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1. Arena/orSlV • . •..• .....

2. Pat/I'ms ill Stl d
Alon!! thl [)c/nll'n"1 - .•.••• 8
.1. Geoc/csir DOli/I' Win .•
Competition ............. 10

American Institute
of Steel Construction CONTENTS

101 Perk Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10017

A Multi-purpose Arena for SIU 3

Atlantic - On the Go 6
Robert C. Palmer, President
J. Philip Murphy. First Vice President 8
Patterns in Steel Along the Delaware
Eugene J. Pidgeon, Second Vice President
William R. Jackson, Treasurer 10
Geodesic Dome Wins Bidding Competition
John K. Edmonds,
Executive Vice President
Leslie H. Gillette, Mary Agnes Hall, D'Youville College 13
Assistant Executive Vice President
M. Harvey Smedley What Do You Know About Welding Symbols 14
Counsel and Secretary
Christ Unity Temple


Leslie H. Gillette, Acting Editor

Olindo Grossi, FAIA, Architectural

Third Annual Fellawship Awards I ~
Three young men have been ,zarlled a.q winners in the
AISC Third Annual Ftllowship Award.q program. The
awards, valued at $2,000 each, ate made on the basis of
choice of research projects, und~rgradllat~ performance,

Atlanta, Georgia and rcrommendation of col/ege author;tie .•. Thi.~ program,
Birmingham, Alabama one of the few offering fellowshiilS in structural research,
Boston, Massachusetts i.~ intended to encourage research 'in the field of st"uctural
Chicago, Illinois engineering.
Cleveland, Ohio David L. Cute of Belmont Hills, Penn.~ylvania, a senio,'
Columbus, Ohio
Dallas, Texas
Denver, Colorado
Detroit, Michigan
"1ItJ(I r1
1 at Drcul Institute of Technology, rlorula, will continue
hi.• graduate work ther·e. His "esearch"pro/ect will entail a
study of rigid connections for rectangular and square
Charlotte, North Carolina tllimlar members fab/-ieatcd by welding and a combination
Hartford, Connecticut
nderin .
Houston, Texas
Los Angeles, California David M. Harris of Houston. Texas, is a seni01' at the
Memphis, Tennessee University of HOllston where he will continue his graduate
Milwaukee, Wisconsin work. 1111'. Han-i.~ will analyze and teM the action of lcelded
Minneapolis, Minnesota tape1'l'd beam .• and coillmns under combined axial and
New York, New York
bending load.•.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Omaha, Nebraska William C. Rllssell of Gaston, Oregon, is a senior at
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Oregon State University, Corrallis, and will continue his
Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania research work investigating the effect of unreinforced
St. Louis, Missouri rectangular holes in the web of welded gi"ders designed

San FranCiSCO, California
by means of a "Vierendeel" type analysis.
Seattle, Washington
Syracuse, New York The Institute plans to make additional Fellowship
Washington, District of Columbia Awards annuallJI on a continuing basis.
SIU ARENA on Southern Illinoi.
University ~ampu. at Corborldale,
u.'hich will .eat mOTe than 10,000
people lOT sporis and other gather-

ing •. Sted u'as decided upon by
architect. lor the .tlJ)(,Yliructure be-
causc 0/ co.t control, biddiJlQ com-
petition, and time element factoT'.

Architects: Perkins & Will



Southern Illinois University's gigantic that would include a domed structure
Arena, which will accommodate more 300 feet in diameter with a roof cover-
than 10,000 persons, did not come too ing four acres. It could be used for large
soon for the nearly 14,000 students on convocations of any type, for basketball
its Carbondale campus. games, and for gymnastic and wrestling
Previously no building was available meets. And steel did its part to hasten
where more than 2,000 people could the structure.
gather. The campus had outgrown its When specifications were drawn for
facilities for indoor commencement ex- the bidders, University architects and
ercises, for programs featuring nation- the Chicago firm of architects, Perkins
ally known artists and personalities, and and Will, decided that the dome's super-

indoor sports events such as basketball. structure should be formed of steel.
So late in 1961 bids were opened for "Since the building as conceived was
construction of a new physical educa- to be half in the ground and half out of
tion and military training building - it," said John A. Boyce of Perkins and
later officially named the SIU Arena - Will, "it was foreseen that grading, ex-


eating More than 10,000 People, Thi, Arena. I. Being U.ed for a Var iety 0/ Univer.itJ/ Functio)l' .

