Jitender Story 19020320

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From last few years I have noticed that at the end of the harvesting season in my village many

people (From NGO runs deaf and dumb children schools, Gaushala, nandibail wala & on the name of
temple) come with their tempo (three, four-wheeler) to collect wheat, bajra & donation in rupees
with the demand of around minimum 25 Kg wheat and 100 Rs. They are not from our local area
most of them are from other states & districts. When I asked why you are collected from our area, I
can donate in my area as well. All are having their story with the photos and other receipts and you
will be receiving blessing from God (Tum 10 doge wo 1000 dega). So, I face this dilemma of donation
every year in every harvesting season and I contribute on the name of God as per my capacity.

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