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Ministry of Labor and

Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

Ministerial Decision

Minister of Labor and Social Development,

Based on the authorities duly granted.
Having reviewed Article (121) of Labor Law issued under the Royal
Decree No. (M/51) dated 23/ 08/ 1426 H, amended under the Royal
Decree No. (M/24) dated 12/ 05/ 1434 H, and the Royal Decree No.
(M/46) dated 05/ 06/ 1436 H;
decides as follows:
First: Regulations of the Occupational Health and Safety Department is
approved per the form attached (low, medium, and high levels).
Second: Medium level of Regulations is applied to all entities having
fifty full-time workers or over working in the following activities:
(construction and building processes, petroleum, natural gas,
electricity, water and gas services, health services, mines and quarries,
cement industry, petrochemical industries, coal, rubber, and ready-mix
concrete industry, stone, granite and brick industry. It also includes the
manufacture of plastics, bottled drinks, disposable products, metal and
chemical industries, and transport sector industries. Furthermore, it
addresses the general manufacture of consumer goods, food
industries, plastic, and fabric, building and carpentry materials and
equipment, household appliances and accessories together with dairy
products, jewelry, and mintage).
Third: Medium level of Regulations is applied to all entities having fifty
full-time workers or over working in activities other than those
indicated in above clause (2).
Fourth: The Entity that violates any of the Regulations' clauses shall be
subject to the penalties determined by the Labor Law and the relevant
Ministerial Decisions.
Fifth: The Ministry periodically reviews the effectiveness of the decision
and update it whenever necessary per the requirements of the labor
market and according to the development proposals.

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

Sixth: This decision enters into effect as of 17/ 10/ 1439 H corresponding
to 01/ 07/ 2018 G. It shall be published on the Ministry's official website
and gazette.
Seventh: The Vice Minister of Labor shall take the necessary procedures
for the decision implementation.

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

Occupational Health and Safety Regulations

Low Level of Regulations Requirements

The word "system" is used therein in the following context: group of

correlated processes executed under certain standards to achieve
certain objectives. The system is composed of some inputs by which
the required processes are executed to achieve the intended outputs.
These Regulations have been developed according to the global
practices, per the standards of the International Labor Organization and
in compliance with the need of Saudi Labor Market.
Entity: means any economic unit practicing commercial, industrial, or
service activity in order to make use of the available resources to
achieve the intended objectives. The Entity may be an institution,
company, or any other relevant body.
1. Occupational Health and Safety Policy
1.1 Occupational Health and Safety Policy
A) The Entity shall develop a policy for occupational health and safety
(OHS) and such policy shall be clearly written in the languages used by
the Entity's members. Arabic language shall be the main form of the
B) The policy shall protect the safety and health of the Entity's members
and visitors. Furthermore, it shall protect the bystanders who may be
affected by the workplace from any injuries, diseases and relevant
accidents. The following procedures shall be taken:
A. Anticipations and priorities in the field of OHS shall be clearly
developed in respect of all levels of the Entity.
B. Any details related to the practices of OHS shall be addressed,
including but not limited to the general processes, liabilities, and
roles as well as reporting work injuries, incidents and occupational
disease to the General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI)
together with any other requirements required.

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

C. This policy shall be limited to the Entity addressing all aspects of

OHS and paying a due regard to the nature of the Entity's business
or activities.
D. This policy shall comply with the relevant legislations applicable in
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as any other requirements
related to the Entity.
E. Chief Executive Officer or Director General of the Entity or the
division shall sign the policy in order to come into effect.
F. This policy shall be made available to the Entity members through
the appropriate means by storing it on the server, in form of hard
copies, etc.
G. The members of the Entity shall be informed of this policy as well as
any other amendments through the appropriate means, that is to
say e-mails, posters, presentations, publications, etc.
H. This policy shall be reviewed at least twice a year, if required.

Deputy Ministry for Inspection and Development of Work

Environment- General Department of Development of Work

Occupational Health and Safety Department

Final version- Rajab 1439 H

2.1 Worker Participation

It shall be applied to the medium and high levels.

2. Organization
2.1 Liability and Accountability
A) The Entity and its management shall be fully responsible for
providing safe and healthy workplace for all workers, visitors, and
bystanders who may be affected by the workplace.

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

B) The Entity is fully responsible for providing the adequate resources

to achieve the Entity objectives in the field of OHS (including but
not limited to the following):
a. Financial Resources
b. Human Resources
c. Techniques
d. Infrastructure and Equipment
e. Information Technology Systems
f. Expertise and Training
C) The Entity shall determine the role of all workers who shall perform
duties related to OHS together with their liabilities, accountability
and authorities to be granted. Furthermore, it shall develop the
necessary job titles, manuals, and procedures and inform the
concerned workers thereof.
D) The Entity shall appoint person(s) at the departmental level as
official(s) having authority over the followings:
a. Developing and implementing OHS regulations inside the Entity.
b. Regularly reviewing and evaluating OHS regulations.
c. Submitting periodic reports to the other departments on OHS
d. Enhancing the participation of all workers in OHS (for example,
regularly talking with the workers and considering their opinions
upon making OHS-related decisions).

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

E) The Entity, at all levels of the Entity and through the appropriate
communication means (e-mails, posters, presentations, etc.), shall
a. The importance of OHS to carry out a joint responsibility of all
b. The workers' obligation to protect their safety, health and
coworkers in the workplace or nearby.
c. The workers' obligation to cooperate with the employer and
coworkers as well as any person performing his duty under an
internal or external legislation in terms of OHS, following the
instructions and trainings, reporting dangerous conditions, and
appropriately and safely using tools, equipment, devices and
d. Person(s) with responsibility and authority to identify, evaluate,
and control the risks of OHS.

2.2 Competency and Training System

The Entity shall ensure that all workers are competent (i.e. adequately
qualified and appropriately trained having sufficient expertise) to
achieve safety and health requirements related to their duties and
responsibilities. To achieve that, the Entity shall take the following
A. Determining training needs
B. Conducting trainings according to the determined requirements:
a. Trainings shall be provided to the relevant workers whenever
required and without charge.
b. Trainings shall be conducted in an easy language and words.
c. Trainings shall be provided during working hours, if possible.
d. Trainings shall be conducted by competent persons.
C. Documenting trainings (training content and attending workers).

3.2 Documentation of Occupational Health and Safety Regulations

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

It shall be applied to the medium and high levels.

4.2 Communication System

It shall be applied to the medium and high levels.

3. Planning and Implementation

3.1 Initial Review of Occupational Health and Safety
A. The Entity shall conduct an initial assessment process to evaluate the
practices of the occupational safety and health and to document in
writing the procedures to be taken in relation to the assessment
B. In case no system is applicable in the occupational health and safety
department or if the Entity is newly developed, the Entity shall
conduct an initial assessment process to be used as a basis for
implementing the regulations of the occupational health and safety
C. The initial review shall be conducted by the Entity or a third party;
(for instance, external consultants). If the review is conducted by a
third party, the third party shall be an entity having experience in
evaluating occupational health and safety and such review shall be
approved by occupational health and safety professionals.
D. The initial review shall include the following:
a. Determining whether the Entity complies with the relevant
legislations applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as
any other requirements.
b. Determining and assessing health and safety risks resulting from
the working environment.
c. Determining whether the current controls are sufficient to
eliminate/ control the risks (that is, analyzing the data related to
workers health and safety).

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

E. After completing review process, the results shall be included in an

action plan based on the following:
a. Shortcoming prioritization
b. Schedule development
c. Determination and allocation of the necessary resources (Human
and financial resources)
d. Appointment of the person(s) in charge.
F. The results shall be documented together with the consequent
action plans and the workers shall be informed thereof.
G. The Entity shall ensure that the person(s) responsible for the initial
review are specialized and that they will not work with the division
only but with the other workers and representatives, as required.

3.2 Planning, Implementation, and Development of Safety Operations

It shall be applied to the medium and high levels.

