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INGLÉS III ECTS (5-CJ; 5-AG; 5-ITH; 6-CS; 7-AE; 7-BF; 7-CA; 7-FM; 7-CH; .
7-QB; 7-LL; 7-GP; 7-EB; 7-EC; 7-EI; 7-II; 7-PS; 7-GA; (8-GA)PA Versión


Abril - Agosto 2018


 No está permitido comunicarse entre compañeros ni consultar libros o apuntes.

 Verifique que la hoja de respuestas corresponda a la evaluación que está desarrollando.


Lea detenidamente cada una de las siguientes preguntas y rellene completamente el círculo que corresponda a la
alternativa correcta en la hoja de respuestas. Si la evaluación es dicotómica, use la alternativa (A) para verdadero y la
alternativa (B) para falso.

1. Which of the following describes best a dependent clause?

a. When she felt happy, she’ll smile all day long.
b. When she feels happy, she smiles all day long.
c. When she feel happy, she smile all day long.

2. What were the neighbors doing at 11:00?

a. They are playing the guitar.
b. They were playing football.
c. They will be play the violin.

3. Which of the following describes best a dependent clause?

a. Before she eats breakfast, she reads the newspaper.
b. The newspaper is read before, she eats breakfast.
c. Before she eat breakfast she read the newspaper.

4. Do you have any questions about the reading?

a. Yes, I have any.
b. Yes, I have some.
c. Yes, I have every.

5. When you want to focus on a task___________________

a. turn off the television.
b. pick out the television.
c. picked up the television.

6. When + present time verbs are used to talk about habits.

Chose the correct sentence.
a. University students take a break when they feel tired.
b. University students takes a break when, them feels tired.
c. University students takes a break, when they feels tired.

7. English has several prefixes that mean not. For example:

a. decent
b. immodest
c. gentle
8. English has several prefixes that mean not. For example:
a. unspoken
b. agreement
c. promise

9. Are you______________ a job?

a. interesting on find
b. interested in finding
c. interesting of find

10. My sister-in law is interested ____________ becoming a good lawyer

a. to
b. of
c. in

11. If you turn_____________ the volume, you will be able to hear me.
a. down
b. dawn
c. own

12. I bought a new washing machine, but it doesn’t work. Do you have any suggestions?
a. You could ask the store to send a repair person.
b. You should pay more due to safeguard measures.
c. You shouldn’t buy an expensive washing machine.

13. I have to fix my credit. What should I do? You___________ talk to a debt counselor. He can help you.
a. would
b. should
c. musn’t

14. I need a new credit card. Can you give me any advice? You_______________ go to the bank and ask for a Visa
a. should
b. would
c. musn’t

15. Most people are thinking about ______________ checking accounts.

a. opening
b. opened
c. open

16. “Credit card” is closest in meaning to:

a. A small plastic car that allows you to buy something now and pay it later.
b. A letter issued by banks, businesses, etc., enabling the holder to obtain goods and services on credit.
c. The total sum of money received for contract work or a cut out.

17. A phrasal verb is a verb + preposition. Which sentence describes best a separable phrasal verb?
a. Mark threw the ball away.
b. Mark got the ball.
c. Mark been living the ball.

18. I __________ in a small apartment with my family__________ 2008.

a. has be lived / since
b. had been living / for
c. have been living / since

19. Professor Collins_________ at this university for over 35 years, but he plans to retire next year.
a. have taught
b. has been teaching
c. have be taught
20. A separable phrasal verb can have a noun between the verb and the preposition. For example:
a. Rachel looked the information.
b. Rachel looks the information.
c. Rachel looked the information up.

21. Read the story. Then choose the correct choice.

Looking for a job
María Lee has been working as a counter Clerk at a supermarket for two years. She doesn´t like working the night
shift, and she wants to work with more people. She has been looking for a job for three weeks. She has called
everyone she knows to tell them about her job research, and she has done a lot of research online. She also went to
a job fair at a community college and filed out several applications.
María Lee doesn´t like to work……………
a. on weekends
b. on Sundays
c. at night

22. Which sentence describes best present perfect continuous?

a. Carla has written letters to her family since a long time.
b. Carla has been writing letters to her family May 2005.
c. Carla will have written leters to her family all the time.

23. We have many friends at college. We________ with everybody.

a. filling out
b. throw up
c. get along

24.The volume of your cell phone is not loud enough. Please, ____it__________.
a. turn / down
b. turn / up
c. turn / off

25. The Simple Past expresses the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. Sometimes,
the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have one specific time in mind. For example:
a. Last year, I didn’t travel to Panama.
b. Do you have dinner?
c. Does she travel to Cartagena?

26. Adverbial clauses of time “when” and “while” are used to talk about one event happening immediately after
another. For example_____________ disk jockeys were selecting the CDs, their manager came down.
a. When
b. While
c. Where

27. We used adverbial clauses of time “when” and “while” to talk about one event happening immediately after
another. For example:______________ the cosmetologist called me, I was driving to the supermarket.
a. When
b. While
c. Where

28. Which sentence describes best past continuous tense?

a. I tasted the soup several times
b. I will taste the soup to see its flavor
c. I was serving the soup when you called me.

29. Which sentence describes best past continuous tense?

a. They are still working on the infrastructure of the Dolphin’s enterprise.
b. While they were talking to us, their young children interrupted many times.
c. All the journalists are reading newspapers to see the last news.
30. Maria had a cellphone ____________ she was a little girl.
a. who
b. while
c. when

31. What was Beth doing yesterday morning?

a. She is cleaning her house.
b. She was cleaning her house.
c. She clean her house.

32. The present continuous have three uses: events happening now, ongoing events, and events in a near future.
Which sentence best describes an event in the near future?
a. Hiro isn´t working next Saturday.
b. Hiro´s studying in the library this afternoon.
c. Hiro studies in the library with his classmates.

33. What will the Perez family do if the weather is good?

a. If the weather is good, the Perez family go shopping.
b. If the weather is good, the Perez family will go shopping.
c. If the weather is good, the Perez family would go shopping.

34. Choose the correct forms of verbs in dependent clauses with if.
a. If you think about life, it will be fantastic.
b. If you think about life, it would be fantastic.
c. If you think about life, it would have be fantastic.

35. If they get discount, they_______________ a room at a hotel.

a. would reserve
b. will reserve
c. have to reserve

36. Read the paragraph and choose the correct option.

Queen´s World has something for everyone. It is a large amusement park with rides, shows, restaurants, and gift
stores. It is one of the biggest tourist attractions in our state. It is open from May 1 to September 6, and over 500,000
people visit it every year.
According to the text, which sentence is correct?
a. Queen´s Park is open on July 31.
b. Queen´s Park is open on May the first.
c. Queen´s Park is open on September 6.

37. ________ he was driving along a lonely road, the monster appeared.
a. When
b. While
c. Which

38. What will Stacy do if she has the day off?

a. If Stacy has the day off, she will go to her parent’s house.
b. If Stacy has the day off, she would go to her parent’s house.
c. If Stacy has the day off, she would have gone to her parent’s house.

39. Fabiola will call us _________ she needs help.

a. it
b. if
c. it’s

40. Vocabulary
Alcatraz, a small rocky island in the middle of San Francisco Bay, was once the most famous_________ in the United
a. garden
b. prison
c. yard

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