cavation, foundations and substructures

would be extensive and would require an
unusual proportion of the building con-
struction time_ It was, therefore, espe-
cially desirable that the structure be
techniques, novel materialS, or unusual
engineering methods was therefore not
desirable for this building.
A half-dozen major events were held
in the $4.3 million Arena before con-
located at both ends of the playing floor
and completely around the concourse.
The dome area has a circular frame-
work of 36 main steel ribs with I-beam

rings and sway bracing that connect.
formed of readily available standard ele- tractors had finished all phases of the Ribs are joined at the Crown with an
ments which lend themselves to speedy project. Although the huge dome was eight-foot compression ring. A steel 1-
erection using familiar methods." generally regarded as the site of sports beam tension ring built with the other
events, all six events were of a non- steel construction forms the outside
University architects said the even-
athletic nature. The Arena was hurriedlY perimeter of the structure to take the
tual decision to base the design of the
pressed into service in June, 1964, when lateral thrusts of the dome ribs.
building on the use of a low ring dome
framed of steel was developed from sev- planned outdoor commencement exer-
cises, facing a threat of rain, were The roof is covered with hundreds of
eral considerations, including cost con- panels made of cement and wood fibre,
trol, bidding competition and early com- moved into the Arena. The August com-
eight feet long, 32 inches wide and
pletion which was so essential because mencement was also held there, and fall
weighing 210 pounds each . These
of spiraling enrollments. enrollment registration was conducted
panels, first mortared with gypsum, were
on the vast concourse above the gym
They explained that the cost experi- floor. Since August, major events in-
covered with asphalt, after which the
ence with steel dome structures was roof was sprayed with a glass fibre that
cluded a political rally featuring a na-
readily available while other materials gives it an earthy color. Crown of the
tional candidate, the fall meeting of the
and structures lacked equivalent proto- dome rises 72 feet above the gym floor.
Southern Division of the Illinois Educa-
types which could act as a guide to Exterior is Chiefly aluminum and
tion Association, and the annual Home-
probable costs. translucent plastic panels. Some brick
coming show.
has been utilized and Crab Orchard
As to bidding competition, it was im- Main feature of the imposing struc-
stone decorates entrances.
portant that the number of potential ture is the 300-foot clear-span dome

bidders qualified for such work be rela- covering a recessed arena with a free- A wing adjoin ing the dome contains
tively large, in order to gain the most floor area sl ightly larger than 200 feet office and classroom space for physical
from the competitive bidding procedure long and 100 feet wide. There is seating education, locker and training rooms,
required. Reliance on structural systems for 10,014, including 2,482 chair seats. storage space, and dressing rooms for
using special procedures, experimental All bleachers are the foldaway type, athletes.


• Thirty Six Steel Rib. Provide Framework for the Dome .

