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The Diet & Lifestyle Choices Interview

1. The interview was a whole new experience to me and it was awesome and fun. I didn't regret the

choice I took. Week 4

2. The main purpose of video interviews is to bridge the gap between an initial paper resume to the

in-person interview. Thus, this new wave of interviewing should be seen as an enhancement to the

screening process rather than a replacement to the traditional interview.

The Distance Gap

There are multiple ways video interviews bridge the gap between an initial paper resume and the

in-person interview. For one, video interviews enable a company to screen candidates anywhere in

the world without the need for travel. Does that mean companies won’t continue to fly people in town

for an in-person interview? No, but it does mean that companies will be able to make smarter

decisions on who they fly in. Not to mention the benefits for the candidates abroad who may not be

able to make it in town such as overseas students.

The Insight Gap

How do you evaluate candidates and decide who to advance further along in the hiring process? If

you haven’t explored online interviewing, then I’m assuming you’re still conducting those

time-consuming phone screens- a topic. While I did say that video interviews aren’t meant to replace

the in-person interview, one-way video interviews are a time-saving alternative to the traditional

phone screens. PLUS, you gain way more insight on candidates. On video, you see personality,

energy, charisma, professionalism and most importantly, body language.

The Tie-Breaker Gap

In the previous two scenarios, video interviewing helps shrink the gap. In the scenario I like to call

the Tie-Breaker Gap, video interviewing widens it. In today’s ultra-competitive job market, recruiters’

inboxes are flooded with similar looking cover letters and resumes from candidates with almost

identical qualifications. How do you judge one candidate versus another? One answer could be a

phone screen, but we just discussed how inefficient that can be. The other option is to use video in
the hiring process. For example, create a set template of questions for a one-way video interview.

Send the template of questions to candidates who are similar on paper and let the tie-breaker begin.

Evaluate what’s not on paper and you’ll be able to better differentiate between candidates and widen

the gap between candidate A’s qualifications and candidate B’s.

After examining how video interviewing bridges (or widens in the case of the tie-breaker) multiple

gaps in the hiring process, one should be able to see how it can be integrated as a key piece of the

screening process leading up to a traditional interview. An in-person interview is a big investment of

time. The preparation, the involvement of multiple individuals, the scheduling and more can make

one dread the traditional interview altogether. However, if smarter decision making is enabled by a

screening process leading up to the traditional interview, then that investment of time is well worth it

because it’s being spent on a quality candidate and hopefully your next superstar employee.

3. The interviewer was looking so matured and had a stable personality.

4. No, there weren't any instances in which the interview questions didn't make sense or seemed to

contain errors in wording or logic.

5. Overall, everything was well and good but the interview can take a little bit more time to assess

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