The Geometry of Chaos

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The Geometry Of Chaos

Article · March 2000

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4 authors, including:

Stanislav V. Klimenko Sergey V Matveyev

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology EligoVision LLC


Evgueni V. Tcherniaev


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Klimenko S.V., Matveyev S.V.,
Smirnova V.V., Chernyaev E.V.

The Oxford Pictorial Dictionary of Modern English asserts that there exists
information of certain kind that can be communicated easier and clearer by pictures
than by pure definition and explanation: the illustrations will help the reader to
visualize the object named by words and form its intuitive image. In our option,
chaos is a phenomenon to be easier shown than explained.
The chaotic phenomena accompany us everywhere: in live and dead nature, in
macrocosm and microcosm. The idea of chaos entered our vocabulary in time
immemorial. From the scientific viewpoint, the chaos phenomenon is strongly
connected with the nonlinear dynamic systems that are deal with in the most part of
scientific disciplines.
How can chaos be “shown”? For doing this, there exists a traditional way in
science. If we want to describe a phenomenon and to study its time evolution
comprehensively, we should construct its mathematical model that will contain, first,
some information about the phenomenon itself (this may include some initial
conditions and limitations for the description of the phenomenon), and, second, a
certain set of equations describing the phenomenon evolution. That we shall obtain a
mathematical equivalent of the phenomenon that we turn dynamic system. The
chaotic behavior of a dynamic system will reveal in that the solution of the equations
describing its behavior is not the unique one. These are such equations that many
physical, biological, and social phenomena turn out to be described.
Not it becomes clear that for “showing chaos” it is necessary to correlate some
visual image with the solutions of the mentioned equations, i.e., to visualize functions
presenting the solutions. Nowadays, the idea of visualization is to be understood in
wide sense than just as graphical representation of some functions (data): as
possibility of causing visual images in the human brain [1].
The methods of visualization are strongly affected by the computer graphics that
provides a possibility of nearly instant obtaining (using modern graphical
workstations) various pictures, both artificial ones and those reflecting certain aspects
o real-time behavior of modeled systems.
The role of chaos in the dead nature, in the mechanism of evolution and
functioning of living beings has been not yet cleared up to the end. Still, it is already
clear to be tremendous. Everywhere in live and dead nature we meet the traces of
chaos. The chaos’ “work” often takes shape of fractal structures[2]. The coastline,
mountain skyline and cloud contours, human lungs and blood vessels have a fractal-
line structure, i.e., they have common property of self-similarity. A good illustration
of this property is provided by the Mandelbrot set. If we try to “go deeper” into the
boundary of the Mandelbrot set, we shall find this set to consist of geometrical
fragments of different sizes and orientation but of the same shape. This is a fractal
property. Here, fractal structures are traces of a chaotic process. An illustration of this
property is shown in Photos 1a and 1b.
Chaos “works” in many branches of science. The construction of mathematical
models of various phenomena in physics, chemistry, biology, and sociology calls
forth equations whose intrinsic property is the appearance of chaos under certain
conditions. An example of an informative and clear graphic representation of the
dynamic system’s characteristics can be provided by the picture of transfer to chaos
in the logistic map.
It is the simplest dynamical system which illustrates these basic concepts which is
known as an iterated map of an interval. An example occurs in population biology.
As a model of population dynamics, the biologist may consider the simple hypothesis
that the population of any generation xn is the only factor needed to determine the
population xn+1 of the next generation. In other words, there is some function F such
that xn+1 = F(xn) far all generation where F(x)=λx, which assumes that the first rate is
independent of the size of population. That model implies that the total population
grows at an exponentially rate.
More interesting and complicate dynamics can arise if a nonlinear model is
considered. For example: the biologist may wish to study more realistic models in
which high population densities inhibit reproduction rates, We may take
F(x)=λx(1 - xµ)