How would you design a service sta-
tion that is dramatic enough to attract
passing motorists; dignified enough to
inspire strong customer confidence, and
larly stepping down white, porcelain-
enamel steel panels over steel framing.
Sharp, red letters on white-background
signs atop the structure stand out un-
triangle with floor-ta-ceiling glass. (In
today's service station, unlimited visi-
bility into the structure is a sales advan-
tage, both for the items displayed inside

so efficient, a half-dozen cars can be mistakeably.* But they do so with re- and for the station as a whole.)
serviced with ease at the same time? serve enough that the concept of a Set on a 150' x 183' site at City line
That was the thorny problem tossed prestige station is unruffled. Avenue and Conshohocken State Road,
onto architect Vincent G. Kling's draw- Architect Kling and Atlantic con- the gleaming white station measures
ing board by the Atlantic Refining Com- sidered the dignified approach impor- 93' 9" on each side of its equilateral
pany, a Philadelphia-based petroleum tant for the corporate image, but also sides. It's the largest station ever con-
firm. The answer you see on these pages because the station has become the structed by Atlantic. At night (and it's
may prove to be another landmark in southernmost uanchor" for a major, es- open 24 hours each day), concealed
design for the award-winning Kling. tablished shopping center. Blending it fluorescent lights flood the diamond-
aesthetically with the community was grid roof and three-sided sign.
The triangular form of the Bala, Penn-
one of the original design goals.
sylvania, station resulted, said Kling, There are three gasoline service
Continuing, Kling said, "The pyrami-
"from a detailed study of the image islands around it. Each is equipped
dal shape proved most effective, and at
which various shapes project to a motor- with two multiple pumping units, full-
the same time made it possible to utilize
ist rolling by at high speed." The three- length indirect lighting - also designed
every square foot of interior space. It
sided roof and "ATLANTIC" signs are by Kling - and illuminated showcases
also allowed optimum use of the drive-
clearly visible from all approaches. And for displaying motor oil and accessory
way around the structure. The triangular
since the pyramidal structure is 36 feet products. A fourth, smaller service
plan allowed us to withdraw the massive-
high, it's unlikely a driver could miss island has one pump, and features a
ness of the building from the intersec-
it, even from behind a line of cars and long-hosed vacuum cleaner to whisk
tion, so that only the forward point of
trucks jammed up in traffic. the interiors of cars.
the triangle projects, leaving the major
Perhaps the most striking sight is the portion of the site as an open approach Because there are considerable power •
roof itself. This was designed by angu- plaza for cars." demands, the station has its own elec-
-The siBns alSO. neatly shit'ld the cooling tower Steel framing gave Kling the freedom trical substation, behind which is hid-
for the air conditioning system serving the sales
and rest room .rells. to face the two forward walls of the den space for trash storage.


• Above the rest rooms and vending "were coordinated to carry out and com- doors which telescope horizontally into
machines is a small mezzanine, reached plement the visual impact of the pyra- the walls.
by stairs from the lubrication area. On mid form. The station and island were In addition to the three-sided sign on
it are the operator's office, storage located to conserve as much space as top of the building, there is only one
space for small parts, and equipment possible for movement and parking of other major sign: a 25'-high, internally
for air conditioning and oil heating. autos, and to accommodate natural illuminated, rotating Atlantic sign. The
patterns of traffic flow so that motorists sign itself is approximately 6' high and
The lubritorium, so-called, has three
can enter and leave with ease." 10' wide. Beneath it, and in several
auto lifts. A fourth is behind the building. The lubritorium has storage racks and other perimeter areas are landscaped
Kling points out that the design of cabinets for tires and other accessories plantings. The station was built by
all accessory facilities - gasoline along two sides. The end (entry) walls Wallace Engineering & Construction
islands, substation, signs, lights - are made up of banks of sliding glass Company, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

Archit ect : Vincent G. Kling


e ll/Hm al La YClu t i. Dram(l/j(" C Ofl8Cn'l'B Space ami Spada T,'offi('.



by Bernard Gra d

A lightweight steel cage was chosen

for the 13-story Labor & Industry Build-
ing, the tallest in Trenton, on the basis
of three primary considerations:
a. Foundation Problems
b. Flexibility.
c. Esthetic potential.
The eight-acre tract, on a 25·acre site
selected by the State of New Jersey for
the State Capitol Development Program,
faces the Delaware River and is tra-
versed by Assunpink Creek, wh ich emp-
ties into the river. Periodic unavoidable
flood conditions cause the river to back
into the creek creating subterranean in-
fluxes of water. As a result, the Labor &
Industry Building was erected on piles,
driven thirty feet below the level of the
river bed into bedrock.

