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1 Lo/l' biel tor .

• ttd ill
hi-rise apartlllellts, , , ,page 6

2 Prize /lI'iel!1cS of 196R, , page 1.4

3 Steel on the ;'ocks ,. _ page 8

Publ ished by

American Institute
of Steel Construction
101 Park Avenue, New YOrk, N. Y. 10017

Modules Fill Need Fast 3
OFFICERS Low Bid for Steel in Hi-Rise Apartments 6
Eugene J. Pidgeon, President Steel on the Rocks 8
Edwin H. Webster, First Vice President Designer's Office Demonstrates a Cable Roof 12
Gilbert M. Dorland, Second Vice President Prize Bridges of 1968 14
William R. Jackson, Treasurer
John K. Edmonds,
Executive Vice President
Leslie H. Gillette,
Assistant Executive Vice President

The 21st (mnllal AISC National En!Jineerinfl Conference will

Daniel Farb, Editor
Mary Anne Donohue, Ass!. Editor
be held onllfay 8 and 9,1,969 at the Shamrock Hotel in HOllston,
Te.ras. Leadin!J authol'ities in steel design, research, and. con-
"trlletion will meet to e.rchange ideas and information about
the latest developments in these /ieldB. This conference is a
"mlN;t" for anyone lvho design~~ structures.

For additional infonnation about re!Jistration contact AISC,
Atlanta, Georgia
Birmingham, Alabama 101 Park Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10017.
Boston, Massachusetts
Chicago, Illinois
Cleveland, Ohio
Dallas, Texas
Denver, Colorado Entdes arc invited for AISC',~ Seventh Annual Fellowship
Detroit, Michigan
Awards Program. These awards serve to encourage expertise in
Charlotte, North Carolina
Hartford, Connecticut the creative llse of fabl'icated stl'uctllral steel.
Houston, Texas
FOllr $2,500 fel/olt'sltip awards will be m'anted to senior 01'
Los Angeles, california
Memphis, Tennessee flradllate students enrol/ed in a strllctural engineering program
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
at an accredited engineeling institution. Additicmal/y, tlte head
Minneapolis, Minnesota
New York, New York of the department whO'e each Fellow will undertake his stlldy
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Il'ill I'eceive a f1l1·the>' grant of $500 for lin restricted general
Omaha, Nebraska
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania administrative use.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
St. Louis, Missouri
Students interested should contact th(' Chairman of the Civil
San Francisco, California
Seattle, Washington
Syracuse, New York
Washington, District of Columbia
Enginee";ng Department at their institlltion for Rules and In-
8trl/ctions for Applicants, 01' IV/ite directly to AISC, 101 Park
Al'elwe, New York, N. Y.10017 fo,' this information. •

When the fast growing drug firm, ules be modified by removing a wide Unique Space Frame
Syntex Laboratories, needed interim roof overhang and simplifying the A plexiglass-covered space frame
space until completion of permanent fascia. The resull is a handsome form protects the mall from rain and the hot
headquarters, Architects Mackinlay/ designed to be interconnected at any summer sun and affords an interesling
Winnacker & Associates came through poinl on any wall. Each module is a visual enclosure.
with an award-winning prefabricated lightweight, rigid sleel frame unil, 10 The space frame consists of 4 ft-I in.
complex. From conception to comple- ft wide and 32 or 60 ft long. Upon com- long steel channels and specially-
tion, the project was built in just six plelion, the modules were moved 400 formed conneclor plates. They were
months. miles and lifted by crane onlo the fin - shipped to the site in boxes, where large
The four building complex comprises ished structure. sections were bolted togelher on Ihe
23,000 sq ft of space in two office ground and lifled by crane onlo the pre-
buildings, a cafeteria and a conference Interesling Arrangemenl of Buildings
posilioned sleel columns. The space
training center. The temporary facility Deviating from the normal barracks frame's unique slructural characleris-
meets the aesthetic and environmental alignment, the architects grouped the lics permitted the architects to position
standards necessary in the Palo Alto, modules into four differenl shaped the columns where they best suited
Calif. industrial park where the project buildings. Twenty-foot breezeways sepa- Iraffic flow.
is located. rale the buildings to meel code require-
menls. The buildings surround a covered Impressive Interior
CPM Used mall which gives an open feeling and a Visitors are impressed by Ihe modern,
A critical path network was formu - sense of vertical dimension. The mall functional appearance and tasleful
lated which allowed the design and con- provides all internal circulation and decor of Ihe complex. Inlerconneclion of
struclion of Ihe foolings and mechanical serves as an informal meeting space modules creales large expanses of open
and uti lily work 10 proceed while 56 designed to encourage the interchange floor space demanded in Ihe various
modular building componenls were be- of ideas between Ihe researchers and areas. Glass window walls, dislinguished •
ing manufaclured al anolher localion. those from other departmenls of the by handsome sleel delailing, highlighl
The archilecls specified that the mod- company. Ihe facilily's aeslhelic appeal. Atlraclive


