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Sponsored by the American Welding Society and the Welding Research Council

Joining Using Semisolid Metals

Semisofid metals can be used as filler metal to obtain joints

as strong as the base material


ABSTRACT. This paper explores the pos- volve the same base metal and alloying el- solid phase can coexist. These regions are
sibilities of joining metals using semisolid ements as the substrate, or not, is de- highlighted in the phase diagram of Fig. 3,
slurries. Experiments have been carried posited along a locally preheated groove, corresponding to the model alloy used in
out using a model alloy of Sn-Pb to as shown in Fig. 1, where the solidification our experiments (Sn 85%-Pb 15%). Dur-
demonstrate the concept, and the results and heat-transfer processes are radically ing the solidification of castings in this par-
are extrapolated using scaling laws to the different from those of typical welding. tially solidified state, the formation and
semisolid metal joining (SSMJ) of alu- The microstructure of the metal deposited growth of dendrites is common, whether
minum plates. The advantages of this in this way is always equiaxed, as shown in columnar or equiaxed. As the solid frac-
process are an equiaxed microstructure of Fig. 2, not columnar dendritic as in fusion tion increases past a characteristic value
the joint, the deposition of large amounts welding. In this microstructure, solidifica- during cooling, the deformation resis-
of filler metal in one pass, and the absence tion occurs at all solid particles simultane- tance of the partially solidified metal in-
of fumes and spatter. Cross-joint tensile ously. Other advantages of this process are creases dramatically. However, the defor-
tests have been performed showing joint the absence of spatter and welding fumes. mation resistance is drastically reduced if
strength comparable to that of bulk mate- SSMJ also presents some limitations, such this same alloy composition is sheared suf-
rial. Key factors in this process are the sub- as the need to locally preheat the substrate ficiently during cooling to break up den-
strate and slurry temperature, as well as to a semisolid temperature. drites and form spheroidal solid-phase
the absence of superficial oxides or conta- This study focuses on the process of particles. Alloys with this spheroidal mi-
minants. A criterion for the production of using semisolid metal slurries joining and crostructure in the semisolid state are
a successful joint is proposed. on the properties of the resulting joints. called semisolid metal slurries, or just
The production of the semisolid stream is semisolid slurries. Flemings illustrates a
Introduction described in detail elsewhere (Ref. 2). semisolid slurry created in this manner ex-
hibits a shear strength three orders of
The key to high-strength welds resides Semisolid Metal Processing magnitude lower than a dendritic system
ultimately in the metallurgical properties of equal solid fraction (Ref. 4). This per-
of the welded region. For processes in- Semisolid metal processing was in- mits slurries of significantly high solid
volving fusion of the base metal (e.g., vented at Massachusetts Institute of Tech- fraction to flow easily. The flow properties
GTAW, GMAW, LBW, EBW), these prop- nology (M.I.T.) in the early 1970s (Ref. 3); of a slurry stream can be greatly modified
erties are largely influenced by the mi- a comprehensive description of its funda- by controlling both the solid fraction pre-
crostructure of solidification. In these mentals is given elsewhere (Refs. 4, 5). sent in the stream and the degree of ag-
processes, the molten metal solidifies with The equilibrium phase diagrams of metal glomeration of the solid particles. Defor-
a dendritic microstructure with mechani- alloys show regions of temperature and mation resistance, or apparent viscosity,
cal properties inferior to equiaxed mi- composition where a liquid phase and can be changed many orders of magnitude
crostructures. by changing the solid fraction of the slurry.
Joining with semisolid metal slurries-- A typical aluminum alloy at a 10% fraction
semisolid metal joining (SSMJ) - - offers solid has an apparent viscosity of the order
the potential of avoiding some of the prob- of 10-1 Pa s, similar to that of olive oil. The
lems of conventional fusion welding by KEY WORDS same alloy at a solid fraction above 50%
using semisolid metallic slurry as the filler can have an apparent viscosity of the order
metal (Ref. 1). This slurry, which can in- Metallic Slurry of 102 Pa s, similar to that of toothpaste.
Aluminum Plate
P E MENDEZ is PostdoctoralAssociate, Mass- Semisolid Slurry Analysis of the Process
achusetts Institute of Technology, and President, Heat Transfer
Semi-Solid Technologies, Inc., Somerville, Mass. Viscosity Semisolid slurries allow for control of
C. S. RICE, is with Vforge, Inc., Somerville, Scaling apparent viscosity of deposition material
Mass. S. B. BROWN is Director of the Boston
in such a way that filler remains where it
Office of Exponent, Inc., Boston, Mass.
was applied and does not flow along the