Engineering investigations indicated
that the structural frame, to be imposed
Bernard J. Grad, F.A.I.A., is with Frank Grad
& Sons, Architects & Engineers, Newark,
New Jersey.
Ou tward Cantilevering Provides Easy Tran8it ion from
Buildin g to it. Foundat ion.
• on the piles, must be of the lightest
weight consistent with strength and sta·
bility. Therefore, a 4,OOO-ton steel cage
was adopted for the rectangular struc·
ture, which measures 137 x 249 feet,
and has an average wall height of 180
feet. Its volume is approximately 6,500,
000 cubic feet, and floor area totals
470,000 square feet.
The site characteristics ruled out a
conventional basement, so that the first
floor is largely absorbed by the mechan·
ical equipment. A minimum basement
space for storage and ma i ntenance work·
shops is provided by a S6-inch-thick
floor of reinforced concrete set three
feet higher than the record flood·level
of the river, which flows some 150 feet
east of the building. The concrete floor
and walls are heavily strengthened with Thr Foldtd-plat~ Erprf'lIJion of tht Roo/fi"t olttll. the
steel reinforcing bars. They form, in lUau Dominating thf' Cill/', ... ilhou.ttir A. it M uf. tht Sk~.
effect, a concrete boat anchored, to reo
sist hydrostatic pressure based on a of each exterior column, and are fed floor area, and the outward cantilever·
theoretical flood· level, twelve feet above from a huge horizontal loop supply at ing beyond its supports, effect a visually
the basement floor. It is supported on the second·floor level. In addition to the light transition to the ground, and clearly
276 steel piles of 14- and 8-inch H perimeter air·conditioning, low-pressure implies the difference in function be·

columns with individual minimum units on the ground·level and the top· tween it and the office floors,
bearing-capacity of 119 tons. level equipment·floor supply the inter· The feeling of the delicacy and grace
of steel is carried out in the exterior
walls. White marble·sheathed columns

THE DELAWARE and black glazed brick surround the

windowless first·floor mechanical area.
The vertical exterior columns soaring
The first floor and its ceiling are of ior areas of the building. from the cantilevers are clad in alu·
concrete, and houses the mechanical The frame also made possible the in· minum, and separated by heat·absorb·
equipment. (The boiler plant is designed stallation of cellular steel floors, giving ing, glare-resistant tinted plateglass,
also to serve future buildings in the added flexibility to the finished office and by marble spandrel panels.
planned complex through lines con· space. The floors consist of cellular Designed to efficiently and economic·
tained in a pedestrian tunnel connect· decking of light·gauge steel forming a ally centralize the previously dispersed
ing the buildings.) At the second·floor structural section supporting the floor offices and activities of the State De·
level, exterior steel columns running to load. At six·inch intervals the sheets partment of Labor and Industry, the
the top of the structure are supported on form cells providing channels for power, building has a capacity of 2,000 em·
steel cantilevers. These are cantilevered telephone and signal·system wiring, and ployees, with allowance for anticipated
out to artiCUlate the volume of the build· resultin!? in greater freedom in placing future expansion. The second floor
ing, and produce a visually lighter mass. outlets for desks and office equipment. houses a SOD-seat cafeteria and offices.
The building is framed by steel col· Movable partitions divide the floor areas General offices occupy the third through
umns spaced in 221i2-foot·square bays into office spaces. The use of steel twelfth floors. On the thirteenth floor
developed from a 41i2-foot·square mod· anticipates future changes in needs by are executive offices and a large meet·
ule with integrated mechanical and allowing the greatest liberty in relocat· ing room, and on the level above is me·
lighting design, which was considered ing air diffusers and lighting fixtures, chancial equipment.
the most efficient for illumination and as well as partitions. The Labor & Industry Building is the
partitioning. Each module contains a Esthetically, the steel frame made first project to be completed by Frank
continuous row of two- or three·tube reo possible the creation of a graceful, Grad & Sons in the State Capitol De·
cessed fluorescent lighting fixtures. light·looking building. Stainless steel velopment Program, for which the firm

