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Magdalena Integrated National High School

Magdalena, Laguna

Lesson Plan in Personal Development 11

Quarter 2

I. Learning Competency
Discuss that understanding stress and its sources during
adolescence may help in identifying ways to cope and have a
healthful life. ESP—5.3PD11/12CS-If-5.1

Objective(s): At the end of the lesson, the students should be

able to:
1. identify the causes and effects of stress;
2. explain the ways in coping with stress;
3. understand and demonstrate personal ways of
coping with stress for healthful living through

CSE Integration
Resisting peer pressure (e.g. communicating, negotiating, decision
making) S2A2

role playing.

II. Content/Topic
Coping with Stress in Middle and Late Adolescence

III. Learning Resource

Department of Education (2016). Personal Development Reader.
DepEd-Bureau of Learning Resources, Pasig City

IV. Procedure

A. Motivation
Task 1. What causes you to “lose your cool”?
Do the following:
 Ask the students to determine what causes them to “lose
their cool” by completing the activity below:

Place an X next to each factor that causes you stress. There are
blank spaces provided so you can add your
______ too much homework ______ parents fighting
______ taking tests ______ loud people
______ speaking in public ______ a friend betrays you
______ arguments with friends ______ arguments with parents
______ restrictions at home ______ force to do something you hate
______ no date for a dance ______ fight with boyfriend/girlfriend
______ rude people ______having no boyfriend/girlfriend
______ careless drivers ______ not being included in a group
______ losing ______ pleasing others
______ interruptions while busy ______ (Others, pls. specify)

 Ask some students to share their answers on the following

1. What makes you stressed or “lose your cool”?
2. Based on the examples given, how do you define stress?
 Process students’ answers.

B. Activity
Task 2. Let’s consolidate!
Do the following:
1. Divide the class into four groups.
2. Tell them to consolidate the answers of all the members of
the group in Task#1.
3. Ask them to write the five major factors that make them lose
their cool by filling in column A.
4. Then, tell them to write its causes in column B, its effect on
column C and the ways to cope with it in column D.

What makes you What do you How does it How do you
feel stressed think is/are its affect you? cope with it?
(stressor)? cause/s?

5. Give them 15 minutes to write their answers on the manila
6. Ask each group to present their output in class.

Note to the Teacher:

After the presentation, ensure that the responses of each group are posted
on the board.

C. Analysis
Task 3. Let’s talk about it!
 Ask the students the following questions:
1. What was in your mind while doing the activity?
2. What are the common sources of stress?
3. How do you know that you are stressed?
4. Why is it important to know the things that make us
5. How do you handle stress?

D. Abstraction
Present/ Discuss the following in class:

I. What is Stress?

 Stress is the feeling one gets from prolonged, pent-up


II. What are the Causes and Effects of Stress?

Causes of Stress

 Everyday frustrations cause stress build-up

From the time you wake up until you go to sleep, you may
be confronted with a succession of stressful situations.
Managing to get yourself (and possibly a spouse and children)
out of bed and ready to face the day can be a challenge to your
patience and ingenuity.

 Problems in our personal life can be devastating

More serious stressful circumstances may include
separation from loved ones, personal illness, or illness of a loved
one, death of someone you care about, or conflict with a spouse

or close friend. Other major causes of stress are problems with
drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, care of children and
elderly relatives, chronic mental illness, injury, physical
handicaps, even moving to a new home, if you’ve lived in the
same place for more than 10 years.

 A common cause of stress is dealing with life’s

This is especially true when a person must cope with too
many transitions all at once.

Effects of Stress
Here are some words that describe the emotions associated with
the effects of stress.

 Anxiety
 Pressure

Note to the Teacher:
 For integration purposes, highlight peer pressure as a source of stress.
 For smooth integration, ask the students the following questions:
1. What is your understanding of pressure?
2. Did you already experience it? When do you usually feel pressure?
3. Do you also feel pressured when your friends ask you to do
something? Share your experience.
4. How do you handle pressure from friends?
 Solicit answers from the students.
 Discuss the following information:

Peer pressure/ teen stress can be defined as the way

teenagers try to behave due to pressure coming from their peers.
This kind of stress is triggered by issues like the need for approval,
acceptance and the need to have a sense of belonging. When
teenagers, the pressure that comes with trying to gain approval or
acceptance or find a sense of belonging leads to all kinds of
circumstances causing stress in the life of teenagers which if not
checked may result in health related problems.

How can teenagers (YOU) resist peer pressure?

 You have the right to say, “no”.
 You can be assertive and firm without being angry.
 You can use a strong voice, stand up tall, and look your
peers in the eye.
 It is important to tell people how you feel
 It is always an option to walk away

 Misery
 Strain
 Desperation
 Tension
 Anger
 Panic
 Dejection


There are many effective ways to handle stress.

o Understand the Causes of Stress

Understanding why you are under stress is
important. This may seem obvious, but it requires
deliberate, conscious effort to pause and simply ponder
your situation.

o Analyze your Stress Factors and Write Them Down

Write down your response to stress.

o Deal with the Stressors

Develop techniques to deal with the causes of

o Learn to Work under Pressure or Unusual

When you can’t reduce the stressors, you need to
manage your stress response. Relaxation is key—but most
people must train themselves to relax when the pressure
is on.

Note to the Teacher:

Abstraction, make sure that students be able to compare their outputs
with the given Task
information in Apply!
the Abstraction.
4. Let’s
Do the following:
o Ask the students to go back to their group to prepare
for a short role-play about the following life stresses.
Tell them to show their personal ways on how to cope
with it. Give them 15 minutes to prepare.
Group 1. Forced by peers to do something in order
to become part of the group or “barkada”.
Group 2. Anxiety or uncertainty about sexual
Group 3. Asked by someone to engage in pre-
marital sex
Group 4. Rejected by friends because of being
killjoy (KJ)

o Present the rubric in class


Criteria Exceptional Admirable Acceptable Attempted

 Indicates  Good  Fair  Presentation
a clear understandin understandin is off topic
Message 40% understanding g of topic g of topic
of topic

 Accepts ideas  Accepts most  Unwilling to  Group does

of others; able ideas without compromise not work
to compromise negative  Few together
 All members comments; members  One person
Cooperation 30% contribute able to contribute does all the
compromise work
 Some
 Shows  Shows low  Unsure of  Portrayal
confidence confidence responsibility stalls
 Informative  Presents  Somewhat  Lacks
 Entertaining; some informative information
engages information  Engages  Audience
Presentation 30% audience  Engages audience bored
 Speaks loudly audience intermittentl  Mumbles
and clearly  Can be heard y  Body
 Appropriate  Some use of  Hard to hear language is
use of body body  Some lacking;
language language movement inappropriate

 Ask each group to present it in class.

 After the presentation, ask this question: As a teenager, why
is it important for you to understand the causes and effects
of stress?

Let’s Remember:
Ships don’t sink because of the water around them; ships
sink because of the water that gets in them. Don’t’ let what’s
happening around you get inside you and weigh you down

V. Reflection

VI. Remarks

Prepared By: Process Observer:

Mellissa R. Tuazon Ms. Jeneza A. Esmero


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