dispensing nozzle

semi-solid filler

Fig. 2 - - J o i n t between the semisolid slurry and

base material the dendritic substrate.

Fig. 1 - - Joining using a semisolid metal slurry.

Table 1 - - Characteristic Height Corresponding to Fluid Flow Dominated by Surface Tension

Effects (Bond n u m b e r = 0.1)
= 0.037413f/-50024 (4)

Material Surface Tension (o) Density (p) (kg/m0 Height (H) where fl is the volume fraction of the alloy•
(N/m) (mm) Equation 3 corresponds to a Sn85%-
Pb15% alloy, and is valid for 0.55<~<0.7
Sn 85%-Pb 15% 0.6 (Ref. 13) 7200 0.922
Aluminum alloys 0.91 (Ref. 14) 2241 (Ref. 14) 2.035 and shear rate below 250 1/s. Equation 4
Iron alloys 1.6 (Ref. 15) 6650 (Ref. 16) 1.566 corresponds to an aluminum alloy with
7% Si and 0.6% Mg. It is valid for
Note: The characteristic height for surface tension-dominated flows is of the order of a millimeter. 0.5<3~<0.7 and shear rate below 300 1/s.
The corresponding value of Me is 327
joint groove, even for large filling cross strate, where it deforms under the action for the experiments performed• If the
sections• Because the substrate does not of gravity and cools down simultaneously. slurry had the viscosity of the liquid alloy
reach the liquidus temperature, dilution As the slurry cools, its resistance to defor- (approximately 2 x 10 -3 [Ref. 8]), Me
of the base metal in the filler metal is very mation increases, eventually reaching a would be three orders of magnitude
small, allowing for joints in which filler solid fraction where deformation stops• larger• The characteristic time for this
alloy can have a very different composi- The driving force for this deformation is process is determined by the diffusion of
tion from substrate. This capability of con- the metallostatic pressure and the balanc- heat from the slurry into the substrate;
trolling deposition by varying the apparent ing force is the resistance to deformation therefore, heat transfer in this system
viscosity is unique to this process, and it is of the slurry as a homogeneous material• must be understood•
not attainable with other technologies in- Dimensional analysis of this process indi-
volving molten metal• cates it can be characterized by the fol- Heat Transfer
Surface tension is the dominant mech- lowing dimensionless group (Ref. 2):
anism for holding liquid when molten Heat transfer from the slurry into the
metal is involved• Capillary effects are suf- Me = plgteH substrate involves complexities such as
ficiently strong when the bond number multiphase transport with variable pro-
(Bo) is much smaller than one: /A (2) portion of solid and liquid phases• These
changes affect thermophysical properties
where 9f and o are the density and appar- of the semisolid. For simplicity, we assume
B o = PtH2""~g << 1 ent viscosity of the slurry used as a filler one-dimensional heat conduction perpen-
cr (1) metal, and tc is the characteristic time dur- dicular to the direction of joining, con-
ing which the slurry deforms. This dimen- stant properties, and a constant interface
where Pl is the density of the liquid, H a sionless group can be interpreted as a ratio temperature• With these considerations, a
characteristic height (Fig. 4), g the acceler- of metallostatic pressure to viscous resis- characteristic time for the heat transfer
ation of gravity, o the liquid surface ten- tance to deformation. The larger this process can be approximated as
sion. This need for strong capillary forces number, the more liquid-like the behavior
imposes an upper limit for the cross sec- of the semisolid; conversely, the lower this
tions of passes for welding using fully number, the more semisolid slurry will be-
molten metals (Ref. 6). This upper limit is have like a solid. t c = ----
of the order of a millimeter, as shown in The apparent viscosity for a semisolid (5)
Table 1. Different groove geometries can slurry has been studied in detail by Kumar
increase this upper limit to values closer to (Refs. 5, 7). His experimental data for ap- where D is a characteristic distance for
a centimeter in some cases• parent viscosity at steady state for Sn-Pb heat conduction through the cross section
and aluminum alloys can be summarized of the joint, as indicated in Fig. 4; ctf is the
Deposition and Deformation of a with the following formulas: thermal diffusivity of the slurry (semisolid
Semisolid Slurry filler); Tf is its temperature; Ti is tempera-
ture of the interface between the slurry
In SSMJ, a semisolid slurry is used as ~/ = 0 . 0 8 5 7 8 7 f t -4'642
(3) and base