• The frame made it possible for the

architects to design the air·handling sys·
tem as an integral part of the building.
Its risers are incorporated in the design
was specified for all entry and elevator
doors, and all exterior first-floor metal
work because of its beauty as well as
its durability. The recessing of the first·
is the master planner. Another Grad de·
sign for the program, the four·unit Cui·
tural Center, is currently under con·


R. Buckminster Fuller's brainchild, develop a better solution for physical began to roll.
the geodesic dome, has been getting a education facilities indoors. As time One of the f irst things McLeod and
practical workout in a host of structures wore on, the architects became more Ferrara did was to retain Synergetics,
today - among them, the Union Tank and more interested in using a geodesic Inc., of Raleigh, North Carolina - the
Car Company roundhouse at Baton dome to break out of the conventional, firm that Fuller established to carry out
Rouge, Louisiana, and the observatory rectangular mold for gymnasiums. But the design of his geodesic structure.
at Mt. Washington in New Hampshire. it became increasingly apparent that James W. Fitzgibbon, T. C. Howard, and
Now a new one has been added to the the school board could not venture into J. F. Barnwell of Synergetics worked
list. It soars over the Physical educa- untested territory without a clear idea closely with the architects and with J.
tion facilities at Walt Whitman High of costs. And a true picture of costs was Gibson Wilson, consulting structural en-
School in Bethesda, Maryland. virtually out of the question unless com- gi neer on the job.
The dome solved some fundamental parative bids were made on the Conven- According to the architects' report,
space problems, turned out to be less tional gym vs. the geodesic field house. publi shed by EFL, "The seemingly sim-
expensive than the bid for a conven - And that would take money. ple question of establishing the size of
tional gymnasium, and the whole proj- Since su ch a study might benefit the dome structure was one of the first
ect came into being in rather a unique school construction throughout the na- problems tackled. Criteria established
way. tion, the board and the architects went for the comparative study required that
To begin, the firm of McLeod and to Educational Facilities Laboratories space and activity areas be as nearly

Ferrara, Architects, A.I.A., was awarded and its president, Harold Gores. EFL identical as possible, and that total
the contract to design the school, in proved a willing and enthusiastic spon- aggregate space be nearly the same .
toto. When the award was made, the sor, and after several standard-setting "The conventional gymnasium was
superintendent of schools, Dr. C. Taylor sessions among all parties involved, designed as a two-floor structure, with
Whittier, asked the architects to try and funds were advanced, and the project playing areas above and showers and


lockers below. Floor area for the two spherical shape." answer seems to be, yes. For example,

