Test Form 7 (A Few / A Little) : Task1

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Test Form 7 ( a few / a little)

Task1 Write True or False. ( Text Life on Alfa) 15 points

1. F Alpha is the size of five skyscrapers.
2. F The astronauts use a radio to listen to news and music.
3. T Alpha has got scientific laboratories and 52 computers.
4. F More than eight astronauts can live on Alpha.
5. T There is no gravity in the space station.
6. F The astronauts usually sleep eight hours in comfortable beds.
7. T Astronauts wash using wet clothes.
8. T Astronauts try to keep fit and do exercises every day.
9. T They don`t eat salt and pepper because it is not useful.
10. T Computers says the astronauts what to eat every day.
11. F In the station astronauts wear special clothes.
12. T Sometimes astronauts go outside the station.
13. T Astronauts check the scientific experiments in the laboratories.
14. F Alpha uses wind power.
15. T The space shuttle brings food from Earth .

Task 2.Complete the description of an astronaut`s on Alpha with the verbs :

DO,GO, HAVE, MAKE in the correct form. 10 points

I always get up early. First, I 1.____do_____exercise for about half an

hour and 2._have______a bath. Then, I 3.__make__breakfast with the
crew. After breakfast, we 4.____do___the housework. My job is to
clean the crew`s shoes. I am a biologist. I 5.___have__jobs in the
laboratory. I usually 6.__have___ a small lunch. After lunch, I usually
7.____do____some work on the computers.
I sometimes 8.___go_____ on a space walk and 9_make__ repairs to
the station. In the evening, I 10._have_
Phone calls to my friends or family on Earth.

Task 3. 8 points Complete with some or any:

1. There isn`t _any__ snow in winter in Africa.

2. This book doesn`t contain _any ___useful information.
3. There are_some_ interesting TV programs on TV.
4. One hundred years ago there weren`t _any__computers.
5. Do you play _some__ racing games?
6. There are_some__ high buildings in Riga.
7. Are there _any__museums in Olaine?
8. Are there _any_ mountains in Latvia?

Task 4. 8 points. Put a few or a little:

Take your ready made pizza base and add 1. A little cheese. Slice 2 few mushrooms and
3. Few ham and sprinkle on top. Cut 4. A few small tomatoes in half and put them
between the mushrooms. Finally, add 5. A little more cheese and 6. A few olives and
cook pizza. Then enjoy your pizza with 7. A little salad . Why not invite 8. A few friends
to join you?

Task5. 6 points . Replace a lot of with much or many:

1. Do you get a lot of (__many__) tourists here in summer?

2. I don`t spend a lot of (___much__) time in my bedroom
3. There aren`t a lot of(_many_) people in our village.
4. Have you got a lot of(__much__) information about this country?
5. They never do a lot of(__much___) homework.
6. Did a lot of(___much____) people go to see your show?

Task 6. 11 points. Complete the questions using how many/ how much

1. How much money do you spend on your clothes?

2. How much time do you spend on doing your homework?
3. How many bottles of milk did you buy yesterday?
4. How many rooms are there in your house?
5. How much rain is there in Latvia?
6. How much books did you read last summer?
7. How many pollution is there in the world?
8. How much glasses of water did you drink?
9. How much fresh air is there in the room?
10. How much food did you buy?
11. How many dishes did you cook for your birthday party?

Task 7. 11 points. Write the correct answer doing 6.uzd. 32.lpp. STUDENT`s Book.
1. some
2. any
3. much
4. some
5. a few
6. how much
7. a few
8. a few
9. any
10. a little
11. a lot of
12. any

Task 8. Read the text about a computer game” Anno 2070”. Student`s book
32.lpp.2.uzd. And write the answers. FULL SENTENCES!!!!!!!!! 15 points.

1. What year does this game set in?

Anno 2070 is a video game set in year 2070

2. Are there any countries or continents?

There aren’t any cities or countries, but there are a lot of islands

3. Where are there many cities now?

They are under the water

4. What do the players have to do?

Players have to build new cities

5. How many groups of characters are there?

There are only 2 groups TYCOONS and Ecos

6. How many conflicts are there between two groups?

There are a few conflicts between 2 groups

7. How quickly do the TYCOONS build cities?

TYCOONS build houses very quickly

8. How much money do they earn?

They earn a lot of money

9. What does their lifestyle cause?

Their lifestyle causes a lot of pollution

10. Are there many trees or plants on their island?

There are not many trees and plants

11. What cities do the ECOS build?

The Ecos build “green” cities

12. Do they use any coal or oil?

They not using any coal and oil

13. Is there much pollution on the ECOS island?

There is not much pollution

14. What food do the inhabitants eat?

The inhabitants eat heathly food

15. What is the aim of this game?

The aim of this game is to create you’re own world. How much cities you can build?

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