metal; and T_P is the temperature
filler metal• It is deposited onto the sub- at which the semisolid filler stops deform-


.......... W E L D I N G R E S E A R C H ......

Atomic Percent Tin

, i~ , . I00
35O i i ~ t J . i ,

* r"
q, .... / zo.e *C ~. "S , . . . . " ~ . & "

/ W3 ~1.1

Pb WeillhL PercenL Tin Sn

Fig,. 3 - - Phase diagram for the binary system Pb-Sn (Ref 17). The Fig. 4 -- Cross section o f a weld made by semisolid metal joining.
shaded areas indicate the semisofid regions in this system.

ing. This point is reached gradually and where fs,w and fl,w are
cannot be clearly defined. For simplicity in the solid and liquid frac-
this analysis, it will be assumed the semi- tions by weight, Cps and groove face
solid slurry stops deforming when it col are the specific keats
reaches a solid fraction equivalent to that of solid and liquid, AHsl
of closed packed spheres (74%). For the is the latent heat of
experiments performed, tc is 0.8 s. change of phase (heat of
The deduction of Equation 5 is pre- melting minus thermal
sented in the Appendix. A more sophisti- energy accumulated by
cated expression based on the same sim- the solid and liquid be-
plifications of the physics can be found in tween the solidus and
Ref. 9. Given these simplifications, the use liquidus), and T,~ is the
of more sophisticated expression adds lit- temperature of the
tle to the accuracy of the representation, semisolid. In this work,
yet the analysis becomes more difficult. the liquid fraction of the
The dominant mode of heat transfer Sn-Pb alloys was calcu-
can be determined using the Peclet num- lated using the lever
ber (Pe); in this problem, this dimension- rule. The liquid fraction
less group indicates how much heat is for the aluminum alloy
brought to the interface by the freshly laid 6061 was obtained from Fig. 5 - - Dimensions qf'bars welded (mm).
slurry relative to heat carried away by the Ref. 10.
relative motion of the slurry under the The importance of
nozzle. heat losses at the sur-
face can be evaluated
Pe = VL / a r (6) using the Biot number sponding Biot number is of the order of
(Si) 10-3 , indicating surface heat losses are
where V is the velocity of the substrate and negligible.
L is a characteristic length in the longitu- Bi = heH
dinal direction. The length L can be esti- k (8) Description of the Experiments
mated as L = Vtc. The value of the Peclet
number for the experiments performed is where h e is the equivalent surface heat Bars of Sn 85%-Pb 15% (Fig. 5) were
81, which is much greater than one, indi- transfer coefficient, which includes con- joined with semisolid slurry of composi-
cating conduction in the direction of mo- vection in still air and radiation. The ex- tion Sn 95%-Pb 5%. The semisolid slurry
tion is negligible, consistent with the hy- pression for h e is h e = h + eOSB (Tf + was produced in a rheocaster, shown
pothesis made above of one-dimensional T0)(Tf2 + T02), where h is the convection schematically in Fig. 6. Six pairs of bars
conduction perpendicular to the direction coefficient for heat transfer in still air (ap- were mounted on an aluminum plate, as
of motion. The calculation of the equiva- proximately 20 W/m2K), e is the emissivity shown in Fig. 7, and the whole arrange-
lent heat diffusivity of the filler is based on coefficient (approximately 0.06), oSB is ment was then mounted on a heating
the equivalent heat capacity of a semisolid the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, Tf is the plate. The heating plate was on top of a
slurry (Cpss). absolute temperature of the surface of the computer-controlled x-y-z table, which
slurry and T 0 is the absolute temperature moved the bars to be joined under the sta-
Cp.,~ = f~.,,.ct,.~ + f.,.cp/ + AH.,/ df of the surroundings. The convection term tionary slurry-dispensing nozzle. The bars
dT,~ is dominant for the conditions of the ex- were fitted with K-type thermocouples to
(7) periments performed, and the corre- record temperature histories. The bars