3.3 OHS Objectives

It shall be applied to the medium and high levels.

3.4 Hazard Prevention and Control Measures

3. 4. 1 Preventive and Control Measures
A. The Entity is responsible for identifying and assessing the risks that
threat the safety and health of workers and implementing the
necessary preventive and control measures, as follows:
a. Introducing or redesigning the processes and procedures to
enable the control of specific risks and thus be safe for the
workforce, in the event that the source of the risk cannot be
b. Replacing the dangerous task, tool, machine, material, or
process with a less dangerous one, wherever possible.

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

c. Providing appropriate personal protective equipment for

workers to reduce risks.
B. The Entity undertakes to regularly review, monitor and update the
agreed measures to ensure that activities, operations, equipment or
materials, including new ones, are safe for workers to use.
C. The Entity ensures that the adopted measures comply with the
relevant legislation applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and
with any other conditions in which the Entity is involved.
D. The Entity shall inform all workers that they are expected to identify
and report risks threatening safety and health.

3. 4. 2 Change Department
It shall be applied to the high level.
3.4.3 Emergency Prevention
A. The Entity shall establish emergency prevention arrangements,
including documented procedures, which shall:
a. Determine the potentiality of (natural and industrial) accidents
and emergencies and take the necessary measures to prevent the
risks associated with these emergencies or reduce the effects of
disasters, when they arise.
b. Ensure that all workers are provided with the information
necessary to protect them in the event of an emergency on the
work site.
c. Provide appropriate training to all Entity workers, at all levels,
such as: regular training on emergencies prevention,
preparedness and response procedures.
d. Coordinate and provide information, when necessary, to the
relevant external emergency authorities and other entities, as
e. Prepare to response to emergencies, that is, getting first aid and
medical assistance, firefighting and evacuation of all people out
of the work site.

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

B. The Entity shall generate and document an emergency action plan

that includes the specific measures to be taken by the employers to
ensure the safety of workers in emergencies. The plan shall include
(but not be limited to) the following:
a. An appropriate way to report emergencies (for example, calling
a designated emergency number).
b. Evacuation policy and procedures.
c. Escape procedures in cases of emergencies and road lanes, such
as floor drawings, workplace maps, safe areas or asylum areas.
d. Names, addresses, departments and phone numbers of
individuals responsible in case of emergencies from inside and
outside the Entity to contact them in the event of an emergency.
e. Procedures for workers using fire extinguishers or implementing
other basic services that cannot be stopped with every
emergency alert before evacuation, as appropriate.
f. Rescue and medical tasks for the personnel assigned thereto.
g. Specific location and procedures for all workers after the
h. A safe place, whether inside or outside the site, to store material
records, such as originals or duplicates of accounting records
and legal documents and others.
i. A way to alert workers about how to evacuate or take other
measures, and how to report the emergencies.
C. The Entity shall check/test emergency equipment (such as: fire
extinguisher, alarm devices and systems) periodically providing
training on emergencies, and other emergencies procedures in place
in the following cases:
a. According to a timetable determined by the Entity.
b. During meetings on occupational health and safety.
c. Following organizational changes.

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

d. Following an event, it calls for the implementation of emergency

response procedures.
e. After making changes to legal and other requirements.

3. 4. 4 Procurement
It shall be applied to the high level.

3. 4. 5 Contracting
It shall be applied to the medium and high levels.

4. Assessment
4.1 Performance Control and Measurement
It shall be applied to the medium and high levels.

4.2 Investigation System

It shall be applied to the medium and high levels.

4.3 Auditing
It shall be applied to the high level.

4.4 Occupational Health and Safety Division review

It shall be applied to the medium and high levels.

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

5. Development
5.1 Preventive and Corrective Actions
It shall be applied to the high level.

5.2 Continuous Improvement

It shall be applied to the high level.

Regulations of Occupational Health and Safety Department

Medium Level of Regulations Requirements

The word "system" is used therein in the following context: group of

correlated processes executed under certain standards to achieve
certain objectives. The system is composed of some inputs by which
the required processes are executed to achieve the intended outputs.
This Regulations has been developed according to the global practices,
per the standards of the International Labor Organization and in
compliance with the need of Saudi Labor Market.
Entity: means any economic unit practicing commercial, industrial, or
service activity in order to make use of the available resources to
achieve the intended objectives. The Entity may be an institution,
company, or any other relevant body.
1. Occupational Health and Safety Policy
1.1 Occupational Health and Safety Policy
A. The Entity shall develop a policy for occupational health and safety
(OHS) and such policy shall be clearly written in the languages used
by the Entity's members. Arabic language shall be the main form of
the policy.
B. The policy shall protect the safety and health of the Entity's
members and visitors. Furthermore, it shall protect the bystanders
who may be affected by the workplace from any injuries, diseases
and relevant accidents. The following procedures shall be taken:

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

a. Anticipations and priorities in the field of OHS shall be clearly

developed in respect of all levels of the Entity.
b. Any details related to the practices of OHS shall be addressed,
including but not limited to the general processes, liabilities, and
roles as well as reporting work injuries, incidents and
occupational disease to the General Organization for Social
Insurance (GOSI) together with any other requirements required.
C. This policy shall be limited to the Entity addressing all aspects of
OHS and paying a due regard to the nature of the Entity's business
or activities.
D. This policy shall comply with the relevant legislations applicable in
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as any other requirements
related to the Entity.
E. Chief Executive Officer or Director General of the Entity or the
division shall sign the policy in order to come into effect.
F. This policy shall be made available to the Entity members through
the appropriate means by storing it on the server, in form of hard
copies, etc.
G. The members of the Entity shall be informed of this policy as well as
any other amendments through the appropriate means, that is to
say e-mails, posters, presentations, publications, etc.
H. This policy shall be reviewed at least twice a year, if required.

1.2 Worker Participation

A. The Entity shall encourage participation of the workers in the
decision-making process related to safety and health in the
workplace and consult them, if necessary, when making decisions or
bringing about a change related to OHS in the workplace or when
communicating information related to OHS, including:
a. Identifying and assessing risks in the workplace.

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

b. Taking decisions for measures to eliminate or control workplace

c. Drafting occupational health and safety guidelines, procedures,
policies, etc.
d. Determining tools, work equipment and personal protective
equipment before purchasing and/ or collecting feedbacks and
comments about them if they are already distributed/ used.
e. Conducting experiments (such as selection experiments for PPE)
f. Making changes to workplace/ factory.
g. Publicizing safety and health news in the company newsletter
B. The Entity shall establish a working group or a joint committee of
workers and the employer in the field of OHS (in which workers are
nominated to participate in the Occupational health and safety
Committee and in the presence of the division representatives) to
discuss issues related to OHS, review measures taken, investigate
accidents, etc. The committee shall meet on a regular basis,
according to the needs of the Entity.