• Arch itect: Mackinlay / Winnacker & Associates
Orinda, california
Structural En eineer: Pregnoff & Matheu
Palo Alto, California
General Contractor: Syntex Laboratories. Inc.
Palo Alto, California

A/ter module. u:cre manufactured.

they were 1novtd to ,ite and
lilted by crane onto previou,lJ/
cOJlairltctcd looting"

• vertical blinds protect the windows. The

ceiling's exposed grid construction sup-
ports acoustical tile and recessed
The modified module eliminated in-
dividual heating and air conditioning
pumps that protruded from the end of
the roof, and allowed for a central-fan
coil system with mechanical equipment
contained in one of the modules.
Room for Expans ion
As the facility grows, the relatively
simple addition of modules keeps pace
wi th expansion. When the permanent
facilities are constructed, this entire
interim facility, with the exception of
the footings, can be disassembled and
sold or moved to another site. The manu-
facturer estimates the life of the mod-
ule at 40 years.

• Grouping 0/ building, al'olmd a

mail proved both attractive
and functional.




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720 luxury apartments. Two buildings also submitted for bidding. The result
by Albert Melniker, AlA, are completed and occupied and foun- from all trades revealed a substantial

Eugene N. Ho, P.E. and dations for two others have been poured. saving in favor of the steel framing sys-
Steel erection for the third building be- tem. A structurally distinctive feature,
Samuel H. Marcus, P.E.
gi ns shortly. in addition to the economy involved, is
Before the owner-builder, R.G.R. Con- the thin-line balcony which has hereto·
Billed as the largest apartment com- struction Corporation, Staten Island, fore exclusively belonged to the flat·
plex on New York's booming Staten N. Y., agreed to the framing system - plate rei nforced concrete structure. It
Island, "The Fountains" is an outstand- a combination of structural steel, open· may be that the imaginative combina-
ing example of quality in residential web steel joists, and reinforced concrete tion of the two major structural systems
construction. The complex comprises cantilevered terrace slab - an alternate is a first for a major apartment project.
five lO-story buildings with a total of flat slab reinforced concrete design was Each building is situated on approx-
imately 75,000 sq ft and takes advan·
tage of the natural setting surrounded
by parkland, a golf course, and ponds.
The buildings each have 140,591 SQ
ft of gross floor area. Bay sizes are 18
ft-O in. x 20 ft-2 in. with a floor-to-
floor height of 9 ft-G in. Structural steel
and open-web steel joists provided flex-
ible pipe and conduit runs, thus allowing
more economical electrical, heating and
cooling systems.
463 tons of A36 structural steel and
160 tons of J-Series open·web floor
joists were used for the first building
constructed. This most economical de-
sign for a 10-story structure required
only 8.8 Ibs of structural steel and bar
joists per square foot. This lightweight

system also provided a marked savings
on foundation costs. The unit cost was
less than $10 per sq ft of gross building
All steel columns, flush on the inside
of the building, project on the outside,
where they are faced with brick. struc-
tural steel is shop welded and field
bolted (with simple connections - A307
bolts). The lO-in. exterior walls are cav-
ity type construction (4-i n. brick, 2-in.
air space, 4-in. block with plaster) .
Apartments have lath and plaster sus-
pended on resilient clips to cut sound
transmission through the walls. The
second building has both outdoor and
indoor swimming pools. The indoor pool
is supported on steel trusses at the low-
est level.
Apartment houses do not automat-
ically mean concrete. Think of the sav-
ings steel offers: lower foundation costs,
faster erection (early occupancy), all-
weather construction, and e~sier pipe
and conduit runs. Finally, safety and
beauty cannot be forgotten.
J ,
Mr. Melnikerwas the architect on the pro-

ject. He has offices on Staten Island, N. Y.
J Mr. Ho was consulting engineer on the pro·
ject. He has offices in New York, N. Y.
Mr. Marcus is Regional Engineer for AISC in
New York, N. Y.


