebo group) treatment at the FDA. Besides schizophrenia, EMA and/or
were included and analyzed. Adjunctive metformin was FDA approved lurasidone for bipolar depression, brexpi-
significantly superior to placebo with regards to low density prazole as augmentation in major depressive disorder and
lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) [SMD: -0.37 (95%CI:-0.69, cariprazine for the acute treatment of manic or mixed ep-
-0.05), p50.02; I2 5 78%], total cholesterol [SMD: -0.47 isodes associated with bipolar I disorder. These new anti-
(95%CI:-0.66, -0.29), p,0.00001; I2 5 49%], triglyceride psychotics were developed with the aim of improving
[SMD: -0.33 (95%CI:-0.45, -0.20), p,0.00001; I2 5 0%], and efficacy on negative and depressive symptoms and reducing
high density lipoprotein cholesterol [SMD: 0.29 (95%CI: metabolic and cardiovascular side effects compared with
0.02, 0.57), p50.03; I2 5 69%]. The superiority of metformin prior SGAs, while keeping the risk of extrapyramidal
in improving LDL-C level disappeared in a sensitivity anal- symptoms low. They succeeded quite well in containing
ysis and 80% (8/10) of subgroup analyses. Metformin was these side effects, despite weight gain during acute treat-
significantly superior to placebo with regards to decrease in ment remains a possible concern for brexpiprazole, while
body weight, body mass index, glycated hemoglobin A1c, cariprazine and lurasidone show higher risk of akathisia
fasting insulin, and homeostasis model assessment-insulin compared with placebo and other SGAs such as olanzapine.
resistance (p50.002–0.01), but not regarding changes in The available studies support the expected benefits on
waist circumference, waist-to-hip rate, leptin, fasting glu- negative symptoms, cognitive dysfunction and depressive
cose, and blood pressure (p50.07–0.33). The rates of dis- symptoms, while the overall effect on acute psychotic
continuation due to any reason [RR: 0.97 (95%CI: 0.66, 1.43), symptoms may be similar to other SGAs such as quetiapine,
p50.89; I2 5 0%] was similar between the two groups. aripiprazole and ziprasidone. The discussed new antipsy-
Adjunctive metformin could be useful to improve total chotics represent useful therapeutic options but their ef-
cholesterol and triglyceride levels, but it was not effective in ficacy and side effect profiles should be considered to
improving LDL-C level in schizophrenia. personalize prescription.
Copyright © 2020 Springer Nature Copyright © 2019 Elsevier and ECNP. All rights reserved.