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

C. The Entity shall encourage workers to proactively participate in any

suggestions/ ideas/ opinions they may have regarding safety and
health in the workplace. This can be done as follows:
a. Talking about the importance of works participation during
b. Using banners, emails or other communication channels, as
c. Setting incentives for workers of the Entity when reporting
incidents that may lead to injuries or property damage within
the Entity. (For more information, please refer to the
"Communication System," requirement of this document).
b. The Entity shall, where appropriate, ensure that the workers
consulted is informed of the results of the consultations in a
timely manner, using appropriate communication channels

2. Organization
2.1 Liability and Accountability
A. The Entity and its management shall be fully responsible for
providing safe and healthy workplace for all workers, visitors, and
bystanders who may be affected by the workplace.
B. The Entity is fully responsible for providing the adequate resources
to achieve the Entity objectives in the field of OHS (including but
not limited to the following):
a. Financial Resources
b. Human Resources
c. Techniques
d. Infrastructure and Equipment
e. Information Technology Systems
f. Expertise and Training
C. The Entity shall determine the role of all workers who shall perform
duties related to OHS together with their liabilities, accountability
and authorities to be granted. Furthermore, it shall develop the

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

necessary job titles, manuals, and procedures and inform the

concerned workers thereof.
D. The Entity shall appoint person(s) at the departmental level as
official(s) having authority over the followings:
a. Developing and implementing OHS regulations inside the Entity.
b. Regularly reviewing and evaluating OHS regulations.
c. Submitting periodic reports to the other departments on OHS
d. Enhancing the participation of all workers in OHS (for example,
regularly talking with the workers and considering their opinions
upon making OHS-related decisions).
E. The Entity, at all levels of the Entity and through the appropriate
communication means (e-mails, posters, presentations, etc.), shall
a. The importance of OHS to carry out a joint responsibility of all
b. The workers' obligation to protect their safety, health and
coworkers in the workplace or nearby.
c. The workers' obligation to cooperate with the employer and
coworkers as well as any person performing his duty under an
internal or external legislation in terms of OHS, following the
instructions and trainings, reporting dangerous conditions, and
appropriately and safely using tools, equipment, devices and
d. Person(s) with responsibility and authority to identify, evaluate,
and control the risks of OHS.

2.2 Competency and Training System

The Entity shall ensure that all workers are competent (i.e. adequately
qualified and appropriately trained having sufficient expertise) to
achieve safety and health requirements related to their duties and

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

responsibilities. To achieve that, the Entity shall take the following

A. Determining training needs
B. Conducting trainings according to the determined requirements:
1. Trainings shall be provided to the relevant workers whenever
required and without charge.
2. Trainings shall be conducted in an easy language and words.
3. Trainings shall be provided during working hours, if possible.
4. Trainings shall be conducted by competent persons.
C. Documenting trainings (training content and attending workers).

2.3 Documentation of the Regulations of the Occupational Health and

Safety Department
A. The Entity shall generate a modern system for documenting and
maintaining occupational health and safety procedures and
practices and recording and following up all matters related to OHS.
The occupational health and safety documentation system shall
include the following:
a. The occupational health and safety policy and the Entity's
occupational health and safety objectives.
b. List of key workers responsible for OHS within the Entity,
including a description of their roles and responsibilities and
contact information.
c. List of significant occupational health and safety risks arising out
of the Entity's activities and arrangements for the respective
prevention and control.
d. Procedures, guidelines or other internal documentation related
to OHS.
e. Records (lessons learned, local and international practices, case
studies, etc. ...), as appropriate.
B. The documentation system for the occupational health and safety
department regulations shall be:

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

a. Easy to select and follow.

b. In the most appropriate form for the Entity (for example, Excel,
Word, etc.)
c. Clearly written and presented in a way that can be easily
understood and, in the language, (s) most used by Entity
members (in addition to Arabic as the primary language).
d. Regularly reviewed and updated, as necessary.
e. Disposed of or non-disclosed having expired (not less than every
two years)
C. The Entity shall develop and maintain appropriate occupational
health and safety records, which can help identify potential harmful
consequences, address problems before degradation in nature, and
clarify compliance with legal obligations.
D. Records shall include:
a. Statement of injuries, ill health, diseases and work-related
b. Statement of workers' health, the risks to which they are
exposed, and an overview of the work environment.
c. Statement of risks associated with the Entity's specific activity as
well as measures to be taken to prevent/ control such risks.
d. Results of the audits and reviews related to occupational health
and safety risk reforms.
e. Work permits, licenses and related certificates, as appropriate.
f. Roles and responsibilities related to OHS.
g. Minutes of meetings of the Occupational Health and Safety
Committee (or any major meetings related to OHS).
h. Data of service providers and contractors, as appropriate.
i. Statement of performed training, which shows workers
attendance, notes, and comments on training (related to OHS).
j. All other statements arising from the Entity's implementation of
the occupational health and safety department regulations or

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

national and international legislation addressing occupational

health and safety, as appropriate.
E. Workers shall have the right to have access to occupational health
and safety records relevant to their work environment, and to
respect, where appropriate, the need for confidentiality.
2.4 Communication System
(A) The Entity shall ensure that appropriate channels are disseminated
and used to communicate in issues related to OHS at all levels and
disciplines where appropriate and required. such channels can be:

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

a. Mail/ e-mail communication:

1. Sending regular newsletters by mail or email to all workers,
which highlight workplace safety and health news, training
courses, information and updates.
2. Providing a suggestion email box (and/ or a physical box at the
workplace) for workers to share suggestions about working
safely and other matters.
b. Physical communication tools placed in a location that is easy to see
and read:
1. Safety signs (for example, to indicate a ban on dangerous work,
such as smoking in an area where flammable materials are stored
or used).
2. A bulletin board displaying the latest safe work policies,
procedures, news, paramedics contact information, emergency
instructions in case of fire, upcoming training courses, etc.
3. Posters containing OHS-related information (such as posters
explaining which personal protective equipment is appropriate).
c. Face-to-face communication:
1. Holding regular meetings to speak to workers about the work
they perform, and how to perform in the safest way.
2. Convening "short toolbox talks" in which specific topics of OHS
are discussed in relation to the task to be performed.
3. Holding individual (formal or informal) meetings with working
d. Internal network:
1. Creating a section (page) dedicated to OHS within the Entity's
intranet, and includes OHS updates, documents, calendars, links,
2. Creating an online discussion forum on OHS accessible to all

An unofficial English translation. This document shall be construed in Arabic and

English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
Ministry of Labor and
Social Development
Minister's Office /1
Issuance No: 161238
Date: 10/ 08/ 1439 H
Attachments: 3
Vision 2030

(B) The Entity shall ensure that the internal communication of OHS
information also deals with external contractors, service providers
and visitors.
(C) The Entity shall document OHS-related communications (such as:
newsletters, and decisions from key meetings) within the framework
of the Entity's occupational health and safety management
regulations documentation system.
(For more information, please refer to the requirement of
"documenting the occupational health and safety department
regulations" of this document)

3. Planning and Implementation

3.1 Initial Review of Occupational Health and Safety
A. The Entity shall conduct an initial assessment process to evaluate the
practices of the occupational safety and health and to document in
writing the procedures to be taken in relation to the assessment
B. In case no system is applicable in the occupational health and safety
department or if the Entity is newly developed, the Entity shall
conduct an initial assessment process to be used as a basis for
implementing the regulations of the occupational health and safety
C. The initial review shall be conducted by the Entity or a third party;
(for instance, external consultants). If the review is conducted by a
third party, the third party shall be an entity having experience in
evaluating occupational health and safety and such review shall be
approved by occupational health and safety professionals.
D. The initial review shall include the following:
a. Determining whether the Entity complies with the relevant
legislations applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as
any other requirements.

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b. Determining and assessing health and safety risks resulting from

the working environment.
c. Determining whether the current controls are sufficient to
eliminate/ control the risks (that is, analyzing the data related to
workers health and safety).
E. After completing review process, the results shall be included in an
action plan based on the following:
a. Shortcoming prioritization
b. Schedule development
c. Determination and allocation of the necessary resources (Human
and financial resources)
d. Appointment of the person(s) in charge.
F. The results shall be documented together with the consequent
action plans and the workers shall be informed thereof.
G. The Entity shall ensure that the person(s) responsible for the initial
review are specialized and that they will not work with the division
only but with the other workers and representatives, as required.

3.2 Planning, Implementation, and Development of Safety Operations

A) The Entity shall generate a planning process upon developing and
implementing the regulation of the occupational health and safety
department, provided that such planning process shall consider the
results of the initial review, the subsequent review processes or
other relevant data. The planning process shall include the
a. Written list with the occupational health and safety objectives
related to the Entity as well as prioritization mechanism.
(For more information, please refer to the requirement of
"occupational health and safety objectives) of this document).

