Routine Message

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DJ Jablonski Section 004 Week 4 Discussion 4

Email Revision


Subject: Flight Change


There are no available seats on tomorrow's American Airlines flight at 2pm out of JFK. I have found a few
other options that I listed below:

 JFK has later flights at 7pm or 9:30pm, however these are very expensive, and traffic is very
bad around these times.
 Also, Newark has hourly flights starting at 6pm. These flights are less expensive, and we
could take the train from Penn Station to avoid traffic.

Any of these flight options work for me.

Please let me know which option works best for you.


Craig Mertler, Design Manager

1282 Broadway, Suite 125
New York, NY 10018
(212) 555-8233 

Part 2

Our group came up with many ideas during the revision process on how to work better as a
group and keep the email with a consistent feel to it. The first thing that we decided on, is that as a
group we need to agree on the purpose of the project. This is the first step for us to have a group project
that comes together as one. If we all understand the overall goal of the project, it makes it that much
easier when we all must put it together into one document, or in this case an email. The next thing we
must do as a group is deciding what roles everyone has. In this phase of the project, we should be
assigning roles based off people with similar styles so they can work well together. For example, we
have people with very similar writing styles write the actual email, while the other people with different
writing styles edit the email, so it all comes together as one, and not separate portions of the same
project. Lastly, it is important for everybody to have a role in the revision and evaluation process, so
everyone has the chance to read over and make any necessary adjustments to the project.

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