What Does Religion Mean To You

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What does religion mean to you?


Religion is a group of believes that a person has throughout his/her life. On

the one hand, as a Spanish woman, I’m Catholic since most people in Spain
are Catholic. this religion gives 10 commands to people to help them always
act in the right way. On the other hand, my religion has helped me feel
protected and safe. Finally, my religion teaches me to be compassionate
with people so I like helping others.

Why is it important to celebrate special occasions with family and


It is very important to celebrate special occasions with family and friends

because people must be connected with other people. On the one hand, it is
better to have parties with a lot of people since you can have a lot of fun.
Besides, family and friends must stay together to share both good and bad
times. On the other hand, when you have a good new only your family and
friends are happy as you are.

When do you give presents in your culture? (30s)

In my culture we usually give presents in different occasions. On the one

hand, when a person celebrates his/her birthday. We also give presents in
December for Christmas or on January 6 th specially for children who think
that the Three Wise Men are the ones who bring the gifts. On the other
hand, we give presents to the couple when they get married, or the children
when they have their first communion.

Describe this picture (45s)

This is a picture of a desert full of sand as the ground looks golden. In the
foreground, I can see 4 people riding camels. The first one seems to be the
guide because he is the only one who wears a turban, like the Arabs. The
others look like tourists because one of them is wearing a cap and the
others are not wearing any kind of protection on their heads. The camels
walk slowly one after the other. In the background there is a sand dune that
looks like small hills and finally, I can see a blue sky.

What kind of people would go on a trip like this? (45s)

in my opinion, the people that would go on a trip like are the adventurous
people who like to live new experiences in their lives. On one hand, they
have to travel long distances under a blazing sun that burns the skin and
dehydrates you. On the other hand, many times there are sandstorms that
irritate your eyes and your facial skin. Finally, people feel exhausted and
many times during the trip they have hallucinations and after the trip they
feel fever and headache.

How do you feel when you see this picture? Would you like to go?

Why? Why not? (45s)

When I see this picture, first of all, I feel a huge peace because that place
looks desolate and quiet. Besides, seeing that golden and burning sand
makes me think of a natural work of art. However, I wouldn't go on such a
trip because I don't think it's worth experiencing so much suffering to enjoy
a trip. I prefer paradisiacal places, but

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