as a typical density-dependent population model: for small populations x<<µ this

is like the linear model.
In order to understand the typical behavior of that models it is useful to consider
that model with increasing λ, ( where λ could be assigned some value between 0 and
Any particular value of λ would give rise to well defined behavior of the
successive values of x. For λ less than 3, the x-values, found by iteration, would
quickly settle down to some fixed value. Above λ = 3, however, x-values would
bifurcate, split in two; the x’s would oscillate between these two values.
At higher values of 3, there would be additional bifurcations, the x’s would
oscillate successively among four values, then among eight values and so forth, For
sufficiently high values of λ, the chaotic behavior of the x’s is akin to fluid turbulence
(Photo 2).
We investigate the dynamics of the map as function of A and B for different
sequences {rn} [3]. For each parameter pair (A,B) we calculated the Lyapunov

1 dx n +1
λ = lim
N →∞ N
∑ log
n +1
dx n
Each pixel in the graphical display corresponds to one (A,B) pair, and grey shading
at each pixel indicates the values of λ for that pair (Photo 3).
The study of trajectories of the dynamic systems in the three-dimensional phase
space is another important aspect of investigating of properties of such systems. Here,
a problem of three-dimensional perception of a trajectory arises, which can be solved
by means of the computer graphics using various algorithms and methods of
Dynamical systems with three state variables may be either autonomous system,
having free oscillations, or nonautonomous systems having free oscillations. Both
types are known to exhibit chaotic behavior[4]..
But the systems containing strange attractors are the most interesting ones:
the Lorents system that was formulated in attempt of modeling the atmosphere
dynamics[5] (Photo 5);
the Rikitake system that was used as an approach to the explanation of the rotation
of the terrestrial magnetic field[6] (Photo 6);
the Rossler attractor, the simple attractor were called forth by an attempt of
describing a chemical reaction, driven by the component interdiffusion[7] (Photo 4).
One of the properties of the strange attractor structure is reproduced on
continuously lessening scale. This indicates that the fractal properties play an
important role in the above phenomena.
Visual images are the main information more communicating a human being with
the surrounding world. The computer graphics helps to use this effectively, therefore,
the computer visualization facilities have called forth a real possibility chaos
exploration with “bring far less number of holes in it”.


1. Hubbold R.J. Interactive Visualization: Challenges and Prospects. State of

Art Reports. EG’89, 1989, 39p
2. Mandelbrot B., The Fractal geometry of Nature. - Freeman, San-
3. Markus M., Hess B., Lyapunov Exponents of the Logistic Map with
Periodic Forcing. – Comput. & Graphics, vol.13, 4, pp. 553-558
4. Ueda Y., Akamatsu N., Chaotically Transitional Phenomena in the Forced
Negative Resistance Oscillator. – Proc. IEEE ISCA8’80, 1989
5. Edward N. Lorenz, Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow, Journal of the
Atmospheric Sciences, 1963, 20, pp. 130-141
6. A.E. Cook, P.H. Roberts, The Rikitake two-disc Dynamo System,
Proceeding of Cambridge Philosophical Society, 68(1970), pp. 547-569
7. Rossler O.E., Chemocals Turbulence: Chaos in Small Reaction – Diffusion
System, - Z. Naturforshung, 1976, 31a, pp. 1168-1172
Fig. 1a Mandelbrot set border:
The colour of points is determined
by the velocity of “going to
infinity” of the correspondent
coordinate on a complex plane,
when it is risen to the power
Zn+1=Z n⋅Z n+C

Fig. 1b Mandelbrot set border:

A part of the previous Figure
Fig. 2 The bifurcation diagram of
the logistic map Xn+1=r⋅Xn(1–Xn)
with r varied in range [2.5; 4.0] can
demonstrate a scenario of transfer to

Fig. 3. Lyapunov
exponent for the logistic
map. The colour of each
point in the plane (A,B) is
determined by the value
and sign of the Lyapunov
exponent, that
characterizes the state of
chaos degree of behaviour
of the system described by
the map is determined by
the sequence
Fig. 4. Rossler attractor trajectory

Fig. 5. Lorentz
attractor trajectory

Fig. 6. Rikiteke attractor

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