levels came to 31,586 square feet. ... At this point, eight contractors were while the playing floor itself is some·
The geodesic field house, as finally de- asked to bid on the school as a whole, what smaller in the field house than it
signed, contains 35,800 square feet, or with a special take·out on the gym and would have been in the gym, the large
some 4,200 square feet more than the field house, itemized to show exact dif· side and rear areas of the raised deck
gymnasium gross floor area. ferences. Merando, Inc., of Washington, around the room permit many group ac·
"From the many design studies and D. C., was low bidder and won the job. tivities to be carried on simultaneously.
cost analyses made by Synergetics, Inc., Its comparison between gym and field In addition, the field house provides
for the dome superstructure, the most house resulted in a $6,087 saving for seating for 1,000 more spectators, and
practical and economical type appeared the field house at a total cost of can accommodate a total of 3,500 per-
to be the combination of a structural $583,674. sons when the area is converted to au-
steel framing system, covered with a It should be explained that three of ditorium use. One of the primary advan-
gypsum roof deck and composition roof the eight contractors estimated that the tages from EFL's point of view is the
covering. field house would be more costly than fact that interior space is unmarked by
"The structural steel framing was left the gym. Despite this, the architects and structural supports. As it reports:
exposed on the underside of the roof, EFL were encouraged enough to believe "Whatever barriers are placed within
thus giving a honeycomb effect to the that costs would be lower for some fu· the structure can be dictated by the
dome ceiling. This arrangement, creat- ture geodesic dome project that utilized physical education program, not by the
ing a whole series of coffers at the ceil- steel in this way. need for holding up the roof. The mu·
ing, together with the use of acoustical Thus the field house proved a success table interior space of the dome offers
panel board as forming for the gypsum in saving the school board money and freedom of movement for both program
deck, will help offset some of the acous- delivering more usable interior space. and occupants.
tical difficulties inherent in a hemi- Was it a success in other ways? The "Whatever the nature of physical edu·

A Study in Pattents as th~ 8810 Geodesic Griel Members Near Final ErrctioJl.

cation is in this century and the next, "The gypsum deck was poured out of framing was encountered at its bound-
the dome should be adaptable enough a gyp-concrete mix with a guaranteed aries, where members of the dome fram-
to accommodate it." compressive strength of 1,000 psi. This ing were connected to five edge arches.
Highlights of the dome design: be- was reinforced with 10-gauge wire mesh Stresses in the arches and connecting
cause the dome is rather a complicated increasing in thickness from 2" to 3". framing members are extremely compli-
structure, Synergetics' staff engineer, There was an additional increase in cated, due to the necessary requirement
Dr. M. E. Uyanik, agreed to explain its steel reinforcing to provide for the
of their deformation compatibility. The
design and outstanding features. The boundary bending stresses at the ten-
solution of this problem was an iteration
following are Dr. Uyanik's comments. sion ring level. Making the gypsum deck
process used by approximately equating
"The structure is a spherical dome a part of the structural system reduced
with a fine geodesic grid framing sup- the structural requirement of the steel the deformations of framing members to
ported by a ring of columns and a ten- geodesic framing (resulting in consid- those of the arches at their connections.
sion ring at the column tops. The frame erable economy.) "Loading compiled with the Mary-
extends into five edge arches constitut- "The geodesic steel framing, due to land building code of 25 psf live load
ing the edge boundaries of the geodesic the fineness of its grid, was analyzed on and a wind load of 25 psf (correspond-
framing. These arches are, in turn, sup- the theory of membrane behavior, with ing to a 100 mph wind pressure, or
ported by five piers extended to the axial stresses computed from compo- suction).
spread footings connected by tie rods; nents of the membrane stresses within
"Except for the geometry of the geo-
thus constituting a pentagonal founda- the effective area of each steel framing
desic dome framing (which was done by
tion layout. member. All the members of the steel
geodesic grid are of one size (8B 10), a digital computer), all the analysis and
"A 2"-thick structural gypsum deck
on bulb tees, cast on IV," form boards, since change in stress from zenith to design calculations were carried on a
provides insulation as well as forming a boundary is very small. Any change in desk calculator. Design specifications
thin shell that supports the dead load member size would have resulted in of AISC governed all the design of steel
of the built-up roofing and all other live additional cost for detailing, and in parts; and of ACI Building Code for Re-
loads, including the wind stresses above erection procedures. inforced Concrete Design for all con-
the tension ring. "The most complex problem of this crete work,"

Architects were McLeod and Ferra .

The Circular Space Arrangement. Provides Side and Rear Area•• 0

That Many Group Activitie. Can Occur Simultaneously.