Fig. 7 - - Setup of the bars to be welded.

the laboratory, having face, as shown in Fig. 8. In this last case,

the whole substrate pre- the interface is significantly weaker.
heated to a semisolid In a good joint, there is no sharp mi-
Fig. 6 - - Rheocaster used to create the semisolid slurry (Ref. 2). temperature would be crostructural transition at the interface, as
impractical, and the shown in Fig. 2. This evidence suggests
substrate should be lo- that for a good metallurgical joint, while
cally heated. the filler metal is being deposited, the
The displacement ve- semisolid interface must be soft enough to
locity used was 20 mm/s, and the slurry be deformed and permit the interlocking
flow rate was 1.6 cm3/s. The experiments of the solid phase particles. Smaller solid
joined two sets of three pairs of bars for particles of the slurry could potentially in-
each run of the rheocaster. The joint was terlock into harder interfaces; however,
performed by depositing the semisolid this effect could be countered by the fact
slurry in a rectilinear path along the joint that at a given solid fraction, more solid
grooves. particles need to be accommodated when
The model filler metal employed, Sn their size decreases. The slurry solid parti-
85%-Pb 15%, is the low-temperature sys- cle size is determined by the slurry pro-
tem typically used for semisolid experi- duction machine, and it varies little for
ments (Refs. 5, 11, 12). The rheocaster was typical slurry-production machines, with
also loaded with an alloy of this composi- values ranging between 100 and 200 mi-
tion. Due to density differences between crons, depending on the cooling and stir-
Fig. 8 - - Interface of an inadequate weld. The the liquid phase (Pb rich) and solid phase ring rate for alloy systems comprising tin-
microstructures of the filler and base metals are (Sn rich), some separation of both phases lead, aluminum, and steel (Ref. 4).
clearly separated by the interface, which acts as occurred. This separation resulted in an Since resistance to deformation is
a path for crack propagation, significantly initial liquid Pb-rich phase, followed by strongly linked to solid fraction and tem-
weakening the weld. steady semisolid slurry of lower Pb frac- perature (Ref. 4), a heat balance at the in-
tion (Sn 95%-Pb 5%). The joining experi- terface is a useful tool to analyze a crite-
ments were performed using this slurry. It rion for a strong joint.
had an as-cast dendritic microstructure will be shown later this difference in com- Assuming the slurry-substrate inter-
that coarsened slightly during the heating position is beneficial for the joining face as a one-dimensional conduction
stage (approximately 35 min to reach the process. heat transfer process as suggested above,
target temperature). the interface temperature at the instant of
The slurry was produced with a shear Criterion for a Strong Joint contact can be calculated as suggested by
rate of 200 l/s, and had a typical solid par- Carslaw and Jaeger (Ref. 9)
ticle diameter of 100 microns. The best The single most important factor for
results were obtained with a substrate obtaining a good joint in SSMJ is the con-
temperature of 198°C and a slurry tem- dition of the interface. The interface must
1 kb ~ l + k ~ a~-~b
perature of 218.6°C, corresponding to be clean of oxides or contaminants that
volume solid fractions of 41.7% and can prevent good contact between the de- + kf "~ ct b kh ~ a f (9)
46.9%, respectively. Although the sub- posited slurry and base metal. In addition
strate was in a semisolid regime, it did not to cleanliness, the interface has to reach a where T i is the interface temperature, k b
deform significantly because its dendritic critical temperature that would enable a and % are the thermal conductivity and
microstructure had a high degree of in- metallurgical joint between the slurry and diffusivity of the substrate, and kf and ~f
terlocking, with the dendrites acting as a the base metal. If the temperature is too are the thermal conductivity and diffusiv-
sort of skeleton preventing deformation low, a clear line-up of grain boundaries in- ity of the semisolid slurry acting as a filler
(Ref. 5). For real-life applications outside dicate the original location of the inter- metal. Equation 9 shows the temperature