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English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
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B) Concrete action plan revealing the mechanism of objective

achievement, including the following:
a. Concrete measures to be taken.
b. Persons in charge.
c. Objective achievement schedule
C) Key performance indicators for determining whether objectives are
achieved or not.
D) Provision of financial resources together with any additional support
necessary for achieving such objectives.

3.3 OHS Objectives

A. The Entity shall set occupational health and safety objectives in line
with the Entity's occupational health and safety policy and based on
initial and subsequent reviews. These objectives shall be as follows:
a. Specific (i.e. answering the questions "What needs to be done?"
"How will you know that it has been done?" And written in a
simple, easy-to-understand way)
b. Scalable (i.e., the answering the question "How will you know
whether it was achieved or not?")
c. Realistic and achievable (i.e., explaining what are the results that
can be realistically achieved, given the available resources)
d. Related (i.e., answering the questions "Should it be achieved?"
Moreover "What is the impact?")
e. Focusing on the continuous improvement of worker safety and
health and achieving the best OHS performance.
f. Time-bound (i.e., determining when results can be achieved)
B. The objectives shall focus on the continuous improvement of worker
safety and health and achieving the best OHS performance. To this
end, they shall be:
a. Proactive (for example, the number of training sessions to be
conducted, the number of conversations about the toolbox to

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be conducted, and the number of risk evaluations to be

b. Interactive (for example, target accident rates, fatal accidents,
and environmental accidents)
C. The Entity ensures that the selected objectives are consistent with
the relevant legislation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and with any
other requirements in which the Entity is involved.
D. The Entity ensures that all targets are appropriately documented.
(For more information, please refer to the requirement of
"Documenting the Occupational health and safety Department
Regulations" of this document)
E. The Entity communicates the specific objectives to the concerned
members of the Entity.
(For more information, please refer to the "Communication System
from this document)
F. Targets are to be periodically reviewed (for example: once a year)
and updated if necessary.

3.4 Hazard prevention and control measures

3.4.1 Preventive and supervisory measures
A) The Entity is responsible for identifying and Evaluating the risks to
the safety and health of workers and implementing the necessary
preventive and control measures, as follows:
a. Introducing or redesigning the processes and procedures to
enable the control of specific risks and thus be safe for the
workforce, in the event that the source of the risk cannot be
b. Replacing the dangerous task, tool, machine, material, or
process with a less dangerous one, wherever possible.
c. Providing appropriate personal protective equipment for
workers to reduce risks.

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B) The Entity undertakes to regularly review, monitor and update the

agreed measures to ensure that activities, operations, equipment or
materials, including new ones, are safe for workers to use.
C) The Entity ensures that the adopted measures comply with the
relevant legislation applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and
with any other conditions in which the Entity is involved.
D) The Entity shall inform all workers that they are expected to identify
and report risks threatening safety and health.

3. 4. 2 Change Department
It shall be applied to the high level.
3.4.3 Emergencies Prevention
A) The Entity shall establish emergency prevention arrangements,
including documented procedures, which shall:
a. Determine the potentiality of (natural and industrial) accidents
and emergencies and take the necessary measures to prevent
the risks associated with these emergencies or reduce the effects
of disasters, when they arise.
b. Ensure that all workers are provided with the information
necessary to protect them in the event of an emergency on the
work site.
c. Provide appropriate training to all Entity workers, at all levels,
such as: regular training on emergencies prevention,
preparedness and response procedures.
d. Coordinate and provide information, when necessary, to the
relevant external emergency authorities and other entities, as
e. Be prepared to handle emergencies, that is, getting first aid and
medical assistance, firefighting and evacuation of all people out
of the work site.

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English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
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B) The Entity shall generate and document an emergency action plan

that includes the specific measures to be taken by the employers to
ensure the safety of workers in emergencies. The plan shall include
(but not be limited to) the following:
a. An appropriate way to report emergencies (for example, calling
a designated emergency number).
b. Evacuation policy and procedures.
c. Escape procedures in cases of emergencies and road lanes, such
as floor drawings, workplace maps, safe areas or asylum areas.
d. Names, addresses, departments and phone numbers of
individuals responsible in case of emergencies from inside and
outside the Entity to contact them in the event of an emergency.
e. Procedures for workers using fire extinguishers or implementing
other basic services that cannot be stopped with every
emergency alert before evacuation, as appropriate.
f. Rescue and medical tasks for the personnel assigned thereto.
g. Specific location and procedures for all workers after the
h. A safe place, whether inside or outside the site, to store material
records, such as originals or duplicates of accounting records
and legal documents and others.
i. A way to alert workers about how to evacuate or take other
measures, and how to report the emergencies.
C) The Entity shall check/ test emergency equipment (such as: fire
extinguisher, alarm devices and systems) periodically providing
training on emergencies, and other emergencies procedures in place
in the following cases:
a. According to a timetable determined by the Entity.
b. During meetings on occupational health and safety.
c. Following organizational changes.

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English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
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d. Following an event, it calls for the implementation of emergency

response procedures.
e. After making changes to legal and other requirements.

3. 4. 4 Procurement
It shall be applied to the high level.

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English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
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3.4.5 Contracting
A. Assigning contractors to perform specific work tasks, the Entity shall
ensure that its safety and health requirements are applied to the
contractors, as well as workers.
B. The Entity shall take into account all types of contractors when
considering the safety and health of the workplace, including:
a. Long-term contract workers who provide daily support for a
long period (such as security and guard services).
b. Providers of regular services, who, however, may be on site for a
short term (to, for example, give short-term maintenance of
c. A construction worker who modifies the Entity or installs
equipment (such as plumbing repairs, restoration, etc.).
C. When considering awarding contracts to contractors, the Entity
undertakes to include OHS standards in the evaluation and selection
procedures for contractors (for example: inspecting the safety and
health of the Entity to ensure the contractor works as part of the
evaluation process).
D. The Entity shall communicate and coordinate with the contractor
before work commencement, including communication about risks
and measures to prevent and control them.
E. The Entity shall inform the contractor workers about OHS-related
risks and provide appropriate training before commencing work and
during performance, as appropriate.
(For more information, please refer to the competency and
training system requirement)
F. The Entity shall include arrangements for reporting injuries, ill
health, illnesses and work-related accidents between contractor
workers while performing Entity work.
G. The Entity shall regularly monitor the performance of the
contractor's activities related to OHS.

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English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
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(For more information, please refer to the requirement

"Monitoring and measuring performance" from this document).
H. The Entity shall ensure that the contractor is informed of all
procedures and arrangements related to OHS at the site and ensure
that the contractor follows the same.

4. Assessment
4.1 Performance monitoring and measurement
A. To determine the extent to which the occupational health and safety
policy and objectives are implemented and the risks controlled, the
Entity shall ensure that the occupational health and safety
performance is:
a. Monitored
b. Measured
c. Recorded
B. Performance shall be monitored, measured and recorded:
a. Proactively and on a regular basis (i.e., before the emergence of
any specific OHS situation, for example: twice a year).
b. Interactively (i.e., by responding to events that have already
appeared, such as: work injuries, accidents, etc.).
C. Proactive monitoring should include:
a. Monitoring the achievement of specific OHS plans, OHS
performance standards and their established objectives.
b. Inspecting occupational health and safety in buildings, factories,
equipment, work systems, etc.
c. Supervising the work environment (such as availability of health
facilities, canteens, etc.).
d. Supervising health of the workers.
e. Verifying that the Entity complies with relevant OHS legislation
in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and any other requirements
related to OHS in which the Entity is involved.

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English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
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f. Monitoring achievement of specific performance indicators/

KPIs and OHS objectives.
(For more information, please refer to clause C below)
D. Interactive monitoring shall identify, report and investigate the
a. Injuries, ill health, diseases and work-related accidents.
b. Rehabilitation of workers and the performance of health
restoration programs.
c. Possibility of other losses, such as property damage.
d. Any other improvements required in the risk identification,
prevention and control process.
E. The Entity shall develop performance indicators/ KPIs to measure
the OHS performance, which shall consist of:
a. Quantity (such as number of injuries).
b. Quality (such as worker evaluations of management's
commitment to achieving "best practices" in the field of OHS).
F. The Entity shall identify persons- at various levels of the
administrative structure- responsible for the OHS monitoring and
measurement process.
(For more information, please refer to the "responsibility and
accountability" requirement).
G. The Entity shall record all the results of monitoring and measuring
performance in the "Documentation of the Occupational health and
safety Department Regulations."