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 73


Recent Developments in Drug-Induced Movement the Cochrane risk of bias tool and confidence of estimates with
Disorders: A Mixed Picture the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development,
and Evaluation approach for network meta-analyses. This study
Factor SA, Burkhard PR, Caroff S, et al.
is registered with PROSPERO, number CRD42014008976.
Lancet Neurol 2019; 18(9):880–890 FINDINGS: 133 double-blind randomized controlled trials
A large and ever-growing number of medications can induce (81 in children and adolescents, 51 in adults, and one in both)
various movement disorders. Drug-induced movement disor- were included. The analysis of efficacy closest to 12 weeks was
ders are disabling but are often under-recognized and in- based on 10 068 children and adolescents and 8131 adults; the
appropriately managed. In particular, second generation analysis of tolerability was based on 11 018 children and ado-
antipsychotics, like first generation agents, are associated lescents and 5362 adults. The confidence of estimates varied
with potentially debilitating side-effects, most notably tardive from high or moderate (for some comparisons) to low or very
syndromes and parkinsonism, as well as potentially fatal acute low (for most indirect comparisons). For ADHD core symp-
syndromes. Appropriate, evidence-based management is essen- toms rated by clinicians in children and adolescents closest to
tial as these drugs are being prescribed to a growing population 12 weeks, all included drugs were superior to placebo (e.g.
vulnerable to these side-effects, including children and elderly SMD -1·02, 95% CI -1·19 to -0·85 for amphetamines, -0·78,
people. Prevention of the development of drug-induced move- -0·93 to -0·62 for methylphenidate, -0·56, -0·66 to -0·45 for
ment disorders is an important consideration when prescribing atomoxetine). By contrast, for available comparisons based on
medications that can induce movement disorders. Recent de- teachers’ ratings, only methylphenidate (SMD -0·82, 95% CI
velopments in diagnosis, such as the use of dopamine transporter -1·16 to -0·48) and modafinil (20·76, -1·15 to -0·37) were more
imaging for drug-induced parkinsonism, and treatment, with the efficacious than placebo. In adults (clinicians’ ratings), am-
approval of valbenazine and deutetrabenazine, the first drugs phetamines (SMD -0·79, 95% CI -0·99 to -0·58), methylphe-
indicated for tardive syndromes, have improved outcomes for nidate (20·49, -0·64 to -0·35), bupropion (20·46, -0·85 to
many patients with drug-induced movement disorders. Future -0·07), and atomoxetine (20·45, -0·58 to -0·32), but not
research should focus on development of safer antipsychotics modafinil (0·16, -0·28 to 0·59), were better than placebo. With
and specific therapies for the different tardive syndromes and respect to tolerability, amphetamines were inferior to placebo
the treatment of drug-induced parkinsonism. in both children and adolescents (odds ratio [OR] 2·30, 95% CI
Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. 1·36–3·89) and adults (3·26, 1·54–6·92); guanfacine was inferior
to placebo in children and adolescents only (2·64, 1·20–5·81);
and atomoxetine (2·33, 1·28–4·25), methylphenidate (2·39,
Comparative Efficacy and Tolerability of 1·40–4·08), and modafinil (4·01, 1·42–11·33) were less well
Medications for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity tolerated than placebo in adults only. In head-to-head com-
Disorder in Children, Adolescents, and Adults: A parisons, only differences in efficacy (clinicians’ ratings) were
Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis found, favoring amphetamines over modafinil, atomoxetine,
Cortese S, Adamo N, Del Giovane C, et al. and methylphenidate in both children and adolescents (SMDs
Lancet Psychiatry 2018; 5(9):727–738
-0·46 to -0·24) and adults (20·94 to -0·29). We did not find
sufficient data for the 26-week and 52-week timepoints.
BACKGROUND: The benefits and safety of medications for INTERPRETATION: Our findings represent the most
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) remain con- comprehensive available evidence base to inform patients, fam-
troversial, and guidelines are inconsistent on which medica- ilies, clinicians, guideline developers, and policymakers on the
tions are preferred across different age groups. We aimed to choice of ADHD medications across age groups. Taking into
estimate the comparative efficacy and tolerability of oral account both efficacy and safety, evidence from this meta-analysis
medications for ADHD in children, adolescents, and adults. supports methylphenidate in children and adolescents, and am-
METHODS: We did a literature search for published and phetamines in adults, as preferred first-choice medications for
unpublished double-blind randomized controlled trials com- the short-term treatment of ADHD. New research should be
paring amphetamines (including lisdexamfetamine), atom- funded urgently to assess long-term effects of these drugs.
oxetine, bupropion, clonidine, guanfacine, methylphenidate,
Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.
and modafinil with each other or placebo. We systematically
contacted study authors and drug manufacturers for additional
information. Primary outcomes were efficacy (change in se- Risks and Benefits of Attention-Deficit/
verity of ADHD core symptoms based on teachers’ and clini- Hyperactivity Disorder Medication on Behavioral
cians’ ratings) and tolerability (proportion of patients who and Neuropsychiatric Outcomes: A Qualitative
dropped out of studies because of side-effects) at timepoints Review of Pharmacoepidemiology Studies Using
closest to 12 weeks, 26 weeks, and 52 weeks. We estimated Linked Prescription Databases
summary odds ratios (ORs) and standardized mean differences
(SMDs) using pairwise and network meta-analysis with random Chang Z, Ghirardi L, Quinn PD, et al.
effects. We assessed the risk of bias of individual studies with Biol Psychiatry 2019; 86(5):335–343

