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EEA 534: 

       Technology and Learning: Stage One - The Technology Plan to

Support School 
                        Improvement Initiatives (Analysis and Design)
Using a chosen presentation medium, students will prepare and share their plan for
technology to support student learning, teacher learning and school improvement
initiatives. In order to do this they will need to examine their current school or district’s
technology plan, and analyze how this technology plan currently supports student
learning and indirectly teacher learning. 
To gather data you will need to create a professional development online survey (check
our resource page for survey tools) that you will administer to your staff. Candidates will
analyze the data from the survey and will then design and develop a technology plan
that meets their school’s and of staff needs. In your report, state your recommendations
and rationale for “next steps” in the education plan and highlight a brief description of
the resources (human, financial, facilities, technological) required to address your
A draft of your plan will be shared with our group, and following feedback provided by
your peers, you will then formally develop and share your report on the final day of class
(Note: This final presentation will also be when you introduce your collaborative website
with tools that you have identified during Stage Two of this assignment - please see
guidelines for this assignment on the course website). 
When brainstorming and planning, students should take into consideration
the ADDIE  Model, the SAMR Model , provincial standards (Learning and
Technology Policy Framework ), and international perspectives (ex.International
Society for Technology Education: ISTE Standards ).  In the final presentation,
candidates are also expected to demonstrate how they utilized a variety of different
technology tools to help gather information, and to create and share the report.
Presentations should be 15 to 20 minutes in length. Note: Initial drafts/ideas for plans
will be shared formatively before the due-date and feedback will be provided by

Step 1: The Technology Plan

-locate the school or district Technology or School Improvement Plan

-Highlight technology use in the Division Plan, your School Improvement Plan

Step 2: The Survey

-Learn a  Survey Tool: Poll Everywhere , Poll Daddy , Survey

Monkey , Google Forms
-Create your Survey (Google Forms, Survey Monkey)
            - Example of Technology Survey questions    
            -  Example: Technology Integration Matrix
            - Technology Surveys Pre-created
            - Example of a 4 point Likert Scale /Likert Scale Video
-What survey questions need to be asked to verify this gap?
-Consider the following when making your survey:
            * Who is the audience and their characteristics?
            * Will your questions that you ask point to a possible Gap?
            * Are your questions too general?
            * Have I reviewed this with my administration prior to administering the survey?
            * When and Where will I administer the anonymous survey?
            * What type of survey tool will I use?  
            * What type of data do you want to get back? 
            * Did I give the opportunity for comments?  
-Examine School/Staff Survey Results/Analyze and Locate the Gap between what your
data states, and what your technology/school improvement plan has identified has

Step 3: ADDIE and SAMR

-Review ADDIE Flow chart  and SAMR     model , SAMR Model Video
-Review LTPF document / ISTE Document,   and summarize how this
information could be helpful . (Use tools to help synthesize this
information: , , https://ta  or http://www.ta  
-Analyze if the LTPF is being met in your school/division plan? What is being met well?
Is there a gap?

Step 4: Research and Resources

Additional Resources for Research: Supplementary LTPF Videos 

                        -   LTPF- Police Direction 1- Student Centered Learning
            - LTPF Policy Direction 2 - Research and Innovation
            - LTPF Policy Direction 3 - Professional Learning
            - LTPF Policy Direction Policy 4 - Leadership
            -   LTPF - Policy Direction 5: Access, Infrastructure and Digital
Learning Environments.
                        -   LTPF Student perspective video
-Technology Research: Course Outline : Scoopit    (4040), Google
Scholar , City U Library


Step 5: Create the visual plan

-The design phase deals with learning objectives, assessment instruments, exercises,
content, subject matter analysis, lesson planning and media selection. The design
phase should be systematic and specific. Systematic means a logical, orderly method of
identifying, developing and evaluating a set of planned strategies targeted for attaining
the project's goals. Specific means each element of the instructional design plan needs
to be executed with attention to details. To help you do this, in this phase, you will
create a flowchart to lay out the processes that you need to put forward to achieve your
goal, which should be to narrow the gap you have identified through the needs
-Search for examples of different flowcharts  (e.g. Lucid Chart , BubblUs , see
Course Symbaloo)
-The flowchart will start with the instructional design strategy that you chose-> select
appropriate delivery method-> determining training structure and duration-> establishing
an evaluation method.
-Create an order of how you are going to accomplish your task, taking into consideration
a variety of factors that may inhibit your progress.  Build in alternate paths in case your
first implementation is not successful.  How will you go back to get everyone on board? 
-Design your flowchart and be prepared to share with your class colleagues who will
provide feedback.
-The last three stages of the ADDIE model will be demonstrated in the assignment
called Technology and Learning: Stage Two - The Collaborative Technology Website
(see guidelines on course website)

Due-date:  ____________________________

Evaluation:  Stage one of the “Technology and Learning” assignment is worth 30% of

your final grade, and will be based on the following criteria: see attached rubric
/20 - Analysis/Needs assessment
/10 - Designing the Plan/Use of Flowchart
/20 - Plan Development
/20 - Presentation of the Plan
/10 - References (e.g. Learning and Technology Policy Framework, ISTE Standards,
/10 - Use of Technology
/10 - Recommendations and Rationale
=        /100

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