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Tutorial Problem Set 1: Week 1-2

March 4, 2021

1. Evaluate the following when a = 1, b = 3,and c = 27

(a) 6a2 + 2bc − 2c 3

(b) 6a − 2b2 c

2. Determine the slope of and sketch the equations

(a) y = −3x + 2
(b) 2x + 5y − 10 = 0

3. Find an equation of the line given the information:

(a) m = −2, and passing through (2, −3)
(b) Vertical line passing though (2, 5)
(c) Slope is undened, and passing though (−1, −3)
(d) m = 0 and passing through (4, 5)
(e) Parallel to 2x + 5y − 10 = 0 and passing though (1, 0)
(f) x-intercepts: (x1 , x2 ) = (0, 2) and y-intercepts: (y1 , y2 ) = (6, 0)

4. Answer the following questions. Treat each parts (ab), (b) and (c) inde-
(a) A bank lent $118, 500 to a company for the development of two prod-
ucts. If the loan for product A was for $34, 500 more than that for
product B, how much was lent for each product?

(b) Suppose the sales of a company are given by S = 500x + 4000 where
x is measured in years and x = 0 corresponds to the year 2009.
i. Find S when x = 0
* Prepared by: Course Coordinator Ronald R. Kumar - Semester 1, 2021-FM101

ii. Find S when x = 2
iii. Find S at year 2020.

(c) A manufacturer produces books at a daily cost of $0.85 per book

and sells them for $1.10 per book. The daily operational overhead is
$400. Determine the break-even point.

5. Answer the following questions. Treat each parts independently.

(a) Decide whether the values of the variables listed are the solutions of
the system of equations
2x − y =5
i. where x = 2, y = −1
5x + 2y =8

3x + 4y =4
ii. 1
where x = 2, y = 1
2 x − 3y = − 12

(b) State whether these systems of equations are consistent or inconsis-

tent. Where the system is consistent, determine the values of x and
x+y =8
x−y =4

4x + 2y =8
2x + y =5

2x + y =1
4x + 2y =2

(c) Solve the following system of linear equations by elimination

−2m + n = 12
3m + 5n = 2
(d) Solve the following system of linear equations by substitution
2m + 13 n = 3
i. 1
4m − 23 n = −1

6. The Jo family's farm has 50 acres of land to grow pineapple and taro. The
cost for planting pineapple was $150 per acre and the cost of planting taro
was $100 per acre. Jo has a budget of $7, 000 for planting these crops. If
Jo wishes to exhaust the land use and the money he budgeted, how many

acres of each crop should be planted?

7. A movie theater charges adult for $6.50 and children for $5. On a day
when 300 people paid admission, the total receipts were $1, 800. How
many were adults and how many were children on that day?

8. Billy has $150, 000 to invest. He requires a return on his investments of

$12, 000 per year. As his nancial consultant, you recommend he invest a
certain amount of money in a promissory note that yield 5% per annum,
and certain amount in a long-term government bond that yield 10% per
annum. Find the amount that should be allocated to each asset for Billy
to secure a return on his investment of $12, 000.

9. A company specializes in producing Cans and Bottles. Each Can requires

2 people in production section and 1 person in packaging section (each
day). Each Bottle requires 4 people in production section and 5 people
in packaging section. How many Cans and Bottles must be produced per
day to keep 70 people in the production and 65 people in the packaging

~END ~

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