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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio Del Poder Popular Para La Educación


Glosario de términos
Ingeniero: Iliana Rondón Estudiante: Génesis Campos

CI: 28.260.700 sección: 1

III Semestre
A Anesthesiology: It is the branch of medicine dedicated to the relief of pain and the total
care of the patient before, during and after a surgical act

Analgesia : abolition of pain sensitivity without loss of the

remaining modes of sensitivity.

Anesthesia: abolition of sensitivity. Often this term is

used to indicate the loss of painful sensation due to the administration of
anesthetic drugs carried out for the execution of painful diagnostic or surgical

Anesthetic : agent or substance that produces anesthesia

Local anesthetic: drug that temporarily blocks nerve conduction at any level, when
applied locally to nervous tissue without modifying its anatomical structure. The most widely used are lidocaine and
Epicranial aponeurosis : fibrous sheet that surrounds the skull and into which
the three portions of the epicranial muscle are inserted

Pathological anatomy; It is the branch of medicine that deals with the study, through
morphological techniques, of the causes, development and consequences of diseases.


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