Like Topsy, Toporock just grew - at Toporock contains 10,000 sq ft of wooded side of the terrai n. The master
least it seemed that way to Charleston, floor space. About 3,500 sq ft com- bedroom projects into the top level of
W. Va. inhabitants as they watched the prises the living area, and the balance the studio. On the ground level of this
progress of Architect Henry Elden's of 6,500 sq ft is studio space. Through- winding link is an entry gallery and a
studio-residence rising, wrapping out the entire project, vast expanses of large kitchen.
around, and perching upon the Devil's glass, interrupted only by slender steel
Te~ Table, a stony landmark overlooking framing members, assure that the many Studio
the' city, river and wooded terrain. What surrounding vistas can be enjoyed. Walls of glass enclose the massive
finally emerged were two dazzling glass 4-story circular studio. The studio roof-
and steel circular forms - one twice the Living Quarte rs line continues that of the residence but
diameter of the other - linked by a curvi- The residence features a two-story its location on a steep rock cliff allows
linear chain of living quarters. circular living room walled by 21-ft- the addition of two floors below those
In an attempt to introduce contem- high panes of bronzed glass, framed of the house. The dominant character of
porary residential architecture to with lightweight steel tube. The room the office is given by the cliff, which is
Charleston, Mr. Elden became his own cantilevers from a central pedestal and incorporated into the structure. Plants
test case. His design objectives for Top- is encircled by a wood deck. Free-stand- flourish on the rocks and a mature tree
orock included taking full advantage ing stairs spiral upward to an intimate even continues through the roof.

of the unique properties of the site, cantilevered balcony and to three bed- The first floor of the studio is at the
allowing minimal disturbance to the rooms that wind around the knoll and foot of the exposed cliff. The second
terrain, and investigating the potential interlock with the four-story circular level is a broad mezzanine ringing the
for steel in residential construction. studio. The bedrooms open to a quiet, rocky outcropping, and a conference


A view 0/ the t'allry below is assured by tlt(' u'rap· Liflhtlt'riVht tubldar stul u'a, ('holt" lor the "rlu .•
around gla" andsteeI1f.'all. of the living room. Th(' tural frame becault' it allowed the "'" 0/ .moUtt
ll'inding .lair lcad. to the bl'droom,. mrmbrrlJ thatt c:mlld hat'f' bl'l n mplOIlf'd tdth CHIJI
other material.

area is formed by a cantilevered con- requirement to preserve the desired round steel hangers. W. C. Haworth of
crete slab perched on the top of the open quality. All the framing is exposed, Charleston, W. Va. served as structural
cli ff. The ground level houses heating- inside and out. engineer on the project.
cooling equipment. The main entrance The two-story circular living room
to the stUdio is on the second level of rests on a concrete pedestal anchored AISC Award Winner
the stUdio (one below the main entrance in rock. The lightweight steel frame was Mr. Elden, acting as architect, as ell
to the house) which allows traffic to the erected on the pedestal and supported as contractor, let the five-acre site OIC-
two buildings to be kept separate. Out- by falsework. When everything was in tate the shape of the project. The CUrvi-
side, a series of decks, walks and steps place, the exterior ends of the radial linear form was established by the de-
flank the buildings. roof members were threaded with a sire to wrap around the knoll. Toporock
1\l4-in. steel cable. The cable was then was among the 15 winners of AISC's
Steel Framing tightened to bow the roof structure into Architectural Awards of Excellence com-
Most of the structural frame, which place. This tension ring (231 kip stress) petition. In complimenting Toporock, the
is entirely of steel, is anchored directly eliminated need for a central column jurors said: "This is an interesting and
to the rocky outcropping. Mr. Elden in the living room. practical solution for a residence on
chose lightweight tubular steel because Another innovative feature is the cen· rough terrain and on a steep hill. The
it allowed the use of smaller members
than could have been employed with
any other material. Small delicate sec-
tions were part of the basic design
tral column supporting the studio roof
- it also provides the flue for a gas·fired
boiler. The balcony of the stUdio is sus-
pended from the ceiling with ~·in.
light steel frame blends very well with
the rugged slope and the open design
preserves the beauty of the site and the
surrounding scenery." •

• Steel, ,tone and gla,s are interplayed in the rugged

contotlrs 0/ TOpOTock. At left i8 the studio, at right
the living room, and at the center a glau·encircled
back .tair 1dth .kyIight.