• Mary Agnes Hall,

D'Youvilie College
The ten story dormitory building with
a developed lower level is the first of a
six building, ten million dollar expan-
sion program for the College. It will
house 265 students, ten guests and ten
proctors in single and double rooms.
Toilet facilities are private and semi-
Being an urban college in a developed
residential area it was necessary to pur·
chase six residences and to build in a
vertical direction. The college campus
borders on the edge of portions of the
city scheduled for renewal and rehabili-
Since the student population consists
of women who prefer a small college
atmosphere, it was decided to assimilate
as closely as possible a home environ-
ment without losing the advantages of

group living. Therefore, a "floor living"
plan pattern was followed .
Because accommodation require-
ments differ with personalities, the
architects planned each floor so as to
offer a variety in the type of rooms. Pro-
visions are made for a group of four stu-
dents to be housed in two double The lower level of the building con- plaster ceilings at a reduced cost in ad·
bedrooms, interconnected with a pas- tains a recreation room and canteen, dition to providing quieter living quar-
sage which gives access to a room con- hair care center, laundry for students to ters.
taining a watercloset and a washbasin, care for personal items of wearing ap- Construction was speeded and the
also to another separate room containing parel, a trunk storage area, also a dis- costs were kept low by using seven-story
a shower. Single rooms with similarly tribution center for bed linen, etc. column sections of A 441 high strength
arranged toilet facilities are included, Reception lobby will be arranged for steel without splices. This permitted
except that a tub is substituted for the visiting, having the furniture in a con· erection '" one piece. Three story and
shower. The fourth type of accommoda- versation pattern for privacy. uLoose" four story bents, 18 feet wide, weigh-
tion consists of a private room with a furniture in bedrooms caters to the ing a minimum of four tons were pre-
private bath. A suite for the Proctor is women's urge to periodically rearrange. assembled and erected as a unit to top
located on each floor. Carefully selected draperies with match- of steel framework. Castelled beams
The Nurses Station on the first floor ing bedspreads and venetian blinds will were used in outside 156 foot wide north
will be available for first aid and minor provide a pleasant decor . Varied and south walls above the first floor at a
medication. Private telephones are in- schemes throughout the building and saving of 22 tons of steel. Steel deck
stalled in all rooms. Contact from a cen- carpeted corridors will assist in promot- and concrete fill were placed immedi-
tral point within the building with rooms ing a philosophy of relaxed living. ately to eliminate the cost of temporary
will be by means of an intercom system. Prefabricated, prefinished wardrobes planking. Modular framing of floor con-
The intercom system will also be used and cabinets reduced the construction struction assisted in reducing costs.
for musical programming. A lounge on time, effected savings by using mass Erection of the 600 ton structural steel

each floor, with a snack bar, will serve production methods of manufacture, framework was completed in 24 working
for j'chit·chat" sessions during leisure also reduced installation costs. Acous- days by the structural steel fabricator.
hours. Upper floor lounges will overlook tical tile ceilings having a three hour
two city parks, the city lake harbor and fire rating set in an exposed tee system Architects were FOlt & e>,st.schnagel,
a river. eliminated drying time required for Buffalo, N. Y.



What do you o .1
know about
Welding Symbols?
professional engineer

IN BRIEF: Welding symbols should

be duck soup for designers
and welding supervisors, engineers,
o 125

and technicians. But, are they?

Here's a short test that will tell you

what you really know about welding sym-
bols. All 10 problems on this page cover
commonly used arc and gas welding
Do you know what weld each calls for?
Sketch in your answers on this page or a
separate sheet of paper.
When you 're finished, refer to page
15 for the answers and a brief explana-
tion of each.
e o 1 1
8 16
Give yourself 10 points for each cor-
rect answer. Give yourself 5 points for
an answer that is half correct, etc. Rate
yourself as follows: 4
100: Expert; you probably were on
the AWS Symbols Committee.
80-90: Master; few symbols will trip you
60-70: Journeyman; still better than
o or- 2
40-50: Amateur; you have lots of com-
0-30: Better start studying. I

