NFDN 2004 Assignment 1: Prenatal Teaching Plan, Part 1 Case Study Name: Stephanie

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Practical Nurse

NFDN 2004 Assignment 1: Prenatal Teaching Plan, Part 1

Case Study Name: Stephanie
A. Stage of growth & A developmental theory that is appropriate and relates to this client would
development (reference be Erikson’s Psychosocial developmental theory, Identity versus role
a developmental theory) confusion. “Adolescents struggle to fit the roles they have played and those
they hope to play with the current roles and fashions adopted by their
peers, to integrate their concepts and values with those of society, and to
come to a decision regarding an occupation” (Perry et al, 2017, p. 881). As
the client is 16 years old, they would be dealing with

B. Assessment data Nurse:

(based on the
metaparadigm) Client:

Environment: The concept of environment is defined as “the totally of all

things that impact a person and includes both internal and
external environments” (Gregory et al., 2015). The client
lives at home. She is single, but has what seems to be a
supportive mother as her mother attended her to the
prenatal visit. Her mother seems to want to help and be
involved, as she raised the topic of breastfeeding in the
prenatal visit. Conditions of living at home and influence
from her mother should greatly impact this client for the
better as she needs support through her pregnancy and
afterwards in the postpartum period.


Social Justice:

C. Identify 3 health A. Substance Use:

education needs, with During the prenatal visit, the client did not respond to questions
supporting assessment regarding drugs and tobacco however, did admit to drinking a little on
data weekends with friends prior to finding out she was pregnant. She may
have been more uncomfortable

B. Breastfeeding

C. Continuing Education

NFDN 2004, May 2019 1

Practical Nurse

D. Prioritize the above #1 Substance Use

health learning needs
#2 Breastfeeding

#3 Continuing Education

E. Learning goal (one) for

priority learning need (a
goal is a broad
statement of what the
teaching plan should

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