A curvilinear lillk luhich winds around the Tocky
outcropping serves to connect the two circular
form •.
'- - -


Designer's Office Demonstrates
a Cable Roof

by Heikki K. Elo, P.E. and David T. Evans, P.E.

De.igner Elo built thir .mall offictJ building to demonstrate the economy and practicality 0/ cable rool con .. truction.
• Located in gently rolling farmland
in eastern Pennsylvania, just north of
Easton, is an office building - small,
one-story, but expressing with dignity
and quiet beauty its function - to pro- Th. ~ cable roof 01 the He13i1lki Ice Stadium 'pa,,, ~"'o ft.
vide a small-scale example of the prac- Notr that tJu roof line follows tltt, C'lInature of thl' (,Clbie tn('8U,
ticality and economy of cable roof con-
struction and, of minor importance, to
be an enclosure for the office of its
owner and designer, Heikki K. Elo.
Mr. Elo decided that this building
must be rectangular in plan, have no
external ties exposed to the weather,
have a roof as lightweight as possible,
utilize ordinary component materials
and construction procedures, and ex-
press the shape of the structural
He accomplished this with a 70-ft x
52-ft building by providing a double
cable roof in single curvature. The main
(top) cables carry all the downward
service loads; the bottom cables are
stressed, after assembly, to a predeter-
mined tension to introduce a downward
pull on the main cables under all condi-

tions of possible uplift. The main and board ceiling is attached to the under- eight optical deflection gages at various
bottom cables are laced together by the side of the wood framing, and plywood points along the 70-1t span. Movements
truss cables which transmit the tension walkways above the ceiling provide easy are simultaneously recorded by a movie
of the bottom cables to the main cables, access for servicing the utilities. camera during high winds. To date the
and spread stresses caused by unequal The foundations were designed as wind has reached a maximum velocity of
loading to lesser stressed parts of the grade beams between individual foot- 40 mph, and the maximum recorded ver·
structure. Thus vibrations are dampened ings which act as dead man anchors. tical deflection during sustained uplift
in all parts of the structure. The roof design was based on the has been 0.2 in. This is only 14200 of
Columns carry the vertical compo- "Tentative Criteria for Structural Appli- the span. The maximum recorded ampli-
nents of the cable stresses at their ends cations of Steel Cables for Buildings" tude of flutter has been 0.01 in.
and act as framing for the end walls. by the American Iron and Steel Institute. The rectangular shape of this type of
Diagonal struts carry the horizontal The elongations of cable members due structure is generally the most efficient
components into the foundations at the to prestretching and service loads were because it is simplest to construct,
corners of the building and in the main taken into consideration. least likely to invite layout or construc-
division wall. The roof consists of or- Erection was extremely simple be- tion errors, and best uti I izes commer·
dinary 22 gao formed metal, laid on the cause each "cable truss" is very light cially available shapes and materials.
main cables and fastened with commer- and was lifted into position in its limp Mr. Elo's experience suggests that
cial preformed concrete reinforcing bar state. Only a "one·man" block and tackle this design is economical from 100 to
tie wires through holes punched in the was required for the entire roof erec- 300 feet due to the extremely light roof
deck with an electric hammer, 11'2 tion. Even on much larger jobs, heavy construction. The Helsinki Ice Stadium
inches of inSUlation mopped to the cranes would not be required. with its clear span of 240 It is proof of
metal deck, and a four-ply felt roof with The entire cost of the building was the pudding, but the future will require
limestone chips. Roof runoff is collected $12.00/ sq ft, despite its small size. a substantial increase of other large
by a short length of exterior gutter on The economy lies in the very light inte· clear span structures - assembly halls,
each end of the roof valley. Air condi- rior partitions. none of which are load- mUlti-purpose rooms for schools, indus-
tioning units, duct work, and electrical bearing, the ease of installation of utili- trial buildings of unassigned use, air-
wiring rest on a system of wooden 2 x 6's ties, and the strength of the cables- craft hangars, covered stadiums - all

suspended from the roof cables. A wall- six times that of hot-rolled steel, but of which can employ this cable sup-
Heikki K. flo is • consult in, structural enaineer only double the cost. ported roof system, and express the char-
in Easton, Pa. In order to monitor the vertical de- acteristic shape of the suspended roof
David T. Evans is Regional Engineer, AISC,
Philadelphia, Pa, flections of the roof, Mr. Elo has placed aesthetica Ily.