il:~B.~ SEPTEMBER 2002

Table 2 - - Parameters for the Experiments Performed and Their Extrapolation through Scaling
[ ]
Base Filler Plate H D Velocity Deposition Base Filler Interface r6 weld
Metal Metal Thickness (Fig. 4) (Fig. 4) (V) Rate Materials Temp. Temp. I

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm/s) (lb/h) Temp. 8 13

(T~) (%) (T,)
(oc) (of) (of)

Sn 85%- Sn 95%- 8 14.9 4.8 20.0 90 198.0 218.6 206.1

Pb 15% Pb 5%
Sn 85%- Sn 95%- 25.4 47.4 15.4 14.6 670 201.9 212.5 206.1
Pb 15% Pb 5%
A356 6061 8 14.9 4.8 24.8 42 591.7 615.2 603.5 Fig. 9 - - Dimensions o f specimens used for ten-
A356 6061 25.4 47.4 15.4 10.8 186 599.8 607.1 603.5 sile tests (ram).

Table 3 - - Thermophysical Properties of Semisolid Sn-Pb Binary Alloys (Refs. 12, 13, 17, 18)

Sn Pb Temperature Solid Thermal Density Specific Thermal Viscosity

(wt-%) (wt-%) (°C) Fraction Conductivity (p) Heat Diffusivity (~t)
(fs) (~) (kg/m,) (co) (ct) (Pa s)
(vol-%) (W/mK) (J/kgK) (m-'/s)
85 15 198.0 41.7 50 7430 984 6.84 x 104 no flow
85 15 201.9 30.4 50 7410 1190 5.67 x 104 no flow
85 15 206.1 14.8 50 7400 1520 4.45 x 10-~ no flow
95 5 206.1 79.4 50 7180 647 10.8 x 104 no flow
95 5 209.7 74.0 50 7170 785 8.88 x 104 no flow
95 5 212.5 68.2 50 7160 950 7.35 x 104 17.6
95 5 218.6 46.9 50 7140 1740 4.03 x 104 1.62

Table 4 - - Thermophysical Properties of Semi solid Aluminum Alloys (Refs. 10, 19)

Alloy Temperature Solid Thermal Density Specific Thermal Viscosity

(°C) Fraction Conductivity (p) Heat Diffusivity (~t)
(fs) (r) (kg/m3) (co) (a) (Pa s)
(vol-%) (W/mK) (J/kgK) (mqs)
A356 591.7 30.9 160 2685 5860 10.2 x 104 no flow
A356 599.8 19.9 160 2685 7210 8.26 x 104 no flow
A356 603.5 14.8 160 2690 7760 7.68 x 104 no flow
6061 603.5 77.3 180 2700 8530 7.82 x 104 no flow
6061 604.8 74 180 2700 9200 7.25 x 10~ no flow
6061 607.1 67.8 180 2700 10300 6.50 x 104 22.5
6061 615.2 41.6 180 2700 12000 5.57 x 104 0.552