0 ~ 4

Repr i nted from ENGINEERING NEWS -

RECORD, Copyright 1964 . McGraw Hill , Inc.
26 -,
I it -12
- - +

All rights reserved,


Weld symbol test
Here are the answers to the welding
symbol problems on page 14. Explana-
tions of each are given below. Section
numbers referred to are from the Ameri-
can Welding Society's Handbook-
Standard Welding Symbols (4th Edition,
I 1958, Section 2, Chapter 33).
4 I, Filletweld (\I.-inch) iscalled foron
far side. Belter practice (wherever pos-
sible) would be to place symbol on weld
side of joint and show weld as near side.
(Section 302-a and 302-b).
2, Butt joint with single bevels on one
plate. Definite break in arrow points to
beveled member (Section 315). Groove

e bevels are equal and extend completely

through plate (Section 902-bl). Angle of
bevel is 45 °; if unmarked, user's stand-
ard (Section 903-b). Near side of weld
is ground flush (Section 90S-b).
3, Fillet weld on both sides of part,
but not on angular cut edge (abrupt
change of direction - Section 310-a).
4: Orientation or position of fillet
welds with unequal legs must be shown
on drawing (Section 402-b). Lacking
designation, short leg could be in either

o o plane - horizontal or vertical. (Note, If

1¥"· inch dimension was at least 3/16-
inch and less than %-inch, orientation
would be predetermined.)
5: Staggered intermittent fillet
welds - 2-inches-long on 8-inch centers
(Section 405-d).
6, Butt joints with both members
4 beveled. Groove bevels are equal and ex-
tend completely through members (Sec-
tion 902-bl). Included groove angle is
75· (Section 903-b). Root opening, or
gap, is lAI-inch - or user's standard if not
0 0 otherwise indicated (903-a). Far side
weld is approximately flush - as welded
Lf- 2 - without finishing (Section 90S-a) .

-:!..N ~~
16 3
7, Combined fillet and double bevel
60· groove weld. Finished depth of
.L 1"1; groove weld is %-inch (Section 90S-b) .
Groove depth before welding must be in-
creased by an amount equal to machin-
ing allowance.
8, Square groove butt joint. Root
opening, or gap, is 1/ 16-inch (Section
903·a). Joint is not beveled ; required
weld penetration is 'tit-inch (Section
3/8 4 902·c). Weld is made in the field (Sec-
60· tion 309).
9, Single or multi-pass weld build-up

--- ,
of surface - 3/16-inch-high (Section
1202-a to 1202-c and 1203-a).
10, Plug welds I-inch in diameter on
4-inch centers. Holes are counter-sunk
to 60· included angle and filled with
weld to a depth of %-inch (Section 501
to 50S, inclusive).


Religious expression has taken as The church building was conceived as
many forms as the centuries of recorded a "jewel box" on one-inch thick slab
human history. In most of the structures glass. The exposed steel mullions and
built for worship, the motivation was to spandrel beams serve as a series of
design a cathedral, a mosque, a syna- "frames" that contain this brilliantly
gogue, a shrine, that would in itself be a colored glass. In fact, steel is the only

tribute to whatever deity was the object material which could have been used for
of that worship. In the case of the pre- the purpose. The interior glow produces
dominantly Negro congregation of Christ an exhilarating religious atmosphere.
Unity Temple of Chicago, they express The office wing has a floating roof
their faith through the scriptures, wh ich hovers over the brick work.
preaching and song. They did not require Cooley and Borre, A.lA and Asso-
anything traditional, or symbolic, includ- ciates, Park Ridge, Illinois are the archi-
ing a cross. What they wanted was a tects. Kenneth and Thomas Carroll, Inc.,
building that would complement their Chicago, Illinois was the general con-
fervor. tractor.
(Ed. Note: Mr. Cooley is President of the Guild for
Religious Architecture.)

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