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Writing Grade 3

Laura Gahagan, Sarah DiFulgo, Marisela Montero, Kiley Roland, Mandy Xu

Criteria 4 = Exceptional 3 = Proficient 2 = Adequate 1 = Emerging Total

Physical Students include 3 Students include 2 Students include 1 Students do not include any
Self descriptors of their descriptors of their descriptor of their physical physical description of
physical self in their physical self in their self in their writing. They themselves. There is no
writing. They describe writing. They describe describe the trait they discussion of their traits.
the trait they possess. the trait they possess. possess.

Personality Students describe 3 Students describe 2 Students describe 1 Students does not describe
different personality different personality different personality trait. any personality traits.
traits. traits.

Interests Students describe 3 Students describe 2 Students describe 1 Students do not describe
different things that different things that they different thing that they any activities or hobbies that
they are interested in. are interested in. are interested in. they are interested in.

Length Students include 3 Students include 2 body Students include 1 body Students include no body
body paragraphs. Each paragraphs. Student is paragraph. Student is paragraph. Students are
paragraph dedicated to missing one of the missing two of the missing all three of the
each day/topic: paragraphs from the paragraphs from the paragraphs from the
Physical Self, day/topic: Physical Self, day/topic: Physical Self, day/topic: Physical Self,
Personality, Interests. Personality, Interests. Personality, Interests. Personality, Interests.

Writing Students complete the Students complete the Students complete the Students complete the
Conventions assignment with 3 or assignment with 4 to 6 assignment with 7 to 9 assignment with 10 or more
less grammatical grammatical errors. grammatical errors. grammatical errors.

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