of the interface is a weighted average of the The temperature and composition of the deformation conditions, same heat trans-
temperatures of the slurry and the sub- filler slurry and base metal are represented fer conditions, and same joining condi-
strate. If their properties are the same, the in the phase diagram of Fig. 3. tions at the interface.
temperature of the interface is their arith- Based on experiments performed, one Table 2 presents the extrapolated con-
metic mean. For the experiments per- of the requirements for a strong joint is ditions for the SSM joining of 1-in.-thick
formed, the estimated temperature of the that interface temperature should corre- Pb-Sn plate, and 8-mm- and 1-in.-thick
interface for good joints was 206°C, corre- spond to a solid fraction of the substrate a l u m i n u m plate. T h e t h e r m o p h y s i c a l
sponding to a solid fraction of 14.8% for of 15%. properties for the alloys used in this work
the substrate side of the interface. The in- are listed in Tables 3 and 4. A l u m i n u m
a d e q u a t e joint of Fig. 8 was p e r f o r m e d Scaling of the Process alloy 356 is joined with aluminum alloy
with a slurry temperature of 198.5°C and a 6061 because the latter can be deposited
substrate temperature of 111 °C, which cor- An extrapolation of the experiments at a higher t e m p e r a t u r e for e q u i v a l e n t
respond to an interface temperature of ap- presented to other dimensions and mate- solid fractions in a fashion similar to the
proximately 150°C, below the eutectic tem- rials systems can be p e r f o r m e d with the deposition of a Sn-Pb slurry with lower Pb
p e r a t u r e and well into the fully solid help of similarity considerations. Similar- content than the base metal. The thicker
region. The fact that the slurry has a dif- ity will be achieved by maintaining con- plates need a filler metal deposited at tem-
ferent composition from the base alloy is stant three d i m e n s i o n l e s s p a r a m e t e r s : peratures close to the packing tempera-
useful as the lower alloying content of the Me, Pe, and the solid fraction at the sub- ture, T.. This temperature corresponds to
slurry allows for the deposition of hotter strate side of the interface, fsi. Maintain- the solid fraction of a c l o s e d - p a c k e d
slurry at equivalent solid fractions, thereby ing the value of these dimensionless para- arrangement of spheres (74%). Accuracy
remelting the interface with the substrate. meters implies preserving the same slurry in temperature control is more important

WELDING J O U R N A L II:.t.,-!~1
tion is 57% (Ref. 12). For the temperature
Table 5 - - R e s u l t s o f the Tensile Tests
and composition of the slurry (218°C, Pb
5%), the liquid fraction is 49%. Although
Test UTS Elongation Thickness Comments
No. (MPa) (%) (mm) the substrate has a higher liquid fraction
than the slurry, it still keeps its shape dur-
1 56.0 41% 4 Joined specimens ing the time of the experiment while the
2 55.4 36% 4 slurry deforms significantly under its own
3 54.9 35% 4 weight. The slurry can flow more easily be-
4 55.3 36% 5
5 52.9 39% 5 cause it has a globular structure, whereas
6 48.4 23% 5 the substrate has higher deformation re-
7 58.5 57% 4 Control sistance because it has a dendritic struc-
8 59.5 61% 5 specimens, ture that has to be disrupted before large
9 49.2 30% 5 not joined deformations can occur (Ref. 5).
Average not 55.7 49% Some specimens exhibited pitting in
Joined the surface of the gauge length after ma-
Average joined 53.8 35%
chining. We discarded those specimens
Note: Joined specimens have similar strength as the base material, but lower elongation. because of the sensitivity of the tensile test
result to stress concentrations. It was ob-
served cracks started in these surface pits
Tensile tests have at early stages of the tension test. This
60 ntrol)
been performed on problem occurred in about one third of
specimens (Fig. 9) the specimens. One origin of this pitting
45 joined with this process. was the porosity in the as-cast microstruc-
A displacement-con- ture of the joined bars. Another source for
~ 30 trolled tensile machine pitting was surface contamination or oxi-
. . . . t e s t #1 (welded)y