4.2 Investigation system

A. The Entity shall develop procedures to investigate the origin of
major accidents related to OHS (such as: injuries, ill health, diseases
and work-related deaths) and the underlying causes, and notify the
relevant authorities, as appropriate.

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B. All incidents shall be investigated as soon as possible; a full report

of the investigations shall be prepared at the end.
C. The investigation shall be conducted by a competent person/
person (such as: a consultant or an OHS professional), with the
participation of workers, as appropriate.
D. The results of these investigations and the immediate measures
taken shall be reported to:
a. Entity management
b. The committee or work team concerned with OHS, if any.
E. The Entity, as well as the internal investigations, shall take into
account the reports issued by the external investigation authorities,
and work on them in the same way as in the case of internal
F. The Entity ensures that any corrective action arising from these
investigations is carried out, to avoid repeated injuries, ill health,
illnesses, and work-related accidents (such as: regularly monitoring
of agreed procedures).
G. The full report of investigations is required to be documented into
the system (Documentation of the Occupational health and safety
Department Regulations, involving inspection date, inspection
results, specific violations, specific follow-up procedures, etc.), and
the relevant authorities informed where possible.
H. The Entity shall inform and notify the GOSI of work injuries related
to OHS, and the reasons thereof (such as: injuries, diseases, and
work-related deaths).

4.3 Auditing
It shall be applied to high level.
4.4 Review of Occupational Health and Safety Division
A. The Entity shall regularly review its safety and health department
regulations with senior management and other occupational health

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and safety regulations or requirements, in regular formal meetings,

a. Evaluate the Entity's comprehensive OHS strategy to determine
whether it meets the planned objectives and needs of the Entity,
workers and regulatory authorities.
b. Evaluate progress of these objectives.
c. Evaluate the results of large accident investigations.
d. Determine corrective actions that shall be taken and how to do
so in a timely manner.
e. Evaluate any need to make changes.
f. Identify OHS issues that need to be addressed as a priority.
g. Evaluate the effectiveness of OHS follow-up procedures from
previous reviews.
h. Provide notes, general comments and directions
B. The Entity shall record all results and decisions taken during the
management review meeting in writing. These records shall be
accessible through Documentation System of the Occupational
health and safety Department Regulations.
C. The Entity shall send all results and decisions via the appropriate
communication channels to:
a. Responsible persons, as they may take appropriate corrective
b. Workers, as appropriate.
c. The committee or team concerned with OHS, if any.
D. The management review of OHS shall be conducted at frequent
intervals (for example: per three months, six months, annum)
according to the specific needs and conditions of the Entity.

Occupational Health and Safety Department Regulations

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High level of Regulation Requirements

The word "system" is used therein in the following context: group of
correlated processes executed under certain standards to achieve
certain objectives. The system is composed of some inputs by which
the required processes are executed to achieve the intended outputs.
This Regulations has been developed according to the global practices,
per the standards of the International Labor Organization and in
compliance with the need of Saudi Labor Market.
Entity: means any economic unit practicing commercial, industrial, or
service activity in order to make use of the available resources to
achieve the intended objectives. The Entity may be an institution,
company, or any other relevant body.
1. Occupational Health and Safety Policy
1.1 Occupational Health and Safety Policy
A. The Entity shall develop a policy for occupational health and safety
(OHS) and such policy shall be clearly written in the languages used
by the Entity's members. Arabic language shall be the main form of
the policy.
B. The policy shall protect the safety and health of the Entity's
members and visitors. Furthermore, it shall protect the bystanders
who may be affected by the workplace from any injuries, diseases
and relevant accidents. The following procedures shall be taken:
a. Anticipations and priorities in the field of OHS shall be clearly
developed in respect of all levels of the Entity.
b. Any details related to the practices of OHS shall be addressed,
including but not limited to the general processes, liabilities, and
roles as well as reporting work injuries, incidents and
occupational disease to the General Organization for Social
Insurance (GOSI) together with any other requirements required.
C. This policy shall be limited to the Entity addressing all aspects of
OHS and paying a due regard to the nature of the Entity's business
or activities.

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English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
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D. This policy shall comply with the relevant legislations applicable in

the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as any other requirements
related to the Entity.
E. Chief Executive Officer or Director General of the Entity or the
division shall sign the policy in order to come into effect.
F. This policy shall be made available to the Entity members through
the appropriate means by storing it on the server, in form of hard
copies, etc.
G. The members of the Entity shall be informed of this policy as well as
any other amendments through the appropriate means, that is to
say e-mails, posters, presentations, publications, etc.
H. This policy shall be reviewed at least twice a year, if required.

1.2 Worker Participation

A. The Entity shall encourage participation of the workers in the
decision-making process related to safety and health in the
workplace and consult them, if necessary, when making decisions or
bringing about a change related to OHS in the workplace or when
communicating information related to OHS, including:
a. Identifying and assessing risks in the workplace.
b. Taking decisions for measures to eliminate or control workplace
c. Drafting occupational health and safety guidelines, procedures,
policies, etc.
d. Determining tools, work equipment and personal protective
equipment before purchasing and/ or collecting feedbacks and
comments about them if they are already distributed/ used.
e. Conducting experiments (such as selection experiments for PPE)
f. Making changes to workplace/ factory.
g. Publicizing safety and health news in the company newsletter

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B. The Entity shall establish a working group or a joint committee of

workers and the employer in the field of OHS (in which workers are
nominated to participate in the Occupational health and safety
Committee and in the presence of the division representatives) to
discuss issues related to OHS, review measures taken, investigate
accidents, etc. The committee shall meet on a regular basis,
according to the needs of the Entity.

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English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
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C. The Entity shall encourage workers to proactively participate in any

suggestions/ ideas/ opinions they may have regarding safety and
health in the workplace. This can be done as follows:
a. Talking about the importance of works participation during
b. Using banners, emails or other communication channels, as
c. Setting incentives for workers of the Entity when reporting
incidents that may lead to injuries or property damage within the
(For more information, please refer to the "Communication
System," requirement of this document).
D. The Entity shall, where appropriate, ensure that the workers
consulted is informed of the results of the consultations in a timely
manner, using appropriate communication channels

2. Organization
2.1 Liability and Accountability

A. The Entity and its management shall be fully responsible for

providing safe and healthy workplace for all workers, visitors, and
bystanders who may be affected by the workplace.
B. The Entity is fully responsible for providing the adequate resources
to achieve the Entity objectives in the field of OHS (including but
not limited to the followings):
a. Financial Resources
b. Human Resources
c. Techniques
d. Infrastructure and Equipment
e. Information Technology Systems
f. Expertise and Training

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C. The Entity shall determine the role of all workers who shall perform
duties related to OHS together with their liabilities, accountability
and authorities to be granted. Furthermore, it shall develop the
necessary job titles, manuals, and procedures and inform the
concerned workers thereof.
D. The Entity shall appoint person(s) at the departmental level as
official(s) having authority over the followings:
a. Developing and implementing OHS regulations inside the Entity.
b. Regularly reviewing and evaluating OHS regulations.
c. Submitting periodic reports to the other departments on OHS
d. Enhancing the participation of all workers in OHS (for example,
regularly talking with the workers and considering their opinions
upon making OHS-related decisions).
E. The Entity, at all levels of the Entity and through the appropriate
communication means (e-mails, posters, presentations, etc.), shall
a. The importance of OHS to carry out a joint responsibility of all
b. The workers' obligation to protect their safety, health and
coworkers in the workplace or nearby.
c. The workers' obligation to cooperate with the employer and
coworkers as well as any person performing his duty under an
internal or external legislation in terms of OHS, following the
instructions and trainings, reporting dangerous conditions, and
appropriately and safely using tools, equipment, devices and
d. Person(s) with responsibility and authority to identify, evaluate,
and control the risks of OHS.

