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chicken livers, 150 g (5 oz) sliced raw mushrooms. oz) butter, cover and cook in a moderate oven
100 g (34 oz) lambs' sweetbreads and 100 g (34 oz) taking care not to burn the butter.
sliced truffle. 2) Half an hour before the dish is to be served,
The chicken livers, mushrooms and sweetbreads boil 500 g (1 lb 2 oz) good quality medium size
should be sauteed in butter and mixed together macaroni for 12-14 minutes, drain well, toss in 60
with the truffle, some tomato-flavoured Sauce Ma- g (2 oz) butter and add 24 dl (9 fl oz or H U.S.
dere and the deglazed juices from the pan. cups) Sauce Demi-glace made from veal stock and
Finish the timbale with a layer of the same very well flavoured with tomato.
forcemeat and cook au Bain-marie in the usual Allow to simmer gently until the sauce is com
manner. pletely absorbed by the macaroni then add 250 g (9
When cooked, allow it to rest for a few minutes oz) of truffled foie gras crushed with a fork and 60
then demould on to a round dish and surround g (2 oz) grated Parmesan; mix together very well so
with a cordon of Sauce Madere. as to ensure the perfect cohesion of the whole.
Serve accompanied with a sauceboat of the same 3) Cook the prepared truffles with the Marsala
sauce. adding 5 dl (18 fl oz or 2J U.S. cups) of the same
sauce as used for the macaroni; allow to simmer
3340 Timbale Bontoux gently.
Prepare a Timbale case (4334) decorated with All the above items should be ready for when the
noodle paste and bake it keeping it pale in colour. truffles are finally cooked.
Fill with alternate layers of 1) cooked macaroni To serve: place two-thirds of the macaroni into a
tossed in butter, flavoured with grated Parmesan Timbale or deep silver dish; sprinkle with grated
and a liberal amount of tomato puree, and 2) a Parmesan and spread a layer of a few tablespoons
mixture of thick slices of cooked Boudin de of the sliced truffle and sauce on top.
Volaille containing chopped truffle, cockscombs, Quickly remove the breasts of the capons and
cocks' kidneys, and sliced truffle, all mixed with cut into fairly thick slices, arrange on top of the
tomato-flavoured Sauce Demi-glace. truffles and cover with two-thirds of the remaining
truffle and sauce.
3341 Timbale Bourbonnaise Sprinkle with 1 tbs grated Parmesan then fill the
Timbale with the rest of the macaroni. Sprinkle
Line a buttered Charlotte mould with a 2 cm
with more Parmesan cheese and complete the dish
8 in) thick layer of chicken forcemeat containing
by covering with the rest of the truffles and sauce.
chopped salt ox tongue; place in the oven for a few
Cover with the lid and place in a moderate oven
minutes to cook the surface of the forcemeat.
for a few minutes to allow the aroma of the truffles
Fill the mould with a mixture of slices of breast
to develop.
of chicken, cooked in butter (main ingredient),
cockscombs, cocks' kidneys, mushrooms and slices Note: Only the breasts of the capons are used in this dish:
of truffle — all mixed with fairly thick Sauce the legs being used for other purposes.
Allemande. Cover with more forcemeat and cook
au Bain-marie in the usual manner. 3343 Timbale Milanaise
Demould when ready on to a round dish and Prepare a Timbale case (4334) as for Timbale Bon
surround with a cordon of Veloute flavoured with toux.
mushroom essence. Cover the bottom and sides with a layer of
cooked spaghetti, tossed in butter, mixed with
3342 Timbale Marechal Foch grated Parmesan and Gruyere cheese and finished
1) Cut 500 g (1 lb 2 oz) peeled truffle into slices, with tomato puree. Fill the centre with a Finan-
lightly season with salt, place in a pan with 1 dl ciere garnish strongly flavoured with tomato and
(34 fl oz or \ U.S. cup) old Marsala, cover meat glaze. Cover with more of the spaghetti and
and reserve for later use. place on top of this a circle of nice slices of truffle.
2) Pound together 250 g (9 oz) fresh pork fat Replace the lid and present the Timbale on a ser
with 80-100 g (24-34 oz) raw truffle peelings viette on a dish.
and season with a little salt and mixed spice.
3) Take 2 very nice Mons capons, season their
3344 Timbale Milanaise a I'Ancienne
insides lightly with salt and stuff each with half of
Decorate a buttered Charlotte mould with noodle
the pork and truffle mixture. Truss them en Entree
paste then line it with short paste. Cover the
and cover with thin slices of salt pork fat.
bottom and sides with tomato and cheese-
Method of Preparation: flavoured spaghetti prepared as above and fill with
1) Place the capons in a casserole with 60 g (2 the Financiere garnish; cover with more of the

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