was used for the tensile dation on the face of the joint groove be-
tests. The displacement fore the deposition of the slurry. Despite
rate was 1 in./min, ap- that, in Fig. 2 there is no contaminant or
proximately equivalent oxide film, there is a possibility some con-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 11 12 13 14 15 16 to a strain rate of 1.9 x tamination of the exposed surfaces oc-
displaeemem [ram] 10-2 in./in./s. This high curred. No protective atmosphere was
strain rate was chosen used in the experiments. This effect would
to reduce rate-depen- be reduced if the heating of the substrate
Fig. 10 - - Load-displacement curves for welded and control specimens. was carried out in an inert atmosphere or
dent effects since room
temperature corre- a flux coating was used. An inert atmos-
sponds to a high homol- phere might be necessary for other mate-
than for thinner plates because small tem- ogous temperature for the alloy tested. rials with greater affinity with oxygen.
perature variations cause large variations The thickness of the specimen was 4 or 5 The joined bars showed smaller elon-
in the characteristic time for deformation mm, depending on whether the slurry had gation than the control specimens. One
of the semisolid. completely filled the groove. Six joined possible explanation for this reduction in
specimens and three control specimens ductility is the difference in composition
Results were tested. The control specimens were between the base metal and filler alloys.
not joined, but had been subjected to the The microstructure of the joined zone is
Figure 4 shows a cross section of a joint thermal cycle on the heating plate. Figure also different from that of the base metal.
made by SSMJ, etched to show the differ- 10 shows superimposed typical load/dis- The control specimens experienced the
ence in microstructure between the bars placement curves for a joined and a con- same thermal cycle of the joined speci-
and the filler metal. Figure 2 shows a mi- trol specimen. mens, including bulk temperature excur-
crograph of the joint between the substrate Table 5 summarizes the results of the sions into the semisolid regime. The rea-
(bar) and filler metal (semisolid slurry). tensile tests. The ultimate tensile strength son for this was to compare the strength
The substrate is in the bottom part of the of both the joined specimens and the con- of the joints with all parameters being
picture and the semisolid filler metal on trol specimens are very similar, and in no equal. Additional tensile tests of the con-
top. The solidified slurry that constitutes case did the final specimen rupture occur trol specimens before thermal cycling
the filling has a globular microstructure in the joint zone. The elongation of the could offer a comparison of the strength
where the globules are the solid particles joined specimens is smaller than the con- of the joint and locally affected substrate
that grew and coarsened during cooling in trol specimens, however. with the strength of the substrate far from
the rheocaster. Sn-Pb eutectic is located the joint.
between the globules. The substrate has a Discussion
coarsened dendritic microstructure, a Conclusions
product of the preheating process before It was seen during the experiments that
the deposition of the slurry. It can be seen this process is very sensitive to the tem- It is possible to join metals with semi-
both microstructures are significantly dif- peratures of the slurry and substrate and solid slurries; the advantage of this
ferent, and there is a fast transition, within the corresponding liquid fractions. The process is an equiaxed microstructure of
300 microns, from one to the other without exact mechanism of the metallurgical joint the joint, the deposition of large amounts
the presence of an interface or an oxide between the slurry and the substrate is not of filler metal in one pass, and the absence
layer. There is neither microcracking nor yet well understood. For the temperature of fumes and spatter. The critical para-
porosity, and the appearance of the joint is and composition of the substrate (198°C, meters for obtaining a good joint are the
very smooth and not corrugated. Pb 15%), the corresponding liquid frac- substrate and slurry temperature, as well

lil:{,"ffi,.'.! SEPTEMBER 2002

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addition, o p e r a t i n g t e m p e r a t u r e s are 8. Thresh, H. R., and Crawley, A. E 1970.
smaller than in arc welding. The viscosities of lead, tin, and Pb-Sn alloys.
The process has limitations in its cur- Metallurgical Transaction 1: 1531-1535. Tf-T
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the heating of substrate is not localized, so Conduction of Heat in Solids. Clarendon Press.
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ful comments on the original manuscript• purpose materials.ASMHandbook, Vol. 2. Ma-
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