OF 1968 •


San Maleo.Hayward Bridge
San Mateo and Hayward, California
DUi,ner: Division of Bay Toll CrosSings, San F~anciSCo, California
OWner: State of California, Department o f Publlc.~ork ~ .
General Contractor: Superstructu re: MUrphy Paclhc Bridge BUilders
Substructure: Pomeroy-Gerwlck-Steers
SIUI FabriCitor: Murphy Pacific Corpora tion


Fullon Br idges
Over The West Branch of The
SUSQuehanna River, 1-80
Clearfield County, Pennsylvania .
Dnilne r: Brookhart & Tyo
Own er : Commonwealth of Pennsy <I ,
Department of Highways
General Contractor: Penker Constr. Co.
Steel Fabrica tor: Americ;an Br.idge
DIvision, United States
Steel Corporation


Ee l River Bridie And Overhead
SCOtia, California
DUi,ner: State of Cali f omia
OWner: State of California
General Contractor: Fruin-Colnon Contractor Company
StUI Fabncator: Kaiser Stee l Corporation


Blackwell Interchange
B lackwell, Arkansas
DU llner: Arkansas State Highway Department
OWner: Arkansas State Highway Department
General Contractor: H. N. Rodgers & Sons Company
Sttel Fabricator: Pidleon-Thomas Iron Company T .. PRIZE BRIDGE - SHORT SPAN
Satsop River Br idges
Satsop, Washington
Du i l n er: Washington State Highway
Owner: State of Washington
Genera l Contractor: Troy T, Burnham
St eel Fabrica tor: Northwest Steel
Fabricators, In.
Guy A_West Bridge
Sacr amento, California
Desiln.,: The Spink Corpora t ion
Owner: City of Sacramento
Gener.' Contractor: A. Teichert & Son, Inc.
Steel Fabricator: American Bridge Division,
Unlt~ States Steel Corporation


South Fork Feather River Bridge
Near Feather FIlls
Butte County, California
Dts i,ner: State of california
Owner: State of California
Gen era l ContrlCtor: Rothschild, Ratfin &
Weirick, Inc.
and Piombo Construction Company
Stee l Fabri cato r: Bethlehem Steel Corp.


Poplar Street Bridee
Between St. Louis, Missouri and East S1. Louis, Illinois
Dui, n": Sverdrup & Parcel & ASSOCiates, Inc .
Own er: Missouri State HighwI'l CommIssion and The State of
illinois, Department of Public WOf"kS & Buildings
Gen era l Contractor: Superstructure: Bethlehem Steel Corporation
Substructure: Dravo Corporation
Stee l Fab rica t or: Bethlehem Steel Corporation


Corn Creek Bridge
''''ossyrock, Washington
Oesi lner: washington State Highway CommiSSion
Owner: State of Washington
General Contractor: Gibbons & Reed Compa n y
Steel Fabri cator: Northwest Steel Fabricators, Inc.


Project 1-29-5 (8) 97
Near River SiOUX, Harrison County, Iowa
Duiln er: Iowa State Highwav Commission
Owner: Iowa State HI&hwa'l CommIssion
Gen era l Contra ct or: Jensen Construction Compan'l
St.el Fabricator: Bennett Industries. Inc. ...

OF 1968


Gorge Dam Access Bridge
Near Newhalem, Washin&;ton

Desian,,: Harry R. Powell & Associates
Owner: City of Seattle, Department of lightina
General Contractor: lee T. Dulin Construction Co.
Steel F.bricltor: Western Steel Company


Bridge Over Snake River'2
Jackson, wyoming
Disiiner: Wyoming, Highway Department
Owner: Wyoming H,ghway Department
Gentra' Con'tlctor: Ellingford Brothers, Inc .
Steel Fabric.tor: Midwest Steel & Iroo Works


Conaways Road Over Little Patuxent River
Conaways, Maryland
Oasilner: Rummell. Klepper & Kahl;~~~truction Co. Inc.
Steel Fabricator: Cumberland Bridge Company T

Route 5/99 Separation
At Wheeler Ridge, Kern County, Califomla
Duilner: State of Californi,
Owner. State of Califomia
Cener,l Contractor: Tumblin Company
Steel Fabricator: Kaiser Stell I Corpo ... Uon


Valencia Boulevard Overcrossing
Valencia, California
Oesilner: State of California
Owner: State of California •
General Contractor: E. C. Young
Steel Fabricator: American Bridge
DIvIsion, United Stat
Steel Corporation


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