2.2 Efficiency and Training System

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The Entity shall ensure that all workers are efficient (i.e. adequately
qualified and appropriately trained having sufficient expertise) to
achieve safety and health requirements related to their duties and
responsibilities. To achieve that, the Entity shall take the following
a. Determining training needs
b. Conducting trainings according to the determined requirements:
1. Trainings shall be provided to the relevant workers whenever
required and without charge.
2. Trainings shall be conducted in an easy language and words.
3. Trainings shall be provided during working hours, if possible.
4. Trainings shall be conducted by competent persons.
c. Documenting trainings (training content and attending workers).

2.3 Documentation of the Regulations of the Occupational Health and

Safety Department
A. The Entity shall generate a modern system for documenting and
maintaining occupational health and safety procedures and
practices and recording and following up all matters related to OHS.
The occupational health and safety documentation system shall
include the following:
a. The occupational health and safety policy and the Entity's
occupational health and safety objectives.
b. List of key workers responsible for OHS within the Entity,
including a description of their roles and responsibilities and
contact information.
c. List of significant occupational health and safety risks arising out
of the Entity's activities and arrangements for the respective
prevention and control.
d. Procedures, guidelines or other internal documentation related to

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e. Records (lessons learned, local and international practices, case

studies, etc. ...), as appropriate.

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B. The documentation system for the occupational health and safety

department regulations shall be:
a. Easy to select and follow.
b. In the most appropriate form for the Entity (for example, Excel,
Word, etc.)
c. Clearly written and presented in a way that can be easily
understood and, in the language, (s) most used by Entity
members (in addition to Arabic as the primary language).
d. Regularly reviewed and updated, as necessary.
e. Disposed of or non-disclosed having expired (not less than every
two years)
C. The Entity shall develop and maintain appropriate occupational
health and safety records, which can help identify potential harmful
consequences, address problems before degradation in nature, and
clarify compliance with legal obligations.
D. Records shall include:
a. Statement of injuries, ill health, diseases and work-related
b. Statement of workers' health, the risks to which they are exposed,
and an overview of the work environment.
c. Statement of risks associated with the Entity's specific activity as
well as measures to be taken to prevent/ control such risks.
d. Results of the audits and reviews related to occupational health
and safety risk reforms.
e. Work permits, licenses and related certificates, as appropriate.
f. Roles and responsibilities related to OHS.
g. Minutes of meetings of the Occupational Health and Safety
Committee (or any major meetings related to OHS).
h. Data of service providers and contractors, as appropriate.
i. Statement of performed training, which shows workers
attendance, notes, and comments on training (related to OHS).

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j. All other statements arising from the Entity's implementation of

the occupational health and safety department regulations or
national and international legislation addressing occupational
health and safety, as appropriate.
E. Workers shall have the right to have access to occupational health
and safety records relevant to their work environment, and to
respect, where appropriate, the need for confidentiality.

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2.4 Communication System

A. The Entity shall ensure that appropriate channels are disseminated
and used to communicate in issues related to OHS at all levels and
disciplines where appropriate and required. such channels can be:
a. Mail/ e-mail communication:
1. Sending regular newsletters by mail or email to all workers,
which highlight workplace safety and health news, training
courses, information and updates.
2. Providing a suggestion email box (and/ or a physical box at the
workplace) for workers to share suggestions about working
safely and other matters.
b. Physical communication tools placed in a location that is easy to
see and read:
1. Safety signs (for example, to indicate a ban on dangerous work,
such as smoking in an area where flammable materials are
stored or used).
2. A bulletin board displaying the latest safe work policies,
procedures, news, paramedics contact information, emergency
instructions in case of fire, upcoming training courses, etc.
3. Posters containing OHS-related information (such as posters
explaining which personal protective equipment is
c. Face-to-face communication:
1. Holding regular meetings to speak to workers about the work
they perform, and how to perform in the safest way.
2. Convening "short toolbox talks" in which specific topics of OHS
are discussed in relation to the task to be performed.
3. Holding individual (formal or informal) meetings with working
d. Internal network:

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1. Creating a section (page) dedicated to OHS within the Entity's

intranet, and includes OHS updates, documents, calendars,
links, etc.
2. Creating an online discussion forum on OHS accessible to all
B. The Entity shall ensure that the internal communication of OHS
information also deals with external contractors, service providers
and visitors.
C. The Entity shall document OHS-related communications (such as:
newsletters, and decisions from key meetings) within the framework
of the Entity's occupational health and safety management
regulations documentation system.
(For more information, please refer to the requirement of
"documenting the occupational health and safety department
regulations" of this document)

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English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
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3. Planning and Implementation

3.1 Initial Review of Occupational Health and Safety
A. The Entity shall conduct an initial assessment process to evaluate the
practices of the occupational safety and health and to document in
writing the procedures to be taken in relation to the assessment
B. In case no system is applicable in the occupational health and safety
department or if the Entity is newly developed, the Entity shall
conduct an initial assessment process to be used as a basis for
implementing the regulations of the occupational health and safety
C. The initial review shall be conducted by the Entity or a third party;
(for instance, external consultants). If the review is conducted by a
third party, the third party shall be an entity having experience in
evaluating occupational health and safety and such review shall be
approved by occupational health and safety professionals.
D. The initial review shall include the following:
a. Determining whether the Entity complies with the relevant
legislations applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as
any other requirements.
b. Determining and assessing health and safety risks resulting from
the working environment.
c. Determining whether the current controls are sufficient to
eliminate/ control the risks (that is, analyzing the data related to
workers health and safety).
E. After completing review process, the results shall be included in an
action plan based on the following:
a. Shortcoming prioritization
b. Schedule development
c. Determination and allocation of the necessary resources (Human
and financial resources)

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d. Appointment of the person(s) in charge.

F. The results shall be documented together with the consequent
action plans and the workers shall be informed thereof.
G. The Entity shall ensure that the person(s) responsible for the initial
review are specialized and that they will not work with the division
only but with the other workers and representatives, as required.

3.2 Planning, Implementation, and Development of Safety Operations

A. The Entity shall generate a planning process upon developing and
implementing the regulations of the occupational health and safety
department; this precautionary process shall consider the results of
the initial review, the subsequent review processes or other relevant
data. The planning process shall include the following:
a. Written list with the occupational health and safety objectives
related to the Entity as well as prioritization mechanism.
b. (For more information, please refer to the requirement of
"occupational health and safety objectives) of this document).
c. Concrete action plan revealing the mechanism of objective
achievement, including the following:
1. Concrete measures to be taken.
2. Persons in charge.
3. Objective achievement schedule
B. c. Key performance indicators for determining whether objectives
are achieved or not.
C. d. Provision of financial resources together with any additional
support necessary for achieving such objectives.
3.3 OHS Objectives
A. The Entity shall set occupational health and safety objectives in line
with the Entity's occupational health and safety policy and based on
initial and subsequent reviews. These objectives shall be as follows:

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a. Specific (i.e. answering the questions "What needs to be done?"