74 Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medication antipsychotics. Valbenazine (NBI-98854) is a novel, highly

is one of the most commonly prescribed medication classes in selective vesicular monoamine transporter 2 inhibitor that
child and adolescent psychiatry, and its use is increasing rap- demonstrated favorable efficacy and tolerability in the
idly in adult psychiatry. However, major questions and con- treatment of tardive dyskinesia in phase 2 studies. This
cerns remain regarding the benefits and risks of ADHD phase 3 study further evaluated the efficacy, safety, and
medication, especially in real-world settings. We conducted a tolerability of valbenazine as a treatment for tardive
qualitative systematic review of studies that investigated the dyskinesia.
effects of ADHD medication on behavioral and neuropsychi- METHOD: This 6-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-
atric outcomes using linked prescription databases from the controlled trial included patients with schizophrenia,
last 10 years and identified 40 studies from Europe, North schizoaffective disorder, or a mood disorder who had
America, and Asia. Among them, 18 used within-individual moderate or severe tardive dyskinesia. Participants were
designs to account for confounding by indication. These randomly assigned in a 1:1:1 ratio to once-daily placebo,
studies suggested short-term beneficial effects of ADHD valbenazine at 40 mg/day, or valbenazine at 80 mg/day. The
medication on several behavioral or neuropsychiatric out- primary efficacy endpoint was change from baseline to week
comes (i.e. injuries, motor vehicle accidents, education, sub- 6 in the 80 mg/day group compared with the placebo group
stance use disorder), with estimates suggesting relative risk on the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS)
reduction of 9% to 58% for these outcomes. The within- dyskinesia score (items 1–7), as assessed by blinded central
individual studies found no evidence of increased risks for AIMS video raters. Safety assessments included adverse
suicidality and seizures. Replication studies are needed for event monitoring, laboratory tests, ECG, and psychiatric
several other important outcomes (i.e. criminality, depression, measures.
mania, psychosis). The available evidence from pharmacoe- RESULTS: The intent-to-treat population included 225
pidemiology studies on long-term effects of ADHD medication participants, of whom 205 completed the study. Approxi-
was less clear. We discuss time-varying confounding and other mately 65% of participants had schizophrenia or schizo-
limitations that should be considered when interpreting re- affective disorder, and 85.5% were receiving concomitant
sults from pharmacoepidemiology studies. Furthermore, antipsychotics. Least squares mean change from baseline to
we highlight several knowledge gaps to be addressed in week 6 in AIMS dyskinesia score was -3.2 for the 80 mg/
future research and implications for research on mech- day group, compared with -0.1 for the placebo group, a
anisms of outcomes of ADHD medications. significant difference. AIMS dyskinesia score was also re-
Copyright © 2019 Society of Biological Psychiatry duced in the 40 mg/day group (21.9 compared with -0.1).
The incidence of adverse events was consistent with pre-
vious studies.
KINECT 3: A Phase 3 Randomized, Double-Blind,
CONCLUSIONS: Once-daily valbenazine significantly im-
Placebo-Controlled Trial of Valbenazine for
proved tardive dyskinesia in participants with underlying
Tardive Dyskinesia
schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or mood disorder.
Hauser RA, Factor SA, Marder SR, et al. Valbenazine was generally well tolerated, and psychiatric
Am J Psychiatry 2017; 174(5):476–484 status remained stable. Longer trials are necessary to un-
OBJECTIVE: Tardive dyskinesia is a persistent movement derstand the long-term effects of valbenazine in patients
disorder induced by dopamine receptor blockers, including with tardive dyskinesia.

Focus Vol. 19, No. 1, Winter 2021 75

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