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The Rockefellers - Oil, Money and Power 

1. Describe John D. Rockefeller’s youth. Where was he born,

lived as a young man, his family life?
- John D. Rockefeller was born on July 8, 1839, he was
born at Richford, New York, he was born as eldest son,
Father was William "Big Bill" Avery Rockefeller, William
was a traveling physician and snake-oil salesman,
Mother was Eliza Davidson, Eliza was described as the
opposite of his father, and brought up her large family
very strictly

2. What early experiences led John Rockefeller to value money

so much?
- Rockefeller had little education and began working at
the age 16. He was raised money by raising turkeys,
selling candy, and doing jobs for neighbors.

3. How did he start and operate his first business?

- Rockefeller studied the growing oil industry and then
established an oil refinery in Cleveland in 1863,
however, he was barely able to manage it.

4. How did he create and operate Standard Oil?

- Rockefeller borrowed money to buy out some of his
partners and take control of the refinery. Rockefeller
formed the Standard Oil Company of Ohio. The
corporation produced its own tank cars, pipelines, and
even it's own wooden barrel.

5. Describe the type of monopoly that Standard Oil was?

- Standard Oil was one of the largest businesses in
America, and it controlled the oil industry, so it became
a Monopoly. It gained a monopoly in the oil industry by
buying rival refineries and developing companies for
distributing and marketing its products around the

6. Why were there so many critics of John Rockefeller? (use

- At this time, Rockefeller became a wealthy and
successful man. Because of this, muckraking
journalists, reform politicians and others viewed him as
a symbol of corporate greed. Ex. Henry Demarest Lloyd
and Ida Tarbell who published harsh stories of the oil
empire. They criticized the methods with which he'd
built his "empire". They also criticized Rockefeller for
railroad rebates, price fixing, bribery, crushing smaller
firms by unfair competition, such as cutting off their
crude oil supplies or restricting their transportation

7. How was John’s son, John David, the same and different
from his father?
- John David Rockefeller was the same and different as
his father because they both had the same inspiration
and urge for money and they both worked at the
standard oil company as important people. John David
was inspired and determined to save up money and
this shows various differences and similarities with his
father. John David got his inspiration from his father
and grandfather and his great grandfather of making
money and building the standard oil’s reputation and
inspiration which helped making more money.
8. Is there anything wrong with the way John Rockefeller made
his fortune? Explain your opinion.
- Yes, his wealth and power grew through unfair
methods—bribery, intimidation, and bullying all his
competitors out of business. Starting a business, he
should not have used unfair and illegal methods to
make money and have power, it’s unfair for those who
are actually making an effort.

9. List and describe several of the controversies that surround

the Rockefeller legacy.
- Married to Laura Rockefeller
- Had five children, including a daughter who died in
- Rockefeller is considered one of America's leading
- Is also credited for helping to shape the U.S into what
it is today
- Noted for
- Famous for philanthropy
- Famous for oil

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