"How will you know that it has been done?" And written in a
simple, easy-to-understand way)
b. Scalable (i.e., the answering the question "How will you know
whether it was achieved or not?")
c. Realistic and achievable (i.e., explaining what are the results that
can be realistically achieved, given the available resources)
d. Related (i.e., answering the questions "Should it be achieved?"
Moreover "What is the impact?")
e. Time-bound (i.e., determining when results can be achieved)
B. The objectives shall focus on the continuous improvement of worker
safety and health and achieving the best OHS performance. To this
end, they shall be:
a. Proactive (for example, the number of training sessions to be
conducted, the number of conversations about the toolbox to be
conducted, and the number of risk evaluations to be undertaken)
b. Interactive (for example, target accident rates, fatal accidents,
and environmental accidents)
C. The Entity ensures that the selected objectives are consistent with
the relevant legislation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and with any
other requirements in which the Entity is involved.
D. The Entity ensures that all targets are appropriately documented.
(For more information, please refer to the requirement of
"Documenting the Occupational health and safety Department
Regulations" of this document)
E. The Entity communicates the specific objectives to the concerned
members of the Entity.
(For more information, please refer to the "Communication System
from this document)
F. Targets are to be periodically reviewed (for example: once a year)
and updated if necessary.

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English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
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3.4 Hazard prevention and control measures

3.4.1 Preventive and supervisory measures
A. The Entity is responsible for identifying and Evaluating the risks to
the safety and health of workers and implementing the necessary
preventive and control measures, as follows:
a. Introducing or redesigning the processes and procedures to
enable the control of specific risks and thus be safe for the
workforce, in the event that the source of the risk cannot be
b. Replacing the dangerous task, tool, machine, material, or
process with a less dangerous one, wherever possible.
c. Providing appropriate personal protective equipment for
workers to reduce risks.

B. The Entity undertakes to regularly review, monitor and update the

agreed measures to ensure that activities, operations, equipment or
materials, including new ones, are safe for workers to use.
C. The Entity ensures that the adopted measures comply with the
relevant legislation applicable in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and
with any other conditions in which the Entity is involved.
D. The Entity shall inform all workers that they are expected to identify
and report risks threatening safety and health.

3.4.2 Change department

A. The Entity shall closely monitor these changes and/ or the proposed
changes within the Entity that may have implications for OHS. The
type of changes to be addressed includes:
a. Internal:
1. Organizational changes (such as changing staff or workers).
2. ii. Changes to the activities (such as changes in processes,
equipment, infrastructure, and programs)

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Attachments: 3
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3. iii. Physical changes (such as new chemicals and packaging).

4. iv. Changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Department
Regulations (such as procedures).
b. External:
1. Changes to occupational health and safety legislation.
2. Developments in knowledge and technology related to OHS.
B. Every time an internal change (or a proposed change) is made within
the workplace, with possible implications for OHS, the Entity shall:
a. Identify and evaluate the underlying risks associated with
b. Consider risks before introducing "change".
c. Implement control measures upon or before change.
C. Every time a relevant external change is made, the Entity shall,
before taking any measures, evaluate its impact on OHS operations
within the Entity.
D. The above evaluation shall be conducted in consultation with the
appropriate workforce.
E. When implementing the change decision, it shall ensure that all
affected workers are appropriately informed through the
appropriate communication channel(s) (such as: email, newsletters,
posters, presentations, brochures, etc.).
(For more information, please refer to the "Communication
System" requirement)

3.4.3 Emergency prevention

A. The Entity shall make arrangements for prevention in emergencies,
including documented procedures, which shall:
a. Determine the potentiality of (natural and industrial) accidents
and emergencies and takes the necessary measures to prevent
the risks associated with these emergencies or reduce the effects
of disasters when they arise.

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Attachments: 3
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b. Ensure that all workers are provided with the information

necessary to protect them in the event of an emergency on the
work site.
c. Provide appropriate training to all Entity workers, at all levels,
such as regular training on emergencies prevention,
preparedness and response procedures.
d. Coordinate and provide information, when necessary, to the
relevant external emergencies authorities and other entities, as
e. Prepare to response to emergencies, that is, getting first aid and
medical assistance, firefighting and evacuation of all people out
of the work site
B. The Entity shall develop and document an emergency action plan
that includes the specific measures taken by the employers and
workers to ensure the safety of workers in emergencies. The plan
shall include (but not be limited to) the following:
a. The appropriate way to report an emergency (for example:
calling a designated emergency number).
b. Evacuation policy and procedures.
c. Escape procedures in cases of emergencies and road lanes, such
as floor drawings, workplace maps, safe areas or asylum areas.
d. Names, addresses, departments and phone numbers of
individuals responsible in case of emergencies from inside and
outside the Entity to contact them in the event of an emergency.
e. Procedures for workers using fire extinguishers or implementing
other basic services that cannot be stopped with every
emergency alert before evacuation, as appropriate.
f. Rescue and medical tasks for the personnel assigned thereto.
g. Specific location and procedures for all workers after the

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Arabic version shall prevail.
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h. A safe place, whether inside or outside the site, to store material

records, such as originals or duplicates of accounting records
and legal documents and others.
i. A way to alert workers about how to evacuate or take other
measures, and how to report the emergencies.
C. The Entity shall check/ test emergency equipment (such as: fire
extinguisher, alarm devices and systems) periodically providing
training on emergencies, and other emergencies procedures in place
in the following cases:
a. According to a timetable determined by the Entity.
b. During meetings on occupational health and safety.
c. Following organizational changes.
d. Following an event, it calls for the implementation of emergency
response procedures.
e. After making changes to legal and other requirements.

3.4.4 Procurement
A. The Entity shall establish documented procedures to ensure that
procurement that have implications for OHS, and the required
standards, including relevant legislation in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia , are met.
B. The Entity shall evaluate the effects of goods and services on
occupational health and safety before purchasing by specifying the
a. The risks posed by the proposed purchase to health and safety.
b. The way in which the proposed purchase deals with those risks.
c. Any specifications required to ensure safe operation or use of
the proposed purchase.
d. The compliance level of the proposed purchase and its use with
the applicable legislation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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Arabic version shall prevail.
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Attachments: 3
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C. The Entity shall, wherever it operates, include the specifications in

the tender documents before purchasing goods and services, which
specifications include specific requirements related to OHS (i.e. as
part of the terms of the contract).
D. The Entity shall ensure that the concerned workers are aware of OHS
requirements for the purchase, use, storage, and disposal of the
goods, including any specific legislative requirements that might
E. The Entity shall identify preferred service providers, where feasible,
who can meet the minimum standards for occupational health and
safety of goods and services.

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English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.
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3.4.5. Contracting
A. Assigning contractors to perform specific work tasks, the Entity
shall ensure that its safety and health requirements are applied
to the contractors, as well as workers.
B. The Entity shall take into account all types of contractors when
considering the safety and health of the workplace, including:
a. Long-term contract workers who provide daily support for a
long period (such as security and guard services).
b. Providers of regular services, who, however, may be on site for
a short term (to, for example, give short-term maintenance of
c. A construction worker who modifies the Entity or installs
equipment (such as plumbing repairs, restoration, etc.).
C. When considering awarding contracts to contractors, the Entity
undertakes to include OHS standards in the evaluation and
selection procedures for contractors (for example: inspecting the
safety and health of the Entity to ensure the contractor works as
part of the evaluation process).
D. The Entity shall communicate and coordinate with the contractor
before work commencement, including communication about
risks and measures to prevent and control them.
E. The Entity shall inform the contractor workers about OHS-related
risks and provide appropriate training before commencing work
and during performance, as appropriate.
(For more information, please refer to the competency and
training system requirement)
F. The Entity shall include arrangements for reporting injuries, ill
health, illnesses and work-related accidents between contractor
workers while performing Entity work.
G. The Entity shall regularly monitor the performance of the
contractor's activities related to OHS.

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(For more information, please refer to the requirement

"Monitoring and measuring performance" from this document).
H. The Entity shall ensure that the contractor is informed of all
procedures and arrangements related to OHS at the site and
ensure that the contractor follows the same.

