Pronouns and Simple Present Tense CLEI 2021

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Liceo San Fernando CLEI 2021

Name: ________________________ Date: ___________

Explanation: Personal pronouns

Use the correct personal pronouns. Watch the words in brackets.

Example: ___ often reads books. (Lisa)

Answer: She often reads books.

1)   is dreaming. (George)

2)   is green. (the blackboard)

3)   are on the wall. (the posters)

4)   is running. (the dog)

5)   are watching TV. (my mother and I)

6)   are in the garden. (the flowers)

7)   is riding his bike. (Tom)

8)   is from Bristol. (Victoria)

9)   has got a brother. (Diana)

10) Have   got a computer, Mandy?


Object forms of personal pronouns - Exercise

Explanation: Personal pronouns

Which bject form of the personal pronoun can substitute the underlined phrase in the sentence?

1) The teacher always gives the students homework.



2) I am reading the book to my little sister.


3) The boys are riding their bikes.



4) My father is writing a letter to John.



5) I don't know the answer.



6) Sally is going to Anne.



7) Open the window, please.



8) Can you tell the people the way to the airport, please?



9) The books are for Peter.



10) Can you help my sister and me, please?



Demonstrative Pronouns
2. Demonstrative pronouns point things out.

Singular Plural
Near This These
Far That Those
Make sure your reader knows what this refers to!

Practice: Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun to complete each


1. ____________________ (These/This) are the shoes I like.

2. ____________________ (This/That) car over there is the best one.
3. ____________________ (These/Those) books right here are mine.
4. ____________________ (That/Those) store across the street sells
5. ___________________ (Those/This) students over there are my friends.
6. I’ve been looking for a turkey, and I’d like to buy________(that/those)
7. __________________(This/These) is the year we’ll win the championship!

Practice: Rewrite the following sentences using demonstrative pronouns

instead of the word in bold:

Example: The pencil over there is mine. That is mine.

1. The shirt I am holding is new. ______________

2. I want some of the cookies in the kitchen. ______________
3. Please take some of the books I am giving you. ______________

Practice: In the following sentences, underline the demonstrative pronoun and

put an S if it is singular and a P if it is plural.

___ That is the biggest horse I ever saw.

___ These are delicious cookies.

___ I saw you do that.

___ I don’t understand this.

___ Those are your only choice

Demonstrative Pronouns Exercises

The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how demonstrative
pronouns work. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. ____________ was such an interesting experience.

A. That
B. These
C. Those
D. Such
2. Are ___________ your shoes?
A. That
B. Them
C. Those
D. This
3. You’ll have to get your own pen. ______________ is mine.
A. That
B. Those
C. Such
D. This

4. There is no end to ___________.

A. Such
B. Those
C. This
D. None
5. Because of their bad behavior, ____________ of the children were given allowances.
A. None
B. That
C. Those
D. Them
6. ____________ of them had seen it before.
A. Those
B. Neither
C. Such
D. This
7. Is ____________ yours?
A. This
B. Those
C. These
D. Such
8. Everyone ate early. When we arrived, ____________ was left.
A. That
B. Such
C. None
D. Neither
9. Please give me one of ____________.
A. That
B. Those
C. This
D. Such
10. ____________ are nice-looking.

A. This
B. That
C. These

Form of Affirmative Sentences - Part 2

Put the verbs into the correct form.

1. I (to like)   lemonade very much.

2. The girls always (to listen)   to pop music.

3. Janet never (to wear)   jeans.

4. Mr Smith (to teach)   Spanish and French.

5. You (to do)   your homework after school.

Simple present with 'have' and 'be'

Fill in the correct form of the verbs.

1. We (to have)   a nice garden.

2. She (to be)   six years old.

3. Simon (to have)   two rabbits and five goldfish.

4. I (to be)   from Vienna, Austria.

5. They (to be)   Sandy's parents.

Negative Sentences

Make negative sentences.

1. My father makes breakfast. → 

2. They are eleven. → 

3. She writes a letter. → 

4. I speak Italian. → 

5. Danny phones his father on Sundays. → 


Make questions.

1. you / to speak / English → 

2. when / he / to go / home → 

3. they / to clean / the bathroom → 

4. where / she / to ride / her bike → 

5. Billy / to work / in the supermarket → 

Signal Words

Find the signal words for simple present.

1. Which is a signal word for simple present?

 now   last Monday   often

2. Which is a signal word for simple present?

 sometimes   at the moment   yesterday

3. Which is a signal word for simple present?

 last Friday   every Friday   next Friday

4. Which is not a signal word for simple present?

 never   already   usually

5. Which is not a signal word for simple present?

 Listen!   first ... then ...   seldom

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