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4. Assessment
4.1 Performance monitoring and measurement
A. To determine the extent to which the occupational health and safety
policy and objectives are implemented, and the risks controlled, the
Entity shall ensure that the occupational health and safety
performance is:
a. Monitored
b. Measured
c. Recorded
B. Performance shall be monitored, measured and recorded:
a. Proactively and on a regular basis (i.e., before the emergence of
any specific OHS situation, for example: twice a year).
b. Interactively (i.e., by responding to events that have already
appeared, such as: work injuries, accidents, etc.).
C. Proactive monitoring should include:
a. Monitoring the achievement of specific OHS plans, OHS
performance standards and their established objectives.
b. Inspecting occupational health and safety in buildings, factories,
equipment, work systems, etc.
c. Supervising the work environment (such as availability of health
facilities, canteens, etc.).
d. Supervising health of the workers.
e. Verifying that the Entity complies with relevant OHS legislation
in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and any other requirements
related to OHS in which the Entity is involved.
f. Monitoring achievement of specific performance indicators/
KPIs and OHS objectives.
(For more information, please refer to clause C
D. Interactive monitoring shall identify, report and investigate the

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a. Injuries, ill health, diseases and work-related accidents.

b. Rehabilitation of workers and the performance of health
restoration programs.
c. Possibility of other losses, such as property damage.
d. Any other improvements required in the risk identification,
prevention and control process.
E. The Entity shall develop performance indicators/ KPIs to measure
the OHS performance, which shall consist of:
a. Quantity (such as number of injuries).
b. Quality (such as worker evaluations of management's
commitment to achieving "best practices" in the field of OHS).
F. The Entity shall identify persons- at various levels of the
administrative structure- responsible for the OHS monitoring and
measurement process.
(For more information, please refer to the "responsibility and
accountability" requirement).
G. The Entity shall record all the results of monitoring and measuring
performance in the "Documentation of the Occupational health and
safety Department Regulations."

4.2 Investigation system

A. The Entity shall develop procedures to investigate the origin of
major accidents related to OHS (such as: injuries, ill health, diseases
and work-related deaths) and the underlying causes, and notify the
relevant authorities, as appropriate.
B. All incidents shall be investigated as soon as possible; a full report
of the investigations shall be prepared at the end.
C. The investigation shall be conducted by a competent person/
person (such as: a consultant or an OHS professional), with the
participation of workers, as appropriate.

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D. The results of these investigations and the immediate measures

taken shall be reported to:
a. Entity management
b. The committee or work team concerned with OHS, if any.
E. The Entity, as well as the internal investigations, shall take into
account the reports issued by the external investigation authorities,
and work on them in the same way as in the case of internal
F. The Entity ensures that any corrective action arising from these
investigations is carried out, to avoid repeated injuries, ill health,
illnesses, and work-related accidents (such as: regularly monitoring
of agreed procedures).
G. The full report of investigations is required to be documented into
the system (Documentation of the Occupational health and safety
Department Regulations, involving inspection date, inspection
results, specific violations, specific follow-up procedures, etc.), and
the relevant authorities informed where possible.

H. The Entity shall inform and notify the GOSI of work injuries
related to OHS, and the reasons thereof (such as: injuries, diseases,
and work-related deaths).

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4.3 Auditing
A. The Entity shall establish a documented process for conducting
periodic audits to evaluate whether the application of the existing
Occupational Health and Safety Department regulations is sufficient
to protect the health and safety of workers. This process shall specify
the following:
a. Audits objectives.
b. b. Scope of the audit (for example: areas and activities that fall
within the scope of occupational health and safety, such as the
occupational health and safety policy, worker participation,
documentation of the Occupational Health and Safety
Department Regulations, etc.).
c. Audit process methodology.
d. The frequency of the audit process (for example, further audits
might be necessarily conducted if the results of previous audits,
accidents or other circumstances indicate that they are
B. The audits process shall be performed by a competent person(s),
a. External
b. Internal from Entity but independent of the activity being audited,
to ensure objectivity and impartiality in the audit process.
C. The results and conclusions of the audit process shall specify
(including but not limited to) the following:
a. The effectiveness of the Occupational Health and Safety
Department Regulations in achieving the Entity's policy and
objectives related to OHS.
b. The extent to which decisions made by previous audits process
are taken into account.
c. The level of compliance with the relevant legislation of KSA.

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d. The effectiveness of the steps taken to enhance worker

D. Each audit, its findings, and conclusions shall be recorded in each
document in a written record of the audit.
E. For non-compliance cases, the Entity shall designate a responsible
person to take corrective action, define an expected maturity date
for these procedures, and follow up to ensure that the corrective
action is implemented.
F. The results and conclusions of the audits shall be reported to:
a. Person responsible for taking corrective action
b. The committee or team concerned with OHS, if any.
c. Senior management as an input for regular audits of senior
management in the field of OHS (at least key points).
G. The audits shall be conducted on a regular basis (i.e. annually), but
their frequency shall be determined based on the specific needs of
the Entity.
4.4 Review of Occupational Health and Safety Division
A. The Entity shall regularly review its safety and health department
regulations with senior management and other occupational health
and safety regulations or requirements, in regular formal meetings,
a. Evaluate the Entity's comprehensive OHS strategy to determine
whether it meets the planned objectives and needs of the Entity,
workers and regulatory authorities.
b. Evaluate progress of these objectives.
c. Evaluate the results of large accident investigations.
d. Determine corrective actions that shall be taken and how to do
so in a timely manner.
e. Evaluate any need to make changes.
f. Identify OHS issues that need to be addressed as a priority.

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g. Evaluate the effectiveness of OHS follow-up procedures from

previous reviews.
h. Provide notes, general comments and directions
B. The Entity shall record all results and decisions taken during the
management review meeting in writing. These records shall be
accessible through Documentation System of the Occupational
health and safety Department Regulations.
C. The Entity shall send all results and decisions via the appropriate
communication channels to:
a. Responsible persons, as they may take appropriate corrective
b. Workers, as appropriate.
c. The committee or team concerned with OHS, if any.
D. The management review of OHS shall be conducted at frequent
intervals (for example: per three months, six months, annum)
according to the specific needs and conditions of the Entity.

5. Development
5.1 Preventive and Corrective Actions
A. The Entity shall establish procedures to evaluate the effectiveness of
the corrective and preventive implemented measures that have
been taken as a result of monitoring and measuring the
performance of the Occupational Health and Safety Department
Regulations, audits, and management reviews.
B. The Entity shall identify and analyze the underlying cause of any case
of non-compliance with binding national and international
legislation relevant to OHS and the requirements of the applicable
Occupational Health and Safety Department Regulations.
C. If the preventive and corrective actions related to the risks are
insufficient or likely to be so, the Entity is to ensure that new
necessary corrective measures are taken and documented.

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D. The Entity ensures that new corrective measures are taken in a

timely manner, based on the nature and size of the non-compliance
case and OHS risks.

5.2 Continues improvement

A. The Entity shall develop arrangements to analyze the continuous
improvement of Occupational Health and Safety Department
Regulations, based on the following (without prejudice to the
requirements of the regulations):
a. The objectives of the Entity with regard to OHS.
b. Results of risk identification and evaluation.
c. The results of performance monitoring and measurements of
Occupational Health, and Safety Department Regulations.
d. Investigations into deaths, injuries, disabilities, diseases and
work-related ill health.
e. Lessons from near misses or other accidents.
f. f. Results and recommendations of audits of the Occupational
Health and Safety Department Regulations.
g. Results of the Occupational Health and Safety Department
Regulations reviews.
h. Recommendations for improvement by all Entity members,
including the Health and Safety Committee, where available.
i. Changes to the relevant legislation in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia or any other related requirements in which the Entity is
j. The results of supervising the health of workers.
k. Any need or another requirement that contributes to the
continuous improvement of Occupational Health and Safety
Department Regulations.

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B. The Entity shall develop an OHS action plan based on the identified
opportunities and define responsibilities and resources that will be
provided for the implementation of the plan.
C. The Entity shall inform the person concerned with OHS action plan.
D. The Entity shall measure its OHS operations and performance in
comparison with other companies in sectors, if data are available, to
help evaluate its overall OHS performance.

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English; in the event of any inconsistency between the Arabic and English versions, the
Arabic version shall prevail.

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